NOTICE SALE OF LAND Cinder and by virtue of the authority conferred upon me by a certain deed of trust executed by G. C. Flelg and wife, Cora Flelg, on the 18th day of April, 1929, and duly recorded In the offlce of the Register of Deeds of Person county In Book No. 6. at page 178, default having been made In the payment of the note secured by said deed of trust and at the request of the holder of said note and according to the terms of said deed of trust, I will on Friday, September 14, 1934, at twelve o'clock M., In front of the courthouse door, In Roxboro, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, the land conveyed In said deed of trust, to-wit: I. Beginning at a stake on jthe Northwest side of Highway No. 144; thence with line of lot No. 1 North 46 degrees 34 minutes West 522 feet to a stake in J. W. Jackson's line; thence with Jackson's line South' * 66 degrees 42 mintues West 434 feet to a stake, corner of lot No. 4; thence with line of lot No. 4 south 46 degrees 34 minutes-West 695 feet to a stake on Highway No. 144; thence with Highway No. 144 North 43 degrees 25 minutes East 400 feet to the beginning, containing 5.62 acres, more or less, and being lots 2 and 3 of the Lewis Flelg land. 2. Beginning at a stake on the Northwest side of Highway No. 144; thence with line of lot No. 9 North degrees 34 minutes West 971 feet a stake In Mrs. Standfleld's line; thence with Mrs. Sttmdfleld's line North 85 degrees 45 minutes West 120 feet to a stake In T. D. Win stead's line; thence with T. D. Winstead's line South 3 degrees West 450 feet to a stake, comer of lot No. 12; thence with line of lot No. 12 South 46 degrees 34 minutes West 762 feet to a stake on High way No. 144; thence with Highway No. 144 North 43 degrees 26 minutes East 400 feet to the beginning, con taining 8.25 acres, more or less, and being lots 10 and 11 of the Lewis Flelg land. This August If, 1934. N. LUNSFORD, Trustee. NOTICE SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the ^au thority conferred upon us by a certain deed of trust executed by Moe Goodman and wife, Ada Belle Goodman, and Jas. H. Whitt and wife, Maude Whitt, on the 22nd day of January, 1927, and duly re corded in the offlce of the Register of Deeds of Person County In deed of trust Book 5, at page 554, default having been made in the payment of the note secured by said deed of trust and as in said deed of trust provided, the undersigned adminis trators of T. C. Brooks, trustee, will on Saturday, September 15, 1934, at 12 o'clock Noon, in front of the courthouse door in Roxboro, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, the land conveyed In said deed of trust, to-wit: Lying In Mt. Tirzah Township, Persln County, North Carolina, and bounded on the East by Charles Allen and Emmett Pucci; on the South by the Simon Taylor place; on the West by Tom, Henry and Will Clay and on the North by Jack Bowling and Tom Reade, contain ing 188 acres, more or less. This AOgUst 13, 1934. Mrs. D.' L. BROOKS, T. CARLYLE BROOKS, AdmrS. Sale of Real Estate Under the power conferred by I that deed of trust executed by J. ^ Walker dated March 9th, 1925, "d recorded in Book 5, Page 363, In the offlce of the Register of Deeds of Person County, and under the authority of an Instrument substi tuting the trustee executed by the holder of said deed of trust and appointing the undersigned as sub stituted trustee, the same being re corded in the offlce of the Regis ter of Deeds or Person County In Book 44. Page 299, I will on MONDAY, SEPT. 17th 1934, at the courthouse door In Roxboro at 12 o'clock noon sell to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction, the following described property conveyed by said deed of trust, to Wlt' 1. What is described as tract No. 2 In the aforesaid deed of trust, except lots No. 7, 8, 97 10, 21, 22, 32. 33, 39, 40. 45, 46, 47, 51 and 52 of a division of a pArt of said tract as Is shown on a plat of such division which is duly recorded in the Per son County Registry in Book 34. Page 390. Said tract of land Is described as follows: Bounded on the North by lands of J. C. Pass, W. D. Yarboro and 8. P. Williams; bounded on the East by the afore-excepted lots; bounded on the 8outh by lands of Curry Pointer; and bounded on the West by lands of Miss Kate Pointer,, con taining 32 acres, more or less, be fore the lots above referred to the J. J. Pointer land 2. Those lots which are described In the said deed of trust as tract No. 5. The following of said lots will be sold at this foreclosure, to - wit: Lots No. 4 and 5 of Block B, Lots No. 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8 of Block C. Lots No. 3, 4 and 5 of Block D, Lots No 1, ??; 3. and 4 of Block E. and Lot No. 3 of Block F of the J. T. Walker sub-dlVlilon as shown by the plat of the same THE FACT FINDERS AND THEIR DISCOVERIES r?B Y ED KRESSY AMome?. C*y AUOTWtB. T*IP~ let's see how MAMV HOTCfttSTlUa FACTS W6 CAW C.ATWE? TCHHY HOPASOAKP , < FOLKS AMP well st sack home BEFoftE YOU CAM I SAY JACK. BoBW SOLI ? Hew we owee. UXMSlAUA WHEW MMt TEMTUS OF- AWERlC/fc CM SUOABCEOP 15 peosuoe ?) CaMV NNI, *?oua Mdtwgeu caumrwa lUfrlAM Tft BE*. A FEW STRIW65 Of SUtU-MOwe iTmi-P Foe tut MOepEC OF A MAM AMP 6AVE THE MUftftCMft Hl( FBE60OM. AMJttl. // |UPIAM-T&?BCW1I? Hh? oomkev. ce/o~-rite, F0O6 WAS PeSCftiftEO AS nravAr 8V otroees. u csbttajw pacts of imgiaup aup g&omawv ~ i W6BE ? A SUPttSimON AMOMG PAWUTS TUAT TMtlB.04lLDe?H WIU- 6BOW UP TO BE TUl6Vfci WEIR WAILS AB be cur ecraev meia first MUMMY. . ? m b) b^>U MOC4? W? WMY5 FlW>lU6-J0tM i/s ow ooc Rt.yr TRIP A140 OOHT FOS OET B STABI A . J<MP-0?* AHDOfP TH646 ttfCOBDS OP OIJB- V6HTU?M 1 pAjrto in rr..- . which Is recorded In the person County Registry in Book 34. page 348. Said Lots are located in the southern part of the town of Rox tooro between the Norfolk Si Wes tern railroad right of way and Main : Street At the foreclosure sale the said lots will be offered for sale separately and or In pairs or in such combinations as may appear to bring the highest sale price, and the same will also be Offered for sale as a whole. This sale is made by reason of jthe failure of J. T. Walker to dis ! charge the bond secured by said deed of trust and at the request i of the holder thereof. The pur chaser of the property, or any part thereof, will be required to deposit i 10% of the bid price as an evidence of good faith. Announcement will be made on date of sale as to unpaid j taxes. This the 14th day of August, 1934. THOMAS B. WOODY. Substituted Trustee. Sale of Town Lot Under the power conferred by that deed of trust executed by I. L. Wrenn and wife dated April 22nd, 1924, and recorded in Book 3, Page 284, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Person County, and under the authority of an instrument sub-, stituting the trustee therein, exe cuted by the holder of the said deed of trust and appointing the under signed as substituted trustee, the same being recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Per son County in Book 44, Page 299, I will on MONDAY, SEPT. 17th; 1934, at the courthouse door in Roxboro at 12 o'clock noon sell to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction, the following described property j conveyed by said deed of trust, to ' wit: (a) Lying within or near,the cor porate limits of the town of Rox boro, being lots nos. 1 and 2 in Block A of the Walker Division of Addi tion of the Jeff Parley lands, sur veyed and platted by W. R. Cates on the 10th day of April, 1924, duly recorded in Person County in Book 34, Page 348. Lot No. 1 fronts on First Street 75 feet and runs back along Board Street 150 feet, being 82.5 feet wide at back. Lot No. 2 fronting 77 feet, on First Street, running back 150 feet, and being likewise 77 feet wide at back. Said plat being incorporated in 'and made part of this. - ? <b).Also an additional parcel of land situate south of Clock A and adjoining lots 1 and 2 of said Block. Commencing in Mrs. R. J. Teague's line at southeast comer of lot No. 2, Block A of said Walker Addition, running with Mrs. Te ague's line 50 feet to corner and stake, thence in a westerly direction paralled with back line of Block A. 159.5 feet to corner and stake, thence in a Northerly direction 50 feet to corner of Lot No. 1, Block A, Walker Addition of the original Jeff Far ley land. This lot Is 50 feet by 159.5 feet. This sale is made by reason of the failure of I. L. Wrenn to dis charge the bond secured by said deed of trust and at the request of the holder thereof. The pur chaser of the property, or any part thereof, will be required to deposit 10% of the bid price as an evidence of good faith. Announcement will be made on date of sale as to unpaid taxes. This the 14th day of August, 1934. THOMAS B. WOODY. Substituted Trustee. Executor's Notice Notice is hereby given that 1 ave this day qualified as executor f the estate of W. W. Wrenn, late f Person County, N. C-, and all ersons indebted to said estate will lake immediate payment to the nderslgiied. All persons -having lalms against said estate will_ pre ent them to the undersigned roperly proven for payment on or efore the 28th day of August. 935. or this notice" will be pleaded i bar of their recovery. This the 28th day of August, 1934 Robert Estee Wrenn, Executor. -? Lemons will not decay if they are :pt in cold water that is regular changed every day. 6*6 vs. MALARIA 688 Liquid or Tablets Checks Malaria in Three Day*. Sn/e Preventative. MUTT AND JEFF?Jeff Knows Big Game Any Place _ By BUD FISHER 606S/\SA?rr' rf ^,66AME! Tifi??S. J ELEPHANTS -0(6 6AME j j ARE YOU SURE ,t's THE VOL* SAW BlSGEST BI6 6AMC? voU euER ' * SAW! rNOUJ U/KER6 D?r < EFF Go? I DOflV 6? ANVTI6eM >R ELEPHANTS! : pout see anv bis sAne: ' Coming Attractions At The Palace BARRYMORE KNOWS STUFF Lionel Carrymore's makeup Billy Bones, famous old buccaneer of "Treasure Island," Robert Louis, Stevenson's classic filmed recently, should have been just about perfect, | because he studied a painting of the j character for more than five years! j ?4 The star revealed his intimate ac- | quaintance with the pirate during I the first day of filming of the Me- j tro-Goldwyn-Mayer film to be shown ' Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 17-18. at the Palace Theatre, with Wallace Beery and Jackie Cooper in co-star rtng roles. Just Browsing Around "I happened to be browsing around book stores in New York City one winter, when I noticed a collection of pirate painting and sketches in a window," Barrymore related. "I went inside and was told they had been used to illustrate a new edi tion of 'Treasure Island' and were by an artist named N. C. Weyth. "Impressed with the effective color combinations and' powerful rendition of figures I bought six or seven of them. At home I examined ! them at my leisure and the one that impressed me most was an old buc- 1 caneer with a heavily scarred face and desperate expression. "Some time later while going through a copy of the book I dis covered that my fierce pirate was none other than ^Billy Bones, the toughest of them all. The picture occupied a prominent place in my study and I looked at it daily for years. Like Seeing Old Friend "Now I am to portray him on the screen. When they put on my makeup in front of a mirror it was like seeing ah old friend!" Other famous characters in the story are played by such notable stars as Wallace Beery as Long John Sliver; Jackie Cooper as Jim Haw kins, boy adventurer; Otto Kruger, Lewis Stone and dozens of others in supporting roles. o Lionel Belmore Has Played Three Times By Royal Command Lionel Belmore, veteran charac ! ter actor, who has given pirfor formances before the late King Ed ward and Queen Victoria of Eng land ar.d the ex-Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany, is cast in the role of Lord Ingram, Monogram's screen version of Charlotte Bronte's classic, which comes to the Palace Theatre Friday, Sept. 14th. Belmore, one of seven children all of whom have been on. the stage, is the fifth generation of the fam ily to make the stage the means of his livelihood. His first appearance was made over 50 years ago in London, and he first appeared in a picture made in the same city in 1907, which makes him a veteran of the stage and screen in every sense of the word. 1 "Jane Eyre" was adapted by Adele Comandini and directed by Christy Cabanne under the supervision of Ben Versehleiser. Lovely Virginia Bruce portrays the role of Jane while the male lead is enacted bty Colin Clive. Oth ers in the cast include Beryl Mer cer, Jameson Thomas, Aileen Prin gle, E&iel rtriffles, Lorimer Johns ton, and nine-year-old Edith Fel lows. o3or ALWAYS A OOOD SHOW AT TOS PALACE THEATRE. YOUR HEART W I I THEY STEP OUT COLZ III OF THE BOOK INTO I? g&-a0 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14TH BERYL MERCER DAVID TORRENCf AILEEN PRINGLS LIONEL BELMORE JAMESON THOMAS CHRISTY CABANNI BEN VERSCHLEISER mjwLWMi AMlt COMANMMl riE MOSTendearing and touching character in all fiction ... the most appealing love story... steps but of the book on to the screen and' into your heart I . ? ?* YOU THRILLED... as millions of reoders have ... at this most poignantly dromatic revelation of a young girl's inner life and love experience*. MORNING MATINEE 10:30; AFTERNOON 3:15-3:48; NO MATINEES TUESDAY; EVENINGS 7:30:91:15. ADM. 10:26c. Mae Clarke Takes | Her Lunch To Work In Old Dinner Pail Mae Clarke Is never seen in stu dio cafes. When this young actress came to the First National lot to play with Edward G .RobinSon in "The Man With Two Faces," which comes to the Palace Theatre on Thursday, Sept. 13th, she developed the habit of bringing her own lunch. Not that she didn't like the menus in the studio Green Room. But she liked her siesta more. Ever since a serious illness a year ago, Mae had been ordered by her doctor to rest each working day. Therefore, she began bringing her own lunch to the studio, in a real old fashioned dinner pail. This she ate in the privacy of her dressing room?and there was still some for ty minutes of the lunch hour left in which Mae could curl up and have a nap. Also, you can carry coffee or tea in a dinner pail. In "The Man With Two Faces," Miss Clarke has the role of an ac tress and a friend of a theatrical family involved in a strange murder mystery. Others in the cast Include Mary Aster, Ricardo Cortez, Louis Calhern, Arthur Byron, John Eld redge, David Landau, Emily Fitzroy, and Henry O'Neill. ? o? i 1 AYWAYS A GOOD SHOW AT THE PALACE. From Thurs., Sept. 13, jToWednes., Sept. 19j Thursday, Sept. 1 3th j Edward G. Robinson with Mary As- | tor, Rieardo Cortez in 'The Man with 2 Faces'; Musical Novelty "Roamin' Through | The Roses" No morning matinee. Special La daies matinee 3:15. Two for price of cne-26c. Even. 7:15-9. Adm. 10-26c. ; Friday, September 14 i Virginia Bruce and Colin Clive in "Jane Eyre" ' Episode No. 8 "Vanishing Shadow" Willie Whopper Cartoon "Robin * Hood, Jr.' Morning 3:15-3:45; even. 7:15-9. Adm. 10-26C Morning matinee 10:30, afternoon SPECIAL SHOWS FRIDAY NIGHT AT 11:30 SATURDAY MORNING 10:30 Madeleine Carroll and Franchot Tone in 'The World Moves On' Musical Novelty "The Big Idea" Box office opens Friday night 11:15, picture at 11:30. All seats 28c. Box office opens Saturday morning 10:15, picture at 10:30. Adm. 10-26C Saturday, Sept. I 5th Buck Jones with Dorothy Revier in 'The Fighting Ranger' Musical "Hizzoner" HOLLYWOOD NEWSREEL Continuous Shows Starting at 2:30. Admission: 10-26C. Mon.-Tue. Sept. 17-18 Wallace Beery, Jackie Cooper with Lionel Barrymore, Otto Krnger, Lewis Stone, Nigel Bruce, and "Chic" Sale in "Treasure Island" King Comedy "Pals" PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL Morning matinee 10:30, afternoon 3:15-3:45. No matinees Tuesday. Evenings 7:15-9:00. Adm. 10-26C Wednesday, Sept. 1 9 Rkardo Cortex with Barbara Bob bins, John Real in "Hat, Coat and Glove" Broadway Brevity "Song of Fame" Morning matinee 10:30, afternoon 3:15-3:45; evening: 6:45-8:15-9:15. Admission 16c. MONDAY AND TUEDAY, SEPTEMBER 17-18TH 1934 GETS ITS BIGGEST THRILL! Sail the seas of romance with little Jim Hawkins and bluster ing, lovable Long John Silver as they bring back to the screen the same quickened heart-beat, the same laughter through tears that made their appearance in "The Champ" the triumph that it JACKIE <n ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S MMD i I "" LIONEL Banmnore OTTOKR1IGER-LEWIS STONE NIGEL BRUCE ? CHARLESoc SALE MORNING MATINEE 1?:M; AFTERNOON S:1S--S:4S; NO MATINEES TUESDAY; EVENINGS ADMISSION lt-Me.

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