UNIVERSITY DIRECTORY. G1NKXAL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. W. D. Carmichael, President. " Brton Craige, Vice-President. - A. W. Belden, Sec'j. and Treas. UNIVERSITY FOOT-BALL TEAM. R. H. Wright, Captain. VT". D. Carmichael, Manager. , . ! A, Gudger Assistant Manager. UNIVERSITY BASE-BALL TEAM. B. E. Stanley, Captain. C. R. Dey, Manager. : TRACK ATHLETIC TEAM. K. H. Wright, Captain. UNIVERSITY .GLEE CLUB. Prof . Harrington, Director. . Darius Eatman, Leader. R. H. Graves.Businesa Munager. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SO CIETY. . OYSTER 3AL00N. New River Oysters served in all styles by JOHNSTON & LUTHER. ' Give us a trial. - TRY - T. W. BURGH FOR .. '' .. ' A Woncrful Invention. Zoology teaches that the hairs of the head are hollow, and contain .an oil that gives them life. In clipping the hair with scis sors, this hollow is left open, and the hair loses its life-giving properties. I have a Machine named the Singeing Ma chine, which removes the hair and at the same time closes up the hollow, causing the hair to retain its life-giving properties, and therefore stopping the hair from falling out or dying, and giving it a sort growth. Call and examine this machine and have your hair singed. Special attention given to dressing La dies' hair. Cutting- done with exquisite and Dr. M. D. KiiKr DENTAL SURGEON Office with Dr Headen University of North CareliT Offers thorough instruction in four reffi courses of study, six brief courses courses to suit individual needs optional Heavy & Fancy Groceries, Canned srtistis skill -by the old' University Barber sional course's in law and medichi uooas oi au Kinas, Aanes, Crackers, Candies. Green Fruit a Speciality. ad profes. of twenty years' experience. ine singing machine is Highly recom- I mended by scientists throughout the country. very Kespectlully, T. D. DUNSTAN, Professor of Tonsorial Art. ne. - Tuition $60 a year; total expense $200 Over 500. students,. 26 teachers, 40,GCO01 mes, 7 scientific laboratories and muSei. " athletic grounds, bath r0o irrot. . Wm..-M. Thornton nas re signed the. chairmanship of the College Notes. Georgia, defeated An hurn n ti faculty of the University of Virginia, TflanksiviBr Day bv a score Gf RickrdH. Whitehead, . M. D., President. Kenrj V, Wilton, Ph.D., Vice-President.. Franci P. Venable, Ph D., Sec'y. and Treas. Charles Bakerville, Ph D., Cor. Sec'y. and Prof. H. B. Barrinsrton has been elected in his stead. Only two or three playere , were killed in the footyball g-ames on Thanksg iriug Day, and only a score 12-6. This ranks Georgia next to Virginia in football in the South. gymnasium, (free to all Discipline manly, without espionage, Scholarships and loans to the needy. Tuition free to sons of all ministers, can. didates for the ministry; public school teacb rs, and persons under bodily in fir,,, ;tv ddress PRESIDENT ALDERMAN . . . Chapel Hill, n. C. Junior work the magazine of Meats in Person Hall the second Tuesday were iniured. It is true that many year, HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Kep P. Battle; LL. D., President. Qc9. T. Winston, LL.D., 1st Vice-President. B. A. Alderman.D.CL., 2nd Vice-President. W. C-Smith, Secretary. SHAKESPERE CLUB. Thomas Hume, D. D. LL.D., President. , Samuel May A. B., Vice-President. W. C. Webb, Secretary. R. H. Sykes, Treasurer. PHILOLOGICAL CLUB. more were bruised but that doesn't count. Let the manly sport gx on I The hospitals like News 8c Ob server. ' Is this only a jest on th part of on the Georgian, "C VJL VUV - - Ul V A 0 I Li J UJ I Georgia, is counted on the regular English work. .The Alcadex the weekly journal of the University of Texas, has ap peared and is a creditable weekly indeed.; It contains much of . that! the News & Observer, or is it pos- raciness, push, and vigor that , al- sible that this wide-awake progres- ways characterize western life. si ve dailv is onnosed tn foot-Tiall? I ..j . Jrjr. ri . j : . i vuiy icu uumis wcie scoreu The Tar HEEL recently received I against Lafayette's foot-ball teami the announcement of tke Second An- tbls year- Having played iTince- nual Banquet of the Southern Club ton to a stand-stillvand beaten Penn- K. P. Harrington, President. P. K. Ball, Vice-President. W. Tj' Tot. Rr'v. and Troas. Meets on last Tuesday night of each month Clarence KluttZ, of the class of '95, in the English Lecture room. t , PHILOSOPHICAL CLUB. H. G. Connor, President. Brton Craige, Vice-Preiident. . Tkfo. F. Kluttz, Sec'y. and Treas. FRATERNITIES (Secret). Delta Kappa Epsilon Beta Theta Pi, Zeta Pi, Sigma Nu,' Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Al- pna Tau Omega, Sigma Chi Phi Gamma Delta Kappa Sigma, Kappa Alpha, Pi Kap pa Alpha, Phi Delta Theta. the SOCIETIES. Theta Nu Epsilon (Secret). , Pi Sigma (Secret).' ' " Order of Gimghouls (Junior, Secret). The ociety meets in February and October. Ban quet Thursday night of Commencement. Philanthropic (Literary, Secret). Estab lishes! 1795. Meets every Saturday night in Pkj Hall, New East Building. Dialectic (Literary, Secret). Established Tn; f . i f. i . a . i j i . . T-v ; I w, N.-wfn,.!Mi lights, the downtown : ' UNIVERSITY GERMAN CLUB. J, H. Andrews, President. i - C. R, Dey, Vice-President. R. E. Foiling Secretary. Milton Elliott, Treasurer. Mets at call of President. Leader select ed for sack german. Y. M. C. A. , ' J. S. Wray, President. - C. H. Johnson, Vice-President : 7. W. Colter, Cor. Sec. P. H. Ely, Rec.Sec. R.H. Wright, Treas . TENNIS ASSOCIATION. . i U.K. Graham, President. R.'H. Graves, Vice-President. V, B. Johnson, Sec. and Treas. UNIVERSITY DRAMATIC CLUB. ' R. H. Graves, Manager. C. S. Carr, Stage Director. tne university or rennsyivama, lace with princetori first. wmcn was neia on inov. zta. jvir. The Yerkes telescope for the tt: it... r ri-? . 5 Sprrrv fV, P.InK T .univcisiLV ui -wnicago is now com- .f.. ' e.L ivr. pleted. The tube and machinery "c ""u x,il- are those seen at the World's Fa r. Hugh H. Atkinson, '94, officiating The lenses which are the largest as loast Master, and Mr. W. A. in the world, are now readv and the Graham, Med. '95, responding to instrument will be set up next fall. tne toast iitnietics. p, ti, Wne-t tv.t,. 1 t We notice trial the am licrht- in en; wno nas oeen givmg a course - " i r i i i r i r.i tt , , oi lectures at i aie, says or tne urn- Vd-mpus are -never turneu on vers:tv. ..r the mwmtic.enr anH tnese aarK nignts. j. ne aarnness splendor of its buildings and ap at times, has been so intense ?that it pointments. there is nothing equal was almost tangible. The arc to it in Uxtord or Cambridge. l$x- lamps are beautiful ornaments to c?pt the advantages which time . J ii j , I tiiunc WU tiivc, ldlC WUUJUcLlC must ook, upon- during the day-tmef favoribl th Enf,land best uni. uul il aumcs us LUdu , tneir versities. chief dutv is to frive lie-ht on iust siirh nio-lits . w WM r. There has been a, radical change XKTo U t,,i JL- in the matter of degrees at Cornell. ... v v All the degrees but A.B. have been is not sumctent to carrv all theUu:i, rru a n ,:n l u. aoJV-vt . , -a. iiv X-M Y V ill njall inclu- that the student has attended ded. The plant, we take it, was school four years. There has been established nrimarilv for the stii- considerable criticism about the . I J J . J 1 i 1 I J ' I 'rlA' K.-fi if wt.!,Vu.'-; matter anuwnat tne outcome will oe lu i .. rr , . , . , , the future will tell. Personsofall luecutim, xet tne uowntown itgnts tongues can now enter, and the CfO. luril On the light JfrOT. wnrr1 nf P.yrn fnnnpr! "T r1rl Since the above article was found an institution in which any written two of the arc lamps have person can find instruction in any a. 4 i i t r W, DUKE, SONS & CO., BRANCH OF THE American Tobacco Co,, : DURHAM, N. C. Southern Railway (PIEDMONT AIR-LINE.) THE GREAT TRUNK LINE. CONDENSED SCHEDULE, IN EFFECT JAN". 5th 18. TRAINS LEAVE CHAPEL HILL beenin use. Ed. T. J. LAMBE, . - I . - THE CLOTHIER, HATTER, ; . AND GENT'S. FURNISHER, OF DURHAM, Has opened a Branch Store. la the Old D. K. E. HALL, Where jou will find an up to date line of Goods at , ' REASONABLE PRICES. Mark Arnheim & Strause Chiurcli Directory. PCftSBTTBKIAH Chdkch. Rev. D. J, Cur ri Serrices every Sunday morning; and if ht except the first Sunday in each month. Praysr meeting: every Wednesday night. . Sjpi.tcoTAt, ChurcIi Rev. Mr. Winecoff. USCan be seen at any time. . '" TAILOR MADE' CLOTHING Services every Sunday morning' and night. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. ' i Bimsr Church. Rev. Dr. Tbos. Hume. Services every Sunday morning and night. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night. - Bros Samples ;'J-A SPECI ALT Y.-a Yours respectfully, .- N. C. LONG & BRO. Managers. study." are fulfilled. IIIMIIHMIUillUlllllllllllllllllllinillllllllllllllillillll t 8:45, a. m. Connects at University with trains for Greensboro, Danville, Rich mond, Washington and all points North also with trains for Durham, Raleigh, Goldsboro, Selma, Tarboro, Rocky Mt. Suffolk and Norfolk, Wilmington, New Bern and Morehead City. 12:50, p. m. Connect! at University for Durham, Raleigh, Selma, Goldsboro and all local stations. 4:25, p. m. Connects at University for Uni versity, Greensboro, Charlotte, Atlanta Jlew Orleans, Memphis, Columbia, Sa vanna, Jacksonville, St. Augustine, and all points South. TRAINS ARRIVE AT CHAPEL HILL. 11:10, a. m. From Greesnboro, Danville, Washington and other points North, also v from Durham Raleigh, Selma and Goldsboro. 2:40, m. From Greensboro, Charlotte, At Columbia, Jacksonville and all lanta, points North and South-West 6:50, p. m. From Wilmington, New I'.erue, Norfolk, Tarboro, Rocky Mount, Suffolk Goldsboro, Raleigh, Durham, and inter mediate stations. Quick time: accom modation unexcelled. CHAS. L. HOPKINS, Travelling Pass. Agent. Charlotte, N. U ! EXTRA SLTniHG TOBACCO r Hade from the Puront, Rlpeot and Swcetaat leaf s I grown In the Golden Belt of North Carolina. CLf- gazette Boole goo wtta each 3-oi. pouch. 5 ! ' ALL FOR io CENTS. s E A Pleasant, Cool and Delightful Smaka. I E Lvon Co. Tobacco Works, Dumha'm, N. C. 5 IIIMfllllllllllllllllllllilllll.HiilMiiiiiimu,,,,,,,,,,,,, J. M. CULP, ' Traffic Manager W. H. GkKKN. Go-). Man''r. W A. TURK, Gen. PasH. Agent. Washitigton, D. C. H. JS. TKAGUE, I Agnit. S. R. Co. II