-Sell Person County TOBACCO In Person County And We All W01 Be Benefitted a ESTABLISHED 1881. PERSON COUNTY'S OLDEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER. UNDER SAME MANAGEMENT AND OWNERSHIP FOR 50 YEARS. Sell Your TOBACCO In Roxboro "No Better Market In The State" J. W. NOELL, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. J " HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT - v $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. VOL. LI. ?'*? . ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY" EVENING; OCTOBER 3, 1934. ^ . -NO. 40. e $33.85 Yesterday Market SeenteTo Be , Getting Stronger Each Day Opened High But Shows Gain Eivery Day; Many Farmers Averaging $50.00 BRING IT TO ROXBORO KS t a As reported In our last issue the market opened strong, with blocked sales, but notwithstanding this the j sales have been, good and prices j seem to be climbing to new heights. h day. For the four days last' k the market sold 400,000 pounds ,t an average of $29.00 for the week. On Monday the sales amuonted to 80,000 pounds and averaged $32.80. The sales yesterday were not so ^ heavy but the price was better, the average being $33.85. The ware- : housemen say they have never seen | better sales or more happy farmers, in fact every one is happy for it looks like that corner has been passed. We may be mistaken but we al ways thought it was a good time to sell when prices were good, and we know prices are good, better than' they have been since 1919?and many ; say they are higher today than at that time, for the quality is not so good as then. And we believe Rox- i boro is the best place to sell, be- \ cause here you can come in with J your load, sell, do your shopping and get back home the same day; and further, no market, either eastern, middle or old belt, is averaging | higher and you certainly will lose nothing by selling on your "Home Market." Bring it to Roxboro! ALLENSVILLE P.T.A. PROGRAM Improving the libary at Aliens-1 vill^high school is the topic select ed for discussion at the parent teacher meeting to be held on Thurs day evening at 7:30, at the Aliens ville school. Miss Cornelia Thomp son, ex-librarian. Mr. Jess Slaugh- ! ter, English teacher, and Mrs. S. T.! Slaughter, vice president, are to present short .talks, preoeding a general discussion conducted by j Mrs. W. H. Gentry, president. Ad- ; dltional features of the program in clude a novelty from the music de partment, a playlet by'the seventh grade, and light refreshments. The full program follows: 1. Song and prayer A' 2. Announcements 3. Unfinished and new business. 4. Discussion: Improving the Allens ville High School Library a. What a school library should contain. Cornelia Thompson b. Immediate objectives, Jess Slaughter C. Financing schemes thaj have worked, Mrs. S. T. Slaughter 5. What to do about It, Mrs. W. H. Gentry in charge 8. Popular songs. Jess Sliughter, Cornelia Thompson at the piano, 7. Playlet. Seventh grade, under di rection of Miss Htlma Ward 8. Refreshments. DEATH OF INFANT! John Andrew Currier, Infant son of Mr and Mrs. George Currier, of Ca-Vel Circle; died at Watts hos pital, Durham, Thursday afternoon at 3:10 o'clock. The baby was one of the Infant twin boys born to Mr. and Mrs. Currier several weeks ago. Fueral services were conducted from the home Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Interment followed In the Burchwood cemetery. Father Donelly. of Henderson, officiated. O. I. Prlllaman and J. J. Woody, of Boxboro, acted as pallbearers. Floral bearers were: Kitty Ellmore. Gus Deeririg, Jr., Marie Dcerlng, Betty Kane. Martha Boatwright, Martin Mlchle. Jr., Mary Lou Wag ner, Chris Wagner, Jr.. Andrew Wagner, Sarah Mangum, B. B. Man- j gum. Jr.". Sam Davis. Mllo Dixon. Kitty Parker, and Mary Lou and Patsy McDohlad. AVERAGES $55.00 When i farmer averages fljty dollars a hundred for tobacco It " aounds mighty good, but our friend. ?Mr. Rudd. made an average Monday at the Pioneer of flfty-flvet dollars a hundred. If this was his first' cur ings?as most of them all claim?we can put wonder what hifwUV average when he gets to ailing sotne of his real good tobacco. CA-VEL TEAM TAKE TRIP TO WASHINGTON Members Of Baseball Team See Yanks And Senators Play Three Games The following members of the baseball team of Ca-Vel went to Washington, D. C. the past week end to see the Yankees and the senator play a three series game, two on Saturday and one Sunday. It was their pleasure to see Babe Ruth In action for the last time as the "Bambino" wound up his base ball career with this season which was concluded for the Yankees in the games of this past week-end. The ball players making?the trip were: Tommie Crowder, Morris Briggs, Enos Slaughter, Carlton Slaughter, Howard Slaughter, Emmett Wil born, Claude Wilborn, Robert Pen ick, Howard Anders, Guthrie Gen try, Lester James, Humphries Ful ler, Percy Brandon, James Clayton, and Austin Boswell. Others who went but who were not members of the ball team were: J. H. Farrell, William Warren, W. G. Bradsher, B. B. Mlangum. Matt Dickerson, Jack Cozart, William Owens, Walter Walker, Rufus Buchanan, and Arch Walker. Besides seeing the baseball games this party went sightseeing in Washington as it was the first trip for some of the boys. The trip was made in a special bus chartered by Collins & Aikman Corp., and it was given, by them as an appreciation for the excellent showing made by the ball club in the seak>n Just closed. IS HONORED Mrs. W. F. Reade. wife of Wash ington F. Reade of Timberlake, now making their home in Detroit, Mich., has been given the honor to be the superintendent of the Mothers Jewels of Metropolitan Methodist Episcopal Church of Detroit, a children's or ganization of the Woman's Home Missionary Society. The Mothers Jewels has a membership of nearly three hundred children. Mrs. Reade is also a very lovely singer and gives her talent freely. . The Reverend fiferton S. Rice of Metropolitan M. E. Church of De troit, gave the baccalaureate ser mon class of 1933, of whfch Mrs. Reade's nelce. Miss Grace Tlllett, graduated. Sunday Rally Day At Presbyterian Church 9:45 A. M. At this time the Sunday School is to have its regu lar Rally Day service. An interest ing program has been prepared, by the teachers and students. All mem bers are urged to be present. 11:00 A. M. Morning worship. Subject: "The Importance of hav ing a goal." This Is the first of a series of sermons which the pastor expects to preach on "The Goal in Living." 6:45 P. M. Young People's League. It is hoped that this meeting will mark the beginning of a rally among our young people. A new plan of organization will be presented for the approval of the" young people. All are urged to be present. O-r? Two Neyroes Hurt In Crash Near Roxboro Willie Patrick and M. C. Vaughn, both Negroes," the former of Knox ville, Tenn., and the latter of Glas gow, Ky., were Injured Thursday night when the car irr which they were riding crashed in$p a tele phone pole, about two miles south of here on the Durham highway. Patrick was taken to Lincoln hospital, Durham, where his left tLtfit was set, it being brcflsf n In three places. Patrlcx was driving the car at the time of the accident. Vaughn escaped with minor cuts and bruises. HEAVY RAINFALL Mr. I. O. Abbttt. who keeps the record, says the first 20 days in September there wasjg rainfall of ten Inches: and since then there have been several pretty good showers. This Is a record for this section since Mr. Abbitt has been keeping tab on it. t 1 principals and Scene in Uncovering of Lindbergh'Ransom Money NEW YORK . . . Above is presented a picture review of the uncovering of $13,750 of the Lindbergh $50,000 ransom money and the arrest of the German carpenter, Bruno Richard H&uptmann, in connection with the crime. . . . Above, the Hauptmann home on the outskirts of New York City. Arrow points to garage where money was hid. . . . Below, left to right: Walter Lyle, gasoline station manager who took Hauptmann's auto license number when tendered a $10 gold certificate in payment for gasoline, later re sulting in arrest of Hauptmann. (Second) Dr. John F. Condon, the famous "Jafsie" who aided.Col.. Lind^ bergh in turning over the $50,000 ransom money. (Circle) Bruno R. Hauptmann. (Right) James M. Fawcett, New York attorney retained to represent Hauptmann by the carpenter's wife. 47,000 See St. Louis Beat Tigers 8 To 3 DIZZY DEAN TOO MUCH FOR MICKEY'S BOYS Medwick, St. Louis. Smacks Out A Homer In The Fifth, And Green berg, Detroit, Turns Same Trick In The Eighth Before a crowd of forty-seven thousand fans St. Louis Cardinals today defeated the Detroit Tigers in the first game of the World Series played on Navin Field in Detroit. Neither team scored in the first inning, but St. Louis scored twice in the second, and once in the third, once in the fifth with a homer by Medwick, left fielder, and four runs in the sixth to bring their total to eight. The De troit Tigers scored but three runs in the entire game, their scoring being so "well scattered that they never threatened after the first part of the game. Diz zy Dean pitched the entire game for St. Louis. The Tigers start ed with Crowder, relieved him in the sixth with Marbury, who was relieved in the same inn ing by Hogshead. He finished the game for the Tigers. Two home runs featured the game, one by Medwick for the Cardi nals and one by Greenberg in the eighth for the Tigers. LINEUP St. Louis Cardinals R H O Martin, 3b 1 "l 2 Rothrock, if ........ 0 1 3 Frisch, 2b 0 0 4 Medwick, If 2 4 2 Collins, lb 2 2 2 Delancy, c .. 0 13 OrsalU, cf t\. 12 2 Durocher, ss 0 0 5 J. Dean, p 2 1 2 . Total 8 12 25 Detroit Tigers r h o White, ct 1 0 3 Cochrane, c 0 ' 1 2 Gehrlnger, 2b 0 2 2 Greenberg, lb 2 1 2 GosUn, K *.. 0 1 3 Rot-ell, ss 0 1 4 Owen, 3b 0 0 4 Fox, rf 0 0 3 Crowder, p '... 0 0 1 Total 3 6^24 5 SCORE BY INNINGS ST. LOUIS 02101400* DETROIT 001001010 Umpired?Klem and Reardon, Na tional league; Geisel and Owens, American league. Starting time?1:30 P.M. (E.S.T.) THIS ISSUE DELAYED We pride ourselves on trying to be on time, but today we held back on account of giving the fans the base ball score. It is rather unusual for a weekly to give the result of the great game even before the afternoon pa pers, but nothing is too good, or too much trouble, 'for us when it will benefit our readers. REVIVAL SERVICES AT LONG MEMO'L The annual revival services of Long Memorial Methodist Church will begin next Sunday at the morning service. The pastor, Rev. J. P. Herbert, will preach the open ing service on Sunday morning and again in the evening. Rev. P. S. Love, Presiding Elder of the Raleigh district, wilt continue the services Dn Monday, continuing through the week and perhaps longer. A cordial welcome is extended to the public to attend these services. o Good Combination, Brains And Work Messrs. Charlie Pugh and Robert P. Burns sold a load, not a small pile or two, 610 pounds, at the Pio neer yesterday for $31936, averag ing $52.34. This was a good sale and they were highly pleased. Tills is evidence of what the combina tion, brains and work will do?but we are not saying how this combi nation is arranged, you do the guessing. DON'T OVERLOOK , THE PLANTERS Messrs. J. D. Perkins and Co. were proud of their sale Tuesday, many loads selling for an'average of $43. Mr. Jule Perkins says the Planters in Roxboro Is the place and he will personally look after every pile placed on his floor. Notice?Change in Date The regular business meeting of the Mary Hambrlck Missionary So ciety will be held tylonday after noon, Oct. 8th, at three o'clock, in stead of the following Monday. A lull attendance is urged. Mrs. Margaret L. Teague. GOOD SALE AT THE PIONEER The Pioneer averaged $34.SO for their entire sale Tuesday, with many individual averages "rilhning as high as $44.00. .John WInstead and Robert Hester say you will make no mistake when you sell with The Pioneer. Hunt For Friend of Suspect i Held In Kidnap Inquiry Police Want Mysterious Com panion Of Hauptm&nn On Lumber Yard Visit GERMAN IDENTIFIED BY WORKER IN YARD I Trenton, N. J., Oct. 2.?An un known friend of Bruno Richard Haptmann, who rushed to the "aid of the Lindbergh suspect when he aroused a lumber yard man's sus picions with a tit) gold note that may have been part of the ransom" money, today became the quarry of a police manhunt. 1 Hauptmann has been "positively Identified" from a photograph by William J. Rellley, the Bronx 1dm- , ber yard superintendent, as the man who tendered the gold banknote last February In payment, for a 40-oent wood panel. Col. H. Norman Sch I. (Continued on page five) .?I A GOOD INVESTMENT? Cost 35c; recovered $20.00; ? profit $19.75. Party lost $20.00 bill on the streets of Roxboro; Inserted, want ad at a cost of 25c and In a very short while the money was returned to The Courier office, just this lit tle notice: LOST?A $20.00 blU. Lost be tween postofflce and Leg gett's Store Monday morn ing about 8 o'clock Finder -please return to The Courier office and receive reward. If you have lost anything, want to sell something, or want to buy something, try a Want Ad in The Courier. JUDGE BROGDEN SPEAKS fO THE KIWAWS CLUB Speaks On Supreme Court And Its Fundamentals, De fending: The Court System Associate Justice Willis J. Brog den of Durham and Raleigh, for nine years a member of the Su preme Court of North Carolina, spoke to the Kiwanis Club and it's guests on Monday night in the reg ular meeting of the club. Judge j Brogden picked up the historical 1 thread in 1776 and traced the devel opment of the Supreme Court from that time until the organization of the court as it now stands under the constitution of 1868. He defend ed, where so many people have be rated, the court system in our state and nation. Judge Brogden point- | ed out that there was no more di- i rect way for a man to get Justice I than to go into the courts for an alleged wrong and seek retribution At the hands of the courts "that stand guard at his fireside at night, that surround his liberty and his property." His remarks, sprinkled with his original wit and humor throughout, were listened to with Close attention and were enjoyed by his hearers. In concluding his remarks Judge Brogden urged the Kiwanians and others who were present, to base their opinions of statecraft arid affairs of govern ment, not on hearsay or prejudice, but on profound thought and study. The ladies of the Methodist church served an excellent chicken dinner in the basement of the church. Guests for the evening were: Jus tice Brogden, B. T. Bumbardner, Mr. Davis of Durham, Dr. A. P. Nichols, John Tucker of Yanoeyville, F. O. Carver and R. L. Harris ROXBORO LOSES A GOOD CITIZEN We regret to learn that Mr. G. L. Allen, and his estimable family, will leave Roxboro and move to Hender son. Mr. Allen and his family have1 been living here for several years, in fact Mr. and Mrs. Allen were born and reared near Roxboro, and their many friends regret to si them leave. For several years Mr. Allen has been representing the Mu tual Benefit Life Insurance company, and has been very successful in the insurance business. He has accept ed a position with the American Agricultural Chemical Company of Henderson, and we congratulate the company upon securing so good a man as Mr. Allen. o 1ST BAPT. CHURCH On account of the absence of the pastor, Rev. W. F. West, Rev. j: C. McGregor, pastor of North Roxboro Baptist church, will preach Sunday j morning in the Baptist church. Mr.1 McGregor is well known in Roxboro and the people will hear him gladly. Owing to the revival services which will be in progress at the Methodist I church there will be no night ser vices at the Baptist church, o WINSTEAD HAS $36.85 AVERAGE I Our sale yesterday was one of the best, our average being 136.85 for i everything on the floor. Naturally i Messrs. Winstead, Chambers and Brewer are Justly proud of this sale, and say when you want the best' prices dont forget the Winstead. o Attend Masonic Meet ? Messrs. W. W. Morrell, J. J. Woody, C. A. Bowen, J. L. Duke, j and D. R. Taylor attended a Ma- | sonic meeting in Oxford Monday' night. Preaching ttt Belhaven Rev. W. F. West, pastor of Rox- I j boro First Baptist church, Is con-, ducting a revival this week at Bel-1 1 haven. He will be absent for a i week or ten days. NOW OPEN Marlon Scott Filling' StaUot). In tersection of Main and Laraarr Htreets. Texaco Gas and Oil, and j groceries. " ' I NEWNRJMRS TAKE OVER DUTIES OE HUGH JOHNSON Retiring Administrator And Donald Rich berg Shake Hands in Friendly Style JOHNSON DENIES ANY PERSONAL FRICTION Washington, Oct. 2.?In an at mosphere marked by the first hand shake in weeks between Donald R. Richberk, unofficial chief of NRA, and Hugh S. Johnson, its retiring administrator, the new governors of the Blue Eagle today began their task of reshaping Its control over industry. The industrial recovery board, newly-named by the President, was closeted in executive session four hours with Richberg, director of the policy shaping committee. The con ference ended without action. Then the-entire group paid their respects to Johnson, builder of the industrial code structure. It was the first meeting?and a smiling one? between Richberg and his old chief since their differences over reor gani^ion methods, generally cred ited with hastening Johnson's with drawal. -No Quarrel, "We had a friendly little chat over future NRA policies," Johnson said later. "We've had no disagree ment and all that talk about it is the bunk." u S. clay Williams, chairman of the new board, spoke for it at the end of a day's session. "We have been outlining for our selves Just what our job is," he said "We took no action. These discus sions will continue for several days." Richberg declined to discuss the meeting, emphasizing that "the board will speak for itself." "Chiseling," as Johnson expressed it, has long been recognized a ma jor threat to Blue Eagle, codes. The board was reported to be fully aware of this problem and to plan a_ painstaking ^survey of existing compliance machinery with an eye to a general tightening up. What such action might involve in the way of code amendments was ' not immediately evident. In any event, the recovery governors were determined on an "evolutionary" approach to their work . As To Salaries. Even the question of salaries for board members remained to be set tled. Johnson drew only $6,000 an nually until President Roosevelt personally boosted his pay in, mid summer to $15,000. Expert Hair Cutter Mr. Roy Richards of the Ellis Stone Beauty Shoppe. will be In Roxboro every Wednesday for the purpose of waiting on the ladles. He Is an expert in his line, and tells you more about It in an advertise ment in another column. U. D. C. MEETING The Person County Chapter of U. D. C. will meet Tuesday after noon, Oct. 9th. at 3 o'clock In the Woman's Club rooms. A full attend ance Is .urged as officers for coming year will be elected.?Pres. ?o?j . MAKES RECORD Miss Elizabeth Whltten, who en tered training in the Watts Hospi tal School of Nursing about fifteen months ago, is president of her class and is the youngest girl in her class to be in the operating room. o :?. RETURN HOME ? Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Knight and little daughter. Edrel. and Mrs. J. E. Daniel returned home Monday after spending about ten days vis iting the Century of Progress In Chicago. . BEST SALE YET While the poundage was not so heavy the Hyco made the beet sale It has. made this year yesterday. For everything on th