Tim mciiroiKT i-.vt i:nr; i'. TUKSDAY. DKCKMRKR 5. 1922. h.a. GliLD !!EAaD tiie m or High Point Aitorney: tDelivers Memorial Ajl4re .Lodge of Sorrow , Thomas ,J. Gpld. of High Pojot, delivered tine memorial address for ",the VTU8ton-SalenL lodge of JElks in that ctty $an4ay afterpoon. It was a aplendid speeeh: . . Sir. Gold said that Elks approach ed the Lodge of Sorrow with minrlri foelinr of sorrow and iov. Sorrow for the loss of those who were gone, and Joy that Elks wert permitted to recall their noble Qualities and companionship. They might be dead, and yet do they now still lire, for one of the loftiest prin ciples cherished y the Elks Is im mortality of the so8l. Jnst as purely as birth was .olio wed , by death, so death was, followed by life. Mr. Gold emphasized the value and worth ol true living and of true service, and pointed to (he cross for an exam ination of living and dying that oth ers might live." No factory was ever built, no army ever organised, asd no great purpose achieved that diu not have back of it some great soul. Guided by selfishness, the individ ual, sUte and nation were ultimately lost. They were unworthy of success. At this point in his address .Mr. Gold paid tribute to R. J. Reynolds, whose name, $e said, he saw in the list o.' "our "absent brothers." Mr. .Reynolds, he declared, devoted him self to his great ideal, and grew and grew, giving employment to thou sands of people, and contributing vastly to the welfare and develop ment of his civ, sute and .coun try. Mr. Gold spoke eloquently of the progress of North tfirollna, and re ferred specially to the advanpement of education and to those great lend ers who went op and down the State, denouncing illiteracy and bringing to pass the organisation oi the splendid school system that North Carolina now has. - He spoke o. the marvelous devel opments of the present age, and paid tribute to the great men of ags: gone by, to the inventor of writing 'and of printing and of so many oth ,er possessions which we new look upon as the simple things. Pointing to Batylon, Egypt Rome, and other vast state of ctn, juries ago. and of their wondertu advance in civilization and tbei final decadence and disappearance Mr. Gold expressed the belief tha. their down.'all was due to the. envy greed, selfishness, and erookednest of certain people who went arouni grumbling and critcislng and hunt log for the spot where they mlghi place the dynamite of destruction This same danger threatens Amerl ca, said Mr. Gold, and the only wa; to meet it and to overcome it is U tackle it in the open, to present am expound the right principles, to up hold the constitution of the Cnltet States, and in doing so the life ol the nation would be wholesome Strong, and enduring. Lungren-CSros. SALISBURY, Dec. 5. harle Lungren and Miss Laura Gross, : young couple of this city, were mar riej at Greenville. 8. C. last Thun day. After a brief honeymoon trij they will be at home on East Banl street, Salisbury. MHEAD STUFFED 9 . FROM CATARRH S 0R A C0L Says Cream Applied in Nostril m Opens Air Passages Right Up. a. Instant relief no waiting. Your clogged nostrils open right up; tin air passages of your head clear anr you can breathe freely. No mort hawking, snuffling blowing, head, ache dryness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or ca. tarrh disappears. Get a small -bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic healing cream in your noBtrils. ! penetrates through every air pas sage of the head, soothes the in. named or swollen mucous mem. brane and relief comes instantly. It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed up with a cold or nasty catarrn. Few Folks Have Cray Hair Now IlruMrisU hayn Ladle Are Uhln JVcfp of Kg Tea and Sulphur. Hair that loses its color and lus tre, or when it fades, turns gray, dull and lifeless, is caused by a lack or surpbur Jn the bair. Our grands uuiuvr uiaue up a mixture of Sagt Tea and Sulphur to keep her Jockf dark and beautiful, and thmi-inu of women and men wha th.t even color that beautiful dark rtade1 ui uair wnicn is so attractive; fast only this old.tlme recipe. Nowadays we get this famous mix ture improved bv th mtitMinn nh er Ingredients Dr asking at any drug luce ur a movie ot "Wyeth'a Sage ompuur compound, which mi u iu iin uair so nsturaiiv an evenly, that nobody can possibly tell n hu aevu appuea. xou just damp. n a snooze or soft hrmh i.n u draw this through your .hair, taking vuw luian airano at a time. By aornlng the gray hair disappears; , but what delights 'the ladies with . Wyeth's . Sara and . Bulnhu rw- . .1 ound ,ls .that, besfdes beautifully darkening the hair after a few ap; plications, it also brings .back the Swiss aaa.juauAad gives it an ap I earaac of abundance. v -. . v 7" Lo7crXxit jf HiHer Education i? ; " Dcmocraqrecd, Says Cancel! iSlr k i n . as , v I 1 1 i IwaMBsalaBt asawawnwfc- Htl irtliiir,.,! IN direct contradiction to recent pronouncements for a College aristocracy, notably by President Cutten of Colgate Universjty, is a declaration for higher education for U1 who rwitf Uk it, mdo by Dr. Russell H. Conwall, noted lec turer, and college president, on the eve of eilucatton ree Dr. Conwell declares that higher r educatibn' is jetting- too high tot ,the masses to reach, and advocates educational -failltie which .will .bring 'the cost down to the level of the average student's pocket. "With the cost ef a year in college hovering around J 1,000, we .are, losing light of our democracy of opportunity," he said. When the average student can't afford to go to college we must bring college to him, or government by the peo ple will go out of business." Dr. Conwell, in his eightieth year, is contributing to democracy in education by enlarging the ca pacity of Ter?le Universjty, Philadelphia, lu ,25,000 students. He started Temple University i8 vpars tteo as s niirht class, in a chu'tasehWht1 W bow au 10--I 000 students, most of them fork ing their way on a parttunefbasii "I have no quarrel with the uni versities,'' he continued, "except that ';y. are put of .reach pi .the" masses. 'It Mi I r TTrr.yJ iputheastern Council to Open Ila'SejMon jttalw t.aro- " Una Tonight , . i.- iiit PINEHURST. Dec. 5. With tading club women of the southeast1 o attendance, the third annual con- entlon of the Southeastern Coun-' il of Federated Club Women wlil ipen here Tuesday evening. Mrs.: I. E. Has, of Georgia, president,! .nd Mrs. Sydney P. Coopsr. presi-l lent "of the North Carolina Federr: ition, will preside at the opening tession, which will be featured by m address on "Training for Cltizeu- thlp," by Mrs. Alonzo Richardson, Ulanta, chairman o! the Citizen hip Training of the General Feder ition. Alabama, Georgia. Florida, Nprth rarollnh. 'South Chroflna, Kentucky, .'enntssee a,nd Virginia will bersp esented i dn i the. program fori'tSie bree dag' session. The program ollows: J Tuewlay Evening At the Carolina, 8 o'clock; for nal opening-of the council: Mrs. J. 5. Hayes, president of Southeast ern Council, and Mrs. Sydney P. ,'ooper, president of the North Caro ina Federation, presiding. S'-'lections, the Carolina orches tra. Invocation, Rev. Thaddeus A. 'heat ham. America the Beautiful, assembly inging. Addresses o.1 welcome: Mrs. Syd icy P. Cooper; Miss Margaret Lo ell Gibson, director of the General ederation, and Mrs. W. V. H or ton, 'resident of the fifth district. Response ot addresses of wel ome. Mrs. J. E. Hajs. Presentation of program, Mrs. Eugene Reilley. Address, "Training: .for Citizen .J. .4 11 I 1 ship' Mrs. Alonso Hiehardson. Vocal selections, Mrs. ThomasiS laslin, Winston-Salem. Address, Robert N. Page. Music, Instrumental, Mrs. Jox Lucas, South Carolina. Cot'a Reception, given by Mrs. Sydney Pf Cpoper, tp :M1 . ,,E. -Ljys and delegates' and .visiting cfub . women. w " . I 1 , .1 CASK ER MAKES PJROPOSAi 10 iPAY STATESVILLE, Dec. 5. -A de- vision front. Cuief State Bank Exam ner Ul-iam.' of .Raleigh, at to whether he will accept n leu pf a 110,000 bond held by the Stony Point bank on A. TV, White, Csh ler, who left ap ajleged shogrtage of 114.000 when he disappeated No vember 2. a 117,000 bond made ty1 White's Friends, is expected soon by officials. . Whita'a ton recently visited him ind returned with a letter In which l proposal waa made to pay any al leged shortage h pray hate with the bank, according , to .the son and 't"l " . 1 1 111 Correspondence schools and part time schools, making' earning and learning possible at the same time, are the solution. They rep resent real democratic education. Work is no handicap to. study. "The greatest men in this country secured their .education ; through the basic correspondence; school principle home study. ' Hafrfy' of thern aVf done 'th without the direction of effort andupernsiph: which orrespoqd4 ence schools give. This being true, certainly it is possible .for the av erage student to do as much under a staff of skilled instructors. "The faculties of correspondence schools of national standing com-. pare favorably with those of the universities. Their influence pen etrates to the remote quarters of the country. That means the open door to the best instruction for everybody. That is what I mean by democratic education." With one lecture, the interna tionally famous "Acres of Dia monds," which has been delivered ' nearlv .100 times. Dr. Conwell 'has earned'fa Si 'years '$400)6d. Every cent of this money, above expanses; has i igone into Temple ! University. The Baptist Temple, of which Dr, Conwell has been pastor fdr4Q,years, has he largest M ! Baptist congregation in the world. Tt tution The whereabous ot White were not revealed. Parker-Stewart. SALISBURY, Dec. . 5. James, B. arVer. it &to!rhhMtixift Stewart, of Salisbury, slipped away to York, S. C, and were married Toarfeday. ttie:t'Wedmtig doming 'a a surprise for thei rmany frienda . r . . . . : (Buy Xmas Seals - . . . High Point's alotrrtent lis 70,000 seals, the proceeds from these seals will pe used for welfare work in High Point. t d. BUY EARLY! J-JJLLmgA LiJ-n J ! L 1 i Mm I iliMIUMU(iUUUIHIIIIIlUliUIIUIUlitUUMMHUiUliiMUUlUltil J v n'nx: ( l . , . v ... I. I STOCKHOLM, Jov. 14. A ntw Viking vessel from Sweden I manned with expert salesmeu ; armed with literature on up-to-date railroad en gines, will Bail shortly foe South America. -,. : - This unique way oJ finding new markets for their products has, been devised , i by Swedish '.locomotlTe builders, who have Just delivered the two .hundredth locomotive on an order frprn the Russian soviet. A fine steam.. yacht ot 600' tons has been purchased In Spain, and will he fitted out, Yor the expedition. . A onahdar ot the Sweden nvjf ha been secured to serve asakipper, and his xrew will Include aeveral of the men who have Just completed a round-the-world cruise on a sailing yasht. '.:v" ' ' ' -i , The president of the company,'4o getber with several ot his technical . ... , " " " experts, .will direct the work of (the expedition. It is expected that mos o .ne aoutn American, repubuos will be visited., ; ; 'r Swedish locomtives has formed a big item la 'Sweden's experts to Rus sia, .and shipments, tore continuing though the nunMiclgiially. order. d by the Soviet 'has Teeir reduced National Treasure-' Department, Washington, J). C. Report atMee that an important document was seriously damaged by roaches, who had eaten it in several places! iProteet yourself against these pests. They destroy property carry germs spread disease! Royal Guar, anteed Roach Powder will clear your nouse or EVERY roach Get a box today. 10c and 25c. Sold and guar anteed bv The Basketerla and Mann 'Drug Co. b'Vti bought heavily n !fHRyioaaea. unui 3 '! iiptsfffSiil u iing our entire sk at (til If I :&Vr Come in now and lower prices made it possible) to give that exceptionally fine i&ft at a price unheard ot ' ! Open Evenings Wagger's Jewelry "The, THURSDAY TOE'BROADWAYSTHEATiE hcutiit-iaj -' n-.-vvi r-4 Leave High Point ' : A Wav witiston-Sulem Mann Drug Company v -' Zlnsendorf Drug Company 8;00 A.M. 8:00 A. M. 11:00 A. M, r v.,-. .;;.? iiiioOA, M. - 3;00 IV JuV.' :"r t"Z:QQ P M. " . 6:0fl P. M. iL'vT;V-':;-r-7;v7'Vi j"..-:Q0 P. M. ALL SEVEN PAfSSENGER CARS'.5 :'VJ EXPERT AND EFFICIENT DRIVERS 1 ' ' , : i ' . r-Av " 7 We eenred you on the old aantt fhe sew concrete, one," . ; ' ' you DAVIS SHOE Ceo. H. Jacobs, Owner, r "Little Wonderst Enterprise Want Ads.; for this ChmUnastt uus siock is reauceq! consijOeraDiy we or 01- 1 1 A II 1 7 II mem uce ess get the benefit of uiese Little Store of the Big :::;ni::::i:niiinrnin;iui!ii::;!nn:;ii;ii:ii;iiia;; :l AND FRIDAY r ' OUR MOTTO; SAFETY FIRST CARS . . . ", ' ' -. v ' cla,y oad,et sis aerve you now on " -S : , -;v L l Colonial Xongue 'Oxfords. ; I We will be pleased to show " - tKis inew ; display. - ? 't rf1 '-!. . SlfMil reductions. iTheie Valuef" STORE ' 4 tore! iiiiii;!ipiiiip3;;!!ppsi!!S s1 . WM II! ..d.v.'.iyt.S 1- : . v ; r ... 5 ' 4 w if K 6C. u,' rt I;-. 1 oV16c1c p. m; J.ElwoodCoxLqts 3 ThQseJots'ftre Idea- tt v r.v hi? x';c- ' '' jthe imanufacturing ht fi!'n.cvtj ct and " arje j j ideal home 'sites 'Bill ryerployeesl I Jlt-I't Wr i. ' jo I t..' . , k!f 3 SALE 1 CONDUCTED BY '4r . - . I I! . ' ASHEVILLE,' rs: vi i branch Offitesil XXX ?:''X-iXX'i LAKELAND,! f. PENNINGTON Vi GAP.YA. ; ' If Ji 1HEEM Mir foniey 7.'-.:. ,h -1; I ); , " :.',. r ' f, ' . ' ' . ,:... . Bras; dialing I Agitsl A W Watts prfg4ent,ot'tu,enin8tuT",,,",,,",,,,,,",,,,,',,M """ t1M.ti.mi.N..ttt r ,r j i ' ' , Al.t....i..MMiHi..M.,, .MtlMlttlMliM.ituii4iitl.,.Mtt J i4

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