WHAT IS THE ONE CENT SALE? 10,000 Rexall Drug Stores throughout the United States take part in this tremendous sale! Due to seasonal demand a few of these items may have been sold at prices lower than the regular prices listed here . . . but never as low as on this sale! No limit to the amount of merchandise you may buy. Just add one cent to the regular price and get one more similar package. Don't miss this chance! _ A I VALUES SO EXTRAORDINARY THAT wr CAN ONLY AFFORD TO OFFER WE ? THEM FOR ONE H0UR1 THURSDAY 10 ho II A M or while fhey lash Puretest ASPIRIN For headaches and other oains. 24 tablets ^ 1 box 25c <Z for 26C REXALL ORDERLIES Candy laxative thafs safe always. 1 bo?*50c 2for51c JASMINE k; face powder " Popular powder in a new economy New Sin 1 box 50c 2 for5 XC Rexall Tooth Paste Guards against decay. Keeps teeth sparkling , with least effort! 1 tub* 25c 2 for 26c Purefestlpeom Salt" I' Activates bowels naturally. Pur* v* ib. sis* 16c 2 for 16c i ib. six* 25c 2 for 26< JASMINE BEAUTY I CREAMS Popular fragrance, fine textured creams. 35c 2 for 36c JASMINE TOILET SOAP regular Yields rich creamy lather quickly. 60c valua French milled to make it economical. 6AZ . ONLY ONE SALE cakes for iOC to a customer FR i DAY i 0 ho II A.M. or while they last REX ALL Milk of Magnesia TOOTH PASTE regular At 3 for 26c here is a value that Em 75c value thrifty shoppers will appreciate V 3 tubes for 26c I 5 ATU R DAY 2 to 3 P, M or while SHARI Face Powder regular Soft, fluffy, clinging, exquisite in $2 value texture ... in a dainty silken box. ONLY ONE SALE TO A CUSTOMER *???>? VMllUV ? e ? ill 2 box., for $101 ONlrON?SAlf SAVE ON HUNDREDS OF ITEMS YOU NEED EVEPY VINCENT'S ) assorted CHOCOLATES L Bound a for 61c PERMKDOK RAZOR BLADES pkg. of S 25c 1 2 for 26c REXALL BEEF IRON and WINE & 2,? n01 Milk Chocolate A tasty wholesome bar. % lb. bar 19c 2 for 20c i ? M 131 DENTAL PASTE 1 tube 50c 2 for 51c Analgesic Balm Quick relief for pain. 2 tor 36c REXI LLANA For stubborn coughs. 50c 2 for 51C CASCADE POUND PAPER OR ENVELOPES lOc 2 for 41c PETROFOL AMERICAN S0< 2 tor 51C KLENZO Cocoanut OIL SHAMPOO 1 bottl?j^ __ 50c 2 for 5lC MELO- MALT Rich in Vitamins. J* 2 for *101 OPEKO MALTED MILK %Y*> 2 for *1 01 P E P T O N A For health, strength. $loo 2 for 01 BAY RUM Smooth after shave. 50c 2 for 51C Mi 31 SOLUTION the " Mouth Ttsttd" Antiseptic 4* 2 ?.r 5QC KLENZO DENTAL CREME 29c0 2 for 30c u For ONE PLUS ONE CENT BARGAINS You Need Every One of These! ALCO-REX RUBBING ALCOHOL 2 for 26c HASKELL'S MILK of MAGNESIA 2for31c > HO BART'S ASPIRIN bottle of 100 2 for 31c CHARMONA COLD CREAM POUND JAR 2 for 40c MASCAL'S ALMOND HAND LOTION full pint 2for40c MARTEL'S LILAC VEGETAL 0 oz. size 2 for 26c ELI cotton POUND ROLL 2for40< w REXALL Shaving Lotion 1 bottle 50* 2 'or 51c Rexall Cold Tablets SPECIAL 1 box 25c 2 'or 26c GLYCERINE and ROSE WATER 4 ounces bottle n OC^I 25c ZforZOC PUI CAS ll boL |25c PURETEST CASTOR OIL 3 ounces | ~ 2 for 26c' I REXALL Theatrical Colo Cream 1 Pound 75c for 76c IPURETEST COD LIVER OIL 1 pint $1.00 [2?.r*l01 KLENZO i Shaving Cream \ 1 tube 25c 2 for 26c Puretest MINERAL OIL 7'sc 2 for 76c FIRSTAID SANITARY NAPKINS 25c 2 tor 26c Ml 31 SHAVING CREAM SMOOTHER , COOLER, SHAVES soc 2 for 51c Firstald Zinc Oxide Plaster 1 In. x 5 yds. 29c 2 lor 30C PURETEST MERCUROCHROME WITH APPLICATOR 1 bot. o flA 25c dm for Zbc AG AREX MINERAL OIL WITH AGAR AGAR EMULSION iti 2?or$l01 PURETEST MILK OF MAGNESIA Neutralizes acids. 1 pint 50C 2f.r51c OPEKO COFFEE ? A special blend vacuum sealed to keep it fresh. 2 (or 57c Save with Safety at HAM6RICK, AUSTIN & THOMAS ROXBORO, N. C. Sale Dates: Wed., Thurs., Fri. and Saturday, Nov. 15, 16, 17 and 18th You rM DRUG STORE RIKER'S ILASOL Prevents chaps. Softens the skin. 1 bottle 50c 2 for 51c | SYMBOL WATER BOTTLE 2 quart size 1 bot. 1100 2 for T GOING and Coming W ATKINS St BOLLOCK "Rvery thine To Build With" Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Newell and Mrs. Fanne Newell have returned from Mattoon, 111. Billy Murphy spent the week-end with his grandfather, A. P. Brooks at Helena. o ? o ? o Miss Ida CrOA-der, Miss Elizabeth Thompson, Miss Marie Garland and Dr. Robert Long spent the week- 1 end In South Carolina. o? O? ? o Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wright, of Ca Vel, spent the past few days in Philadelphia, Pa., where they were called because of the illness of Mrs. Wright's mother. , fC ^ Miss Prances Morton entertained several of her .friends at Branson's cabin during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schulhofer were Winston-Salem visitors Sun day. Misses Helen Morton, Ann Brad sher, Janie and Lizette Allgood and Margaret Hester, all students at Meredith college, spent the week end here. PecK Long who is now located in Oxford, spent the week-end here with his parents. Mr. R. L. Harris spent Monday | In Charlotte on business. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Harris and family, of Durham, spent Sunday at Timberlake with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Berry. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Newell and baby were week-end visitors to San ford. Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Street and Mrs. J X). Morris have returned from a trip to Pittsburgh, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bulock and sons spent Sunday with relatives at Warrenton. Mr. and Mrs. Elder and Miss Myr tle Bachelor, of Durham, spent Sun day here with friends. Mr. Roy Ryson, . of Harrisburg, Va., spent several days here last week with friends. cv? -o? ? o Mrs. Harry RaifT left Sunday for New York City to spend this week buying for Raiff's Dept. Store. Mrs. V. A. Thomas spent Mon day in Durham. Miss Mildred Richmond spent several davs last week at Burgaw with friends. Mrs. E. O. Long, Misses Mary Riley and Ola Woody spent Friday in Durham with friends. Messrs. Wallace Harris, O. W. Kane and C. A. Harris spent the week-end at Myrtle Beach. Miss Edna James Lawson, of Durham and Miss Sue Merritt Richmond of South Boston, spent the week-end with Miss Margaret Hannah Critcher. Miss Anna Wooding W instead, who is teaching in Kanapolis, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Winstead. Mr. Wharton W instead, of State College In Raleigh, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Winstead. o? o? o Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Bender, of Roanoke, Va., announce the birth of a son, Ralph Maynard Bender, on Monday, Nov. 6. Mrs. Bender will be remembered as Miss Norma May nard who was a member of the Roxboro City School faculty a few seasons ago. Messrs. Elmer Walker and George Thomas of Wake Forest, spent the week-end .visiting in the homes of their parents. . 0 1 o -o Mr. Armstrong, of the Extension Division of the Greater University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill unit, spent a few days in town last week in the interest of extension work for all interested parties. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Smith and children, of Charlotte, have returned home after a visit of several days here with Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Long. Mrs. W. B. Curtis, who was in disposed a few weeks ago, is much improved now, but not entirely welL Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Haley and children, of Spring Hope, spent the week-end here guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Simmons. Card Of Thanks Will each one of my dear Mends who have remembered me by letter, card, flowers, visits, or in any other way, please accept this as personal thanks. Blessings on each one of you. Mrs. J. R. Moore. Take A Look If you are particular about the way your clothes fit, if you appreciate workman ship, snap and Value; take a look at our tailoring line. We are showing some snappy samples and putting out suits that take the eye ? $21.50, $29.00, $40.00 Greif Suits in stock $16.75, $24.75 And don't forget we carry the snappy Bostonian and Commonwealth Shoes for young men. It Will Pay You To Trade With Us. Try It. WlLBURN & SATTERFIELD In the heart of town In front of the oourtbooae. SPECIALS For Friday and Saturday Pure Pork Sausage, 2 lbs 25c Fresh Stewing Oysters, quart 37c Our Famous Steer Steaks, lb. 25c and 30c Fresh Pork Chittlings, 3 lbs for .... . 25c Fresh Eggs, per dozen 29c /> .. . . ** * "v-? Lean Stew Beef, 3 pounds for 25c Fresh Hamburger, lb 10c Salt Herring, per dozen 15c Lard, in 8 pound packages, per lb. . . 7c Pure Fresh Ground Coffee, 2 lbs. for 25c Red Dog $1.95 Cotton Seed Meal $1.45 Good Flour, per barrel $6.95 AUBREY LONG 6- CO.1 Make Us Your Grocer. Phone 1 13. Church News Edgar Long Memorial 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. W. A. Sergeant, General Superintendent. 11:00 a. m. Preachirig by the pastor. At this service the pastor will preach the third of his mes sages on "The Parables of Jesus." The subject of the sermon will be j "The Ten Virgins." 6:45 p. m. Young people's meet ings. Juniors, Intermediates, Sen iors, and Young People's depts. 7:30 The pastor will present a Bible drama entitled "The Vine yard of Naboth." Bapt. State Convention The Baptist State convention, the largest religious gathering held-Jn the State, is in session this w^A meeting with the Baptist church in Greensboro. Rev. W. P. West, pastor of the First Baptist church here, with quite a number of others, is in attendance. Week Of Prayer The Mary Hambrick Missionary Society of Long Memorial Metho dist Church is observing the week of prayer for the first three days of this week. At the Monday afternoon session , the adult circles were in charge. On (Tuesday afternoon the young wom en's circles were in charge. On Wednesday night the program will be presented by the Juniors and Bright Jewels of the missionary society organization. I Despite inclement weather the attendance has been very gratify ing. Services At Bethany The services at Bethany Mission ary Baptist church will be at 2:30 o'clock on second and fourth Sun day afternoons during the winter months. Sunday School begins at 1:30. On the fourth Sunday at 2:30 there wil lbe a Thanksgiving j service. The same pastor. Rev. C. j F. Hudson of Durham, will serve: another year. Methodist Year Closes The coming Sunday, Nov. 19th, i will close the conference year for r - I the Methodist churches of the North Carolina conference. The conference session will be opened by Bishop Mouzon at Duke Memorial church in Durham on the morning of Wed nesday, November 22nd. The various* churches of the Metnodist denomination (fourteen in all) are hard at work trying to meet their salary and missionary assessments. First Baptist Church Going To The Dogs My grandpa notes the world's worn cogs And says, "we're going to the dogs"; His grandad, in his house ? of logs, Swore things were "going to the dogs." His dad, amid the Flemish bogs, Vowed things were "going to the dogs"; But this is what I wish to state. The dogs have had an awful wait. ?Washington Heraald. Bible School 9:45 a. m. Dr. H. M. Beam, General Superintendent. Preaching 11:00 a. m. Subject: WHAT MUST I DO? B. Y. P. U's 6:30 p. m. Mrs. Wal lace W. Woods, General Director. Preaching 7:30 p. m. Subject: MORAL PROGRESS. A cordial invitation is extended t all. W. P. West, Pastor. Bible Dramas Mr. Herbert, pastor of Long Mem orial Church, will present on the coming Sunday night at 7:30 a Bible drama entitled "The Vine yard of Naboth." Meeting Of Stewards The Board of Stewards of Long Memorial Methodist Church will meet on Thursday night, Nov. 18th, at 7:30 o'clock in the usual place. This is a very important meeting and all stewards are urged to be present. o : Olive Hill P. T. A. The Olive Hill P. T. A. will hold Its regular monthly meeting Thurs day afternoon at 3 o'clock. After a health program by the school chil dren the county nurse, Mrs. CBriant, and the Person County Relief Committee nutrition worker. Miss McElreath of Durham, will make talks. All patrons and friends of the school are urged to be pres ent

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