Legal Notices TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the pow ers contained In that certain deed of trust executed by Archie P. Daniel, single, on the 24th day of July, 1026, and recorded in Book 5, page 535, and default having been made in the payment of the note secured thereby, and the holder of the said note having demanded the sale of the property by the trustee, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale and will sell for cash to the highest bidder, at the COURT HOUSE DOOR, at ROXBORO, N. C? on MONDAY, TOE 4TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1933, at TWELVE O'CLOCK, NOON, the following described property, to- wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Bushy Pork Township, near the Hurdle Mills High School Building, and de scribed as follows: BEGINNING at an iron stake in the public road leading from Rox boro to Hillsboro; running thence west with, the line of W. C. Law son 260.2 feet to an iron stake in the Cemetery lot; thence South 3-4 degree east 95 Vfc ft. along the Cem etery line to an iron stake; thence south 87% degrees west 86 feet to an iron stake in the line of J. F. Whitfield; thence south % degrees along the line of J. F. Whit , 90.9 feet to an iron stake in line of J. F. Whitfield; thence south 75% degrees east 271.2 feet to an iron stake in the new public road from Roxboro to Hillsboro; thence in a northernly direction along said road 255 feet to the point of BEGINNING, and being bounded on the north by the lands of W .c. Lawson; on the east by the new Roxboro and Hillsboro public road; on the south by the lands of Archie P. Daniel; on the west by the lands of J. F. Whitfield and the Cemetery lot, and being part of the land conveyed by Mrs. Fannie R. Daniel to Archie P. Daniel on the 21st day of December, 1917, of record in Book 24, page 600, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Person County, State of North Carolina, to which reference is made for a more complete description of the same. This the 31st day of October, 1933. C. A. Hall, Trustee. Sale Of Valuable Farm Property Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by Richard Bailey and wife, Louisa Bailey on the 29th day of January 1923 and recorded in Book FL No. 1, Page 232, we will on Saturday the 16th day of December 1933 12 o'clock noon at the Courthouse door in Person County, Roxboro, N. C., sell at pub lic auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land to- wit: All that certain piece, parcel, lot or tract of land containing 54.18 acres, more or less, situate, lying and being about 1-2 mile to the N. of the Roxboro-Allensville Sand Clay Rd. about 3 miles from the town of Roxboro, in Roxboro Town ship, Person Co. State of N. C., the same being bounded on the N. by lands of Sam Wilson, on the E. by lands "of M. R. Robertson, on the S. by lands of Jordan Bailey and on the W. by lands of Sam Wilson. This sale is made by reason of the failure of Richard Bailey and wife, Louisa Bailey to pay off and ^scharge the indebtedness secured B said deed of trust. WA deposit of 10% will be required from the purchaser at the sale. This the 11th day ol November, 1933. INTERSTATE TRUSTEE CORPORATION ? Sub stituted Trustee, Durham, N. C. n Sale Of Farm Land Under the authority , conferred upon me In that deed of trust exe cuted to me as trustee on Feb. 20, 1924, by Richard Bailey and wife, the same being recorded in the Person County Registry in Book 5, page 221, default having been made In .the payment of the bond secured thereby and at the request of the holder thereof, I will on SATURDAY, DEC. 16th, 1933. sell at 12 o'clock noon at the court house door in Roxboro, N. C., at public auction to the highest bid der for cash the land conveyed by said deed of trust, to wit: In Roxboro Township, containing fifteen acres, more or less, situate to the north of the Roxboro and Allensville Road, about three miles from the town of Roxboro. Said tract of land is bounded on the north by lands of John Ed Perkins, on the east by lands of 8am Wilson, on the south by lands of Jordan Bailey, and on the west by lands of Sam Wilson. This is that tract of land deeded to Richard Bailey by J. C. Pass by deed recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Person County in Book 21, page 369, reference to which is hereby made for full and accurate descrip tion. Said tract of land Is to be sold subject to all unpaid taxes on same and the high bidder will be re quired to deposit ten per cent of THE FACT FINDERS tfiTS 6CT IWR> OUR ROCKET |pum.&LpOe ATSOMtOJ iTMtVWOtilPSAKMlTBOWE I smLut? AND THEIR DISCOVERIES BY ED KRESSY a ? eJ Here istue alhambra at srauada, sf&im Here we are im switzerlanp and just WHICH WAS THE PORTRESS PALACE OP THE BELOW US ISA SWISS CHALET, onEU UStO MOOPISH KINGS. ASA MERPSMANS UUT MOW FOR HOME AMP A I IGOOP SUPPER. MOTHER IS PROBABLY WAITING . THIS IS A PWGODA. WHICH IS USUALLY USED AS ATEAAPLE OR MEMORIAL AMD "TMEY ARE WE SEE HOW FOUCS TUE PYLON otTUETEMPLE FREQUEMT IM IMP1 A .CHIHA AMP JAPAN . AT EPFU, EGYPT. the\id price as an evidenoe of good faith. Thl3 November 16, 1933. R. P. Burns, Trustee. Notice ? Sale of Val uable Town Property By virtue of the powers confer red on me by the last will and tes tament of Mr#. Lucy Bamett, de ceased, which is of record in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Person County in Record 1 of Wills No. 21, page 215, I will of fer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at public auction on the premises on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16th, 1933, at 10 o'clock A. M., that certain block of real estate within the corporate limits of the Town of Roxboro, Person County, North Carolina, described as fol , lows : Lying and being on the North side of Barnett Avenue, beginning at an iron stake, corner of lot now owned by The Peoples Bank and known as the "Vickers" lot; thence in an easterly direction on the North side of Barnett Avenue to the right of way of the Norfolk & Wes tern Railway Co.; thence North on the line of said Railway Co.. right of way to comer of Pass & Woody in said right of way; thence in a westerly direction on the line of said Pass & Woody to the line of R. A. Walker; thence on the line of said Walker, W. C. Barnett, Mrs. John Loy, estate of O. T. Thaxton, estate of James Terry and line of lot of The Peoples Bank, in a south erly direction, to the beginning, containing as a whole 6% acres, more or less. This block of prop erty is now being subdivided into residential lots, and plat of same may be seen by calling on the un dersigned. or at the office of Wm. D. Merritt, Atty., and it will be shown on the day of sale. There l is a two-story frame dwelling on that portion of said lot facing on Bamett Avenue, but the balance of said property is vacant. This prop erty is well located and this sale will offer an opportunity to any one who may desire to purchase a ? good building lot. The sale will remain open ten days for an increase bid on each and every lot sold, and each pur chaser will be required on the day of sale to deposit 10% of the pur chase price. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. This Nov. 14th, 1933. Mrs. Annie Laurie Woody, Exrx. of Mrs. Lucy Bamett. DR. R. J. PEARCE Optometrist Eyes Examined ? ? Glasses Fitted Thomas Jk Carver Building Roxboro, N. C MONDAYS ONLY 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. Professional Cards ? i DtTROBT. e7lONG Dentist Wilburn & Satterfleld Building Main Street - Roxboro, N. O. B. I SATTERFIELD ATTORNEY- AT-LAW Roxboro- Durham, N. C. Roxboro Office: Thomas A Carvei Building. In office Monday and Saturdays. Durham Office: 403 Trust Build ing.- In Durham Office Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and - Fri day each week. DR. G. C. VICKERS Dentist [Office at residence, on Route No 144, near T. H. Street old home. Mill Creek. N. LUNSFORD Attorney -at- Law Office yrer Thomas <fe Carver Bldg , Roxboro, N. O. DR. J. H. HUGHES Dentist Office in Hotel Jones, next door to Dr. Tucker's Office Dr. J. D. BRADSHER Dentist Office over Wlburo * Batterfleld'i Store Buiding MUTT AND JEFF IDENTIFICATION? PERFECT! BY BUD FISHER ? . JJ? Coming Attractions At The Palace WILL ROGERS IS "DOCTOR BULL" IN LATEST FILM Humorist Brings Gonial Physician Of Famous! Novel Living To The Screen Will Rogers comes to the Palace Theatre Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 4 and 5th in his latest picture for Pox Film, "Doctor Bull." It is the screen presentation of the famous novel by James Gould Cozzens, "The Last Adam," best-seller and recent Book-of-the Month selection. It is reported as the most powerful vehicle the popular philosopher comedian has had on the talking screen. The story concerns a physician in a small town who, In addition to ministering to the health of the community, acts as its unofficial father confessor. None of the town's secrets escapes him. He knows the inner life of every one of its in habitants. But it is not as a gos sip that he finds himself interested in the private lives of the village. He is a mellow gentleman to whom everyone's reactions are an inter esting bit of human document. The film does not present the story of one character. Like "State Pair," the last of the Rogers screen plays, it deals with many characters, each typical of its kind. It is more than the story of one town. For it is the story of thousands of similar towns all over the country. Vera Allen, star of the New York stage, has the leading feminine role opposite Rogers. She was specially engaged for this role, and advance reports of her performance have been so favorable that she is con sidered destined for a brillian ca reer in pictures. Others in the cast are Marian Nixon, Howard Lal ly, Berton Churchill, Louise Dresser. Andy Devine, Rochelle Hudson, ; Tempe Pigott, Elizabeth Patterson, Nora Cecil, Ralph Morgan, Patsy' OByrne, Veda Buckland, Effle Ell sler, and Helen Freeman. The screen adaptation of the Coz zens novel was made by the well j kjiown novelist and playwright, Paul Green, Pulitzer Prize winner of i several seasons ago who was also J responsible for the adaptation ' of | Phil Stong's "State Pair" for thej screen. Laughton's Slow Start In Theatrical Career Now Gathers Impetus A slow start sometimes results in a quick finish at the end of the race. The tortoise and the hare fable closely parallels the career of Charles Laughton, eminent English actor, featured in "White Woman," Paramount's romance of the Malay jungles with Carole Lombard, Charles Bickford and Kent Taylor, rhe picture is coming on Thurs day, November 30th, to the Palace. Early in life, Laughton developed a love for the stage, but something always interfered. His parents wanted him to study for a career to the British Navy. For several years, as a young man, he worked in a large London hotel. The job fascinated him because it gave him opportunities to study all types of people. Then the World War car ried him still farther away from the theatre. After a period of ac tive service, he became interested in theatrical work said enrolled in Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. Begins In 1926 Not until 1926, though, did he make his first professional appear ance on the stage. It was In a play called "The Government Inspector" at one of London 't art theaters. I Prom this point onward, Laugh ton up for the slowness with which he launched his stage career. In a period of a few years, he worked his way up to the front ranks of London stage artists. He made his greatest success in the New York production of "Pay ment Deferred." That was in 1931; ' Paramount officials witnessed his | work, realized his merits as a screen j player and signed him to a contract. : "White Woman" Fifth Film He has since appeared in "Devil, and the Deep," "The Island of Lost; Souls," "IF I Had a Million" andi "The Sign of the Cross." In "White 1 Woman," he plays the role of Hot- 1 ace Prin, coarse trader and "king of the river" in a Malay jungle set tlement. Into this hellhole, he brings his new bride, a lone girl in this maddening jungle surround ed by treacherous natives and wom an-starved white men. Hungering for her, they flght and kill for her, but a strange love redeems her at the fearful /'price of suicide and murder. Miss Betty Lou And Her Pretty Baby Co. Here Thursday, 30th i Miss Betty Lou and Her Pretty Baby Company, embracing a galaxy of pretty girls in gorgeous and beau tiful costumes and a wonderful ar- i ray of artists, each a specialist in his or her line, come, according to the press of the many cities they have played, as a company par ex cellent. | A stage band, one of the features of the company, support Betty Lou, who is unexcelled in her line. Add to this such specialty artists as Miss Ada Louise, Grace Delores, Rose Ellis and chorus. Mr. A1 Reynolds, master of cere monies, is an entertainer de luxe. A1 Selkow, dancing juveline, and then the old favorite John "Ducky" Rhoads, comedian. This combina , tion make up a show that you can realy enjoy with your whole family. (From the Cumberland Times of Sept. 26th. ? Cumberland, Md.) Betty Lou and her Pretty Baby Cmpany drew much applause yes terday and last night at Fishers Maryland Theatre. The Royal Am bassadors band is one of the best MONDAY AND TUESDAY, DEC. 4-5TH ?/ - . Ho brought hit neighbors into tho world tried to make their live* happier while they passed through it . . . and helped to keep them from laaving it. w?ko IN DOCTOR .HULU MARIAN NIXON RALPH MOROAN ANDY DIVINI MrtcM by John ford Boiod on"Tho lait Adam" by Jamos Ooyld Coxzom Morning Mat. 10:30 a. m. Afternoon Mat. Monday 3:15-3:45 p. m. ever brought to this city and Ducky Rhoads, known as Chicago's Mirth Master proves the appellation no misnomer. The chorus members carry con- ! viction in each rhythmic step, and the costumes are intriguingly ap propriate to the different numbers given. Altogether the Pretty Baby Revue is well worth seeing and hearing if you haven't been down before. o ? Notorious Bandits Get No Break From Ken Maynard Films A screen star's popularity is a sacred trust, which Ken Maynard, cowboy-actor, who comes to the Palace Theatre next Saturday, Dec. tod In Universale "Fiddlin' Buck aroo," continually strives to respect. Maynard, who receives well over a thousand "fan" letters a week at Universal City, counts most of his mail from boys and young men who admire the robust, virile characters he portrays. Knowing that Imita tion is the sincerest flattery, May nard refuses to smoke, drink, or in i ? any way practice the slightest thing which might possibly Implant wrong Ideas in his youthful admirers. Some I times his "shooting scripts" must be changed around to accommodate his screen ideals. The real flesh-and-blood bandits and outlaws of the old West may be glamorous in history, but in reality they were a pretty bad lot. In ! the opinion of Ken Maynard, and he does not intend to glorify them in his pictures. " Piddling Buckaroo " presents Maynard as a bandit to thwart his evil companions and rescue a kld | napped heiress in a swift paced screen story. Gloria Shea, Fred Kohler, Frank Rise and Jack Rockwell, together with Maynard's troupe of real cow boys and his "wonder horse," Tar zan, aid the romance and action of the film, which Maynard directed. ? o 6 <6 6 LIQUID, TABLETS, SALVE, NOSE DROPS Checks Malaria in 3 days. Colds first day, Headaches or Neuralgia in 30 minutes, FINE LAXATIVE AND TONIC Most Speedy Remedies Known. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1ST ieauty TURN ON THE HEAT "Turn on the heat; Start in to strut! Wiggle and wobble and warm up the hut, 'Oh! Oh! It's thirty below-" Hear it all and see the spec tacular scene that made Broadway rise up and cheerl It's one of a dozen smashing high spots in the Fox Movietone All T a I k i n g , Singing, Dancing, H<[)S\CAl COMEDY t sunny >h>e up with jAtiET GAynon CHARLES FARRELL 2DiT?ud by DAVID BUTLER ^'UJAM FOX pttsei^ saflgjeSeS?"

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