fcLOCAL AND PERSONAL. Kitig-'s i The Convention of, the . riTiivl,in- ...Ml t 111 I "uu-ihcis win jieia nere on 'May 16th. Swimming- parties are "all tin e lur. H. S. Lake has retnrnprl pro" now. ; from New York, where he went to Mr. Will Yearby was on the Hill ; attend the funeral of his orand last Saturday. father. Dr. Hume will be home Saturday! The Dramatic Club has been in from Washington. , j vited to play in Raleigh on the 1st. oi May Mr. A-dlai Osborne spent Satur day in Pittsboro. They say Mr. D. B. Smith has entered "society." Miss Iva Lyons of Durham, is vis iting Miss Mary Roberson. Miss Sue Hall of Wilmington is visiting Mrs. J. A. Hlmoes. Mr. Erwin '99 has returned from a visit to his home in Asheville. The thermometer reached 96 i the shade, several times this week Mr. Frank Stronach Ex. '95 was on the Hill several days last week Mr. Sherrod of Rocky Mount i the lasebt addition to the Law class. The Tvr HEEL is glad to hear of the improvement of Mrs. Basker- ville. ' .: Mr. J. S. Wray '97 is suffering with a ' crippled foot, not serious however. ' Mr. T. M. Kirkland has bough Dr. London's honse, and moved in this, week. The Dramatic Club speaks wel of hospitable treatment of the Char lotte people. Mr. L. K. Covington writes thai lie i:; at work, and will this term. .. , , return Mr. Lakes's mother was .calki away suddenly last week, by the news of her father's death. Rev, Mr. Pruden of Durham, will preach in the. Episcopal Church Sunday morning and night. The Uvmnasium has shut down on account of hot weather and th proximity of examination. The many friends of Miss Jennie Patterson regret to hear of her con tinued serious illness. Mr. T. A. Sharp will remain oa the Hill during the summer. He is interested in the Normal and Law Schools. The Hellenian Editors have sent off the manuscript to the publishers. It will he uuusuall7 interesting this year. Ask "Governor" Rose why he iett the ciass room so unceremon iously while the other boys were en joying the joke. Mrs. Calvin 'Williams with her three children are visiting at Prof. Gore's. Mrs. Williams is a sister-in-law of Mrs. Gore. Mr. Fallow, vvife.child and sister, of Durham, spent the day in the campus Sunday. They will return later to spend the summer. The current University Maga zine has a creditable article on out University, by Dr. Baskerville. One more chapter .will follow. Mr. Wescott Roberson and Har grave Robbins are getting posted u mill affairs. The cotton mill business will probably claim both of them after graduation. vjo io vjcorge i rice tor cream. He gives your money's worth both as to quantity and quality. The Mebane High School played the Varsity on Wednesday. "Cap" Oldham's team was defeated by a score of 17 to 3.- Mr. Atkinson, who was once an assistant in the University, has been elected professor of Cryptogamic Botany in Cornell University. The team leaves for Danville Fri day and will play U. Ya. the .fol lowing day. Wc extend our heart iest congratulations. The base ball teams were enter taineaat tneir residence oy ir. ana Mrs. Ball on the afternoon of the 16th. The teams enjoyed it very much, and as usual got one onGrex Ask him about the "Cuckoo. " Quite a number from here attend ed the "school break" at Damascus last Fridav niht. Pupils and teachers accquitted themselves well and all had a pleasant time. Mr. C. G. Yarborough, who has been in our electric plant, for the past year, has accepted a position in the shops ot Westing House Co, Pittsburg, Perm. Mr W. E. Rollins '92 was shak ing hands with old friends on the Hill this week. He has finished his seminary course at Yale, and is a full-fledged Episcopal clergyman. The King,s Daughters wish to express tneir sincere tnanics to those who, by their kindness so ef lectuallv aided them in making a r . i 1 i success. or trie- lecture ana enter- atinment on the evening of the 15th The law class is endeavoring to get some prominent men in the state to address them on the financial question, and the indications are that one of the ablest men in our tate will be procurred. The plan s to have an able representative to discuss each side of the problem. Mr. E. P. Carr is in New York at tending the annual convention of the Zeta Psi Fraternity. University College OF MEDICINE, RICHMOND, Va. Hunter McGuire, md. iad. Pres. P. A. Irving, Sec, Treas. CLINICAL FACILITIES: , Two Hospitals, Two Obstetrical Depart ments, Two Dispensaries. DEPARTMENTS: Medicine, Denis try, Pharmacy. EQUIPMENT: Five Laboratories, Time Lecture Halls, and Museum, A corps of 4S instructors Expeti!es very moderate, llie next Retrular Session will begin Oct. 1,1S.' For forty-page catalogue, or any information, address Dr. J. Allison Hodg es, Cor. Sec. PICKARD'S Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. . . NEAR EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Splendid Riding- and Driving Horses polite Hostlers. Quick Attention. . - GEORGE PICK ARD, i Proprietor. W. L. TANKERSLEY, Heller Brother's Fine Shoes, j Olives, Potted'Meats, and Fine Cakes and Crackers. ESTABLISHED 1858. H -MAHLER SONS i SUCCESSORS TO H. MAHLER. JEWELERS and OPTICIANS RALEIGH, k-C. Spalding'sr Athletic Goods, Southern' Branch House, ) Chapel Hill, N. C. Foot-Ball, Tennis, Gymnasium i and Bicycle Supplies, Roller Skates, Trouser Stretchers, ' U. N. C. Buttons, Goff Caps, Belts, Sweaters, Jerseys, Tan Shoe Polish I and Shoestring's. Kanan'3 Patent 1 leathers and Spalding's celebrated University Shoe a Specialty. Guns to rent. N. C. LONG,: Manager. Write for Catalogue and prices T. J. LAMBE, Clothier and Furnisher of DURHAM, N. C. Give orders to ag-ent'and they will be promptly filled. W. A. Graham, Agent. W. C. LLOYD & CO. Drvgoods, Groceries, Nouons, and General Merchandise, also GENT'S Furnishing GOODS, etc We have just received a complete. -line of Clothing. C.L.LINDSAY DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Hardware, Groceries, Carpets and Candies. Furniture a Specialty. Main Street, ChapelHill, N. C. W. M. YEARBY, Druggist and Seedsman, DURHAM, N. C. & CHAPEL HILL.-N. C. Prescriptions, a Speciality. J. H. FABER, NORFOLK, VA. University Photographer Leave your orders with photo Committee. B. E. Stanley. Wescott Roberson. TV A. Sharpe. H.'H. PATTERSON, DEALER IN V Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Crcckery, Leather, Hardware, FRESH GROCERIES of all kinds. Best brands of Canned' Tomatoes, Califor nia Pears and Peaches, (every can-fuaraa teed). Monarch Flour fresh from the Mills, SHIP. STUFF AND BRAN. AGENTS FOK NEW LEE, and TROPIC, COOK STOVES. Heating Stoves, Grates and all kiads f Stove Fixtures keept in stock. Agent for the celebrated Old Hickory Wagons. Mens and Boys Colthing, Cents', FurnishingGdods, Hatw, .Etc.. HAVE NEVER5BEEN' SHOWN IN SO FINE ASSORTMENT AND HAVE NEVER BEEN SOLD SO CHEAP AS YOU CAN GET THEM RIGHT NOW OF CROSS & LINEHAM, RALEIGH, N. C. J. H. ANDREWS, Agent, Chapel Hill, N. C. SELLING AGENT FOR Hwyler's Candies. Clothing & Furnishings, FALL AND WINTER The best 'goods,J-the lowest prices, becau WANAMAKER & BROWN, must sell! I. N. HOWARD is their salesman. See samples at 19 New East, building Satisfaction guarnteed. i lyj) mm s.vw? Co Orrt WOULD Sept If. I35J BLACKWELL'S DURHAfl TOBACCO CO., Durham, ft 0 Gentlemen : We have Smoked cp all the Tobacco at the World Fair, and have unanimously awarded the Gold Med (or Smoking Tobaa to BLACKWELL'5 Bull Durham ntfratt latiuf? ycu en your suctrr. Vcurs trwv. COMMUftfc. n Blackweirs Bull Durham Uisbetn luc ii;n.cl stardaid of Smoking Tobacco for ovei is ytai. t .;:iuri:ily good and uniformly first Ori'rt. swee and fraganl we Invite the most tas'.; :..u! ti t r-ci:;iar excellence. ackwcU'3 rS.'- T. '.: :: Cc. Durham, N. C . fit ... 4,. ft