LOCAL AND PERSONAL, Messrs, Kirkland and McRae will not return to Mebarue this term, Mr, .Arthur Coll spent Sunday in Durham. We are sorry- to learn of the sick ness of Mr, Nicholson, President Winston was in Ral eigh during-the past week, Mr, W, Kenan spent a few days on the Hill this week. Mr. Hollis Winston has accepted a position in the Pilot Cotton Mills of Raleigh, N. C. ; Mrs. Stephens of Greensboro is , visiting" her son Mr. George Steph ens, 96. Mr. Janeway, agfent for the Over, man Wheel Co., Princeton, '91 was on the Hill Mondaj. Messrs. E. P. Carr, '96, John and Jule Carr, '99, visited their home in Durham Saturday. Prof. Cobb has been quite unwell for several days. We are erlad to see him out again. The University Press Company has recieved a nice line of station ary. Call and examine. Mrs. Alderman has been quite un well for several days. We are glad to hear that she is recovering. Mr. Thos. Wrisrht '96 has been elected Chief Marshal. His assis tants.have not yet been appointed They will be announced next week. Mr. Sneed, of Durham, is on the Hill to-day with full line. .of. sample clothing, hats and gentjs furnish ings. All will do well to examine ' his stock. Preparatory meetings are being held this week at the Presbyterian church. Dr. Morton will begin his series of meetings there on Friday. Arrangements for the Summer School have alread)7 begun. Cir culars will be out soon announcing the courses, instructors, etc. Dr. Battle has taken charge of the classes in Political Economy. Dr. Winston's business would not permit him to continue with the classes. In the election of Rep. Speakers, which was held last Saturday night the following gentlemen were choos eu to represent the Societies: Phi., Connor, Shepard and Body. Di., Smith, Sowerby and 'Allen. Dr. Winston is having the Cata logue printed now. Thi-i is a good idea. Those going home in June will be able to 'carry them to their '"ends who are thinking of going New Postmaster The term of office of our present postmaster, Mr, Ivirkland, has ex pircd, and on Wednesday the name of Capt, W, N, Pr'itchard was sent iu to the Senate, There is no doubt but that this appointment will be confirmed and .that he will be Mr, Kirkland's successor, Mr. Kirkland has made an effici ent and obligir.g postmaster, and ts much liked by the students, who will miss his cheerful countenance which they have been accustomed to see so long in the window of our little office. Livery, Feed M Sale State. SEAR 35PT!SCOPAt CHUKCK. Splendid "Riding- and th-awing Horses Quick Attention. GEORGE rrCKAftB, Proprietor. W. L. TANKERSLEY, Heller Brothers Fine Shoes. Olives, Potted Meats and Fine Cakes and -Crackers. Polite Hostlers. to coIWe. The meeting of the Athletic As sociation, which was to have been fcMlast Saturdav, was postponed ttcM next Saturday, and will be eld at 2:30 P. M. Business of im portance will be transacted and ev ery student should attend. Y.M.C.A. Naders for the following week. Monday Mclvcr. Taesday Brem. Wednesday S-ttterson, Thursday Home, We are crlad to learn that the HcHenian is now being" prepared and will be issued sometime during April. The editors began work on it last term, and thus have had more time for careful preparation of the mat tcr than in former years, when the work was rushed through in a few weeks during- the last part of the term. Mr. McAlister is proving himself to be a very efficient editor-in-chief, and with the present editorial board will doubtless produce an annual worthy of themselves and the Uni versity which it represents. Let every student show his ap preciation by subscribing to it and thus materially aiding in a very im portant way. The Alpha Theta Phi society held its regular meeting" for the initia tion of new members last Saturday. Messrs. Burton Craige, R. H. Graves, J. Solon Williams, W. B. Ferguson, Jr., A. T. Allen, Her bert McNairy and A. H. Robblns were initiated. These students have all made the requisite grades in, scholarship, and an average of "two" for the first two and a half years of college work, and are ac cording to the constitution members of the society. The purpose of the society is thus to promote sound scholarship by setting before the student an honor which he may strive for as the assurance of his high standing and satisfactory work, A recent pupil in the art of roller skating has a feeling of deepest sympathy for the man of whom it is said, that, " His limbs seem to act upon different and contradictory principles. They were not as the play says, in a concatenation accor dingly: the right hand moved as if it were on bad terms with the left, and the legs showed an inclination to foot it, indifferent and opposite di rections. In short to use an extrava gant comparison, the members seem ed to resemble the disputatious re presentatives of a federative con gress, than the well ordered union of the of the orders of the state, in a firm and well compacted mon arch), where each holds hh own place, and all obey the dictates of a common head." The City Restaurant Hot Meal served at all fioura, York River Oyters nicely prepared. Dealer irt Second-hand Clothes and far na ture of all kind. Pay me a visit. Satisfaction finar anfee, W, II. HESTER, Proprietor kkiVtivft e te by ? wi oian . W. B. SORRELL. Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Optical xls te Chapel Hill, N. C. C. L, LINDSAY DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Clothing-, Hardware, Groceries, Carpets and Candies. Furniture a Specialty. Main Street, Chapel Hill, N. C Spalding's Athletic Goods, Southern Branch House, Chapel Hill, N. C. Foot-Ball, Tennis, Gymnasium and Bicycle Supplies, Roller Skates, Troimer Rtretchers, U. N. 0. Buttons, Golf Caps, Belts, Sweaters, Jerseys, Tan Shoe Polish and 'Shoestring s, Hanan'g Patent Leathers' and Spalding: celebrated University Shoe a Specialty. Guns to rent. N. C. LONG, Manager. Write for Catalogue and pi-lcea T. J. LAMMS, Clothier mid Furnisher of DURHAM, N. Q. Give orders to agent and they will be promptly filled. W. A. Graham, Agent. W C LLOYD & C(i. Drygoods, Groceries, Notions, and General Merchandise, iflso GENT'S Furnishing GOODS, etc. W. M. YEAIWY, Druggist and Seedsman, DURHAM, N. C, & CUAPVAAUhU W. C. Prescriptions, a Speciality SELLING AOENf VOU Huyler's Candies, Ski CL 0 THIERS &NAT TER $ J s i v HEADatJAHTEJlS fine iVess shirts, Full l)rcss Shirts, latest Style Hats Underwear ! loves, Shoes, etc. Mress Suits KaAe to Oraer, lVrfect fit guaranteed. Large Assortment of patterns always sn hand. l. l Harding, Agent,. 2S. Old Kast ftnild It H. H. PATTERSON, imALlKR IN Dry Goods Notions, Shoes, Hats, (inhvnre Crockery, J:eatJir) fresh (SKocfmwos ot all Uimls. llest brands of Canned' T matoes, CalifiM -iia teat-a and Peaches, (( Very ean gnaran teed)4 Monarch Hour fresh Ir m the Mills, BUtl Sl'UPt' AN I) liRAN. , AND TkOPlCi COOKrtl'OVKi44 Iteathig: Btoves, Grates ntid all kinds of Htove Fixtures keept in st ck. Agent for the celebrated Old Hickory Wagons Mens and Boyt: Colthing, Gents' FurnishingGoods, HAVE NEVER mm SHOWN IN SO FINE ABSOItTMiSNTAND HAVE NEVEtt BEEN SOLD SO CHEAP AS YOU CAN GET THEM RIGHT NOW OF CROSS & LINEHAM. i(A LH Id II, NC. Cliapel Ifilli H, C Clothing k Furnishings, FAM AND WINTER The best gowts, tbe IwmI prices, ht'cnun WANAMAKEU I5K0WN, innst sell! t ItOWAHU is th'iir salesman See samples at V) Mew Kast, before buying ftatisdctkri tfiarn(ee3. BLACkweLL's Durham iobm w Co. buihm, tl Q Cktfikmtni art tfiT'6factot theVwW ts'Mi and have marArMmVf tM&tded tte GoU Medal lot Smkifig tobdMA t BLACKVfcLL'S Bull Durham W4 remain Yours troty, COMrTTEEr Blackwell's Bull Durham Hi teeiv the rcogniz4 sfandafd 6( Smoking for over 2$ jaars fniformly grood ani unifof ml flrstt s Brfgf.t, sweet ancf frartf -ve invite fli$ monf fastidious t test H f ecilbf ey-e!!ence,- ZtedivfttPi Durham Tobacco Co., Du: ham, C I d , i 1 I t it

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