THE GA5TONIA, (N. C), DAILY GAZETTE PAGE FIVE WTO TREVES! II ....... ??.f.C?F A Sale of Fine Shirt Waists and Blouses that should interest Gaston ia shoppers. Don't miss these bargains -. " -' ' XTtata f latent la thi SocUl Lift ; f GutoaU aad Gaatoa Facta and j Taadca far Tha Gatetta'a Feminine ' Frkada. Mra. Zoa Kinoaid Brockmaa Editor ' TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1921 : oe A , Strao Pumo A. A ? Brown Satin ,We have -just received shipment of Brown Satin Strap Pumps. Both Spool ; and Paby Louis Heels. All sizes and widths. Prior . . . . $10.00 Robinson Shoe Co. i H v.- :.iv. I ih mczoim I - , j a yfoa?; .?? and feel Right Spring Suits, Stetson Hats Easter Haberdashery Kirby-Warren Co., The Home of Good Clothes j KATHERINE MacDONALD DOES NOT BELIEVE IN TOO HASTY COURTSHIPS Is a whirlwind courtshiti a successful Ol'Cf Every Juv wo road in th .Inilr j papers of divorce proceedings resulting from hasty marriages. Yet occasionally we run across devoted couples who have; been happily married for many years after extremely brief courtships. Miss Katlierino Mai Donald, the beau tiful star of "Curtain!" an interesting picture of staRe life which deals with "lovo at first sight " romance ami its results, believes that loii( engagements oitneen lovers is the only safe way in which to enter the holy state of mutri-i moiiy. I "There is an old saying," Miss Mac Donald explains, "that you have to live! with people lief, ire you know them. Audi ibis same truism applies to matrimony. How can one expect to be happy with a prison whom they do not knowf Our cannot learn all of the eccentricities and i cuaiat tori.stic s of a person whom they j have known but a brief time. A man or woman may be the most beautiful and' accomplished person in the world and .vet have a violent temper a sulky din ! position. Or they may be most uueon- genial and not a bit domesticated. "Kverybody tries to appear at their; best in public but when they are in the privacy of their home it is a different ' story. And there are lots of undesirable traits of character in a person that are kc f 1 1 concealed in public but which crop j out later on. After the novelty of new I acquaintance shil' lias worn off, the bad ' features come to the surface and then I tlv resultant domestic unhappiness oc curs. I, for one, am in faror of lone i j WITCHERY. A street piano quivers through the dusk,' A shy breeett swavs and nods its ilre.-nnv 1 head. Anil stretches perfumed fingers out to me That late have loitered o'er a primrose bed. j The pearled branch of a plum trie croons' ! and sighs ' : And stirs the languid moonlight at my ' feet, ' ' I , i i 1 hen, settling to its dreaming once again, 1 I Leaves there a shodaw blossom, wonder I sweet. j ! Frail dream shapes flock from sweet, j long liished ISprings, ; 'ling to my hand and will not let me go ! Lured by the music quivering through the dusk, The breeze that sways my curtain to audi iro. D A. R. TO MEET FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The William Caston Chapter, D. A. I., j will meet Friday afternoon at ii o'clock with Mrs. 8. A. Kindley at her home on 1 Proad street. Mrs. Kindley and Mrs.' George A. Sparrow will be joint hostesses and an entertaining program has been ' arranged. ' i WAR MOTHERS ; MEET WEDNESDAY. The War Mothers' Association will' meet tomorrow afternoon at .'! o'clock w'th Mrs. A. A. McLean, at her home ' on South York street, Every war mother, in the county is urged to attend t li ii- meeting. LOT NO. 1 One table extra pretty Waists in Georgette, Tricolette, Crepe de Chine, all wanted spring shades and new snappy styles. Sale Price $3.98 Values to $5.95 .0 LOT NO. 2 This lot of beautiful lace and em broidered Georgettes, Pongees, Wash Satins, Tub Silks, Crepe de Chines, etc. Same styles as seen in the higher numbers, our special Sale Price $4.98 Values to $8.95 LOT NO. 3 Exceptional Blouses and Shirt Waists in Georgette, Crepe de Chine. Tricollette, heavy lace trimmings, embroidered, beaded, etc. Sale price $5.95 Values to $10.00 LOT NO. 4 At this very reasonable price, for sale only, we offer Dlouses and Waists that really look to be $12.50 numbers; they wear better. Look at them in Window. Sale Price $7.95 Values to $12.50 WELCOME NEWS TO C. D. C. A telegram to Mrs. Thomas W. Wilson, Hate president of the 1'. !. ('., from Mrs. If. A. Loudon, chairman of the I I'. C. probation committee, annoum-cd tlut the one million dollar pension bill passed the IScnate Saturday and the Itouso yesterday. This will be ivelcom news iu C 1). C. circles throughout the State. EFIRD'S TO BANQUET TONIGHT. As a result of a contest between two teams of Kfiird's sales force, captained by Messrf. Otto Ihincan and Mulba Hnndsoll, the entire force will enjoy an informal banquet tonight in the Armory building. Mr. W. K. Hnytns will serve in the capacity of toastmaster. In addi tion to short talks from members of the fnrci. there will be addresses by Hev. LOT NO. 5 Blouses of heavily embroidered Georgette in Grey, Bisque, Peach and Flesh, etc. Also embroidered beaded designs, Sale Price $12.95 Values to $19.95 YOUR PURCHASE KEEPS AMERICA EMPLOYED. BUY WHAT YOU NEED NOW. 30 MATTHEWS-BELK CO. 30 RETAIL RETAIL STORES SELL IT F0R LESS STORES Do you want your clothes to FIT you? Then let us measure you. We can please the man who wants "Individuality" in clothes. We have thousands of beautiful, superb materials fcr ycu to chocse frcm. . Dress well; it PAYS. You can get an "audience" when you wear cur good clothes. Wear our good "Nifiy" clothes. The Young Men's Shop WAJtfiEN GARDNER, Mgr. 1 "" m'ciks ror couiue.s ocr ore tnpy . j w. Cautey .lohnson, rector of St " in in. iillil l i t oe neve t nil. h In and ! one i ! should be framed forcing a man woman to bo engaged for at least ytar before they are alohved to imirrr. In "Curtain!" M;.ss MacDonald plays j lie part of a stage idol who is won by J i man of wealth after a very brief court- ; -hip. The result of this hasty wedding J ;s disupopintmeiit ami great unhappiness i tor her until she finds thP solution of her I I lobleni. It is one of the best and most ' i mini ing pictures Miss MncIona!d has' yet appeared in. It will be a First a ! tanal attraction at the Castoninn The ; atcr today and tomorrow. Mark's Kpiscopnl church, and Hugh A, Query. The ladies of the Kirst l'.aptist church will serve the menu. YOUNG BRANDON HAD VISION. ' ' That 's a wise boy u h prizo in the biscuit contest,' p ntlcmnn who is ucliued to ii won tils' ' nbcrvd a be facet f Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Armstrong left ist night for Richmond, Va., where Mrs. Armstrong will undergo ;m operation at GASTONIAN TODAY AND TOMORROW KATHERINE MACDONALD The American Deauty in "CURTAIN" Directed by James Young The Love Story of an Actress From Tho Saturday Evening Post Story by Reita Weiman the stage meant much home meant more she was a success as an actress wa3 she a success as a home maker the question was home or stage which? A "First National" . Attraction THURSDAY and FRIDAY CECIL B. DeMILLE'S Production 'SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT ty Jeanie macpherson The top of life and the bottom ! And the same .fairvoman reached them both. Why? How? And -tvfich was the, end? " A Romance aglow with the metropolitan beau ty and richness always linked with the name De : Milled -Yet built from the hearth of a village black smith and made of the ;tuff that fULs the simplest hearts. tWith: Gloria Swanson, Theodore. Roberts, Elliott iDexter and Won!e Blue. i-M. laiKe s Hospital. !he will be awav pendnble creatures, would just h for a month or more. Mr. Armstrong ! roll up their sleeves and go In k will also undergo treatment but expects : the dough. And, for my hi reiurn mime wmnn a weeK or so. Cmleil, "that Im.v is not going .1 voice crying in the wildijfnr- going to get that biscuit recipe leve I'm going to need it." Missis I'velvn I'ress'y and Kssie Mc Caiter, both s'udents at I.inwood Col lege, hpeut the week end with Mrs. R. (). aig at her home on (South Willow street. at the elpense of Ins Tile and s imet nl his neighbors' wi'es. "You sec, centiniied, "that boy has vision. He s; that what with running around uplilli tee i-ommunity, keeping their skirts up thi prevailing notch, and voting at' times, the harassed and overworked lies just couldu t find time to stu u the biscuits. IL saw at once if bre;l to remain the staff of life the nici, to ling con just I 'ir I be part.- Enj oy hvcry Meal Without fear of Indigestion or Dyspepsia Take a Tablcspoonful of FOR ADULTS After Kveo Mei'. It Is c.i V. the inline tntili-'S It nru tr.. Iin loi.lit,. pn lent liT'H; u:;ition, iinpni. the iliuratlon and aiiKtlte ;i rel n lKrntes the itonunJi and Ut'ls. EXCEI.LEVT FOB Inilifstloii. I( stKpsia, Iwiitcr.v. I'-ilir, lltsrrtioen. Vux, Oiok-ra Morbus. At all drug stores. Kuykendal Chemical Co., Rock Hilt, S. c. ; STATE FEDERATION OF MUSIC CLUBS. ) The annual meeting of the Mali- I ! elation of Music Clubs will bo In I I n 1 Creeusboro March II and l.'i. In conu.c tion with thid meeting the Nottn Cam Hate contests for young pritc siftial musicians will be held. All con : testants, club presidents and deleirat to the Wtate ims'ting will be guests ot the Kuterpe Club while in (iice nshoro. Mrs. Frank A. Vilierliug, of Akion Ohio, president of the National Fedora tion of Music Oubs, and Mi-s Nan H Steihens, of Atlanta, president of tin .South Atlantic District, will be presen' at this meeting. This fact alone hi riroosed an unusual degree of intere-t ii the meeting, as these two otlieets nr. among the best known in the musiea' - field in the country. Another very inter eating feature is the contest for young professional musicians, which will be held during the meeting. A number oi young artists have signified tlicir inten tion to enter, and others may do so. if their applications are forwarded imme diately. The niimlier of dubs belonging to the Istatp Federation has increased materially since the last meeting, and 1 1 i1 dilations point to tho mot siiciessfu mis'ting in the history of the musical organizations of the State. in t ! , I mi v - 'III ls II w II-' o ( r - llll i WILLIAMS INSURANCE AGENCY R. V. WILLIAMS, Manager. Insurance of All Kinds Nothing But Insurance District Managers The Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. $1. .-,00.0110.00 Capital fullv paid. $100,000,000.00 Insurance in force. $")8,OOO,O0.').00 Assets. "1'hc IIcsl Insurance Company in the World." Issues liberal Life, Accident ami Health Insurance contracts. (Not In dustrial Insurance). I'rotect yourself and loved ones against the five jrreat hazards of Life: (1) Sickness, (li) Accident, C',) rennancnt Disahilitv. (1) Old Akc (") Death. "Lis; en to the. Acnt." Resident Agents Royal Insurance Company Insuring you for Fire, Automobile, Liability, I'.urglary, Theft, Plate Glass, Tornado, Cyclone, Hail and Farm Insurance We most respectfully ask for a share of vour Insurance business. WILLIAMS INSURANCE AGENCY Temproray Offices Star Grocery Co. Opposite City Hall Fones 410 and 411 a m SOCIETY PERSONALS Miss t'nra t'larke sjieiit ruudiiy with ftiends in the I'nion neighKorhixid. ' Major and Mrs. Rolw-rt '). I'tiderwood ' f Marp Island, f'al., aniiouine the liirth of a son, Richard I.e. on Monday, Fell I roary 2H, at their California estate. ; Major Underwood is a lirother of Mrs. 7.. R. Harry, of this city, and has many : friends in the count v. The Ideal Thuater presents tolay Era ovajf iu " tsiM-ietr Secrete" and "Kin 1 gTs and rocket, a two reel comedy. "onrdtuldtionr- NATURE GAVE YOU YOUR EYES IT IS UP TO YOU TO TAKE THE BEST POSSI BLE CARE OF THEM. Discomfort in reading or sewing is nature's first warning. Heed it! and do your duty to nature's greatest gift. WE EXAMINE EYES AND FIT GLASSES VV. B. MORRIS Registered Optometrist Office : Torrence - Morris Co'i. Jewelrv Store : ; Gastonia, , ., jjN C. Huffstetler Brothers Building Materials of all Kinds Brick Tile Cement Lime Gravel See us and Get Our Prices Before You Buy. Information gladly furnished whether you are ready to build right now or not. Phone 99 Gastonia, N. C.

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