:r. it:, IIP v ONE BARE FACT Is worth a dozen dressed-up figures ot Speech IN our advertising we never t4draw the long bow." "Word-painting" can't make clothes any better. We state the simple facts and state the facts simply. Telling the truth and giving the values is the "fast express" to public favor. For example, we specialize 4n "HIGH ART" Suits, because we know they're most for your money. If they weren't.out they'd go and in would come better garments. You don't know much about the structure' of fabrics and the tailoring of clothes. You must buy on faith Here your faith will never be misplaced. Both as business med and as gentlemen we guarantee every garment. If any one should ever "go back on you,' bring it righfback. First, know with whom you deal, and then deal with whom you know. That's the right rule in buying clothes. HIGH ART Spring Suits $15 00 to $25.00 Others $10.00 $12.50 $15.00 ' are fitted to your measure in your own home by a trained corsetlere. You can never know all the beauty of your figure until you wear one. .'(...'..- Mv service are at your t your convenience with no obligation to purchase. Telephone or .tend postal. MRS. J. B. DBINSOIS Phonq 247 'anJBOYS OUTFITTERS The best dressed woman has her corset, like her gowns, fitted to her measure. Spirella ,ORSETS (NOT tOLt m ITOMt) ' V. call. Appointment IV. OUR INVITING DISPLAY , of meats,- poultry and provisions makes it only a question of choosing which you would prefe first. ' They ;are alt-; of choice . fci rde and the mosy inexerpienced l ousekeeper can purchase in per fect confidence that no one could make a wiser selection or buy her meats chaeper. , , ' :. .,. B. K. INQRAM 3 If t uu AKE PERFECT!, ahf E in eating our ice cream. It's made of prre stuff that won't hurt a babe. Thysicians Prescribe our Ice x Cream for convalescent . patients on" ac count of its purity. Those who are in health grow healthier by its use. We will deliver it at your residence or serve yon at our Ice Cream Parlors. HIGH POINT CANDY CO. LIGHT AND DELICOUS . HOME MADE BREAD is always the kind that reward lYA Krm s A ! 1 f m i-k (1 T h sin (i '- i'"uv v 111. vi ,wrv w uinik 1 the HIGH POINT MILLING! CO.'S flour, it is always ure to jive the utmost satisfaction, and "win golden opinions from all sorts of people" for her skill as a good bread maker. Our superior White Frost and Luxury is unex celled for high quality and fine flavor, and is pure and healthful Yours truly, HIGH POINT MILLING CO We Know How It's Done Today is the time we want to con vince you and not tomorrow, that our work 19 O. K. So be convinced toilsy and tomorrow ypu will know that the Sfa; Pressio; and Tailorin; Company is the place. We "do work for both ladies and eentlemen We call for and deliver. 116 South Main Street Four doors from Eagle Theatre Herman Robert Hersh Architect 5th Floor, Bank of Commeice Building , , 1 Go to Star Market. THE SANITARY ONE And b'e convinced that we have the choicest of Meats and the Cleanest Market in town. Give us a trial order. W. A. PEG RAM, Prop. WHEN IN WANT OF V Wood , ...FOR... STOVE or GRATE ..' ' it Call phone North Stp.te No. 587 Quick Delivery. ; v Southern Veneer & frmel Co. i eggs M POR HATCHING Whit Orpington, 18 for one dollar White Wyandotte and Single Comb Whit Leghorns, 16 for on dollar F. T. PARKS t High Pointy. C. R.F. D. No.. ' PnoneOtfK FARM FOR SALE.. I . will sell on the 12th day of May, 1913, at 2 o'clock on the premises to the hi .jhest bidder for cash, 80 acres of land and good house and outbuildings located in Dackcreek township, Randolph county. It is known as the Ren Bulla place on the same road leading from the county home to Randlcman, adjoining the laud of George Allred and T. F. Rob ins. A- Hryan, High Point,. N. C. 4-14-im. R. F. D. No. 3. o AN EPIDEMIC OF COUGH ING is sweeping over the town ami young and old arc alike affected. Foley's Honey it Tar Compound is a quick, safe reliable family medicine for coughs and colds. A. S. Jones, ot I.ee Pharmacy. Chico, Calif., says: "Foley's Honey and Tar Compound has no cqml. and I recommend it as containing no narcotics or other FOR SALE i-'omc of. the most desirable property in the city. Due vacant lot on Haiti avenue md North Main street- "oxiS feet. One lot- 80x190 feet, east sid.' North Mam streets, with six room house. Three lots on south side Thurs ton street, near Lindsay street. Cine lot on (iuilev property with 'smalt house 011 it. Several of the must deniable pieces of property on Fasti (ireen, Manguni avenue and j W hite Oak streets. No part l j our city is advancing in value and j improving more rapidly. For further information apply to A. J. Podamead, Phone No. 3. CM. A MESSAGE TO RAILROAD MEN . v E. S. Paeon, 11 Bast St., Me., sends out this warning to rail roaders everywhere. "My work as conductor caused a chronic in flammation of the kidneys and 1 was miserable anil all nlavcd out. From the dav I began taking! Foley Kidney Pills I began to' re- !ain my strength, and ter now than 1 have twenty year." Try Mann Drug Co. I am bet - . . ' ' Postmaster, llarnegat, X. J.. NOTICE says: "I was troubled with a se My son named Kruest Victor vere I.a (iripe cough which Reese, ayed 14 years, ran away completely exhausted me. Foley's from his home last" Thursday Honey and Tar Compound soon night. April 3. in Hib Point. ! stopped the couching spells eu This notice is to forbid all persons ; tircly. It can't be beat." Mann from harboring hint, employing j Hrug Co. him, or keeping him from return- j , o in"r to his home Signed. Mrs. J. P. Fielder. Talro FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Tonic In Action - Quick In Result : Get rid of your Deadly Kidney Aliments, that coat you high price in endurance of pain, loia of time and money. Others have cured themselves of KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES by the prompt and timely use of FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS. Stops BACKACHE; HEADACHE, and ALL the many other troubles thatfollowDISEASBDKIDNEYS and URINARY IRREGULARITIES. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS will CURE any case of KIDNEY and BLADDERTROUB LB not beyond the reach of medicine. No ' medicmecdonln.yowp j The Virtuoso's Power and Skill" Without the Years of Study and Practice in The Great St ieff Player Piano In this remarkable instrument you have at your fingers-tips allthe marvelous technique of the concert-artist without the effort and drudgery ! You ran play anything and ' play it with the beauty of expression which holds your audi- ence spell-bound and delighted 1 1 There's no end to the , fun you can have with a StieffPlayerPie.no. .Our . "Easy Plan" puts one In your home now, Ask about it. . ' ESTABLISHED 1842 Chas. M. Stieff 219 S. Tryon St- j& & Charlotte, N. C. ; OPPOSITE ACADEMY OF MUSIC PNEUMONIA FOLLOWS A COLD. lull never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound. It stops the cough, heals the sore and inflamed air pas sages and strengthens the lungs The genuine is in a yellow pack-,' age with beehive on cartoon Reittse substitutes. Mann Drug Co. 0 MANY A SUFFERING WOMAN Drags herself painfully through her daily tasks suffering from backache, headache, nervousness, and loss of sleep, not knowing her ills ate due to kidney and bladdre troubles. Foley Kidney Pills give quick relief from pain and misery, a prompt return to health an dsircngth. No woman who suffers can afford to over look Foley Kidney Pills. Mann Drug Co. harmful properties." Mann Injg Co. Schwartz The Expert Tailor In Basement of Bank Commerce Building 500 Samples of Fine Im ported Woolens. Select your Spring Suit Now. WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED IHE VERY BEST. I CUARAN :: TEE A PERFCCT FIT :: SPECIAL LINE Spring and Summer Goods New and Stylish Modes in Clothing, Shoes, and Ladies Ready to-wear. Reduced prices on Millinery. Solomon Robinowitz 110 E. Wanhington St. building Harris A COLD. LA GRIPPE. THEN PNEUMONIA ! Is too often the fatal sequence. been for j I. a (irippc coughs ban' on. wcak tlicm. ti the system, and lower the . ital resistance. K. Collins. Foley Kidney i'ills will reach your individual case if you have any form- of kidney or bladder rtoublc, any backache, rheuma tism, uric acid poisoning or irre gular and painful kidney action. They are strengthening, tonic and curative, and contain no hab it forming drugs. Mann Drug Co. COE'S WOOD YARD Dry Oak and Pine Wood, also Factory Blocks, Delivered to Any Part of the city at $1.25 Per Load W. F. C0E, JguJ A Hi 1 Just Think of This Cabinet Range and No. 20 Ruud Heater installed in your home for the small sum of $39.00 complete. Yours to serve, North Carolina Public Service Co. Phone f 700 FLEMING SHOE HOSPITAL 108 W. Broad Street Run by Electricity - OUR GUARANTEE All Work Satisfactory Prices Reasonable mm ALCOllOL 1 f ER cent AVegelabkPrrrarrtlnnErlt. sirnl(aiifrtJrhcFnoff.TnrfRiii ting tlic SiomadB andBowdsof Promotes Digestlonflttrfii ness and RratjContalns nciihr OiJiunt.Morplune nor Mineral. Kot Narcotic. Oxjxtfouiksituiimm AcMkUtf Amtft Anetfrd Retnedv forContflW tlon . Sour Stomach.Dlarrhoa Worms jConvulswnsjewnst ness and LOSS Of SlEEP. litS'miik Sijninw of Tin Centaub CompakH NEW YOWri, Exact Copy of Wrapper. UTO SERVICE mil For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years xivAir Ill tNI UNTMIN MUMNT, TNK Tt. We have two excellent Autos for public service. ' Headquarters at Elwood Hotel. Both phones; Night Phones 2244 and 397. Younto (SI Luck

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