, ' . x. I i .i.y-i- 3ESS 5SB 9 u 1 ZD Of the Entire Business Block opposite the Post-Office in the Heart of High Point, N. C, that Has Been Sub-Divided into Lots Will Start TUESDAY, APRIL 22nd, at 2:00 O'clock E M, Each Lot that is Offered by Penny Brothers, U)e World's Original Twin Auctioneers, Will be Sold Absolutely Regardless of Price on "E-Z" Terms. Do not fail to attend-Sale Rain or Shine. This is a business proposition that should appeal to you. AmnKSiPDGSiini GosiDlLy smud Aycioini (SuDDUDpainiy Off Greensboro and High Point, N. C. Geo. T. Penny, President J. C. Penny, Secretary and Treasurer tt It's Daddy Talking T TUSH, children : it's daddy talkinz." XT "Yes. Jim ; wc arc all well and the chilarcn have been real good. How have you been ? Coming home tonight? That's fine! It will seem good to sec you again." v . The businessman who is obliged to be away from home brings joy to the family circle by cheery words over the telephone. The local and long distance Bell Tele phone service keeps him always in touch with home conditions. What You Telephone Smil SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY ALBEMARLE-HOFFMAN NEW YORK A new modern hotel located at the hub of New York's greatest b li ness. representing a Five Million Dollar Investment on the sight of trie former Hoffman House, overlooking tfadison Square Broadway, 24th Street, Fifth Avenue THE ACME OF ARCHITECTURAL PERFECTION Accommodations for liOO, offering maximum luxury and comfort at much lower ratea than offered in any other Hotel in America, consistent - with highest clsas service. v. . A Good Room at $1.50 Per Day A Good Room With Bath S2.00 Per Day Handsome apartments of any number of rooms at proportionate rates. The management is a guaantee of the h'ghest refinement and protection to ladies and families. Thuc phones, Madison-3440-3560 , DANIEL P.'RICHEY FOR SALE Sonic if the most desirable properly in the city. One vacant lot on Bain avenue and North Main streets 70x180 feet. One lot S0M90 feet, east side North Main streets, with six room house. Three lots on south side Thurs ton street, near Lindsay street. One lot 011 Gurlcy property with small house on it. Several of the most desjrable pieces of property on East Green, Mangum avenue and W hite Oak streets. Xo part of our city is advancing in value and improving more rapidly. For further information apply to A. J. Dodamead, Phone No. 3. t5-i. o TAYLOR'S SALE Phone 88 Just received today a fresh lot of Catawba Gem Creamery But ter and also some pound boxes of honey cal Iphone 88 we like to hear it ring. . o ' BOARDERS WANTED Sev eral good boarders, can also furn ish rooms. 210 Thurston Street. 14-Gt. W rN T ADS ELM STREET MARKET Groceries, Fresh Meats, Fish, Oysters and Country I'orduce. Phone 696. 18-im SHORTHAND in 18 lessons Guaranteed. Edwards Business College. 45,m WANTED 15 extra salesladies for Saturday, apply at the Dixie, j FOR RENT House 011 Morris street, $20 a mouth. Possession May 1. K. B. White. 4 10-1111 NOT BECOMING FOR YOUTH FOR RENT Two front office rooms over MofTitt Furnishing Co. Main St. E. D. Steele. FOR RENT Rooms now occu pied by High Point Overall Co. 4-7-iot. Unsightly Grey and Faded Hair Why not hare beautiful, dark, glossy, natural colored hair, full of life and beauty keep yourself young looking and fascinating f Its so easy and simple to do If you will get a bottle of Hay's Hair Health today. You'll notice a change after one or two applications how quickly the grey hairs vanish low glossy, full of life and vitality Hay's Hair Health will keep your hair. Don't waste time, get a bottle today. Tour druggist Is selling more -Hay's Hair Health than all others, because be knows it's the most satisfactory, the nicest and cleanest to use and really does restore color to grey bnlr. Free: Blgn this adv. and take it to the following druggists and get a 6O0. bot tle of Hay's Hair Health and a 25c. cake of Harflna Soap for 60c.; or $1.00 bottle of Hay's Hair Health and two Ho. cakes of Harflna Soap Free, tor It MATTON DRUG CO. , FOR RENT One suit of rooms in Hedrick building. Apply to the owners, Lexington Grocery Co. 4-9-lot. FARMS FOR SALE Or ex change for town property. E. L. Crouch. 8-im FOR SALE Good gentle young horse and top buggy nearly new. Address Box 229 or see Chas. F. Smith, at Peerless Machine Works. 9-iot FOR RENT Two story six room dwelling on corner Boulevard and Howell streets. Modern conven iences. Good location. J. A. Clinard. 9-1 k o ; : ' FOR SALE 1 new 144 egg Cy phers Incubator, 2 pens prize winners White Orphington chick ens. G. V. Clark. 12-ik LOST Pair eye glasses. Leave with Mr. Mclntire at Rose thea ter. Reward. FOR RENT Two 4-rooni houses on l'eachtrec street ap ply to Jarrett Book Store, ln-jt o BARGAINS TO QUICK BUYERS High Point Real Estate Co., offices in rear Dr. II. C. Pitts of fice, has 4 sections in Pickens plot for sale. . Also three small farms all bargains. c- FOR SALE One Stanhope bug gy and harness. G. V. Clark. 12-ik. FOR RENT Eight 'mom house 011 South Main street, practically new with all modern conven iences, including- electric lights, water and sewer. J. V. Harris iS-tf SPARE DATE FOR SALE heeler sweet po tatoes tor bedding. Apply to Thus, c'arrkk. 010 North Main street. Eagle Theatre Patince and Night I iilf ! 1, n, mmttxm '1 ifi Wl't l FOR SALE My Columbus Sur ry and Harness, also a good Bab cock Buggy. All in first class condition. A Bargain to Cash Buyer. F. N. Tate. 1 7i6t Em uJ J Gt-Lra.,Tix 1 .. . 1 FOR SALE About 5 1-2 acres land near city limits-$2oo "per acre. J. J. Farriss. HOUSE FOR RENT Bunga low with all modern conven iences, 6 rooms on the first floor and two upstairs, just painted in side and out, one block from car line, $15.00 per month, 307 Mor ris St. Phone 4544. FOR RENT Seven room house all moder nconveniences on Ran kin street. S. L. Davis. FOR RENT Four room house on Hamilton street. Rufus King. FOUND A stray black pig. Call flt 311 Johnson Heights and pay for this advertisement. FOFR RENT 8-room house on Church street. All modern con veniences. Apply to B. A. Best. o WHEN THE MIDNIGHT CHOO-CHOO leaves for Ala bama; I want to be in Dixie; 100 other popular songs, with music; postpaid, 10 cents. Address, Bond Music Co., Bond Street, BoBston, Mass. Your money back if you're not satisfied. i-6t '.''', o- FOR RENT One 4-room house on Tate street, one 4-room house on Park St. Apply to J. E. Marsh. 7:4t. PAY POLL TAXES If you want to vote at the city or any election you must pay your stale and county poll taxes by May. Deputy Parrish may be seen at his office from ( a. 111. M 9 p. 111. o A BARGAIN Requiring capital to go into business I will sell to a quick purchaser any otic of the three up-to-date, picturesque bun galows erected under my person al supervision. . Burns and Louise streets, Johnson Place, at a bar gain. Easy terms. John Young, Architect. 31-tf. YOUR HOMES l;or all kinds of painting, paper hanging, decorating and hard wood floor laying, see R. T. Stan ley, phone 222. 19-1111 8 1 1 1 AN ALL WHITE GCKFilMY. Entire New Froramme. BEAUTIFUL ELECTPU FI3ST PART AND ALL THAT IS ..HEW IN MIKSTRELSL The Great Big M 1117. Clever Comedians, Start) jn? Nov elties and Minstrelsy's Sweetest Singers. DAILY BAND CONCERT and ST&? T- AIiADE. Prices, Matinee, children 25c Adults 50c Night, 75c and $1.C0 You receive Two-for-One when you buy FOR RENT Eight room house modern' conveniences on church street, apply to B.A. Best. 18-3 FARM FOR SALE. I will sell on the 12th day of May, 1913. nt 2 o'clock - on the premises to the highest bidder for cash, 80 acres of land and good house and outbuildings located in Backcreek township, Randolph county. It is known as the Ben Bulla place on the same road leading from the county home to Randleman, adjoining the lands of George Allred and T. F. Rob ins. ' . A. J. Bryan, High Point, N. C. 4-14-im. R. F. D. No. 3. since every gallon will stand the ad- mtinn (if ntia flrllr tt Diim I i I S:i thereby making two gallons of Pure Your painting will be extremely satis factory since your oil is pure. It will also cost you less money, since you have bought your Paint at PAINT PRICE, and your Pure Oil, at Oil price. WILL YOU TRY IT. FOR SALE BY SICELOFF HARD WARE CO. . . I