II JL LOCAL AND PERSONAL. in Foot ball. The team leaves for the Southern trip td-day. President Winston is in Raleigh attending- the State Fair. Dr. Battle attennded the State Fair during- the week. Mr. Harllee McCall ex. '96 has a flourishing school, at Faeson N. C, Mr. W. G. Randall, the Univer sity's famous artist is on the Hill. Mr. Settle Dockery of the Tar HEEl staff has returned from Atlansa. Mr Michaux of Greensboro spent a few days on the Hill during the past week, Mr. Jno. Andrews, '97 spent Sat urdav and Sunday at his home Raleigh, Messrs. W. A. Graham and Pride i Thomas of the , Med. Class spent i Sunday in Durham. Dr. and Mrs. Baskerville are in At lanta taking- in the sights of the Exposition. Mr. Jesse Lee Cunning-ham, ''61 preached an interesting sermon in the Methodist church Sunday night. Mr. Borden of Goldsboro has been in town for several days visi ting his son who has been quite ill. Mr. W.R.Kenan gave a tea Tues day evening- complementary to Mrs. Martin and Miss McCall. Mr. Abernathy, brother of Mr. C. h. Abernathy, Law, '95 is the latest addition to the University. Mr. H. Bingham, '95 spent Sunday on the Hill as a guest of the Beta Theta Pi Fraternity. Mr. Buck Strowd Congressman Elect from this district is in Chapel Hill. Mr. Thos. Kenan, 99 has received the appointment from his district of cadet for the United States Naval Academy. Mrs. Thos. Kenan of Raleigh and Miss Mary Lily Kenan of Wilming--gton are in town, the guests of Mr. William Rand Kenan. Mr. Borden '99 has been very ill with Appendicetis for several days. We are glad to say that he is con valecing. The residence of Dr. Ball in East Chapel Hill is being rapidly com pleted. When finished it will be one of the attrctions of Main Street Messrs. Stevens and Brem gave a tea at their room on Tuesday evening complimantary to Mrs. Bridgersand Miss Brem. Mr. Frank Harty, ex. '96 is en during the hardships 'of the peda gogue near Charlotte. We hear he has a flourishing school. Rev. J. D. Eiller of Greensboro, pastor of St. Paul Church, will preach at the Episcopal church on Sunday. Captain 'Bailey of the '97 foot ball team insists that the athletic members of the class show their patriotism by attending the foot ball practice of the team. The account of the last Mitchel meeting which should have appear ed in our last issue but was left out by the negligence of our local editor, appears in this issue. Football Notice. The following men will leave here Friday at 4:10 p. m. for the Southern trip, playing U. of Geor gia at Atlanta Saturday; Vander bilt,, Monday at Nashville; Swanee, Tuesday at Swanee: w Gregory, Wright, Hurly, White, Collier, Baird, Merritt, Whitaker, Moore, Stevens, Butler, Stanley Nicklin, Williams and Steele. W. L TANKERSLEY, Heller Brother's Fine Shoes, :i , Olives, Potted Meats, and 3 , , , Fine Cakes and Crackers. evening- Shakspere Club Meeting. The first meeting of the Club for this year was held in the Gerrard Hall, last Thursday nightk. The meeting was opened by a short in troductory speech by the President in wnicn ne reviewed Dnetiy some of the work the Club had done in past 3'ears. This being the first meeting the election of officers for the ensuing year was the first business before the house, and Dr Hume, to whose never-failing inter est and untiring energy the success of the Club has been largely due, was unanimously elected to succeed himself as president of the Club. The other officers elected were Dr. Ball, Vice-President; H. H. Horne, Secretary; J. W. Canada, Treasurer. The first paper of the was read by Mr. Darden, his sub lect, Shakspere's Autograph. He discussed the various spellings of the name, ending with the conclu sion that Shakspere was the au thentic spelling. The second pa per was by Mr. Burton Craige, on the "Sourses and Materials in con structing nenry, tne Jb lttn, in which he discussed the question of how far Shakspere was original and how much influence by Holling shead and others. The third paper was by Mr. W. C. Smith, on "Prince Hal, from the Tavern to theThrown,"in which heshowed the dramatic method of developing char acter, taking Prince Hal in the two parts of Henry the Fourth. The! last paper of the evening was by' Mr. J. C. Eller, on "Hal on the: Throne," in which was a further treatment of the Prince's character. The president pronounced the lit erary character ot the work as above the usual standard, but there was one thing in regard to the meeting that we noticed with much regret, and that was the very poor readine- of the papers. With hard! ly an exception the papers were poorly rendered, sometimes the read ing was too fast and often so indis tinct as to be hardly heard by the people at a distance from the reader. The papers were read as if they were not intended for the audience, and as if the reader was not famil iar with what he was reading. There was little expression and the dramatic effect wholly lost.' It is a great pity that the effect of such ex- cellentwork be lost upon the audience by poor reading, and we hope the next meeting will show an improve ment in that direction. ' The meeting was well attended,: several of the ladies from the village honoring us with their presence and much interest is manifested in the1 t - . r worn. The Harvard Faculty have pro hibited the musical and dramatic organizations from taking trips of more than two hours distance from Boston. rsirEDBWffimQUt. W. B. SORRELL. Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Optical Goods, etc ! Chapel Hill, N. C. Y C. L, LINDSAY I '. DEALER IN Dry, Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, r ' A Clothing, Hardware, Groceries, ': " h ' Carpets and Candies. Furniture a Specialty. v Chapel Hill, N. C. Main Street, Spalding's Athletic Goods, ; Southern Branch House, .- Chapel Hill, N.C. ; Foot-Ball, Tennis, Gymnasium and Bicycle Supplies, Roller Skates, Trouser Stretchers, U. N. C. Buttons, Golf Caps, Belts, Sweaters, Jerseys, Tan Shoe Polish : and Shoestrings. Hanan's Patent leathers and Spalding's : celebrated University Shoe a Specialty, f Guns to rent. N. C. LONG, Agent. ! Write for Catalogue and prices T. J. LAMBE, Clothier and Furnisher of DURHAM, N. C. Give orders to agent and they will be promptly filled. W. A. Graham, Agent. :-h W. C. LLOYD & CO. Drygoods, Groceries, Notions, and General Merchandise, also GENT'S Furnishing- GOODS, etc. Clothing & Furnishings, FALL AND WINTER The best g-oods, the lowest prices, becauc WANAMAKER & BROWN, must sell! I. N. HOWARD is their salesman, See samples at 19 New East, before buying-, Satisfaction g-uarnteed. H. R. GUTHRIE, BARBER SHOP, under Yearby,s Druy Store. Give him a trial. Satisfaction guar anteed. McALISTER & McRAE ARE AGENTS FOR C .A. R T JN O. THE POPULAR GreenHboro i 1 c i-, Call at the A. T. O. Fraternity house and see their samples. . They can take your measure and guaran tee a perfect fit. They sell Suits, Pants, Dress Suits and Overcoats. Mens and Boys Clothing, Gents' FurnishingGoods, HAVE NEVER BEEN SHOWN IN SO FINE ASSORTMENT AND HAVE NEVER BEEN SOLD SO CHEAP AS YOTTCAN GET THEM RIGHT NOW OF CROSS & LINEHAM, RALEIGH, N. C. J. II. ANDREWS, Asent, Chapel Hill, N. C. . CLOTHIERS NATTERS i HEADQUARTERS Fine Dress shirts, Full Dress Shirts, Latest Style Hats Underwear Gloves, Shoes, etc. ! Dress Suits Made to Oraer, Perfect fit guaranteed. Large Assortment of Patterns always on hand. H. P.Harding, Agent, 28, Old East Build H. H. PATTERSON, - DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Hardware, Crockery, Leather, .., FRESH GROCERIES of all kinds. Best brands of Canned Tomatoes, Califor nia Pears and Peaches, (every can guaran teed).' c,yy Monarch Flour fresh from the Mills, SHIP STUFF AND BRAN. AGRNTS FOR NEW LEE, .' and TROPIC, COOK STOVES. Keating' Stoves, Grates and all kinds of Stove Fixtures keept in stock. Ag-ent for the celebrated Old Hickory Wagons. 1 1 1 1 ; 1 ' ' - REDUCED RATES. CsttoQ states and intematlousl Qpltiq; ATLANTA, OA., September 18 December 31, 1895. Tar the above oooailon the Southern-Hallway Go. will sell low-rate round-trip tickets to ATLANTA, OA., and return on the follow bur basis: FROM Alexarjdria.Va Asheville, N. 0 BurllDgrton, N. C. Burkeville.Va Culpeper, Va... Chatham, Va Charlottesville, Va. . . Chapel Hill, N. 0 Concord, N.C......... Charlotte, N.C Danville, Va Durham, N.C Front Boy al.Va....".. Greensboro, Nk C Goldsboro, N. f Hendersonvllle, N. C. Hlokory, N.O.. High Point, N. C Hot Springs, N. 0.... genderson, N.C ynchburg.Va Lexington, N. C... M organton, N. C Marion, N. 0 Newton, N.O Orange, Va Oxford, N.O Richmond, Va Reldsville,N. C Raleigh, N. C South Boaton, Va .... Strasburg, Va Ballabury, N. C BtateavUle. N. C Taylorsvltle, N.C... Tryon,N. 0..... Washington, D. C..-. West Point, Va....... Warrenton, Va Winston-Salem, N. C. 119.00 13.95! A B 9.40 10.401 9.00 8.60 11.251 12.451 10.50 20.2519.25 12.65. 18.70 18.7ffl 23.2517.05 25.8018.65 20.8515.80 23.2517.05 20.4O16.00 14.20. 13.15'. 20.0514.70 20.4015.00 28.2519.25 17.6512.95 Sl.7515.95 11.70, 15.S0 16.95! 14.00.... 20.4015.00 22. 60 Hi. 50 16.05! n.sa 15.80 11.25 14.85 110.90 15.30 U.26 24.5618.00:. 20.4015 00;. 23.2517 05 . 18.8513.80;. 20.4015.00. 21.6515.80. '9A.9f.1Q OK . 15.30 ll.Zffl 15.80 11.V5 16.35 112.CH 10.75 7.86 28.2610.26;. 23.fl617.86. 9A . 1Q 5.fi . 122.95 18.85'. 14.001 11. 9fl 18.50 10.65j 12.40 10.85 10.20 10.45 14.00 9.20 11.601 10.45 U.E0 I.T 6.8ft 6 25 7.26 8.40 1.76 8.08 7.26 7.W 7.26 13.10 10.46...., 12.40. ...r 9.70 10.46 10.80 14.00, 7. 7.26 8.16 4.90 14.001. 12.60. 14.00.... 11.80 . . . 9.80.... (Bates from intermediate poinU In proportion.) EXPLANATION. Column A : Tickets will be sold September and 12, and dally from September 16 to Decern ber 16, 1896, Inclusive, with final limit January T. 1896. Column B: Tickets will be sold dally from September 16 to December 16, 1895, inolusive. with final limit twenty (iSO) days from da of ale. Column O: Ticket will be sold dally from September 16 to December 30, 1895, inclusive, with final limit fifteen (15) davs from date of ale. No tioket to bear longer limit than Janu ary 7, 1890. Column D : Tickets will be sold on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week from September 17 until December 24, 1896, Inclusive, with final limit ten (10) days from date of sale. Column E; Tiokets will be sold daily from September 16 to December 30, 1896, Inclusive, with final limit seven (7) days from date of sale. SOUTHERN RAILWAY 19 the only line entering the i ExpwriUosi Grounds, having a double-track, iur. ruage railway from the center of tne city of Atlanta to the Exposition Grounds. for tiokets and full information apply to youx nearest agent, or address . J..U.COXP, w.A-Trmr. TxmOo Manager. Geal Pas. Agt aapjMBnsv ATwysjMriftnni Tl. ft