NOTICE SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon us by a cer tain deed of trust executed by Eu gene Jeffries and wife, Idell Jeffries, on the 2nd day of May, 1922, and duly recorded in the office of the Register' of Deeds of Person County in deed of trust Book 4, at page 506, default having been made in the payment of the note secured by said deed of trust and as in said deed of trust provided, the undersigned administrators of T. C. Brooks, trustee, will on Wednesday, Novem ber 21, 1934, at 12 o'clock Noon, in front of the courthouse door in Roxboro, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder, lor cash, the land conveyed in said deed of trust, to wit: Lying and being in Aliensville Township, Person County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of E. J: Jeffries et al, and. bounded as follows: Beginning at a stone Jeff ries' corner; thence North 88 de grees 30 minutes West 3106 feet to a stone heap; thence North lp de grees 30 minutes East 2244 feet to the old Lawson corner; thence with H. L. Bum pass' line South 88 de grees 30 minutes East 1700 feet to the old Bumpass comer; thence still with BumpasS' line South 30 degrees 15 minutes East 2665 feet to the beginning, containing 125.29 acres, more or less, b This October 20, 1934. Mrs. D. L. Brooks, T. Cai-lyle Brooks, Admrs. SALE OFl LAND NORTH CAROLINA, PERSON COUNTY. Under and by virtue of the au thority contained In that certain deed of trust executed by B. E. Mitchell et ux. and wife to the un dersigned trustee, on the 24th day of March, 1932. and recorded in Book 8, page 338, securing the note therein described, and default hav ing been made in the payment of said note, as therein provided, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale and SELL for CASH, to the HIGHEST BIDDER, at the COURT HOUSE DOOR in ROXBORO, N. C., at NOON, Saturday, the 17th day Of NOVEMBER, 1934, all of the property fully described in said trust deed and being particularly de scribed as follows: TRACT NO. 1. A three-fourths individed interest in the Woodsdale Roller Mill's property, lying and be ing in Woodsdale Township, Person County, BEGINNING at a spike in the Norfolk & Western right of way on the West side of said right of way; thence Westerly 70 ft. to a stake; thence in a Northerly direc tion 225 ft to a stake; thence Easterly 70 ft. to the right of way of the Norfolk & Western Railway Company; thence in a Southern di rection with the said right of way DR. R. J. PEARCE Optometrist Eyes Examined? ?Glasses Fitted Thoraaa A Carver Building Roxboro. N. C. MONDAYS ONLY 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. 225 ft. to the BEGINNING on which lot la built a mill house three and one-half stories with basement, together with all mill machinery, fixtures and outfit used by said Woodsdale Roller Mill In the oper ation of said Dlant. TRACT NO. 2. That certain lot of land lying In Woodsdale Town ship, person County. BEGINNING at the comer of R. P. Brooks on the Norfolk & Western right of way; I thence Westerly with Brooks & Robertson's line SOD ft. to an Iron stake; thence Southern. 180 ft to an iron stake; thenbe Easterly 300 ft. to an iron stake in line of the Nor folk & Western right of way; thence Northerly with said right of way 180 ft to the FIRST STATION, con taining 1 1-8 acres. This the 16th day of October, 1934. L. M. Carlton, Trustee. Business Directory If you are In doubt as to where to find anything look over tills'list The advertisers In this space are all reliable and yon win make no mis take when you patronise them. If yon do not find what you are looking for here come to The Courier office and we wiU give yon the informa tion desired. J.-T. BRADSHER Plumbing and Heating Office on Reams Avenue Phone 14 G. B. MASTEN Painting and Paperhanging Good Paint Applied By Good Painters Produces a Good Job GEO. W. KANE BUILDER - CONTRACTOR "No Job Too Big?None Too Small.", Carolina Power & Light Co. Home-Life Made Easlei Ask the lady who has an Electric Range. Ham brick, Austin & Thomas DRUGGISTS Hollingsworth's Unusual Candies. Penslar Remedies, School Books, Shaeffer's Fountain Pens. We would like to be yoqr Druggist. Sergeant & Clayton "The Sta-Klean Store" PVone Us Your Orders. . We Deliver Promptly. HARRIS & BURNS BARGAINS Everything from head tr foot for men. women and children. "Roxboro's Best Store" Roxboro Lumber Co. Buy It From Us And Bank The Difference "Home Of Quality Lumber" Wilbnrn & SaHerfieltl RoThoro's Dependable Store "It wm Pa* Ton To Trade With Us?Tr* It" Palmer Stone Works ALBEMARLE, N. C. Many disinterested parties tell us that they can go through a cemetery and point out PALMER'S MEMORIALS?THEY ARE THE BEST?The best is none too good for your departed loved one. If you do not know what to select, write us today, we have had more than thirty years experience and believe we can help you. No obligation on your part. We have more than 200 nice memorials on our show yard at our new plant for you to select from. (Dome to see us. CHEAP FLOUR CAN ALWAYS BE HAD, BUT IT IS USUALLY HIGH AT ANY PRICE Flour in your one best food and should be rood. Be fair to yourself and try: ? ' DESOTA SILVER LEAF WHITE ROSE Every sack of these brands guaranteed, and guaranteed to be GOOD and SATISFACTORY. A* the man whn offers you loir -priced Inferior grades If he will do as much. ' Dan Valley Mills Panville, Va. NOTICE SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon rue by a cer tain deed of trust executed on the 2nd day of December, 1927, and -1 duly recorded in the office of the 1 Register of Deeds of Person Ooun ! ty In Book No. 8, at page 52, de s fault having been made In the , deed of trust and at the request of [the holder of said note and accord ing to the terms of said deed of trust, I ? will on Saturday, October 27, 1934, at 12 o'clock Noon, in front of the courthouse door, In Roxboro, North Carolina, sell to the highest ! bidder, for '.ash, the land conveyed in said deed of trust, to-wit: Beginning at an iron utaka J. B. Barnett's corner' on Lamar Street in the Town of Roxboro, North Carolina, running thence with .Bur nett's line in an Easterly direction j 172 feet to a stake Miss Eugenia [Bradsher's line; thence with her [line in a Southerly direction73feet to a steke W. R. Woody's corner; thence with Woody's line In a Westerly direction 172 feet to Woody's corner on Lamar Street; thence with Lamar Street In a Northerly direction 105 feet to the beginning. This September .*5, 1934. N. Lunsford, Tn'stee. o I Administrator's Notice Having qualified as administrators of the estate -of?Mrs. Mary Hall Nichols, deceased, late of Person' County, North Carolina, this Is to notify ail persons having claims sgalnst the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to undersigned on ar before the 10th day of October, i 1935, or this notice wUl be pleaded i In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please stake Immediate payment. This the 10th day of October 1934. Dr. A. F Nichols, Willie Nichols. Administrators. ? ,?o Administrator's Notice Having this day qualified as Ad ministrator of Mrs. I. E. Bray, de ceased, late of Person County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or oefore the 3rd day of October, 1935, or this notice will -be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons In iebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This October 3rd., 1934. Shirley Bray, Administratrix. Notice Sale Of Land Under and by vitrue of an order of the Superior Court of Person County; made In the special pro ceeding entitled Sula Bowen et al, Ex Parte, It being a proceeding for the sale of the Elizabeth Huff land, the undersigned commissioner will on Monday, the 12th day of Novem ber, 1934, at twelve o'clock Noon, In front of the courthouse door in Roxboro, North -Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash. that certain tract of land lying and being in Mount Ttrzah Township, Person County, adjoining the lands of Mollie cothran et al, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Bounded on the North by the lands of Mollie Cpthran; on tfee Bast by the Granville County line or the lands belonging to the estate of George Sherman; on the South by the lands of Oscar Oakley and on the West by the lands of George Oakley, containing 112 acres, more or less, and known as the Elizabeth Huff place. This October 10, 1934. Charlie Suit, Commissioner. o Administrator's Notice Having this day qualified as Ad ministrator of the estate of Mattie Morton, deceased, late of Person County, this is to notify all pers<yis holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before October 3rd, 1935, or this notice will be pleaded in Bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make. Immediate payment. This October 3rd., 1934. Hubert S. Morton, Administrator. RE-SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the pow ers contained In that deed of trust executed to the undersigned Trus- j tee by Mrs. I. E. Bray on March 7th,! 1932, and recorded In Book 6, page 522, Office of Register of Deeds of Person County, default having been made in the payment of the note tecured thereby, end upon request if the holder thereof, I will on Monday, October 29th, 1934, at welve o'clock Noon at the Court rouse door In Roxboro, North Caro lna. Sell to the highest bidder at pub ic auction for cash the following iescribed real estate, to-wit: One certain tract of land situated n Cunningham Township, Person. 3dhnty, North Carolina, and de cribed as follows, viz.: Being the ope xact of land conveyed by J.' M. 3ray, deceased, to the said Mrs. I. E. Bray and of record In the- Office if the Register of Deeds for Person bounty, North Carolina, in Book 34, page 137, which description Is [fully set. out and 1* asked to be taken as a part of this deed as If ; fully set out herein, said tract con taining 24 acres, more or leas. Present boundary of said tract of land as follows: on the East by W. ' A. Turner and T. H. Owen;, on the North by Faulkner lands'; on the West by Acy Brandon Home Place; on the South by land called Spen cer Place and Mrs. I. E. Bray home ! lot that she now lives on. By reason oi an increased bid since former sale bidding at re-sale will begin at $275.00. This' October 11 1934. L. M. Carlton, Trustee. ?VEN though moderately, priced, our Service is complete in every detail. Professional pride permits no other course. You must be satisfied. SPENCER'S FUNERAL SERVICE SINCE 1*10 NIGHT PHONE 47-D DAY PHONE 47-M AMBULANCE SERVICE **THE COST IS A MATTER OF YOUR OWN DESIRE" Coming Attractions At The Palace From Thurs., -Oct. 25 To Wednes.t Oct. 31 Thursday, Oct. 25th Ida Lupino, Richard Arlen, Mar jorie Ram beau in "Ready For Love" Mickey McGuire Comedy "Mickey's Tent Show" No Matinee Thursday Morning. Spe cial Ladies Nfatinee 3:15-Two for price of dhe-26c. Evening 7:15-9:00. Admission 10-26c Friday, Oct. 26th Judith Allen, William Haines, John Miljan, Ted Fio Rito and Orchestra "Young and BeautifuT" Episode No. 2 "Mystery Squhdron" Willie Whopper Cartoon "Rasslin' Around" SPECIAL SHOWS FRIDAY NIGHT AT 11:30 . j SATURDAY MORNING 10:30 Edmund Lowe, Ruth EtUng, Gloria Stuart, Phil Raker, Paul Lukas, Chester Morris, Binnie Basnes and many other stars in "Gift Of Gab" '* i AU Star .Comedy "Movie Daae" Box affloe opens Friday night 11:15, picture at 11:30. All seats 26c. Box office opens Saturday morning 10:15, picture at 10:30. Adm. 10-26c Saturday, Oct. 27th BOB STEELE IN "Demon For Trouble" Soglow King Comedy "Knife Of The Party" Vitaphone Cartoon "Miller's * Daughter Continuous Shows Starting at 2:30. i Admission: 10-26c. Mon.-Tue., Oct. 29-30 j Mae West with Roger Pryor, John Mack Brown, Duke Ellington's Or chestra in "B?.lle of the Nineties" Soglow King Com. "Sinister Stuff" PARAMOUNT SOUND NEWS ! Morning matinee 10 :'30," afternoon : 3:15-3:45. No matinees 'Tuesday Evenings 7:15-9 00. Adm.. 10-26c Wednesday, 'Oct. 31 st Claude Rains, Margo, Whitney ' Bourne-in Crime Withcut Passion ^roadway Brevity "Policy Girl" Morning matinee 10:30, afternoon 3:15-3:45; evening: 6:45-8:15-9:15. -? Admission 16c. ? 'Honeymoon Pilot W?f Hollywood in Feature Whenever the" front pages of the nations newspapers chronicle "Screen Star Elopes In Plane," the reader majf almost be sure that the pilof of the plane was Paul Mantz, who has earned the "nom de plane" of "The Honeymoon Pilot." and his "ship" is known In fllmdom as the "honeymoon express." Paul Mantz and his "honeymoon express" plane re-enact one of their screenland elopements in "Young and Beautiful," the Mascot Picture featuring the 1934 Wampas Baby Stars, playing at the Palacp Friday,' Oct. 26th. . , Edmund Lowe Groom Again in 'Gift of Gab' One of the surprising facts un- , earthed during the making of Unl- ] versal's "Gift of Gab," the hilarious : and yet dramatic story of the sen- 1 sational rise and fascinating loves 1 of a radio announcer, coming for 1 Special Shows Friday night and Saturday morning, at the Palace : Theatre, is thajt Edjnund Lowe, star ji of the production, has been married, 1 no less than thirty times! - * j: The Rev. . Neal Dodd, Holly wod pastor, jjtho performs the ceremonies in and out of motion pictures for residens of the film community, has wed him to Lois Moran five times, and to Colleen Moore, Florence Vidor, Corinne Griffith, and Dolores.Del Rio, among others. These have been Just screen marriages, however. ? "In "Gift of Gab," Lowe is mar ried to Gloria Stuart, playing oppo site him', in a radio station, with famous stars of screen, radio and stage taking part in the ceremonies The event takes place In station "WGAB," with America listening in at millions of radio sets. Lowe, who talks himself into and out of both'jobs and love several times during the picture, is Amer ica's 'ace" radio announcer. Among those, who play parts in the picture, which is rich in the latest and most fascinating songs. Ruth Etting, Phil Baker, Ethel Waters. Graham Mc Namee, Alice O'Connell have lead ing roles. , GOOD "SHOWS AT THE ^ALACE MONDAY AND TUESDAY, OCT. 29-30th FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26TH m* 7A.VMMMIS I mm sinus lUUIUl nnD Binummv ' JOSEPH CAWTHORN WILLIAM HAINES JUDITH AUEN JOHN MILJAN SHAW AND 1(1 ? Y VINCI RARMITY ? ANORI RfRANOfR ./VRANKtlN RANOS ORM ? RAY MAYIR . KO USTIR'S MOllVWOOD SINOIRS THI^UOSON,MCTZOIR C wmonauy sumvwo tr nat ? ? ? The Gal With The Hour- ! Glass Figure That Makes | Every Second Count . . . In The Picture The Whole Country Is Talking About! //' BEL L E OF THE NINETIES /J with AOGpR PRYOR John Mack Brown Duke Ellington's Orch. A Paramount Fleturt: Presented by Adolph Zukor Directed.-by 'Leo McCarey i i .. -? . ; Mcrninc Matinee 19:30: Afternoon 3:l?-3:45; Evening 7:15--9:99.' 1 - Admission 10-26c. / ?? " - Sforning Matinee 10%30; Afternoon 3s 15-3:45; No Matinees Tuesday; Evenings 7": 15-9:N.' Admission 10-26c. Hear Ma* ting Ihlti song* to th* lyntopoting accompaniment of Duke Ellington's Orchestra "My Old FUnne"..." Troubled Waters. ."When a St. louis Woman Comes Down to New Orleons .."Memph'n Blues" "My American Beou? ' I

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