FROM THE DOOR STEP TO THE ROOFPEAK BUILDING MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS-LUMBER - CEMENT - BRICKS Whether you plan to build, remodel or repair in "modernizing your home we have first-class materials of all kinds for the job.... From the doorstep to the roofpeak we can offer you a wide selection in ma terials to use. ... You may use our plan books and learn in detail the exact cost of the materials needed. ... Our service includes the ability to select the proper materials to do the job at just the price you want to pay. Roxboro Lumber Co. Home of Quality Lumber SATURDAY, OCT. 6, 1934 L MAYONAISE SALE One Day Only' (Wilson's Savory) o 8 oz jar Mayonaise . . . 16 oz. jar Mayonaise . . 8 oz.j ar Relish Spread 8 oz. jar Dressing 16 oz. Spread 32 oz. jar Spread .1? A7 iar Drpssinor 11c 19c 9c 9c 16c 25c 9C/> A special demonstration will be made on this date. FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS Your orders solicited. SERGEANT S CLAYTON THE STA-KLEEN STORE ~ THE STORE THAT LEADS ALL INI END THEN HE SMOKED a CAMELI > You, too,in those momentswhen you feel tired,cross,dispirited, will find that Camels give you a delightful "lift" which quickly dispels fatigue and irritability. It's a "lift" which you can enjoy ?t will, for Camel's costlier tobaccos mtttr jangle the nerves. kGei a LIFT with a Camel!,? Hunt For Friend Of Suspect Held In Kidnap Inquiry (Continued from first page) warkzopf. state police head, revealed. When Reilley began to scan the gold note carefuly, Schwarzkopf re ported, the German carpenter's companion hurriedly said: "Never mind," and quickly' proffered the exact, change.. Hauptmann, who said nothing, tpok back his bank note and the men left in haste, not to return', as promised, for delivery of the1 wood later in the day. Not Identified. Isadore Plsch, as well as other known associates of Hauptmann. seemed to be eliminated as the German's companioned the lumber yard visit, for 8chwarkzopf said Reilley had been unable to identify the second man among the photo graphs of Hauptmann's known friends and acquanitances. The linking to Hauptmann of a mysterious companion who appar ently knew the former German ma chin? gunner was allegedly passing "hot" ransom money headed for the day a list of developments which included: ? More Developments. Announcement by Oov A. .Harry MOore that he. was satisfied from evidence available that "we can ? -4 convict" Hauptmann on a charge o murder and that New Jersey's in vestigations in the case would bi completed "in a few days." Disclosures by authoriative Nev Jersey sources that notations in i ; notebook found in Haptmanni ' Bronx home were considered as evi dence that the Oerman contracto: , wap_'dlrectly linked with the kid I napping. j Disclosures, by authoriative Nev j the Lindbergh kidnappers boldl] j spirited the baby away over thi ' main road leading to the Sourlan< Mountain estate, rather than througl the woods in back of the Llndbergl hoipe theft, as first believed. New"-. Jersey investigators, Co] Schwarkjcopf revealed, were in i rear room of the office pf the Cross Austin and Ireland lupiber yard ii the Bronx, "about February 14' last, when Hauptmann and his as soclate appeared in the front offlci I to arrange with Reilley for the pur chase of the wood panel. I The investigators were State Po "lice Detective Lewis Borman anc Arthur Koehler, wood expert, whi "happened" to visit the ^rard tha day in their efforts to trace the woo< used in the ladder down which thi kidnappers took the baby from hi crib. The wood was subsequently traced to another Bronx lumbei vard. the National Mill Work anc Lumber Company, where Haupt maun, doing odd jobs about the yard GOING and Coming WATKINS & BULLOCK "Everything To BuUd With" Misses Margaret Pearce, and Vic toria Garrett, Messrs. Gilbert an< Hubert Pearce spent the past'week end in Norfolk, Va. Miss Virginia Brandon of Chape Hill spent the week-end at home. Miss Isabel deVlamfng left Sun day for Roland where she will teacl this winter. Miss Helen Thompson left Satur day for Garfield Memorial Hospital Washington! D. C., where she wil enter training for a nurse. Mrs. Joe Howard of Washington I spent last week here guest of he: I mother, Mrs. Minnie Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Allgood spen t the week-end in Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Lane Patton o Washington, D. C., spent Sunda; here guests of Mrs. W. S. Calry. i Mrs. R. P. Burns and son, Bobby spent several days last week a Scottsburg, guests of Mrs. Burns mother. Mrs. E. V. BoatwrigKt spent sev jeral days in Richmond this week. Miss Eleanor Spriggs and Mr Walter Dodge spent Sunday at Pet jersburg, Va., with friends. | < Mr. A. P. Spriggs, of Williams burg, is spending some time heri with his family. | Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Malone spen 1 Sunday at Farmvtlle and Williams ton with relatives. Mrs. Wiley Winstead has return ed home from Watts Hospital. Mrs. W. C. Bullock and Mastei W. C. Bullock, Jr., spent Sunday a Warrenton, guests of Mrs. Bullock': mother, Mrs. Nannie Moore. Mr. and .Mrs. Joe Tucker ant daughter, Mary Jo, of South Boston spent Sunday here with Mrs. Tuck er's mother, Mrs. George Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. Charily Day ant daughter of Smithfield, spent th< week-end here with Mrs. Laura Day Miss Dodge, of Petersburg, Va., It spending this week here with hei brother, Mr. Walter Dodge. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Branson anc son,, Billy, will return to their home la Durham this week, after spending several months at their country home near Roxboro. Messrs. Gene Thompson and Sam uel Byrd Winstead spent the week end in Washington. D. C. They car ried Miss Helen Thompson with them, and she entered training In Memorial Hospital School of Nurs ing in Washington. Mr. Bill Perkins of Parmville, Va., spent the week-end with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Perkins. | Mrs. J. D. Perkins, who has been visiting in Richmond, Va., for the oast several weeks, has returned i home. Mrs. R. M. Long is confined to hei I home on North Main Street. At this writing she Is reported to be I resting comfortably. T Mrs. E. O. Thompson will leave this week for St.. Petersburg and Tampa. Florida, where she wii spend the winter. PRINCIPLE IS THE SAME r-inable. always, of turning edl torial paragraphs that demand at ' tent Ion, the Greensboro Dally New 1 edttorlla writers have set forth li 3 new emphasis the aDpalllng fact - about loss of life on North Carollnt r highways. Ten lives have been lost and score. Injured In our current textile strike ' and, as Tt)e News says, certain fun I' .damental rights are Involved, an< 5 the public Is perturbed and afraid 'There was talk last week of a stati of martial law In South Caro 1 llna: troops have been called ou i In this state. Ygl_year after year, we go on 1 killing nearly 1,000 persons on th< | highways. We call out no troopi 1 because of this. Here agfeln certain fundgmenta * | lights are Involved. They are th< rights of people who wish to worl and to live safely. 'They are tlx rights of the people to be safe fronr Irresponsible drivers welldlng th< t meanest, swiftest weapon of-, peaci > times?the speeding autonfbblle., t .Yet we do nothing about It. We d< i not even bother to license driven * as a means of learning why so manj * highway accidents occur. It seem! f to take something sensational. Uk< rjk stolke. to remind us that humar ' lfberfles do exist.?Shelby Star. 1 ( could hjre had access to It. THOMPSON-BRANDON S The following wedding announcer ment will be read with interest by the many friends of the contracting parties: Mrs. Bertha Lyon Thompson announces the marriage of her daughter Eddie Lyon * to Mr. Glenn "Card well Brandon on Thursday, twenty-sixth^ of July nineteen hundred and thirty-foUr Halifax, Virginia. Mr. and J?rs. Brandon will make their home heijp, where they have taken aparthiehts with Mr. and~Slrs. F_K McDonald. - MISS WII.BCRN ENTERTAINS * IN HONOR OF BRIDE-ELEoi' Miss Winnie Wllburn entertained at bridge last evening at her homo in honor of Miss Elizabeth Rogers, bride-elect of this month, and for mer classmate at Meredith college. Miss Wilburn was assisted in en tertaining by her mother. The guests were invited into the living room, where fall flowers and foliage formed a colorful background for the bridge tables. At the Con clusion of several enjoyable progres sions, the hostess presented the hol t der of the high score and the run ner-up with" attractive prizes, and the honoree a piece of silver in her pattern. Later in the evening. Miss Wil burn, assisted by her mother/served her guests a delicious salad course with tea and bon-bons. MRS. VICTOR KAPLAN IS BRIDGE HOSTESS . I Mrs. Victor Kaplan entertained at bridge at her home on North Main street Monday night. The entire t lower floor was decorated with beau . j tiful fall flowers. Three tables were arranged for the play. High score prizes went to Mrs. Ben Thaxton and Miss Ruth Lunsford. A delicious salad course was served, consisting of an egg and vegetable salad with hot rolls, frozen fruit jello with cake and hot chocolate. Little Miss Esther Walker assist ed in serving the guests. DAT-FOX At a quiet but impressive 6fcrd-? mony at the parsonage of the Meth odist church in Halifax. Va? Miss Vema Belle Day became the bride 51 of Ralph Guy Fox, Saturday morn lngt September 15th, at 11 o'clock. The rites were performed by Rev. C. C. Jones with only a few close friends witnessing the ceremony. The bride was lovely In a suit of [jblue crepe with matching accesso . ries. Mrs. Fox is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs ,E. T. Day. Mr. Fox is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fox, of near Roxboro, and he holds a posi ? ] tion with E. T. Day, contractor. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Pox left by motor for i a wedding trip to points of interest i in North Carolina and Virginia. They are making their home with, I the bride's parents on Front street. ENTERTAINS AT LUNCHEON Mrs. W. H_ B>ansdii'?ntertalned a few friends on Thursday morning i at a luncheon at her country home about five miles from Roxboro. Bridge was the game played at four tables for several hours after which scores werC counted and a lovely tortoise shell compact was awarded to Mrs. Curtis Oakley for high and Mrs. Sallie Morris was presented with a unique gift for low score. The hostess served a delicious two course luncheon. MITCHEI.L-O'BRIANT Mr. and Mrs. James Arthur Mit chell, of Ahoskie. wish to announce the marriage of their daughter, Mary Emily, to E. C. OBriant, of Roxboro, Saturday, September 29, 1934. in Richmond, Va. At home, Wilson, N. C. HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB Thursday evening, Miss Mary Hester was hostess to her bridge club and a few friends at her home on South Main street. The game was played at four tables which had been placed for contract. Hie club prize, a double deck of cards, was given to Miss Eglantine Merritt. Mrs. Burke Mewbome was given a bo* of dusting powder for the visi tor's prize, while to Miss Buchanan was given a newcomer's gift. RESEARCH CLUB MEETING The first meeting of the Research club for the coming year was held with Mrs. A. S. deVlaming as hos tess Wednesday afternoon. The meeting was presided over by the vice president, Mn. a. C. Davidson, in the absence of the president, Mrs. E. P. Dunlap. The club is studying current books for 1933. MRS. BO AT WRIGHT HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB TUESDAY Mrs. K, V. Boatwright was hostess to her bridge club Tu**d%y after noon. The women enjoyed the game at two tables. When the game had been concluded the high score ptfae. ? vase. went to Mrs.-J. D. K. Rich mond. MRS. MALONE HOSTESS TO HER BRIDGE CLUB FRIDAY Mrs. W. E. Malone was hostess to her bridge club Friday evening at her home on Morgan street. The game was enjoyed at two tables for several hours .and at the conclu sion of the play the scores gave to Miss Mary Harris the award for the club, and the visitor's prize was presented & Miss Mary-muster. 6 6 6 vs. MALARIA 666 Liquid or Tablets Checks Malaria in Three Days. Sure -Preventative WANT1 ADS WE WANT ALL the good "farmers to send us their seed wheat to clean free of all charges, as we want to help them -make a good crop of "wheat next harvest, and grind all they want for the best flour, which we are now grinding for everyone who brings us good wheat. And we also make the best water ground meal, ground on large Burr Stones driven by the best water power. This is the best way to make good, old time, heal thy, happy, family flour and meal. Also wholeTwheat flour. This is good enough to feed a kind, and all that he rules. Give us one lot of your grain so we can show you how good bread we can make for you. Yours truly, H. L. and W. A. Carver, I0-3-4t Rougemont, N. C. FALL IS HERE in earnest. What are you going to do with that fall hat? Bring It "to us and we will clean t.and block it like new. Even if you buy a new hat, you need two, one for business purposes and another for Sunday. See us to day. Roxboro Laundry Co., Kirby Brothers, Props. Phono J57 APPLES?Grimes Golden, Stark De licious, Smokehouse and other grades. Fresh vegetables. 5c lunch for school kids now open for business. Hobgood Fruit Store, opposite Wade Grocery Co. ltp DURHAM SCHOOL OF BEAUTY 1 CULTURE offers complete course la beauty culture. Very reasonable rates. Positions secured for all graduates. Write for particulars. Durham School of Beauty Cul ture, 109 Church Street, Durham, North Carolina. REGISTERED JERSEY HEIFER calf for sale at a reasonable price, also seed wheat. See C. R. Sherman, Timberlake, N. C. 2tp DON'T YOU THINK that the fall suit deserves a little considera tion? Have it cleaned and press ed before, you wear it after spend ing the summer put away. It will be much fresher and look much better. Roxboro Laundry Co. Kir by Brothers, Props. Phone 157. NEW DESIGNS, NEW CREATIONS in wall paper. Spring goods in now. D. C. MAY, Durham, N. C. 2-21-2mo FOR SALE?Bedstead, wardrobe and washing machine. Apply to Thad K. Jones, near Mt. Harmony school. HUGH WOODS is the place for ab ruzzi seed rye, seed wheat, oats, barley, vetch, clover and grass seeds, flour, ship stuff and all kinds of heavy and fancy gro ? ceries. Phone 79. I0-3-2t STEADY WORK ?GOOD PAY? Reliable man wanted to call on farmers in Person County. No experience or capital needed. Write today. McNess Co., Dept S, Preeport, 111. WANTED?A young lady or young man to go around with blind man selling various articles. Good pay and easy work. See George Hol aby, at Mrs. Maggie Day's resi dence. SEND YOUR LAUNDRY TO U8. Get into that habit this winter. We do them up right and the cost is reasonable, within the reach of everyone's pocketbook. Roxboro boro Laundry Co. Kirby Brothers; Props. Phone 157. FOB SALE?Coca-Cola barrels! $1.25 each, call early as supply Iff lim1 lted. Roxboro Coca-Cola Bottling Works, Roxboro, N. C. INTERIOR HOME PLANNING means more beautiful homes. Draperies, slip covers, pillows. Estimates free. D. C. MAY, Dur ham, N. C. 2-21-2 mo "Full Feeling" After Meals Here Is how' Thedford's Black Draught proved helpful to Mr. Archie W. Brown, of Fort Green, Fla. : "I havb taken Black-Draught when I have felt dull from over eating or eating too hurriedly," he writes. "Small doses right after meals rid me of gasee and heavy feeling. I am a great believer In Black-Draught." Thedford's BLACKS-DRAUGHT f furely Vegetable laxative '"CH1LDRI /"CHILDBIN LOT THB BTKUV* There Is A Reason For Every-Thing . The time of year is here and the condi tions are such, it will pay you to buy merchandise of better quality. You usually get what you pay for.' - If you buy them cheap, they look that way to..the discerning eye. We sell good things ' front ^head to foot for every member of jtjie family. It Will Pay You To Trade With Us. Try It. W ilburn & Satterfield In the heart of town, in front of the courthouse. The Record Shows THAT BUILDING AND EOAN INVESTMENTS ARE SAFEST We Solicit Your Savings on the Weekly or Monthly Installment Plan 50 cents per week will produce $200.00 $2.50 per week will produce $1,000.00 New Series Opens Early In July ROXBORO BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION J. S. Walker, Sec.-Treas. MEMBER FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK Tuesday's Average $36.85 ? NOW IS THE TIME TO SELL! ? Tobacco is highervYu>w than it has been this sea son. Our entire sale Tuesday averaged $36.85 per lundred. \ Here Are Some Of The Sales: F. H. Carver sold 778 pounds for $331.50, j averaging $42.66. Richard Holeman sold 300 pounds for $123.76, averaging $41.25. BRING-YOUR TOBACCO TO US! I. M. Brewer - S. B. Winstead - J. G. Chambers Winstead Warehouse Main Street Roxboro, N. C. "Carolina'* Greatest Event" RALEIGH, OCT. 8TH-13TH tN. C. State; 6 Gala Days Of Thrilling Entertainment AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITS LIVESTOCK EXHIBITS all mew Features' unocr DATING TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY nUlfdC ll A V III U AND THURSDAY Professional Auto Racing?Friday Winter Garden Revue Every Night DA V AND , _ NIGHT u GRANDSTAND ATTRACTIONS j , World Of Mirth Shows-on Midway ' '? THRII.I ING RIDES?20 SHOWS ' Friday, children's day?sati rday, farmers- dat

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