SALE OF FARM LAND Under the authority conferre upon me by that deed of truste* cuted, by Richard Bailey and wit _ Louisa Bailey, to nie as Trustee o February 20th, 1924, and recorde in the Person County Registry 1 r Book 5, Page i 221, default havta been made fn the payment of th bonds secured thereby and at tb request of the holder thereof, will on Monday, October 8th, 1934 sell at public auction to the high * est bidder for cash at twelve <12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse doo in RoxHoro, N. C., the followini land conveyed by said deed of trui to-wit: One tract containing fifteen ac res, more or less, situate to th North of the Roxboro and Aliens ville road, about three miles froi the town of Roxboro. Said tra< of land is bounded on the Nort by lands of John Ed Perkins, o the East by lands of Sam Wilsoi on the South by lands of Jorda: Bailey, and on the West by lane of Sam Wilson. This is that tra< of land deeded to Richard Baile by J. C. Pass by deed recorded 1 the office of the Register of Deec of Person County in Book 21, pag 369, reference to which is hereb made for full and accurate descrip tion of sa<d tract of land. Also one tract of land uontalnta ^fifty-four acres, more or less, si feuate, lying and being to the Nort ^>f the Roxboro-Aliensvllle roa< about three miles from the town c Roxboro, ~ in Roxboro Townshli -Icounty of Person, the same beta the place on which Richard Baile now lives, and being bounded on tb North by lands of Sam Wilson, o the East by E. E. Bradsher and / A. Burch, formerly Mon Robertso: place on the South by Jordan Ba1 ley, and on the West by Sam Wil son. On this tract there is a pric mortgage, same beh)g executed t the North Carolina Joint Stoc Land Bank of Durham, recorde in the office of the Register t Deeds of Person County in Pari Loan Book 1. Said sale will be made subjee to a first deed of trust on tract N 2 and subject to any unpaid taxe Purchaser will be required to Tie posifce- 10 pier cent-of?b4d-prjee a an evidence of good faith. This September 5th, 1934. R. P. Burns, Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE Under and by virtue of the term of that deed of trust executed b Willie Bryant and wife Bettie Bry ant on August 30th, 1933, to th undersigned Trustee, and recorde in Book 7, page 264, Register's Offic of Person County, default havin been made in the payment of th note secured thereby, and upon re quest of the holder thereof, I wil as Trustee, on Saturday, October 13th, 1934, a twelve o'clock Noon at the Court house door in Roxboro, North Care ~ lina. SeP to the highest bidder at pub lie auction for fash the followin described real estate, to-wit: , Lying in Roxboro Township, an being in that part of the Town c Roxboro known as Woodland Height it being Lots Nos. 33, 34, 36. 37 an 38 of Woodland Heights as shown b plat recorded in Register's Office c Person County, in Book 16, pag 1143, Lots Noe. 33 and 34 each front ling SO ft. on High Street; Lots Noe . 136, 37 and 38 each fronting 83 ft I on Broad Street. Also lots Noe. 7! d and 76 of Woodland Heights, eacl ?-1 of said lots fronting 52 ft. on Broat e. Street, these being the lots former a1 ly conveyed by J. J. H. Perkins anc d {A. J. Dixon. - See. deed from Perkim n to Dixon In Book 30, page 141, anc from Dixon to Hobgood, Book 30 page 147. Also deed from T. C Broolta. Trustee, to W. 8. Hobgood and being the lots conveyed to Wil lie Bryant by Roxboro Building & Loan Association. This September 13th, 1934. L. M. Carlton, Trustee. NOTICE SALE OF land;: ? IV Urftfer and by virtue'of the au thority conferred upon rue by a cer n tain deed of trust executed on the ;t, 2nd day of December, 1937, anc h duly recorded in the office of th< n Register of Deeds of Person Coun ty in Book No. 8, at page 53, de fault having been made In th< payment of the note secured by sale deed of trust and at the request o! I y the holder of said note and accord ing to the terms of said deed ol trust, I will on Saturday, Octobei 27, 1934, at 12 o'clock Noon, in front of the courthouse door, in Roxboro North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, the land conveyec In said deed of'trust, to-wit: Beginning at an iron stake J. B Barnett's corner on Lamar Street in the Town of Roxboro, Nortl Carolina, running thence with Bar nett's line in an Easterly directior Bradsher's line; thence with hei line in a Southerly direction 73 feet to a stake W. R. Woody's corner thence with Woody's line In t Westerly direction 172 feet tc Woody'-- corner on Lamar Street thence with Lamar Street in e Northerly direction 105 feet to thi beginning. This September 25, 1934. N. Lunsford, Trustee o SALE OF FARM PROPERTY Under the authority conferred upon me In that certain deed ol trust-dated October 25th, 1927, anc recorded In the Person County Reg j istry in Book 6. page 14. executec I bv Albert Thomas and wife, J&artlu j Thomas, to me as Trustee, default j having been m.'de In the payment 01 , the bonds secured thereby and at s | the request of the holder thereof ] y | will on - ! "MONDAY. OCTOBER 22nd, 1934, e at th courthouse door In' Roxboro d sell at public auction, to the high e , est bidder, for cash, at twelve (12 g o'clock noon, the following trac' e of land lying and being In Persor County, described as follows, to-wit BEGINNING at % rock on the olt Allensville and Five Ford roat southeast -corner of a school hous< lot near Harris Hill Baptist Churct (colored); thence North with schoo house lot line, thence East 70 yard to a comer in Harris Hill Churct lot; thence North with said Churct line and Henry Lawson and H. W Harris line to stump in Harris am B. Yancev corner; thence with B Yancey line to hickory in B. Yan cey and Joe Snow line; thenc< y | South with Joe Snow line U >f the old Allensville and Flv< :e | Fork road a planted rock, thenc" Palmer Stpne Works ALBEMARLE, N. C. Many disinterested parties tell us that they can go through a cemetery and point out PALMER'S MEMORIALS?THEY ARE THE BEST?The best is none too good for your departed loved one. If you do not know what to select, write us today, we have had more than t hirty years experience and believe we can help you. No obligation on your part. We have more than 200 nice memorials on our show yard at our new plant for you to select from. Come to see us. BE "POUND FOOLISH" IF YOU WILL, BUT FOR GOODNESS SAKE DON'T BE "PENNY WISE" And let a few pennies decide your choice between honest-to-goodness quality Flour and inferior grades that will barely pass and nobody enjoy. Ask for White Satin - Silver Leaf - White Rose It will be wise spending to pay a small differ ence if necessary and have bread that will satisfy. Take a small sack of DAN VALLEY to the folks at home for special bakings. Dan Valley Mills Danville, Va. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinr 'with said road to the beginning, containing forty nine acres, more . or less, flee deed from J. C. and J.i i C. Pass, Trustee, to W. T. Pass. 1 Purchaser will, at the sale, be re 1 quired to. deposit 10% of the bid ? price as an evidence of good faith. I 1 This the 31st day- of September, s 1934. - . 1 W. R. JONfeS. Trustee. NOTICE SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon us by a certain deed of trust executed by i Cy Winstead. *pd. wife, Mary Win stead, ..on the 1st "(lay of ,Mafth, j 19J9, and duly recorded in the o{-.\ pee of the Register qf Deeds of Person County in deed, of trust Book 3, at page 560, default having been made In the payment of the note secured by said deed of trust and as in said deed of trust pro vided, the undersigned administra tors of T. C. Brooks, trustee, will on Monday, October 8, 1934, at 12 o'clock Noon, in front of the court- j house door in Roxboro, North Caro- j lina, sell to the highest bidedr, for cash, the land conveyed in said deed ' of trust, to-wit: Lying and being in -^Roxboro Township, Person County, North Carolina, bonded on the North by the estate of J. A. Long; on the, East by the lands formerly owned by Geo. W. Barnett; on the South by heirs' of J. C. Clayton and on the West by lands oi J. S. W. Long, containing 63 acres, more or less,! and being the land sold and con veyed to Cy Winstead by Lester Clayton, administrator of Jim Clay ton. Also 1-4 undivided Interest In that certain tract of land lying and being In Person County, adjoining lands of John Harris, Will Carver, .lit- ? ?? Why Ligaid Laxatives I are Back in Favor The public is fast returning to thejise of liquid ? laxatives. People have learned that the right dose of a properly prepared liquid laxative will bring a more natural movement with-1 out any discomfort at the time, or after. The dose of a liquid laxative can be varied to suit the needs of the in dividual. The action can thus be regulated. A child, is easily given the right dose. And mild liquid laxatives do not irritate the kidneys. Doctors are generally agreed that senna is a natural laxative. It does not drain the system like the cathar tics that leave you so thirsty. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a liquid laxative which relies, on senna for its laxative action. It gently helps the average person's constipated bowels until nature restores their regularity. You can always get Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin at any drug store, ready for use. J. A. Long estate et al, containing 25 acres, more or less, and known as th& George Winstead place. This September 6, 1034. Mrs. D. L. Brooks, T. Carlyle Brooks, Admrs. o?? The 36 wheat growers in Burke County who signed adjustment con tracts wyre permitted to plant 461 j acres and actually planted 418 ac cording to final compliance figures. THE STRANGEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. An Intereatinc Article About the Mysterious Land of M-Znb in the Heart af the Sa hara, with Bare and Unusual Illus trations. Read About It in The American Weekly, the Magazine Distributed with the BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN, IaW of September 30. Buy your copy from your favorite newsdealer or news boy. ' The studio of Mrs. L. L. Turner, formerly at Ellis Stone & Co.'s two years, now located at Efird's De partment Store, fourth floor, where she will be glad to welcome former customers as well as new ones. 8 x 10 Photos J&1.Q0 each. Where three are or dered one" wilThe hand colored in oil free of charge. Porcelain Miniatures in .gold finished frames $5.00 and $6.00. We copy old photographs and enlarge from kodak films. The Photo Shoppe At Efird's D?pt. Store Durham North Carolina Onslow farmers continue to re joice over tobaccp prices and are paying taxes, back debts and gov ernmental loans. Eighty-seven bor rowers from the production credit association have fully repaid loans. Visitors to our Funer al Hpme are impressed fey the efficiency shown in every, detail of man agement and equipment. They are particularly pleased to learn that this efficiency lowers costs while at the same time provides an unusually fine quality of service. Visit us whenever in the neighborhood. i - h FUNERAL HOME Ambulance Service Anywhere Anytime Coming Attractions WILL'S CAREER BEGAN IN TENT The cattle business lost Will Rog ers as a seriously Interested parti cipant after he had spent a year with a circus in Australia. Will's latest Pox picture, "Judge Priest," will come to the Palace on Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 8-9th. I "Yes, sir, when I s-ome back from Australia I was an actor sure ! enough," the Oklahoman admits. . "Nothing could keep me from acting I after that. I guess I'd have acted , for nothing if I could have got paid (. for it.'-' E Youthful wanderlust took Rogers , to Australia and he joined the Wirth Brothers Circus as a means of paying expenses while "seeing the coifntr?." He did a roping and vaulting, act. \ V j George Wirth, co-owner of t?e" ? circus, saw his first motion picture t scene in the making whin he vis- ! j ited Rogers on the "Judge Priest" j . set at the Fox Film studio. It was j the first time Rogers and his ex j employer had met in 30 years. i LURE OF WOMAN ! PICTURED IN 'OF i HUMAN BONDAGE' ? I What is the secret of the strange ' power that coarse women so fre ? quently exercise over men? j [ Historians have pondered the j question, philosophers have argued ;! lit, and psychologists have made It SPECIAL SHOWS FRIDAY NIGHT AT 11:30 SATURDAY MORNING AT 10:30 Bis song of LOVE ECHOED IN HER HEART! :30 i A Fox Picture with Pat Faterson Nils /\stFier Herbert Mundin Harry Oreen Henry B. W^altbiall Produced by John Stone ? Directed by James Ttnlins x>x umi* upnu r naav ."Slgnt At 11:15; Picture 11:30. A dm. 26c. f Box Office Opens Saturday Morning 10:15; Picture 10:30. Adm. 10-Mc. j Morning Matinee 10:30; Afternoon 3:15-3,45; Even. 7:15-9. Adna 10-26<; V' . / V ?i . the subject of.learned tomes. And still the discussion rages, with the mystery as yet unsolved. Philip Carey, the medical student hero of Somerset Maugham's novel, "Of Human Bondage," believes that he has an answer. Every human be- j ing is in bondage to someone or Something, he thinks. That is the way he explains the hold a cheap, heartless girl has upon him. Leslie Howard creates the poig nantly human character of Philip , Carey in RKO-Radio's version of the Maugham novel, and Bette Davis plays the girl who shatters his ideals, mocks his manhood, and yeti holds him her helpless slave. Kay Johnson and Prances Dee portray women of opposite type who strive to free the man they both love from the bondage in which he is held. This intensely interesting drama comes to the Palace Friday, Oct. 5. From Thursday, Oct. 4 To Wednesd'y. Oct. 10 Thursday, Oct. 4th Zazu Pitts, Slim Summerville with Kay Johnson, Bruce Cabot, Ralph Morgan, Julie Haydon in "Their Big Moment" Broadway Brevity "Service With A Smile" No morning matinee. Special La daies matinee 3:15: Two for price of one-26c. Even. 7:15-9. Adm. 10-26C. Friday, Oct. 5th Leslie Howard with .Bettie Davis Frances Dee in W. Somerset Maoghan's Gripping Story "Of Human Bondage" Episode Np. 11 "Vanishing Shadow" Scrappy Cartoon "The Auto Show" Morning matinee 10:30, afternoon 15-3:45: 3:15-3:45; even. 7:15-9. Adm. 10-26c SPECIAL SHOWS FRIDAY NIGHT AT 11:30 SATURDAY MORNING 10:30 "Pat" Patfrson, Nils Anther, Herbert MundJn, Harry Green in "Love Time" Radio Cartoon "Century; M Piogicas For 1934" Box office opens Friday night 11:15. picture at 11:30. All seats 26c. Box office opens Saturday morning 10:15, pifcture at 10:30. Adm. 10-28c NOTICE T O OUR PATRONS All ladies attending the Palace Theatre during the week of Oct. 8th, are request ed to register in the lobby be fore entering. This includes all over six'years of age. How ever, it is most important that no one registers more than once. * We shall appreciate your cooperation in this connection. Asther Says Lights Fade Studio Eyes ? Nils Asther says he doesnt par- 1, tioularly care whether anyone be- , lieves this?but it's true anyway, i He says his eyes were once black.:. But since he has been working un- , der the strong lights used in motioi picture studios they have becom< gray-green. He insists the light have faded them. Asther was selected by Pox Filn as the player to portray the charac ter of Franz Schubert in "Lovi rime," which comes for Specia Shows Friday night and Saturdaj morning at the Palace. o NEW VILLIAN The newest recruit to the legior Df Hollywood's smiling villians is Arthur Pierson, who was selected tc play a role in Paramount's "Yoi Belong To Me," coming Wednesday Oct. 10, to the palace Theatre, witt Lee Tracy, 'Helen Mack, and Heler Morgan in the featured roles. Pierson was selected, after ar exhaustive search of available play ers by Director Alfred Werker, t( play the part of the handsomf vaudeville actor who must senc Helen Mack to her death in the pic i ture and be cruel to her little son, - played bf David Jack Holt. 5 0 i Oland A 'Natural' ji For Charlie Chan i! ??? There isn't another actor on the stage or screen capabel ol playing stage or screen capable of playing detective, with the conviction of Warner Oland. This is the unqualified opinion of I Eugene Forde, who guided the fllm ' ing of Chan's newest screen prob ' lem, "Charlie Chan In London," 1 which comes to the Palace Theatre on Saturday, October 6th. "Their Big Moment," mystery thriller starring Zasu Pitts and Slim Summerville, comes to the Patace -1 Theatre Thursday, Oct. 4. Other ) players include Kay Johnson, Julie > Haydon. Ralph Morgan, Bruce Ca 1 bot, William Gaxton. Tamara Geva ? and J. Huntley Gordon. MONDAY and TUESDAY, OCT. 8-9TH Who is Judee Priest? "The figures in this story are familiar ghosts of my own boyhood. The War between the States was over, but its tragedies and comedies haunt ed every grown mans mind, and the stories that wfere swapped took deep root in my mem ory. Down yonder there was one man I ca&e especially to admire, for lie seemed typical of the tolerance of that day and the- wisdom of that almost vanished generation. I called him Judge Priest and I tried to draw reasonably fair likenesses of him and his neighbors and the town in which he lived. Let Irv:n S. Cobb tela you Saturday, Oct. 6th Warner OLand wtth Drur Leyton. Raymond MJUand. Mona Barrie In "Charlie Chan in Lon , don" Radio Cartoon "Old Maid's Mistake" Terryt'n Car t "Owl and Pu?y Oat" Continuous -Shows Starting at 2:30. Admission:, 10-26c. Mon.-Tues., Oct. 8-9, Will. Rogers with Tom Brown, Bo chelle Hudson. Stepln Fetchitt In Irrln 8. Cobb's "Judge Priest" Kin* Sogkrw Com. "Mjagtc Mummy.' PARAMOUNT SOUND NEWS Morning matinee 10:30. afternoon 3:15-3:45. No matinees Tuesday. Evenings 7:15-9:00. Adm. 10-26C Wednesday, Oct. 10th i Lee Tracy. Helen Mack in "You Belong To Me' Son* Hit "Manhattan l ullaby" Melody Masters: JoHy Good Fellows .?? Morning matinee 10:30, afternoon " 15-3:45; 3:15-3:45; evening: 6:45-8:15-9:15. | ? Admission 10c. .<? A FOX Picture with BROWN ANITA LOUISE ROCHELLf HUDSON HENRY B. WALTHALL OAVID LANDAU .w STEPIN FETCHIT Produced by Sol M. Wurtttl , Directed by Job, Ford J ADM18SIO; 5NO MATINEES TUESDAY; EVENINGS 7:15-1 :M. NOONH3XJV 33NIXVW 9N1NMO; N IS-Mo.

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