3a mil and 40 GBaoice ILotts 40 lO Small Farinas In and near the City of High Point, N. C. 1 u May 12 at lO a.m. First Sale-lO vSmall Farms. Just outside the incorpor ate limits of North High Point, known as the Field Land. These beautiful villa sites have a shade on them that would take a life time to grow and a nice lot of trucking land in the rear of each tract. Sale starts st 10.00 a. m. Don't fail to attend Free cars will leave the square. SECOND SALE. Same day, two nice homes and a number of choice lots on English street, fronting car line. Sale starts at 2 p. m. Free cars will" leave the square. Listen for the band. THIRD SALE. A number of choice lots in South High Point well located. Everything sold on E-Z terms, at 4 p. m. Free cars will leave'the square. Don't fail to attend. This will be a grand opportunity for the home seeker or busi ness man desiring to make a safe and conservative investment. Penny Brothers, the world's original Twin Auctioneers will con duct the sale and sell each and every lot regardless of price, let the owner make or lose. This property has been consigned to us by E. H. C Field and others, giving us a perfect right to sell for the high dollar. Your price will be ours. Don't fail to attend. We sell rain or shine. $50.00 IN GOLD and a bag of Silver will be given away during each sale. Remember the day, Monday, the date, May 12 the hours, 10 A. M., 2 P. M. and 4 P. M. Buy land at your own price and grow rich American Realty Auction Company Geo. T. Penny, President J. C. Penny, Sec'y and Treas. PENNY BROTHERS, TWIN AUCTIONEERS NOTICE SALE OP VALU ABLE HOUE AND LOT. Under and by virtue of an or der of the uperior court of Guil ford county made in the special proceeding entitled T. J. Steed, Admr. of Mary E. Loman, de ceased vs. G. C. Foglenian and others, heirs at law, the under signed commissioner will, on Fri day, May the 36th, 1913, at 2.30 o'clock, p. m. on the premises ofJ fer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that cretain lot of land lying and being in the city of High Point, N. C., situated at No. 113 Newton street. Size of lot being 60x150 feet, theer is as good four room house on this lot. The bidding on this lot will com mence at $594.00. Sold to create assets to pay debts. Terms of sale cash on con firmation. Dated this the 30th day of April, 1913. T. J. Steed, Commissioner. T. W. Albertson, Atty. . . . . , o ' -- DISSOLUTION NOTICE This is to give .notice that the firm of Brooks & McLeod, com posed of D. I. Brooks and E. S. v McLeod is this day dissolved by mutual consent. D. I. Brooks having bought out the interest of E, S. McLeod, and the said D. -1. Brooks will continue the busi ness at 400 East Washington street, High Point,' N. C. All accounts due the old firm will be paid to D. I. Brooks, and all debts will be paid by the said D. I. Brooks. This April 29th, 1913. D. I. Brooks, E. S. McLeod. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as admin istratrix, with the will annexed, of the estate of Va'.more Cheek, late of Guilford county, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned, or my attorney, V. P. Ragan, at this office, on or before March, 20th, 1914, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This March 19th, 1913. Mary J. Cheek. 6k Administratrix. - : ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Mary E. Lo man, deceased, late of Guilford county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersign ed at his store on East Commerce street, High Point, N. C, on or before the 1st day of March, 1914, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. Tliis the 1st day of March, 1913 ' T. J. Steed, Adtn'r of Mary E. Loman, de ceased? ?- . - T. W; Albertson, Atty., FOR SALE Some of the most desirable property in the city. One vacant lot on Bain avenue and North Main streets 70x180 feet. One lot 80x190 feet, east side North. Main streets, with six room house. Three lots on south side Thurs ton street, near Lindsay street. One lot on Gurley property with small house on it. Several of the most desirable pieces of property on East Green, Mangum avenue and White Oak streets. No part of our city is advancing in value and improving more rapidly. For further information apply to A, J. Dodamead, Phone No. 3. t5-I.;' A slight cold in a child or a grown person holds possibilities of a grave nature. Croup may come on suddenly, bronchitis or pneumonia may develop, severe catarrhal troubles and consump tion are possible results. FoIeyU Honey and Tar Compound nips a cold at the outset, cures croup quickly, checks a deepseated cough, and heals inflamed mem brances. Mann Drug Co.- mm I The great calamity in- Omaha was quickly over-shadowed by the terribly disastrous floods n Ohio. Great, suffering and sick ness from colds and exposure re sulted. L. Poole, 3217 California . .; NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the estate of John Armstrong, deceased, this is to notify all par ties holding claims against, the said deceased or his estate to pre sent the same to me or my at torney; E. D. Steele, at Hifch Point, N, C, on or before April 32, 1914, or th is notice will be Pplead in bar of recovery. Air parties owing said estate are requested to . make immciii- EGGS 2 POR HftT G H I IN G White Orpington, 13 for one dollar White Wyandotte and Single. Comb White Leghorns, 16 for one dollar F. T. PARKS . R. F. D. No. 4. High Point, N. C. Phone 953 K Go to Star Market. St., Omaha; writes : "My daugh ter had a very severe cough and ate settlement cold but Foley's Honey and Tar; This April 32,- 1913 ' Compound knocked it out in no Edward Armstrong, time." Refute substitutes Mann Executor of John Armstrong, Drug Co. - j Deceased. THE SANITARY ONE And be convinced that we have the choicest of Meats and the Cleanest Market in town. Give us a trial order. W. A. PEG RAM; Prop. OUR INVITING DISPLAY of meats, poultry and provisions makes it only a question of choosing which you would prefe1 first. They are all of choice giade and the most inexerpienced housekeeper can purchase in per fe confidence that no one could make a wiser selection or buy her meats chaeper. E. K. INGRAM " SERVICE BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Guilford County. In the Superior Court, April Term, 191 3. Walter Pinnix, Plaintiff, , vs. Locr Pinnix, Defendant. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Guilford County, N. C., for the plaintiff to obtayi : an absolute divorce from the defendant on the grounds of adultery, and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to ap pear at the term of the Superior Court of said county to be held on the first Monday in June, 1913, at the court house in said county, in Greensboro, N. C, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded in said complaint. This April 18th, 1913. FOR RENT Eight room house on South Main street, practically new with all modern conven iences, including electric lights, water and sewer. J. W. Harris. 18-tf. I - J ww IL i Wtftim l'r"'"1 II x 1 " 1:90-:!, ALCOHOL 3 PER i:i.-N i ! YOU ARE PERFECTLY SAFE in eating our ice cream. It's made of pure st 11 IT that won't hurt a babe. Physicians Prescribe our Ice Cream for convalescent patients on ac count of its purity. Those who are in health grow healthier by its use. We will deliver it at your residence or serve you at our Ice Cream parlors. HIGH POINT CANDY CO. Foley Kidney Pills repay your confidence in their healing ami curative qualities. Any kidney or bladder disease not beyond the roach of medicine will yield to their use. Mrs. Cordelia Cope laud, "Ardeola, Mo,, says. "I had kidncv and bladder trouble for over a year and 5 bottle of Foley Kidney 1 'ills cured inc." It is j the same-story from every 'one '. who uses them. All savs, "tliev cured me." Mann Drug Co. oeeeeeeeMimi GARDEN SEEDS Which Succeed are the kind you want. Land reth's are the Kind . 7 Sold by us for 30 years. UATTON DRUG CO. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought AVeaclalilefrcraralionlnrAs. similaiiiiSiteFoodamirMila lifigUicSiomaftoaiulIJcM'ckof Promotes Dfeesttonfltfr rfd- ncss and Restlontalns nciiiw Opiitm.Morplune norMiaeral nui iijuivuiii. EmfiftfMStiimimcBm flmJra W" Jlx.Stma JbMUSJtt- trulftllWt JiiltrtuwHJk Supr . Hit&ywm fkmr. A norTnrt WonioAu PrirfYimfin Hon . Sour Storoach.DlarrtoeJ Worms ,lonvmswns.rcvuriba ncss andLOSS OF SLEEP. TicSimile Sinaturf of Tin CtNTAun Compakx; NEW YUKiv Bears the , Signature J$ For B: Willi IP lj-ga Guaranteed unJer the ooJ II Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use Over Thirty Years TMt aiimuH aoMMHT. an to citv. lil'SSEI.L CAVE POULTRY YARDS , -'" .'. Louie Lee Hapgin Hreeder of Single Comb White Orpington Elmendorf Stock Farm Lcaington, Ky., April 2, 1913. Mr. J. F. Gentry, care Aunt Patsy Poultry Feed Co., Memphie, Tenn. Denr Sir- It is with the gieatest pleasure that I can recommend Aunt Patsy's Poultry Feed as a growing feed for young chicks as well as an egg producer for laying hens. The greatest proof that I can give you that I am thoroughly satisfied with your feed, i that I have sent you a second order for twice the amount of the original one. I consider this one of the best feeds I have ever used. Am perfectly satisfied with it in every respect and my chickens are making a very large gain on same. Wishing you very bestof success with your great poultry feed and feeling sure that any one who uses it will be greatly pleased with it, I am, Yours truly, LOUIS LEE HAGGIN. For sale by your grocer FOR RENT Seven room house on Thurston street. All modern conveniences. P. H. Johnson. ' 23-tf. FOR RENT 6-room house con veniently located. R. B. Strick land. 26-ti

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