Directory. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Church. Rev. J. L. Caeeoll, D. D. ' Preacbing ' tvery Sunday, 4 morning and nijght. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. l'rayer meeting every Wednesday night. , Presbyterian Church. : v J Ret. J. E Fogaetie. -1; Preaching every Sunday, morning and night; except the first Sunday in each month. Sunday School at 10:30 a. m. Prayer meet ing every Wednesday night. Methodist Church. f Rev. NV.M. Watson. v.-i ' Preaching every Sunday , morning, and ' night. Sunday School at 10:30 a. m. l'rayer meeting every Wednesday night. Episcopal CliurcJw Rev. Feedeeic TWees. Sunday services at 7, 11 and 7 o'clock. Weekly services at 4 p. m. Friday. Sunday School 4 p. mi .. During Lent services "daily at 4 p. m. UNIVERSITY DIRECTORY. University Choir. Prof. Kael P. Harrington, Leader. Organists, J. A. Maxwell and Chab. Robeeson. .. UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE, "six times a yeae. . EDITORS. Pin. . . Di. W. P. Wooten, W. P. M. Curri e J. T. Fugh, J. M. CHeek, A. H. Koonce, T, J. Wilson. , Manager, Editor, PROF. COIXIER COBB. ' UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. De. Eben Alexander, Librarian. F. L. Wilcox Student Librarian , Open every day except Sunday, from 1 1:30 to. 1:30, and from 3 to 5. Open Sundays - from 3 to 6 p. m. ; University Beading Boom. f Open every day. Leading papers pubi lished in Union and State on file. , University Press Association. H A. Rondthaler, president, De. B Whitaker, Secretary. Julian Ingle, De. B. Whitaker. II. A.' Rondthaler, Walter Murphy, Executive Com. Object is to further the disbursement of news relating to the University. Meets at the call of the president. University Athletic Association. H. B. Shaw, president. V J. L Pughf sec'y. and treas. Meets regularly the second Saturday in September and January. Other calls subject to the president. University Foot Ball Team. A. S. Barnard, Captain. Charles Baskerville, Manager. University Base Ball Team, Perrin Busbee, Captain; W. R. Kenan, Manager. University German Club. J, C Biggs, president; , C. R. Turner, secretary and treasurer. J fleet, at the call of the president. Leader ected for each German. University Glee Club, E. Payson Willard, president and leader; Charles Roberson, manager. Prof. Karl P. Harrington, director. Shakespcre Club. Dr. Thomas Hume, president; J. M. Cheek, secretary and treasurer. Meet in the Y. M. C. A. hall the third Tuesday night in each month.' Library open one hour each day. Elislia Mitchell Scientific Society. ; Prof. -J. A. Holmes, president; Prof. J. W. Gore, vice-president; Dr. F. P. Venable, sec. retary and treasurer. Meets in person hail second Tuesday night in each month. Jour nal issued twice a year. Historical Society. t. - Ttr.Keaip Ea.Uk, presidentand correspond. ing secretary; H. M. Thompson secretary and treasurer. Meets at the call of the president. Philanthropic Society. (Secret) . Meets every Friday night in Phi. hall, new east building. Dialectic Society. (Secret.) " - Meets every Friday night and Saturday morning in Di. hall, new west building. The Order of Gim Ghouls. (Secret.) Junior. The society meets in February, October. Banquet Thursday night of com mencement. Fraternities. (Secret.) Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Kappa Alpha, Zeta Psi Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma Nu, Phi Kappa rilgma, Phi Delta Theta. Phi Gamma Delta, Sigma Chi, Beta Theta Pi, Delta Kappa Ep silon, meet in their respective halls every Saturday night. . Y. M. C. A. F. C. Harding, president; George Stephens, secretary and treasurer; R. E. Zachary, or ganist. Meets four times a week in Y. M. C. A, hall. Members appoin.ed to lend. Hand books issued every September. Philological Society. Prof. Kiirl P. HarriDgton, secretary and treasurer. Meets first Friday night in each month. Tlie Hellenian. (Annual.) Published by the Fraternities. editors: Thomas Bailey Lee, Editor-iu-Chief; Chas. R. Turner, Walter Murphy, A. Caswell Ellis. BUSINESS managers: J. E.Mattocks, Perrin Busbee,E. P. Willard, A. S. Barnard, H. Rondthaler, J. E. Ingle, Jr., M. Hoke. Law Class. Walter Murphy, president; Wm, A. De-i vin, vice-president; R. tt. Hayes, judge. Moot coun every Saturday night. Medical Class. N. M. Gibbs, president; Reid Russell, vice president. Quiz every Saturday morning at 9:80 o'clock. Senior Class. , Crawford Biggs, president; Michael Hoke, vice-president. Junior Class. G. Little, president; W. S. Snipes, vice president. Sophomore Class. A. B, Kimball, president; T. McL. Nor-i throp, vice-president. r j Dr. R. II. Whitehead, University Physi cian. Office hours, 11 to 1. Jerry Goblins, Junior. Banquet Thursday night of commence ment. ' ! In the Charlottesville game Vir ginia played a close game up to the seventh inning, scoring four runs to Yale's five, then went to pieces and let Yale run the score up to eleven. , In Harvard's first game Jack Highlands struck out three men in nine balls in the fourth inning. He seems to be in grand form but it is hard to get any one to hold him. 4 There is slight chance of an English crew coming over to row Yale or Harvaid. The great ob stacle seems to be the necessity for prolonging their training for three months after the Oxford-Cambridge race. Princeton defeated the Univer sity of Vermont on" April 5th, at Princeton by a score of six to ten. Vermont got rattled in the seventh inning. Their pitcher Cook seems to have caused much amuse tnent. Yale captured the second game from University of Pennsylvania by a score of eight to seven. Harvard had a walk over with Lehigh on the same date, April 5th, the score being fourteen to two. Harvard tied University of Pennsylvania in a game on April 6th. Highlands was wild and was retired. Bayne gave out. Reese, was disabled by a pitched ball. Score twelve to twelve. Errors, Harvard four, Universi ty Pennsylvania six. EXCHANGES. A student may live on $300 a year at Harvard, but careful cal culations are necessary. Over $89,000 a year are distrib uted by Harvard University 4 'to poor and worthy scholors of high rank". In the first twelve weeks of uni versity extention work, under di rection of the Chicago University, 12,090 people were present in the courses given. The Levering lectures at Johns Hopkins University were deliv ered last month by the Rev. Dr. William R. Huntington, of New York. The lectures were on "Four monosyllables of religion : Life, light, law, love." The attendance of women at the Scotch universities, is steadily increasing. Glasgow and Edin burgh have each about 100 lady students; St Andrew's has 19, Aberdeen has 11. In addition there is a medical school in Edin burgh, especially for women? which has 43 students enrolled. These are on graduation entitled to degrees. ' After 1 894, the standard of ad mission at Princeton will be raised. GET Krepert's Atlas Antiquus. Price by mail, $2.00. LEACH, SHEWELL & SANBORN, PUBLISHERS, New York, Boston, ChicagU. Professor Thomas Dunston, TQUSOEIAL ARTIST, Get his estimate before you employ any one else to get up your banquet. v' - OF V' NORTH CAROLINA. The University has 23 teachers and 317 students, 10 buildings, 8 labratories and museums for scientific study and research, 2 literary societies, the Shakespeare Club, the Philological Club, the Mitchell Scien tific Society, the Young Men's Christian Association, A LIBRARY OF 30,000 VOLUMES open 5 hours daily, a Reading Room with 60 papers and daily 10 hours, a Gymnasium with skilled instructor, Athletic Grounds for Base Ball and Foot Ball and 10 tennis courts. There are four courses of study, six brief courses, a large number of optional courses, with special and professional courses in Chemistry, Law, Medicine and Engineering. The Chemical Laboratories are fully equipped for all kinds of work; the Law School has two classes, with daily recita tions and Lectures for each day; the Med ical school offers daily lectures and re quires students to dissect the human cadaver; the Engineering department fur nishes advanced theoretical instructions as well as field practice. Discipline is firm but manly and self respecting. There is no demerit system nor espionage. Students are treated as gentlemen and expected to behave as gen tlemen. Students from other institutions of rec ognized standing are credited with such work as they have performed with honor at those institutions. Over 70 scholarships are available for needy boys of trust. $16,000 to be loaned to very needy and very talented boys. Time granted to those whose means cannot be used at once. Address, PRESIDENT WINSTON, Chapei, IIiu,, N. C. W. W. PKKABD, Livery, Sale anflFeefl Statiles CHAPEL:HILL, tf. C. TO LET AT ALL HOURS. Rev J. J. JONES, SHOE MAKER, CHAPEI HIL,L, N. C. CRFAES MEET EVERY TRAIN. Boarding House , $8.50 per month. A, A. ECLUTTZ, DEALER IN STAPLE 110) FANCY GROCERIES, FINE CONFECTIONERIES, FRUITS, STATIONERY, Cigars, Tobacco and Cent's Furnishing Goods. fir MlNKRAL AND SODA WATER on Draught. CHAPElHIU,, N. C.