.plllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllll I THROUGH M ? By Bess Hinton SUvw =? iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiini By Ben Hinton Silver State Auditor?Bookeepers may come and bookeepers may go but 8tate Auditor Baxter Durham U not a Certified Public Accountant. The fact, long common-knowledge back-stage In Raleigh poUUea brought exclamations of surprise at the recent Raleigh meeting of the State Democratic Executive - Committee where there was a ru mor afloat that George Adams, now with Local Government. Commis sion Is sounding the waters with a view to unhorslitg Mr. Durham In the Jolly prlma'rles of 1936. Adams recently declined the poaltiap (of auditor of the city of Raleigh and you may n6t know that his present duties carry him Into every county in the State. Friends of Mr. Ad ams are missing no tricks In letting it be known that he Is a C. P. A. and making 'notes of the fact that Mr. Durham has been on the pub lic payrolls for a quarter century. looking Ahead?Muqh has been said and not a little done about who will be the next Governor of North Carolina but some folks are far ahead of that. Long visloned men in politics are already ponder ing who will be Governor In 1940 when the honor will return to the East. Although a lot of dust will blow down the sgkondary roads of North Carolina before hat time . there Is no question that State Treasurer Chas. M. Johnson is being groomed for a gubernatorial candi date in the year that President Roosevelt will complete his second term. Watch Mr. Johnson's smoke. Batchelors?The recent wedding of Assistant Director of the State Budget, Frank Dunlap, leaves onjy three unmarried officials among -the upper crust of State official dom. These eligibles for blondes anl brunettes are: Wm. A. Gra ham, Commissioner of Agriculture Edwin M. Gill, Parole Commissioner and A. J. Maxwell, Commissioner of Revenue. Don't get excited if the-trio is reduced to a duet since a most persistent rumor has one of the three slated for double har ness in the near future. Mr. Dun lap was married to the charming Miss Kate Leak, of Wadesboro. A Bit Negative?Former Lieuten ant Richard T. Fountain, who made a good but unsuccessful sprint for the gubernatorial nomination aga inst Governor Ehringhaus in 1932 will not say that he 4s going to run against Senator J. W. Bailey In 1936 but then he will not say that he will not seek to capture Mr. Bailey's toga. When last asked foi publication if he would run, the enigmatic Mr. Fountain replied, "I wont say that I won't." Mr Fountain is a business man these days and his business takes him over the State quite often. He is a pastmaster at mixing business and politics. The logical conclusion Is that while he may not have de cided to run he is not burning any bridges. Puzzling?A number of Raleigh politicians have long prided them selves on being able to predict what a Governor will do before the Gov ernor himself knows. Their system has been simply putting two and two together and making four But that hasn't worked with Governor Ehrlnghaus, especially on appoint ments and more than one wiseacre has been put to shame em_ barrassment by publishing predic Uona Nowadays when a vacancy occurs In State circles a great sil ence settles over Raleigh John Barleycorn?Although many R^elgh political writers have freely predicted that modification of the f** .\ Uquor '??? a distance in the future the Drya smell a mouse and are not to be caught napping."1 Cale K. Burgess, who directed the ditching of repeal In North Carol !?? last November. Is active again IW. ***** money will be I needed to keep the State a Sahara during the nest Legislature. Counter Attack ^ust a few years ago the office of Commissioner of Revenue was made appointive in on the premise w?? this important position should (be kept free of politics. Recently j the Revenue Department tvas set about the task of collecting all taxes ' jdue the SUte and that has been I popular. Now there to talk of mak ing the office elective again. One member of the next Legislature to I making solemn vows to Introduce a ,1)111 make the Revenue Commls jSioner run for office. Then the lo ,cal political big-shots could have i more to say about who receives fa j vorw Sulking Horse?Capitol Hill is toot Uktng too seriously all this I talk about SUte Senator John Sprunt Hill, of Durham, running for Governor in 1936 close friends Of Mr. Hill avow that he harbors no political ambition than to repre *? tv I Vjflv* sent his district in the Legislature ,but tfcey also whisper that he' I would not like to see Lieutenant Governor A. H. Graham win the Democratic gubornatorial nomina , tion. You can hear in some places jthat Mrt Hill will run against Mr. | Graham* just to split his strength i, m GtBlftm, Orange and surround ing counties. Put this down in your 'little blue book?Senator Hill has enough 60-cent dollars and the In testinal fortitude to run for"ltSov ernor if the notion strikes him. ?j Invites Trouble? Raleigh politi cians are of the opinion that Gov ernor Ehrlnghaus throws crumbs in his own bed by delaying appoint ments that come his way. They re call occasions on which the Gover-! | nor has postponed naming appoin tees while partisans of candidates organized campaign that give His Excellency little rest. He lost no time In naming a successor to the late Jjustice, Walter Adams and paying several political obligations ?.before Justice Michael Schenck as cended to the Supreme Court bench ! But in filling the vacancy on the I . Industrial Commission left open by the resignation of Chairman Matt H. Allen the Governor again took j his own sweet time while lines ? formed behind several candidates : for the post. Real Issue?The fight over adop tion of t?e propgged revised con-! stitution for North Carolina is tak '? inf_,?.n.the aPPearan<* of an ad I- *? ? Vi an aa 1 f ministratiom and anti-administra ? tion battle. Looking over the list ; of opponents you will find the name of Attorney General Dennis O. i Brummitt, R. T. Fountain, who lost I,in 1292 gubernatorial -scrap and a host of his supporters. On the' other side you will see administra stalwarts. One prominent attorney remarks that it looks like political prejudice is going to determine the . kind of constitution North Carolina ?f- Mavis Talcum Powder is a blessing to the vigorous, active man. Its use gives complete freedom from unpleas ant body irritations, chafing, and the effects of perspiration. It guards the skiti; actually keeps you cool and deo dorizes as it absorbs. For a well kept body, use it every day all over. But, be sure it's Mavis, ia the familiar red con tainer?it never clogs the pores. For men, women and children of all ages, from babyhood up. t by VIVAUDOU 25' S& *1?? M AVIS Rift? Sinclair Now Center of Political Spotlight. PASADENA, aallf. . . . Upton Sinclair (above right), Socialist author turned Democrat, is the target of all political eyes as he makes plans for his Fall campaign for election to California governorship on the Democratic ticket." Above (left) Is Sherman Downey, Sacramento at torney, Sinclair's running mate for Lieutenant-Governor. will have for awhile. Silent Campaigning?You dra t bear much about races tor iT^Uor until lust a week or two before Primary day but pros two Dei ore pects are that you will gel: some entertainment out of the next ? State Senators George McNeil, of Cumberland, and W. O^larkeof Edgecombe, both have beenenga ged in laying the ground work of their campaign* for Becrad man in the State government. Both are popular and know, political ro nes They have many friends and STthey hold to their present in tention a lively battle will ensue. notice of SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in at certain Mort gage executed by Ed. T. Gentry and wife, Rosa Gentry. Zadock Slaugh ter and wife. Louise Slaughter dated May 8, 1923, and ^corded in Book 1, Page 3, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Person Coun ty North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and demand having been made for-sale, the undersigned Mortgagee will sen at public auction to the highest bid der for cash, at the Courthouse door in Roxboro. N. C., at twelve o clock noon, on the 6TH DAY OP OCTOBER, 1934, the following described property, lo cated in Person North Carolina, in Allensville Township. First Tract: BEGINNING a a point In the forks of the Al ensvUte Snrl and the old. AllensvUle-Rox boro roads. A. E. O'Briant comer In H Y O'Briant's line; thence with the line of R. E. D3rtant (Sol O'BrianO South 2 deg. West 41.04 chains to a stake; thence North 76 deg West 33.40 chs. to a poplar, ^nce South 2 deg. West 15 chaffis to a stake on the line of the Caro lina Light and Power Company, thence with their line North 79 deg. West 22.26 chains to a stake. Ha giss line; thence with Hargiss line North 28H deg. East 10.50 chaffis to the Allensville-Roxboro Road; thence with this road North 82 deg- EM* 3 chains; North 89 deg. East 5.69 chains; North 45 deg. East U chains; North 55 deg_ ^st 5^? chains; North 71 deg. East 8 chains. North 79 deg. East 6 chains; North S5 de? East 10 chains; North 43 aeg. East l5 65 chains to the BEGINN ING containing 110.4 acres, more or less. Conveyed to Ed. T. Gentry y Professional Cards Dr. ROBT. E. LONG Dentist Wllbum to satterfield Building Main Street - Roxboro, N. C. R1 SATTERFIELD ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Roxboro-Durham, N. C. Roxboro Office: Thomas to Carre, Building, in office Monday and Saturdays Durham Office: 403 Trust Build ing In Durham Office Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday and Prt day each week. dr. g. c. vickers Dentist Office at residence, on Route No 144 near T H. Street old home Mill Creek. N. LUNSFORD Attorney-at-Law Office over Thomas to Carver Bldg. Roxboro, N. O. -DR J. H. HUGHES Dentist Office In Hotel Jones, next door to Dr. Tucker's Office Dr. J. 67 BRADSHER Dentist Office over Wilbum to Satterfleld's Store Building. LET JOHN CASH Repair your shoes and rtpatr your chairs. Under WUburn to Satterfield J. L. Garrett and wife by deed re corded in Book 27, Page 338. Second Tract: BEGINNING at a stone, Mrs. A, H. Gentry's corner In ML O. Yarborough line; thence chains to stone, Mrs. Gentry's corner ' in Montague's line; thence with Montague's line South 18.87 chains to a stone; thence still with Monta gue line South 87 deg. West; 9.72 chains to a corner of the High School lot; thence with line of High School lot North 6.35 chains to a corner of school lot; thence still with line of school lot South 87 deg. West 6.33 chains to another corner of school lot; thence with line of school lot South 6.33 chains to a stake In Montague's line; thence with Montague's line South 87 deg. West 16.61 chains to a stone, Mon tague's corner In Yarborough's line; thence with Yaroborough's line North 2 deg. East 21.85 chains to the BEGINNING, containing 62.4 acres, more or less. Conveyed to Ed die T. Gentry by W. D. Merritt, Commissioner, by deed recorded in Book 31, Page 427. Third Tract: BEGINNING at a stone on the Roxboro and Allens ville Road, Montague's corner; thence with Montague's line North 21 chains to a stone, Montague's corner; thence still with Montague's line South 71 deg. East 28 chains to pointers in Yarbrough's line; thence with Yarbrough's line South 3 deg. West 21 chains to a stone in Chap pell's line; thence with Chappell's line North 71 deg. West 27 chains to the BEGINNING, containing 54.5 acres, more or less. Conveyed Business Directory If yon are in doubt as to where to find any-thin* look over this list. The advertisers in this space are all reliable and yon will make no mis take when yon patronize them. If yon do not find what yon are looking for here come to The Courier office and we will give you the informa tion desired. J. T. BRADSHER Plumbing and Heating Office on Reams Avenue Phone 14 G. B. MASTEN Painting and Paperhanging Good Faint Applied By Good Painters Produces a Good Job GEO. W. KANE BUILDER - CONTRACTOR "No Job Too Big?None Too Small." Carolina Power & Light Co. Home-Life Made Easiei Ask the lady who has an Electric Range. H&mbrick, Austin & Thomas DRUGGISTS Holtingsworth's Unusual Candies. Penslar Remedies, School Books, ShaeIter's Fountain Pens. We would like to be your Druggist. Sergeant & Clayton "The Sta-Klean Store" Phone Us Your Orders. We Deliver Promptly. HARRIS & BURNS BARGAINS Everything from head tr foot for men, women and children. "Roiboro'n Best Store" Roxboro Lumber Co. Buy It Fvom Us And Bank The Difference "Dome Of Quality Lumber" Wilburn & Satterfield Roxboro's Dependable Store "It Will Pay Ton To Trade With Us?Try It" 1 to Eddie T.-eenUy-snd slaughter by W. D. Merritt. Com missioner, by deed recorded to Book 31, Pag* , ... _ The purchaser at the sale will be required to make a deposit of Ave per cent, of the purchase price. This, September 4, 1934. GREENSBORO JOINT STOCK LAND BANK, MORTGAGEE., J. S. DUNCAN, ATTORNEY.', NOTICE SALE OF LAND! Under and by virtue of the au- , thortty conferred upon us by a cer tain deed of trust executed by E. H Satterfleld on the 2th day ofj August, 1923, an<1 du|y recorded to the office- of the Register of Deeds, of Person County to deed of trust Book 5, at page 109. default having I been made , to the payment .of ?, note secured by said deed of trust and ae to said deed of trust pro vided, the undersigned administra tors of T. O. Brooks, trustee. wto on Monday, September 17, 1934, at 12 odock Noon, to front of the court house door to Roxboro, North Car olina sell to the highest bidder, for cash, the land conveyed to said deed of trust, to-wit: Lying to Roxboro Township, Per son County, North Carolina, on the Roxboro-Durham public road (Md sand clay road), about two idles South of Roxboro. and the lands of . R. Satterfleld. Rufus Johnson, C. M. Oakley and perhaps t there, containing 58 acres, more or less. This August 17, 1934. Mrs. D. L. Brooks, T. Carlyle Brooks, Admrs. SALEOFFARM LAND 4 ___________ Under the authority conferred upon me by that deed of trust exe cuted by Richard Bailey and wife, Louisa Bailey, to me as Trustee on February 20th. 1924, and recorded in the Person County Registry In Book 5. Page 221, default having been made In the payment of toe bonds secured thereby and at toe request of the holder thereof, T will on Monday, October 8th, 1934 sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash at twelve (12) .o'clock noon, at toe courthouse door in Roxboro, N. C., the following land conveyed by said deed of trust to-wit: One tract containing fifteen ac res, more, or less, situate to the North of the Roxboro and Allens ville road, about three miles from the town of Roxboro. Said tract, of land is bounded on the North j by lands of John Ed Perkins, on the East by lands of Sam Wilson, on the South by lands of Jordan Bailey, and on the West by lands of Sam Wilson. This is that tract of land deeded to Richard Bailey by J C Pass by deed recorded in the office of toe Register of Deeds] of Person County In Book 21, page 369 reference to which, is hereby made for full and accurate descrip tion of said tract of land. Also one tract of land containing fifty-four acres, more or less, si tuate, lying and balng to tha North of the Roxboro-Allensrille road, j about three miles from the town of Roxboro, in Roxboro Township, 1 county of Person, the same being ' the place on which Richard Bailey now lives, and being bounded on the North by lands of Sam Wilson, on the East by E. E. Bradsher and A. A. Burch, formerly Mon Robertson place on the 8outh by Jordan Bai ley, and on the West by Sam Wil son. On this tract there is a prior mortgage, same being executed to the North Carolina Joint Steele Land Bank of Durham, recorded in the cffice of the] Register of Deeds of Person "Cotihty in Farm Loan Book 1. Said sale will be made subject to a first deed of trust on tract No 2 and subject to any unpaid taxes. Purchaser will be required to de posite 10 per cent of bid price as an evidence of good faith. This September 5th, 1934. R. P. Burns, r Trustee. _o A woman in Burgos. Spain, says that she has not taken food nor drink in 15 years. frtth berries keep rauah longer t they ere turned out of their boxes nto a plate so that tha-alr may cir :ulate about them freejy "" I HAVE STUDIED ECZEMA For 20 yean. I hare a treat ment that la satisfactory. P. R. Hardee, M.D. Stem, N. C. DR. R. J. PEARCE Optometrist Eyes Examined? ?Glasses Fitted Thomas * Carver Bonding Roxboro, N. C MONDAYS ONLY 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. fCW? " A REFRESHING ? COCA-COLA OUGHT ? TO HELP ME THINIC UP AN IDEA HOW TO GET THE EAR OF OLD SNIGGS. MEET THE TOUGH JOBS FEELING FIT c_ Order by the case (24 Sottlesj from your dealer.... Keep it cold and ready to serve in yqpr refrigerator. COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. PHONE 122 BOXBORO, N. C. 1 ? :?