JE5DAY, MARCH 8, 1921 THE GASTONIA, (N. C), DAILY GAZETTE AGE SEVErt Daddy V VAVARY GRAHAM BOVVER FAIRY QUEEN'8 PARTY. I am going to jrfve a party," said Fairy Quern. "nnd I hop that all fairies and elves and pwimes nnd lius and all of th members at the u'ey Family, old Mr.' Giant and Wlt Wltch will all come." Im sore they! till' will tome," said ! ry rrincess Twilight-Hell. And you mustn't forget the brown- " ald the Fuiry Ylmb. Certainly, not." said the Fairy 'en, "for I want their) too. I want have all our friends. Hurry, I-'alr- and invite them all. Tell them the ty Is to be tomorrow evening in village park." At' what hour, Fairy Queen?" they ed. At the wonderful hour of mld- ut," said the Fairy Queen. Ko the Fairies hurried -off to give the Stations lo their other friends. Vheti they ret rued the Fairy een asked them if most of their nds had accepted the Invitation. Xot one refused," they said. Vhen the next evening came all the ies, gnomes, brownies, elves, gob ,' the members of the Bogey Fam old Mr. Want nnd Witty Witch ry one. was on hniui. lost of the park lights which had n shining on the snow were out kv. J he. snow had been having a icing party of ius very own right ler the lights nnd jM-ople had Iked along nnd had spoken of how snow was sparkling. ?ut they hadn't known that the w was having a dancing party nnd Some of the Jewels. kt all t?ie snow Indies nnd gontle- n, and nil the snow children were Mied tip In their very In-nt and re also wearing all their jewels. low gay it had heen. The village k was delighted to he the scene of niueh gaiety and 1 i fe. fo think of havinc two parties in I' evening. The first one given hy snow people who lffid usd the rk lights to help them In their light- r arrangements. v rhen the fnoon had helped too. Old Moon was wearing his handsome scent shnied eostume wliieh he very fond of wearing for parties. The snov was (till aparkliug and 1 Mr. Jloon was shining brightly en the party begiio. Over a white use, near the village park Mr. Moon d his rays and hade it look very gilt and white pnd like the winter ne. AH' the street were very still and people 1ft tye village were sleeping iceruiiy. I like tf light up yonder' white use." said ilr. Moon, "nnd keep It lit so I 'can keep my eye on tt and ! k after it during the nicht when i people, li(s4de are sleeping. In the daytime It stands out so 'e andwhlte on Its .white snow- mnu anu men wnen uie iiusnes are brown nnd bare the pine trees on ' te hill stand so straight and tall I ! ow it wiH be well looked after, for 8 pine trees have promised mo al- i ys to protect It. I 'And now I will shine for your par- ' Fairy QueeD." Then the dancing began nnd the ; trs iwniKieo ineiiiiy om nicy tried dance too. They trlel all the .new- steps just as the fairies ond their ests were doing, and there was a at deayof laughter and daneing up the sky that night too. rThen lop King Snow came along in some 01 his Klal",lmlu'r"i l"v ow Flakes, nnd he said. "I have brought presents for nil ur guests. Fairy Queen As lie spoke tho fresh snow feu , htly on the ground" and over the j ests. I have, brought Jewels for every- e. said he. ' And he 'undid a huge snow pnekage which were counties sparkling jew- which looked so bright and glor ia, All of tM guests were given some wels as5vere nM-of the fuiries nnd o snow-: ladies jujiL gentlemen and ow children decorated themselves . th jewels tool ' Xo ode caft Wr tob us of onr kvels," said old King Snow, "for we f ve jewels which can't be caught or ptured or held. That is because our Jewelers make I jewels In such a way that they : n never be captured or stolen.", Then old King Snow gave some of ! of jewels from bis Jewel the ' d trees and they sparkled too, .and r uinuni. jsccuicti ur iiiuvgii uie uoie , . . -a. . i - rairy a e mm rid were sparkling that night ! i,east" Fuiryt Queen's party I nia 'all SO and The Gazette's ad man will ie to see yon promptly about that ad tisement Uncle mi's MARRYING A FAMILY "1 M GLAD Jim Slather and Sophie . Gherkin are married," said the I druggist. "They are well suited to ! each other, and should live happily ever after. Sophie Is a fine young i woman. Of course, she has a good j inanv nunk rela- tives, but Jim ! didn't marry the family," 'Tin afraid he did," remarked the village patriarch. "A man can't mar ry a girl like Sophie without having the family thrown In. Khe may he deter mined to keep her sisters and cous ins and aunts at n r ' J. . . A it distance, but such people won't take a hint. In order to keep them off the premises, Sophie will have to stand at the front gate with a double-barreled shotgun, and that would interfere with her house work. "If n man marries a woman who has a string of undesirable relative, he should al once take his bride away from them. Let him board a fust train nnd travel us- far as the rails pi, and then mosey into the brush, and per haps he'll escape the wrath to come. If he camps down in the old home town, where those relatives are hang ing out, he is sure to have trouble. "My third wife was gifted with many uncles nnd cousins and brothers and sisters of the bargain counter kind. Any six of them would have been dear nt 5(1 cents. Before we were married, I explained to Maria that I wouldn't stand for those relatives, and she snjd she wouldn't expect me to. She gave me her word of honor that she wouldn't have anything to do with them, or let them have anything to do with her, find she meant every word she said. "In those days I was poor, and 1 realized that it would keep me hustling to keep the wolf away from the door, without having to provide for uny cousins or aunts. About a month after we were married, I went home unexiiectcdly in the middle of the af ternoon one day, and fcund my wife filling a basket with pieces of fried chicken, and jars of jam. and oranges, and various expeusive things adapted to the idle rich. "I asked her what she was going tn do, and she colored up and stammered around, and finally explained that her Aunt Hachel was dangerously sick and she thought it would be a real kind ness to take her a few delicacies. 'Of course.' Maria said. 'I haven't forgotten my promise, and I don't intend to have anything more to do with my folks than 1 can help, but In a case of sick- ; ness the rules should be suspended.' "'I nm willing to suspend them to the extent of a slice of buttered toast and a hard-boiled egg,' I said, 'but you have four dollars' worth of victuals in that basket, and that's rubbing It in your Aunt Itaehel a little too strong.' "So she unloaded most of the things she had put in the basket and said I had no heart, and went away weeping. VV t0 tmjt moment our married life naa l n "Ke u un"y '"""ling nm this experience made It cloudy, and our , house never was the same afterwards. I had lost confidence in my wife, and she bad sized me up as n tyrant. "That Aunt Hachel experience was merely the beginning. A week or two later I went home famishing, expecting to see an uplifting and ennobling sup- , per all ready on the table, but there was nobody at home. The lire was out, and there was nothing to eat in t sight. I dug up a can of salmon and ; some crackers and had a heartbreaking 1 meal. "About nine o'clock in the evening my wife came home, and when I asked her where she had been, she answered defiantly that her Uncle Ebenezer had i,,,,.., ..-iiuv in iii red while .homiing down a tree, and she considered it her duty to take care of him. I would have I to get along the best way I could for a day or two, she said, for she was ! going to nurse Uncle Kbenezer. Her relatives s'oon found thnt they could ' have anything they wnuted from my ! lurder by being invalids, so they took turns falling sick, and my wife resolved herself into an ambulance corps. That son or thing couldn t last long, my friends, and it didn't." Sure Enough. "We'll have to assess your copper stock." "Hut I thought I was to be In on the ground floor." "You are. And that's the point where we start digging." God's Voice on the Ocean. Ocean winds! They come from the immeasurable deep. Their wide wings i0'''1 the breath of the mighty - 'ulf. the spaciousness of vast soli- ! tunes, ine great nine plains are their delight. Victor Hugo. Hopeful. Why have you called a convention neighbors?" aic awm 10 531111 my nouse and noPs to Be aDle 10 opree on oolop ! Hcnpme mar win sun a msionrv at i - . , . 4 v s,.t. The only way. to keep up with Gasto-, and Gaston affairs is to read The! if Gazette every day. See editorial page for aubscription rates H -..- btfLucyJeamePnce (Li XKW YORK. March 7. Charts tiil- ! pin, negro st.-ir of "Emperor Joih-h. " broiiuht th. lirnuia Ij-.-iriic to the facing : f a issm. more .It tli.-in have :iiiv i thi'ir jirol.lemn of "art" mid ".Im unit if quality" in the yarn of -their ex isteiu-e. Gilj in, who is generally knowle.l;;.-.! to kmc m-nl. the play a rhiKsir, won :i .l:i.- mnoiig I he ten lea 'I ling i" votes for those who lav coiitrih uw-d most to the theater in the past year The ten were to h.iv hei il gicsts of honor ut the l-aue .linner. Then earn' the impasse. Should (he negro s'nr In a gmtit of honor or -lo,u, prc.iihli'V hi placed above art? I'm- ' day -r Uvo i! looked as Ihoiih prejudice had win Then letler came in frmn Mary (inrdeii, Gilda Vaiv-i, and others of the chosen ten. "I slnill be d. -lighted to sit next to Charles Oiloin at the dinner.'' write Minn Garden. ''I should like to know who in New York would no!." The others wrot(i to the -lame cflVcl. lb' was i3Uit"d! The other nine wire Miss (;,! ib ii, Miss Varesi, Dudley Digjfcs, Duel Itelasco, I jiyje'n O'Nell, .l.ieuu i iln nii, Lee Sanderson, I' rid Stone, and Mar garet Severn. ' ' I hieet t o the consumer taken us the slo;:in lor the factiii'ers' fashion hi'.ts io i'hey are going lo station I inie " chei kcr . ' ' i n ;ir:mr ' I .-1 : heen ..aist ni.inu t ItelllseU es. old- coi ne r of rtl tllell all die i lii- if Cie .Tl and got tin ami liriths of ha al homes them. Here the lialois were lironght . ! iii, "1 k,n w ia,. . W. wa- inter national lint 1 diiu'i know it was (piid sa internal ioii.-il tin-,'' said oae o,' t!ie iai. h. ''I:'.-, every i lien-, 1 a "I it? And I never Knew In-fore that il Mould get mv bahv v- .il;e I for an ! ' ' -la- . tnel it h our i -'ock . a n ballet dam ing, I in America orodi I'esii rmiiia mo) 1 einal .;isler. if.- of Ball. I. Inc., .loan . Ah- t he ii id I a rt ist . as prime in: prod s. ;,,nal at the head ,' tin a II i 'a e I. ii t ion is appropriately Mme. Ilesiie. Iiov - ka. I say a ppi opiaali ly ' ' In IS( that isn't her nanie .at all. Her n trnl.u n:. me is a good plain Amcri.aa one and she limits it, luit explains thai manager- insisted she heconie a 1,'a-siaii I.- Iiev would do .m IhiiiL' al. all about hei lancing. Aside fr-un training Aue'icai Die city lo to i; o;l 1 1 e unmoor v. ho lire wearing bh .uses rather tl piece ilre-ses. .'. l.ev ale t i not trend of styles a r, . ; : I . 1 hv too v. -:ii-:i wearers. The o p. pali i- goiin; to b. ti'tud sit !:. .1 i-.. ii in f ,s,i..:e. And ! ii,. next time ,i ; t . ': vr tells a uianiil :.e l.irer ' i I - a i ll - es n.i -..s ale -r are not v.olai. J tie in.' il I a. 1 a . e,- i l-' f ing I iillil : ills Ii 1e tally ' '' ' "' ''" ' jy' diieclor ,";, ,',"' I ' 'n'" 1 li e Canal .'.on., uie-ii their Knglish ib. n V V" e nun a. Iii!isj,.-t pu' ia lor lepa'r-.. c "b'C 'Hare ; n. on ;l,e -np lor a CfM Wi ek and t'e-r,. lb, ,ere with o.i war SSS&6f i- " " '' l-i 1, , ,a,e !.,,. M..s LcScr heard " Noinet mie-i siioeinalo is da make I tor linii.iae. ii. St, .ph. ii S... i 111. or- 11 STTi B fl CTj gan'.er ,.i the IV.'ic li-alth - J J& .--' - vr1,"" THAT CQWlM I U NeW York in !..M la -OV lOedi,,,,, H "IJJtONU gW and is still -!.,4,ino il. lie ems on,- ai nnTlbCTt S Af ellllee anile of ri . i Ii . ! e i, , -, ,. j , i I -, - . 1 , i, s Q . AflTST fCaisphcr tic ,ro f N.w Yen. JK&mW Crryq Imr .let, :,maed M mr?mJS,!I "ma,! -A RHEUMATISM FAILS TO CHECK THIS ANCIENT AND ARDENT ANGLER'S ARDOUAi ! ' - ' A 1 J.ff:)Mrr.JyT:: w.3SIk When the folks at Palm Beach, where he is spending the .nivfrAclttfl Vi ci f urnuM muici f c'.fcf,1-". s, -- i- ti i u : i - :. nil I I years anu ius iiicuiiiauuu, , , , ..... . . .' frm St. Joseph, which is in Missouri and they'e have to "show rum So every day ne propeis nis wneei cnair to me Deacn and shows the young 'unRs a thing or two about fishing. . ! jrirlH, the triety train tie man I figer ut rectiKnrae 1 lit-ni. i 1 Tlio iL-irticulftr achievement of " Bhu I.yes,"' tl im'w mimical tthow at tin Cam no, ia li.'is lirnuglit Iji-w Vldt Lack to In .til)li-. Tho uiuxiciil comod.i is gna.l nu1 tne miisie ami tiu customer lire Rood. Hut just K'M'd- Nothing n ni;irk:il.le. Jiut U-vt Fields is dcride.ll- i '""" 'f '" "'"1 s orinixit funnier than - ey,'r, 1,a, k i'i0 ,lav ""' w"r'1' Wehhcr & 'Fields" stood hy t hfiiisoTvpp ill tiie world of comedy. One automobile wilesinaii waxed so en tliiisiastic over his o:,r the other day he persuaded the reluctant wife of his prospect to agree to his sending it around th,. next day for a demonstra tion. "It will be there at ten o'clock in the tin. ruing. " he -aid, "and you just let the driver take you wherever you v.mi! to go." The woman was ready and waiting when. ft drove up the next iay, and lanied. a fair sized hainlliag villi her. "Where-to, madam?" a ked the chauffeur. "Albany, please," shr ri plied. Marriage and Divorce Popular. Jefferson vi He, Ind. Ilepieseiitutlvos of the Kussell Sage foundation have been here io make an Investigation of the ilood of marriages and divorces in Clarke county. More than :i,(HH) per sons were married In this county In the Inst year, though the county has a population of but oO.imio. out of a totu! of I7 milts tiled ln local court since November 2S, 1910, 14,'l have been for divorce. MOTHER! "California Syrup'of Figs'" Child's Best Laxative AceeDt "Caliroraia" Syrup of Y'igt mly-look for the name California on ' hi package, then you are sure your tbiid ia having tho beet and most barm ! bm bfaynie for tho bttie utoinach, liver unl bowels. Children iove its fruity ; lite. Foil direction! on each bottlo rcu nt t.j "Oalifom;. " j i I Ka nn-i Kl A tn Aftfi Kaaiia of w - - iLf- ka.- . viu i n 1 u.x. , laiiinl'lcs SSOSW iilielicd ti. I - ,d ,;,. H bottle : I IS J!i ,"V-..- I CTiS&sAI BNUb'h-lM o H In rHA-ls jTT- 'it . . U K. jffifivT$Q$l cor"'"B on. P ctRfeSrW-W A 1 a" du;llersL F tim Price 30c XffWf The KelU Co. t FINANCIAL SYSTEMS OF N. C. CITIES DEFECTIVE (fiy n. G. Kim-aid.) CHAPEL HILL, Mar. . Weakness , in tin- finaiichil n.lininist ration of Xortli Carolina cities an. I towiiH ;m.l :v ami menus of iiiiprovciiKMit were .li-.-ussei ut tl;e regular meeting of the Xortli Cnro lii:u t'lul) hel.l here lluiolrn nijclit, hi k report liy Mr. J. (i. (iiilli.k, of BeltiumtJ on the suli.j.-ct of " Muiiieiiinl Finance and Financial Methods. A survey of tin- cos, of city govern- ' inciil shorts that North ('unilina cities spend relatively smaller aniounls for in u n:ciKil adniiiiistration than the general sveiage of othtr cities of the kiiiiv (dze in the Unittsl States. An analysis of ti-e tinancial methods employed by citU-n in other states reveals numerous weak lasses in the policies pursued by North Carolina towns and cities. Tlu' (ifty icnt.s limit on the general property tax is ineiillicicnt to meet the lusds. Di. criminal ion also exists in the Icvviie; of times on l.urinesses, professions, aiol trade". A better use should he made of the city budget which is repined by la t. be prepared hy each city. In sotne eases, important sources of revenue have heen neglected. There is mssl of a uni form system of municipal accoiintino ! and reporting ' ravagauce in by whiidi waste and e the ma naceineiit of the city's finances can b,. detected and ex ; peases reduced. The power of cities to contract indebtedness without a refcren , ilnm to the people should he carefully ' safeguarded. Mr. tullick 's jiaper was mie of the series on the general s.ih.iei t of indus trial and urban life in North Carolina which constitutes the program of the club for the present scholastic year. All 1 lh e papers will he published in the year ; hook of the Noilh Carolina Club for ll'L'tl lll.M. ' The Gazette has two phones. Call 50 if you want to talk business; call 2.12 if you want to talk to te news or edi torial department. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. : JOHN E. ECK : i Public Accountant S , Audits, Systems, Cost Finding! 2(i:: Klrst National Hank I Phones: j '"''o "27 Hesidenco 8 10 L DR. C. HIGHSMITH Dentist Office over Torronce DruR Store GASTON I A, N. C. Residence Phone W. W. GALLOWAY AUDITOR Public Accountant, Bank Exam iner and Office Systcmatizrr Charlotte and Atlanta Ofiiccs Residence GASTON I A, N. C. P. 0. Box 358 CIIAS. C. WILSON F. A. . A Member Am. f.oc. C. E. Architect Home Office .ICM-.') C-7 Palmetto Building Columbia, S. C. Branch Office Hugh E. White, Mgr. Mem . A . I . A 208 First National Bank Bldg. Caitonia, N. C. 1 ft t 't - i it 1 i 1 : W. E. LKEPF.R, 11. E. R. L. LEV IS, B. E. LEEPER & LEWIS Civil Engineers Designs, Maps, Estimates and Precise Municipal and Land Surveys Office 106 1-2 E. Main Ave. Phone 732 I I I SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYTEM ! SCHELTJLES. i Arrival and departure of pwnenge: I trains at (laslonin : ' Bi'hodiile figures piibludiosl as in forma - i ion and not guarantied . ; rrives DcparU from for j 4:25a N. Y.-Washn Atla Hham 4:25i ! 8:20a Charlotte At lanU H:20i S:2sa Atlanta Washington 8:28i i 9::iHa Hhm All -Wash-N. O. 9:.'!8t I 10:-Via WaKhinglon-Atlaiita 10::t.r)i : j 12:4 5) .AVestiniiister Danville 12:4.r j 4:S0p A tlanta-Richmoii.l 4:D0j! : 5:20p Dan ville-WeHtmiiister 5:20 ! 8:05 Atlanta-AVaHliiogton 8:0.' ; i :-.) .s r -vvokii Ati-iiiiam-jN u v:ni t ill:40p Itham-Atla Wasli-N O ll:4j 12:15a Wnshiiigton-Alianta 12:l5iJ Trains 29 and .'10 1 'oilman eleepiut -ears Ijetween Hiruiinghaui and Nev fork. ,., Trains 35 and .10 Ptithuaa sleeping : ars between New York-New Orleans bc ' I'irminKham. - j Trains .17 and .18 Pullman sleeping ! earo Iietween New York and New Of 'euns. Trains 1.17 and 131 Pullman sleeping ears Washington and Atlanta. For further information call on: R. L. Clcmmer, Ticket Agent, Gastonui, N. C E. H. Grahajn, D. V. A., CbMlfc V, O, Anybody Can Quit Re somebody and don't. Stick to the resolution you made at the beginning of the New Year. The First National Rank will help you to keep it. Start that savings account now, deposit a specified amount eacJv month, let it stay in the bank and, accumulate interest, and you will be glad you accepted our advice. The First National Bank GASTONIA, N. C. "The Bank of Dependable Service." HAS YOUR BOY A BANK BOOK? You have instilled into your boy the principles of honor and clean liv ing, but have you ever taught him to save? Have you told him that the way to success is thru systematic sav ing? The best way to have him form this habit is to give him a bank book of his own and let him put his own dollars in it from time to time. He will be proud of the fact that he has a bank account, and he will early form the habit of saving. Bring your boy in and let us start him to saving. We will pay him in terest on his account and encourage him in every way we can. The Citizens Natl Bank GASTONIA. IN. C. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits over $750,000.00. j ,Wkn.iMH The Time, The Place ancl The Way Time. The time to save money is when you get it. Don't wait. To morrow brings temptation. Place. The place to put your mon ey i3 in this bank, where you have the two things needful, Safety and Prof it. Way. The way to do this is to DO IT. Don't hesitate. 4 Paid on Savings. Gaston Loan & Trust Co. "WhereYour Savings Are Safe." RAhisii THF. ENEMY OF MANKIND A4aUlahS M When your body Is racked with RHEUMATISM. I"" . .. . ' id. .m.. within. Ndttrmllaa frraauauy oeroyuj m th. ihtIii. tii1 dmtruy th Unison jaaan-ir-i'ir TT" It rapidly and surely llminate. tba poison, una riie. ' : nc ayptoma. Don't overto.4 your riTSitlL STm . -;fl 4kit ono or Xwo9 daiiy batoba rnuma.tu I makes good health your companion. i " , nir at M " THE KELLS COMPAJY, NEWBURGH. N. Y. w - Z : by uaiRR -- m