For The BEST PLACES To TRADE Read The ADVERTISEMENTS In The COURIER! ?ljc Hoxboro Courier ESTABLISHED 188L PERSON COUNTY'S OLDEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER. UNDER SAME MANAGEMENT AND OWNERSHIP FOR 50 TEARS. For A HIGH PRICE Bring Your TOBACCO To The R O X B O R O TOBACCO MARKET! J. w. NOELL, EDITOR VOL. LII. HOME FIRST, ABROAD NEXT $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. (Monday and Thursday) ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1935 (County Correspondents Solicited) NUMBER 70 Three Negroes Are (aught With Stolen Goods Saturday Lodged In Jail By Officers Pending Hearing. Wilburn & Satterfield Victimized Three negroes, John Edward White, Jr., Andrew Lowrey and John Evans were lodged in jail Saturday, charged with larceny of two boxes of under wear from Wilburn and Sattrfleld, lo cal merchants. It is understood that a pair of pants was also taken by one of the negroes, but they were recovered before the men left the store. A truck operated by John Edward White, jr., and alleged to be owned by John White, negro of Durham, crashed into the car of Walter Mor ris of Woodsdale, N. C. on Hotel St. here. The negro abandoned his truck after the wreck, and investigating of ficers found the two boxes of under wear, which are alleged to be the goods stolen from Wilburn and Sat terfield. White, Jr. was lodged in jail on a charge of reckless and careless driving and injury to property. Later the other two negroes, An drew Lowery and John Evans, were arrested and placed in jail, being charged with theft, along with White. They are now in jail awaiting a hear ing. "Your sins will find you out" say some, for if it hadn't been for the auto-truck crash the men might have gotten away without a trace. It is thought that they came to make a big haul, since the truck was large enough to accommodate large a mounts of merchandise. o Welcome To Roxboro The Roxboro Chamber of Com merce extends to the Woman's Club a warm welcome to Roxboro. We think you picked the best little city in North Carolina for your conven tion and we wish you a happy stay here. If we can serve you in any way you have only to call on us. Your organization is rendering a real worth while service to the peo ple of this state. Business in its mad scramble for the dollar has little time for the finer accomplishments that make our towns better places in which to live. The work done by the Roxboro Club in connection with the building of Roxboro's Community House is a good example of your ser vice. If we make suggestions, let us urge you to work for more parks and play grounds. Our children will play some where. Lets provide at least one place In every community where they can play in safety. MR. BOWEN HAS UNIQUE CRADLE Mr. Carl Bowen is the proud pos sessor of a solid mahogany cradle that was made in 1855. It belonged to his wife's father who lived in Greens boro, N. C., until his death this past summer. Mr. Bowen has had the cradle done ovier and the date of its making cut into the side. It is a beautiful piece of work and one of which he is justly proud. o ? Somerset Woman Passes Suddenly Of Heart Attack Mrs. Pearl J. Hearne Seized With Fatal Attack Sunday Morning About 8:00 A. M., Dying In Two Hours Mrs. Pearl J. Hearne, 48, wife of Mr. Calvin R. Hearne of Somerset, passed away Sunday morning at 9:40 o'clock, following a heart attack at 8:00 a. m. Prior to that time Mrs. Hearne had apparently been in her usual health. She leaves to mourn her passing her husband, Calvin R. Hearne, one daughter, Mrs. Mollie Goodwin of Ppfson county, John Jones of Flor ida, and two sisters, Mrs. Maude DU lin of Virgilina, Va. and another sis-, ter who resides in Raleigh, N. C. Funeral services were conducted this afternoon at 3:00 o'clock from Ebe nezer Church in Chatham County. Im mediately following the services Mrs. Hearne was burled in the church cemetery. Leaders Of Woman's Club Work Who Will Appear On Program MRS. B. B. MANGUM MRS. NANCY MILLER MARSHALL MRS. R. L. WILBURN Leaders who will appear on the program when the Eighth District of the North Carolina Federation of Woman's Clubs meets here Wednesday of this week. Mrs. Mangum, a past president of the Roxboro Club, is now serving as president of the Eighth District of the North Carolina Federation. She is also sponsor for a Junior Woman's Club here. Actively interested, Mrs. Mangum is prominently identified with club work in North Carolina. Mrs. R. L. Wilburn, president of the Roxboro Club, for long has been one of the leading members in Roxboro's organization. Mrs. Nancy Miller Marshall, president of the North Carolina Federation of Woman's Clubs. Mrs. Miller has been and is now actively interested in the Woman's Club work throughout North Carolina. Eighth District Woman s Clubs Will Meet Here Wednesday __ - ? - ? n ? . ' - - ? ? ? : ? ? ? - ? " ? ~ "" ~~ """" "" WIN A SIGHT - SAVING LAMP Have you entered our "Better Light - Better Sight" essay Contest? This is an opportunity for some girl to win a nice Sight-Saving lamp, without any cost, and little effort, just a few minutes of your time in writing an essay. look up the rules in another column and send in your essay at once. We want some girl to win this nice prize, and there are two other prizes for some girls. The COURIER is making this proposition to the girls, and there are no strings tied to it, nothing to sell, no guessing, just a reward for the best essay. Write today, and send it to the COURIER. WPA Boss Speaks To Rotary Club Thursday Night Philip R. Whitley Speaks Inter estingly And Entertain ingly To Civic Group Mr. Phil Whitley, District Adminis trator for the W. P. A., with offices in Raleigh, spoke to the Rotary Club at its regular weekly meeting at the Community Center on Thursday even ing. The speaker gave a very inter esting and constructive explanation o* the functions of the Works Progress Administration and outlined its var ious projects already under way in this district. Mr. Whitley particular ly emphasized the important part that young people are playing in the pro gram of the present administration and requested the support and pa tience of the citizenship in working out of present day problems. Rotarian O. B. McBroom extended an invitation to the club to hold its meeting on November 7th as his guests in his new plant. This invita tion was readily accepted. An in vitation by the Boy Scout Council to meet Jointly with the Kiwanis Club as guests of the scouts was also ac cepted. This meeting is to be held on November 11th, Armistice Day, in the high school gymnasium. A committee was appointed by President Jim Walker to investigate and report on the matter of the club's cooperating with other civic organi zations in holding a Christmas fes tival for the poor of the county. Guests of the club were: Miss Helen Morton, Messrs. Kenneth Oakley, and Phil Whitley, of Raleigh, and Mr. John , Harvey of Danville, Va. o Presiding Elder To Be At Allensville Rev. H. B. Porter, Presiding Elder of the Durham district will preach at Allensville Friday morning, November 1st, at 11 o'clock. The public Is cord-* ially invited to attend. The Board of Stewards of Brooks dale Charge will meet at the parson age at 6 o'clock Friday, Nov. 1st. A full attendance is deSfred. R. E. Pittman, Pastor ? o Babson predicts prosperity soon. Local Couple Will Be Married At Fair On Friday Night Fair To Open Tonight With Everything In Full Blast A local couple has already been sign ed to be married Friday night, Novem ber 1st, in full view of everyone. The flower girls and minister have already been engaged. This will be held on a special platform, which will be located where all can see. The Fair committee promises that this will be one of the most spectacu lar events ever staged In Person County. The Fair starts tonight with all its ga}axy of mammoth rides, shows, ev erything in a blaze of electric lights. Rides of all kinds for young and old. o Roxboro Market Continues Strong With Good Prices Many Farmers Averaged More Than Forty Dollars For Their Loads Not only was the price very satis factory but there were more pounds sold on the market last week than for any week this season. Tobacco of quality is selling well, while the low grades are not bringing much, never did and probably never will. The average for the week was be tween $23 and $25, we do not happen to have the exact figures, but will not miss the $25.00 mark very far, even if at all. Quite a nuumber of farmers averaged more than $40.00 for their entire loads. While the mar ket is not selling all of the tobacco raised in the County, there were quite a number of loads here from Durham, Wake and Harnett coun ties, and all said they were coming again. . o JUST ANOTHER GOOD SALE S. L. Evans was another good far mer who went away from here glad that he brought his tobacco to the Roxboro market. He sold 180? pounds here Friday for $61.00 & hundred. That was a valuable pile. In fact his entire load brought good prices. Sessions Will Be Held In The Methodist Church. Mrs. B. B. Mangum, Distrilct President, Will Preside. Principal Address By President Of N. C. Federation Of Woman's Clubs The Eighth District of North Car j olina Federation of Woman's Clubs, which embraces five counties, will meet here Wednesday. Mrs. B. B. Mangum. president of the district, will preside over the session which will be held in the Long Memorial Methodist Church. The principal address of the day will be by Mrs. George Marshall of Mt. Airy, N. C., president of the N. Carolina Federation of Woman 'f', Clubs. Mrs. Marshall is keenly inter ested in club work and it is expect ed that she will have some things worthwhile to tell the assembly here Wednesday. The Roxboro Woman's Club, Mrs. R. L. Wilubrn, president, the Junior Woman's Club, Mrs. Allen Griffin, president, and Mrs. B. B. Mangum. president of the district, have been busy planning .an Interesting meet ing, as well as an instructive one, and they hare lined up an excellent pro gram for the day. Aside from the principal address by the State President there will be music, reports of various activities in the district, introduction of the new clubs, and a luncheon for the club women and guests. The program follows: Mrs. B. B. Mangum, president, pre siding; Mrs. B. B. Strum, secretary Hie Club Woman's Hymn Invocation ? Rev. J. F. Herbert. Collect Greetings? Mrs. R. L. Wilburn Response? Mrs. George Logan Minutes of Last Meeting Appointment of Committees. Introduction of New Clubs Reports from all clubs Address ? Mrs. George Marshall, the President of N. C. Federation of Woman's Clubs Music ? Rev. Thomas Hamilton Report of Chr. Districts ? Mrs. John D. Robinson Report of District President ? Mrs. B. B. Mangum Report of nominating committee Report of home demonstration clubs Report of Committees Adjournment Luncheon Another Opportunity Due to the fact that a number of people attended the. football game at Roxboro High School on Friday and the game at Chapel Hill on Saturday and did not get to shoot in the Rox boro Skeet tournament, another op portunity will be given on Wednesday afternoon for them to shoot. The tournament will be definitely closed on Wednesday, unless prevented by rain. ? . | ? o Why is it that people will lose a half day trying to get a twenty-five cent complimentary ticket? i? "Cicero Steps Out" Presented By PTA Friday Evening Good House Witnesses Home Talent Actors In Capers About The Stage "Cicero Steps Out," a two-act com edy with music and dances, presented Friday night at the Roxboro High school auditorium by the Parent Teacher Association, was declared to be one of the most successful per formances ever put on here by local talent. Miss Winnie McWhorter as the eld erly school teacher and Wallace Woods as the janitorial professor pro vided much amusement with their capers about the stage. Billy Montague, the romancing pro fessorial janitor, with RJachael Brad sher. a coy co-ed, were excellent in their respective roles. Other members of the cast included Misses Mabel Montague, Virginia Puckett and Nancy Bradsher, Messrs. Coy Day, Matt Long, Jr., F.O. Carver, Jr. and all were universally acclaimed for the excellent manner in which they portrayed their respective roles. Miss Lily Mae Carter, the direct ress, came in for her share of the praise for coaching such an excellent performance. A good house, estimated at about three hundred, watched the perfor mance. The choruses, selected from the high school girls, were very attractive in their roles. The dancing of Miss Re becca Hunter, who appeared in a solo number, was particularly good. The audience showed deep appreciation of the in-between acts dances of little Misses Martha and Alice Lee Boat wright, and Miss Peggy Whitten. o Gala Time To Be Had Af Fair Here j All This Week! Rides, Shows, Exhibits, Every thing To Make A Successful Week Is Now Ready FREE ACTS EVERY DAY The Person Co. Agricultural pair, the second In Its series, gives every prom ise of being one of the best that has been held here in many a day. World's Exposition Shows is now on the grounds and they have one of the finest array of shows, rides and free acts to be found on the road any where. The exhibit tent has been fixed up and decorated in attractive color schemes and is crowded with exhibits that will delight the eye, and some of them will make the mouth water. Aside from the shows there mill be daily free acts that are exception ally good. Wednesday has been de signated as school day by the fair of ficials and all school children in the county will be admitted to the Pair grounds free of charge. It is going to be a gala week for Roxboro and Person County. Every one is urged to come and share in the good time. ? o ? J. H. Lewis To Manage Furniture Store Just Opened Man With Many Year's Exper ience Will Be Manager For Piedmont Furniture Store Here. Mr. J. H. Lewis, a furniture man with many years experience in the business and one who is known to many In Person County, will be the new manager for the Piedmont Fur niture Company who are opening a store on Depot Street, diagonally a cross from The Courier office. . Mr. Lewis has been with Piedmont Fur niture Company for the past seven teen years and has been coming to Roxboro for the past seven. This managership is a deserved promotion for him, according to officials of the company. With Mr. Lewis will be associated Mr. Clyde Blalock, who has joined the sales force of this store. Mr. Bla lock is a native of Person County and has many friends who will be in terested to know that he is associated with this new business. Miss Carrie Sue Vernon Is Wed To J. S. Walker Wedding Unites Two Prominent People Of Roxboro. Bride la Member Of Roxboro School Faculty, While Groom Is The Popular B. & L. Secretary Miss Carrie Sue Vernon, a member of the Roxboro Schools faculty, and Mr. J. S. Walker, prominent business man of this city and popular secre tary of the Roxboro Building and Loan Association, were wed Saturday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Vernon, in Bur lington, N. C. Only members of the immediate families witnessed the cer emony. The nuptial vows were spoken be fore Rev. A. B. Kinnett, pastor of the bride and pastor of the First Baptist Church in Burlington. Mrs. Walker has been a member of the Roxboro Central Grammar school faculty for a number of years and since her residence here she has en deared herself to a large circle of friends. Mr. Walker has been prominently associated with the business and so cial life of Roxboro for many years and has hosts of friends who will read of his marriage with interest. o Olis Gregory Injured In Auto Wreck Sunday Resident of Berry's Grove Community Injured On Timberlake-Mt. Tirzah Road; In Hospital Mr. Olis Gregory, son of Mr. Lou Gregory, and a resident of the Ber ry's Grove community was in Watts hospital last night with a broken back, a fractured shoulder and> brok en jaw as the result of an automobile wreck on the Timberlake-Mt. Tirzah road Sunday afternoon. Details of the accident were meagre, but it is un derstood that Mr. Gregory was found beneath his car by passing motor ists, and that he was unconscious. He was rushed to the hospital via ambulance, but no word as to his condition was available this morning. ? o Masque Ball At Club Rendezvous "Soldiers Of Rhythm Band" To Play All Asked To Come In Costume Loretta Grey with her 1936 Revue, featuring her eight piece orchestra, "Soldiers of Rhythm Band," will ap pear in a floor show at the Masque Ball to be held at Club Rendezvous, on the second floor of the Kaplan building, Thursday night, Halloween. This will be the second time that the club has opened this season. All participants are asked to come in cos tume, though this is to be regarded cnly as a request, and not compul sory. A prize will be given for the best costume appearing on the floor. o CCC To Take Over Marlowe's Creek Clearing Project As Soon As Possible Boys Will Come And Assume Work Of Cleaning Out Creek Marlowe's Creek, the stream that drains Roxboro and vicinity on the north, will be cleaned out and the bed of the stream widened by the CCC Camp unit at Ya'nceyville, according to word received at the City Mana ger's office. This work was undertak en under an appropriation from the WPA, but it has been thought best to transfer the work to the CCC boys. At present the CCC unit is engaged in soil conservation work, but as soon as this is caught up they will be sent here to begin work on the creek proj ect. It is understood that the funds al lotted to this project will be directed into other channels. o The moneyed-class, as a rule, is against anything that looks like it might make a tap on the gold collec tion.

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