THE COURIER, A SEMI - WEEKLY DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF PERSON COUNTY AND HER PEOPLE. has he been remarkably successful along the lines of his office, but he has done much to awaken the progressiveness of the citizens of the town. Jt is ftit that .c of the twv in,;n said "Wc want negro," ??.!"!??? teJ 'ng Mebane that they knew he was secretly liar&oring a negro alleged to have assaulted Mrs. W'lson. Negro was Released Mebane's mind worked fast and ef fectively. He saw at a glance that as lailer he was coping with a force of men who could run riot on a mistake. He told the leaders that it was true that the previous day he had arrested Joe Corbett, of Burlington, a negro suspected of the crime, but that Mrs. Wilson and her husband with Chief of Police Stanford, of Burlington, had come here soon afterwards, the wo man being certain that the suspect was not the man wha had attacked her. Her assailant was coal black. The suspect was ginger cake and did not have the heavy shock of hair which further was a predominant character istic of the wanted man. These things did not impress the mcb. "We want him" came a voice out of the sultry darkness. "You can't get into this jail," firm ly replied Mebane, who admits he did not have a shooting iron with him. "I wonder why the hell we cant" piped a voice from the menacing crowd. Mebane saw quickly what was hap pening, the dangeroifc half moment between a combined assault. Inspection Snjrxrestad "If you all don't believe me," said Mebane. "I'll tell you what 111 do. You select two of your crowd to come with (Continued On Page Eight) Attend American Legion Convention The following men from the Lester Blackweil Post of the American Le gion attended the convention of the North Carolina Department in session at Fayetteville the first of this week: Robert Whitfield, Fletcher Carver, Kenneth Long, Early Gill, J. Lester Clayton, Ira T. Wade, C. C. Garrett, W. Roy Cates, Frank Whitfield, Dr. B. A. Thaxton, and Dr. O. G. Davis. Democrats Will Keep Ml Riders Out Of Tax Bill Senator Robinson Announces Decision In Effort To Hasten Adjournment PUTS END TO MOVE FOR VOTE ON BONUS And CntTies Bonus Issue Forward As Major Item At Next Session; Re publican Leader Sees Disposition To Expedite Tax Bill And Send Legis lators Home Washington, Aug. 6. ? Senate admin istration forces agreed today upon an effort to outlaw "riders" to the wealth tax bill and to speed adjournment by resort to debate-choking tactics. The decision announced by Senator Robinson, the Democratic leader, ap parently cast the bonus issue as the curtain-raiser for next January's ses sion and started rumblinbs of opposi tion among Senate inflationists. Borah. (R.Ida) said "no" when asked about a flllibuster, but said "there may be full discussion." Quickly after the Democratic agree - (Continued On Page Eight) o BY WAY SKYLINE DRIVE Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Satterfleld and children, Buster, Marie, and Gerold ine; Mr. and Mrs. Jno. R. Jones, Annie Sue and Victor Jones, also Jewell Fogleman have returned from a two day trip through the Valley of Vir ginia, Natural Bridge, Endless Cav erns. etc., returning by way of the Skyline Drive, a wonderful scenic Nat ional driveway high up on the crest of the Blue Ridge. PITTSBURG VISITORS tIERE Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Street and daugh ter, Miss Alta Street, of Pittsburgh, Pa , are visiting Mr. Street's sister, Mrs. J. D. Morris and two brothers, Mes srs. K. L. and N. H.- Street. Mr. Street is an old Person county boy, a son of the late Mr. T. H. Street, and Is anoth er one of our boys who has made good in his adopted home. He has been liv ing in Pit tsburgh for many years. If ? Good Quality Tobacco Offered With Heavy Breaks And Satisfactory Sales Lumberton opened its tobacco mar ket today with heavy breaks of tobacco being offered for sale. Prices ranged from five to thirty-five cents with the general average being twenty cents. Tobacco offered for the opening sales was high color, good quality weed. Information received here stated that sales were satisfactory. Just a week ago the Georgia mar ket opened with an average that was estimated at a little better than twen ty cents.' According to reports tobac co in eastern North Carolina is not up to standard, and to this may be at tributed the slight decline in prices on the opening of the border market un der -the general average of the Geor gia tobacco sale. Lumberton is one of the largest mar kets in the border belt, and it is felt that the prices paid for the golden weed there indicate the general price range in the belt. Last year Lumberton opened with an average that ranged from twenty to twenty-five cents, but, undoubted ly the quality of tobacco offered marks the difference in this year's price as compared with those of a year ago. Slowly the hand creeps upward, nor will it be long until we hear the famil iar cry of the auctioneer and the rum ble of trucks on warehouse floors in our midst. Indications point toward good prices in this belt this season. 0 Attended District Masonic Meeting Some fifteen members of the local Masonic Lodge attended the district meeting held at the Oxford Orphan age Tuesday. The high light of the session was an address by Grand Master Charles B. Newcomb of Wilmington, N. C. Supper was served ali guests on the grounds of the Orphanage. About one hundred- and fifty took advantage of this meeting to visit the Oxford lodge, look over the Orphanage and hear the Grand Master. o Daniels Elected Commander For Coining Year Business Manager Of News And Observer Named Without Opposition 1936 CONVENTION TO BE HELD IN ASHEVILLE Joseph us Daniels, Jr. was elected to head the North Carolina department of the American Legion, succeeding Hubert Olive, at the annual conven tion held in Fayetteville August 4 through 6th. Not a trace of opposition developed throughout the convention and the election. Mr. Daniels, the son of Ambassador Joseph us and Mrs. Daniels, this coun try's representative to Mexico and Secretary of the Navy under Wood row Wilson, is forty-one years of age, married, with one son, Edgar Poster Daniels. He is the Business Manager for the News and Observer. Upon the entrance of the United States into the World War Mr. Dan iels enlisted in the Marine Corps as a privatf and rose to the rank of cap tain. He served a year overseas with the 13th Marines and was aide to Gen eral Smedley Butler. Since the formation of the* Legion he has been active in its affairs, be ing a past commander of Raleigh Post No. l, and for several years he was chairman of the Legion's Luncheon club in the State Capital. He has at tended several national conventions as a delegate from this state, and has al so been delegate from the Raleigh post to several state conventions. - Mrs. Daniels was Miss Evelina Fos ter McCauley of Nashville, Tenn. She is a member of the Raleigh Unit of the American Legion Auxiliary. Their son Is a charter member of the Ral eigh Chapter of Sons of the Legion. . o ? Lord Baden-Powell hails gains of Scout movement in u. S.