Bracej ip and irbifr I don't want to bore you, say$- Bill the Builder ? but I would ?4 like to drill this into your mind. Th There Is Quality In Every Range We have the cheaper articles of merchandise as) well as the best. We boast of the valued in the lower ranges as well as the high, because in no price range will we sacrifice quality for price. If we do not feel it is a value in that particular range, we steer clear of it. That is why we have satisfied customers and our customers are our best boosters. * ? Good Shoes for .ihe whole family __98c, $1.98,- $5.75 Excellent values Young Mens Suits ? ? $11.75, $12.50, $19.75 It Will Pay You To Trade With ife. Tty It. WlLBURN &. SATTERFIELD ' In the heart of town in front the courthouse. E Add Porches ? Add Rooms ? Add dd Beauty ? at Low Cost. ,/;V Space Add Beauty ? Add Value ! Watkins & Bullock | "Everything to Build With" BOY SCOUT NEWS j The continued and growing inter- I est in Boy Scout work in this com- > munity was further evidenced yes terday afternoon when a delegation, composed of the following members of the Roxboro Boy Scout Council went to Burlington to attend the I District Meeting of Cherokee Coun cil; President George W. Kane, Secretary J. Anderson Timberlake, Charlie Harris, Reade Jones', B. B. Mangum, J. Sam Merritt, Eugene Thompson, George Currier, Rev. J. P. Herbert, H. N. Brown, III, K. C- 1 O'Bryan, G. C. Davidson, Banks Berry, W. W. Woods, and Mrs. W. W. Woods, who was accompanist for the musical numbers rendered at the meeting. This was the largest single delegation present for the meeting, outside of the Burlington group itself. The District Meeting at Burling ton was attended by about one hundred and fifty men who are di rectly interested in carrying on the Srout u ip n t in c Ghc roko o Council. The area ol this council includes the following counties: Alamanqg, .Caswell, Orange. PerSOn, and Rockingham: and all the local groups were well represented last night. Paul Schenck, of Greensbflro, Reg ional Director, was the principal guest of the evening, and though his talk to the gathering was very brief he made Some very pertinent state ments concerning the Scout move ment and ite results. The principal Speech of the even ing session was made by R. R. Saunders of Reidsville in present ing to President J. E. McLean, our district president, the award known as the Silver Beaver, given to the person who has rendered the most outstanding service to scouting in this district.' Mr. Saunders was es pecially apt in his expressions and delightfully choice in his discourse. Mr. McLean, evdently with much deep feeling and an appreciation that was virtually beyond words, ac cepted the atf&Fd with expressed gratitude and the statement that he would endeavor to do more for Scouting than he had been able to do Dreviously. The following officers of Cherokee Council were elected for the com tag- year: President, J. E. McLean,1 Reidsville; vice president. George W. Kane, Roxboro; vice president. George H. Clark; vice president. G. Somecs; treasurer, Scott Tillman f secretary. H. E. Latham; scout exe- i rutive, O. B. Gorman; idelegate to the National Council, Geotge H.'{ Clark. Gorman wa% given an en thusiastic vote of appreciotion for his splendid work during the past year. The following commissioners were elected: Deputy Commissioner, W. B. King, Leaksville; Lon G. Turner, Joe Coble, E. M. Cheek, all of Bur lington; G. Minor Gwynn, Chapel Hill; J. Sam Merritt, Roxboro; Henry N. Brown, III, Roxboro; G. Warren Taylor, Reidsville. Scouting in the Cherokee Coun cil is on the upward move, and 1933 gives promise of being the best year in the work since it was Started in this area. ?. G. C. D. o MORIAH NEWS Mrs. Ella Moore of Kington, spent the we^Jc-end with L. P. Gray. Miss Eunice Mangum, student of Watt's hospital of Durham, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Mangum. Miss Lucille Meadows has . re turned home after spending several weeks with her sister Mrs. Marian Mr. Melvin Clayton, of Morris ville, spent Saturday night with his cousin, Mr. Wilburn Clayton. Mr. Loy Meadows left la?t week for Texas where he will locate for a while. ? Mrs. W. C. Clayton, of Morris ville, passed through Moriah last Thursday enroute to. see her sick grandson at Mr. and Mrs. Nelius Eakes of Harmony. Miss Alice Clayton, of Morrisville, spent last week-end with her sister, Mrs. Nelius Eakes1 of Mt. Harmony. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sherman and family, of near Harmony, spent last Saturday in the home of Mrs. Sherman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Day. Mr. Wade Copley, of Durham, was a Moriah . visitor an last Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Jane Newton is very 111 at this writing. Her many friends wish her a rapid recovery. Miss Rena Allen spent last Sat urday night with Miss Purely Clay ? ? ' ? - O Wesley an Tabernacle ????? m Services at Wesleyan Methodist Tabernacle. North Main Street, atf follows: Sunday school 9:45. James M. Johnson. Supt. Morning Worship 11:00. -! ^ , Y. M. W. b: program ?:15. Evening Worship 7:00. - , Rev. Lorezno A. Harvey, Pastor, - TRY OUR WANT ADS.