The Tar Heel, UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Editor-in-Chief: CIIAS. BASKELIVILLE, Business Manager: CIIAS. ROBEliSON, Assistant Business Manager : W. D. CARMICIIAEL. Associate Editors : 13. W. MYEUS, - F.C.HARDING, T. 15. LEE, V. R. WEBB, JR- as away," Many ideas and sugges tions come to "us, but we must not be presumptuous. A hint of what we want, it seems, should be sufficient. ; Subscription, per session, - - $1.50 ,f per term,- - r- 1.00 Per copy each, - - - - .10 Advertising rates according to amount of space wanted and position. Twenty-five per cent, discount on standing ads. We hope Gen. J. B. Gorden can be obtained to give his famous lecture here on uTlie Last Days of the Confederacy. ' ' We have i heard so much of this lecture and i hope the , proper steps will be j secure us the pleasure of hearing ; a propasition be prc- .. sented to the Faculty to embody The March number of the Afag- the University courses (academic) sponsible for as many copies as it 1101V has members. , (There , are now 1 90 fraternity in college. ) "That the classes be charged I for their space, $4 for only one or. $2 per page if more than one lis taken. ..' . . . . uThat the Athletic Association pay for foot-ball and base-ball pictures, and likewise that the Glee, Banjo and Tennis Clubs meet the expenses of their own ENTKREl) AT TUB 10TOFF10K OF CHAPEL Hll.L, N, C, AS SKCOND-ULASS MATTKU. Fit I DAY, MARCH 9, J 894. On accouni of examinations in the midst of which we now are, there will be no issue of the Tar HEEL next week. But we will bob up serenely on the 23rd aunouncingwe hope a sheet out for our opponents. " The new spirit and energy shown by the base ball men is very gratifying. Now we, have the proper move on us. Now let's have no let up, but win every game. It does the heart of an old University man good to see the men winning as they do now. Why do some of our state pa pers papers who in their edito rial columns swear they labor for the State and all that belongs to the State why do they slur "over many things which redound to the University's good and take delight '. in enlarging the least little foible that may be seen ? Why do they dismiss out Afaga zine with merest notice and take up half a column reviewing an inferior - magazine from another college? Pray be fair at least set us a good example any how. Oh, consistency ! Fair goddess, thy home is not in the sanctum of spoilsmen We regretfully upte one thing several of our professors go away to deliver lectures. These lectures do the University much good, as the professor is then nat urally in his happiest frame, we are not kicking at that; but we do wish some of our professors would give us the benefit of these lectures here some night. Of course, as students, and in the in timate relations we bear with the professors, we gather much from their daily lectures, but we feel we could some how appreciate the more some lecture especially pre pared and delivered here as well asine will without a doubt be the handsomest journal of its kind ever issued by a college. It will contain portraits of the present faculty and that of fifty years ago. Views of the University grounds will be interspersed amongst some of the most interesting articles. This number of the Magazine therefore, will be the more val uable as a keep-sake. Every stu dent every University man. of course, who can lay any claim to being a true University man, in the Comet, and to charge the actual cost of printing each page ($2.)" We wish them better success this year. These same "rules might be adopted by our I Telle niau. We are informed however that last" year is the only year the Helleniau hasn't come out square and that was due solely to late ness of issue. The following "Biographical Sketch of a Foot-ball Player" will receive his Magazine, but he was written ncxt morning, - after should buy one or more copies j ms nrst practice game. ; 1 ne seu and send to friends. Every father j.timent of . the last line must be or mother will be only too glad j ken in 1ts special sense and not to s e e what "kind o' looking j literally: chaps" his or her son's instruc tors are; also where they live. The Magazine promises much of! literary value to us besides. The management of the Afag aziuegoes to a great expense with this "Golden Jubilee Number" in making it especially attractive. It will help the University moii derfully all know, but boys, we must not let one or two, or half a dozen or probably twenty men in the University do all the work. If you are not an editor then help financially; with your praise and commendation where it can be conscientiously "bestowed. Buy an extra Afagazine two extra Magazines. Show your interest in everything that wishes to ad vance the University. X. ' The growth and present status of p00 Bull 111 Southern colleges is admirably presented in the January number of The Southern Magazine by J. Hreckcnridgc ltohoi-tson 0f the University of Virginia. The article i8 well illustrated with portraits and in. stnntancous photographs of men in play.nnd views the game as played by the leading col. leges of Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina Georgia, Alabama. Tennessee, nml Ken. tueky. Only one Southern college team has yet crossed Mason and hixon's lino to try conclusions with their brothers of the North yet, from the progress the Southern Cuue?c boys have made in the past, three years, j expect to hear1 from them next sension. Among tbo contributors to this number are John Fox, Jr., Kobert Burns Wilson, Willinnv l?nird, S. J. Shields, Robert (j, Toombs, and Frank M. Mcknell. THE SOUTH FUN MAGAZINE, Lonisviu.K, Ky. UTLEY'S SHOE ' SHOP. For a first-class job of work go to L'l'LEY south of the Gymnasium Hull. He learned the trade thirty-one years ago and can give Satisfaction in all repairs. Take your work to liim and bo convinced. Respectfully, : ; v T. J. UTU-Y. Came to college, Joined the 'leven ; Played in one game, Went to Heaven. Oberlin 'Review. After the ball is over, After it's cleared the fence, Cleaving the air so bird-like, . Giving joy intense. - After the batter has scooted, While the bleachers howl, What anguish to hear the umpire Say it's but a foul.--f.t. frof.. Cobb Now this piece of shale is , John West Is that name de rived from Prof. Shaler? DID YOU SAY? When I want Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery and Toilet Articles, We are very glad to see that at at the recent meeting of the board ' of editors of the Comet, the an-; nual of Vanderbilt University, it was decided to publish the Comet again this year. , The. Comet of last year was a most excellent; annual in every way. It surely was equal, if not better than any "published by a Southern College. . To avoid the financial failure of last year, thelfollowing rules h a ve.beeen adopted , by their board this year: , "That each chapter be held re s' I Will Try YEARBY'S, Where I can have polite and prompt clerks to wait on me; where I can have a registered Pharmacist to compound my pre scriptions. He is special Agent for . ; Huyler's and Tenny's Delicious Candies, -ALSO- THE GENUINE ROCHESTER LAMP. We have just received a fresh line of Paints, Linseed OH, Cooal Varnishes SZZS He purchases Drugs of TEC E BE S T manufactures such as Powers & Weightmau, IJ Merck & Co., A. S. Thompson, Ed. B. Squibb and others, consequently he cau guarantee them to be of the best quality, University Nortli Carol Offers Uiorough instruction in four regular courses of study, six brief courses, optional courses tosuit individual needs, ami profess ional "courses in law, medicine and engin eering. Tuition ?K) a year; total expousc $-'i0. 75 students, 21 teachers,- iiO.OOO volumes, 7 scientific laboratories ami museums, gym nasium, athletic grounds, bath rooms (tree to all.) Diseinline manly, without espoinage. Scholarships and loans to the needy. Tuition frees to sons of all ministers, candi dates for the ministry, public school teachers, and persons under bodily infirmity. Addresss PRESIDENT WINSTON ' V Chapel Hill, N. C. Students, when in Durham, will find The Hopkins House, a most desirable place to stop. Charges moderate. No. 100 Cor. Cleveland and Libcity ISls. CAU, ON GEORGE TRICE, When you want a nice Oyster Stew or Fry. Bring hi in your Shoes when they need mendinjr. George Trice, Main street. Beauty 1 Depends on the inside. Those dainty and exquisite little S a quick-winding watches for ladies 4 are accurate time-keepers and don't get out of order. Their cases are gen uine gold, filled, 10 and 14 karat W warranted. Nothing can be more w beautiful and sensible inside and out. Z They are in fifty different styles and Zfc W patterns, including silver and nickel. $f Stem-winding, stem-setting. They f, wind in five seconds and cost, only from $4 to $25. What folly to pay for a high-cost watch when you get T the same qualities in the It?Quick-Winding Watcrbury.1 FOR SALK HY W . D . SORRELLL, ehapel Hill, N, C.

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