UI1IVBQSHY DIRECTORY. -C3KEXAL . ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. Jf. D. Carmichael, President. Qmrfcm Cnige, Vice-President. A..W. Belden, Sec'y. and Treas. UNITXRSITY FOOT-BALL TEAM. J C, Whitaksr, Captain. Warren L. Kluttz, Jr., Manager. UNIVERSITY- BASE-BALL TEAM.' B. E. Stanley, Captain. W. S. Howard, Manager. : E. J. Nelson i Assistant Manager. TRACK ATHLETIC TEAM. X. H. "Wright, Captain. UNIVERSITY GLEE CLUB. Prof. Harrington, Director. ' ' Darius Eatman, Leader. R. H. GraTes,Business Manager. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SO- . ' . CIETY. KieasrdH. Whitehead, M. D., President. narj V.. Wilson, Ph.D., Vice-President. Francis P. Venable, Ph D., Sec'y. and Treas. Charles BsjsJrerville, Ph D. Cor. Sec'y. Meats ia Person Hall the second Tuesday might of each month. Journals issued twice a year. HISTORICAL SOCIETY. EeaipP. Battle, LL. D., President. Get. T. Winston, LL.D., 1st Vice-President. S. A. Alderman,D.C.L., 2nd Vice-President. W. CSmith,. Secretary. . SHAKESPERE LUB. Thomas Hume, D. D. LL.D., President. SanLoel May A. B., -Vice-President, W. R. Webb, Secretary. R. Sykes, Treasurer. PHILOLOGICAL CLUB. K. P. Harrington, President. F. K. Ball, Vice-President. . W- D, Toy, Sec'y.. and Treas. Meets on last Tuesday night of each month im the, English Lecture room. , . PHILOSOPHICAL CLUB.. H G.CQnnor President. . Burton Craige, Vice-President-Theo. F. Kluttz, Sec'y. and Treas. FRATERNITIES (Secret). Delta Kappa Epsilon, Beta Theta Pi, Zeta Pei, Sigma Nu,, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Al- OYSTER SALOON. New River Oysters served in all styles by JOHNSTON & LUTHER. Give us atrial. , ' Appies ? Remember that BURCIPS is Headquarters for i it. e A. p p 1 e s, A new supply yesterday (15th) A Wonerful Invention Zoology teaches that the hairs of the head j are hollow, ' and contain an oil that gives ! them life. In clipping the hair with scis- j sors. this hollow is left open, and the hair loses its life-eriviner properties. I have a Machine named the Singeing Ma- Cmne, ;wnicn removes me uiur iiuu di tnc same time closes up the hollow, causing" the hair to retain its life-giving properties, and therefore stopping the hair from falling out or dying, and giving it a sort growth, ; Call and examine this machine and have your hair singed. ' Special attention given to dressing .ua- Dr. M. D. Kino, DENTAL SURGEON Office with Dr. Headen r of ; North Carolina, -VJT Al ' ... iicrs. morougn instruction in four reaula courses of study, six brief courses, optL,! , . . , "fiUIlHI dies' hair. Cutting done with exquisite and curses to sun individual needs, ar,d profe srtistis skill by the old University Barber siorial courses in law and medi.-; of twenty years' experience, The singing machine is highly recom mended by scientists throughout the country. Very Respectlully, , . -. T. D. DUNSTAN, ' Professor of Tonsorial Art. The College World. Tuition $60 a year; total expense POO Over 500. students.. 26 ioa.,. ,r 1 ' mes, 7 scientific laboratories and museJ1 gymnasium, athletic grounds, bath m (free to all f rooms Discipline manly, without espionage Scholarships and loans to the needy Tuition free to sons of all minUh.- . didates for the ministry, public school tea? Hufifh Jennings will coach Geor gia's baseball players this year. The societies of Virginia are in a squabble over the Magazine editors Tulane's inter-collesriate- letter enterprise is' meeting- with much tsuccess and encouragement. Every student entering the Kan sas Wesleyan University is required to subscribe for the college paper. The Columbia Musical Society will this year present "Cleopatra," an opera which is entirely the work of undergraduates. Vice-President-elect Garret- A. Hobart has presented $5,000 to Rutgers college, of which college he is an alumnus. America has three hundred Uni versities and , England ninety-four yet there are two thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight more professors in the latter than in the former. The committee of college gradu- pha Tau Omega, Sigma Chi, Phi Gamma ates who have had the management Delta, Kappa Sigma, Kappa Alpha, Pi Kap pa Alpha, Phi Delta Theta. SOCIETIES. Theta Ntt Epsilon (Secret). Pi Sigma (Secret). Order of Gimghouls (Junior, Secret). The apefcty meet ia-Febr uary and October. Ban quet Thursday night of Commencement. 1 Philanthropic (Literary , Secret). Estab lished 1795. Meets, every Saturday night in Ptt EEalL,New Eat Building. Dialectic (Literary, Secret). Established of the annual Yale-Princeton foot ball game in hand for the past five years, alter carerul aen Deration, have decided to urge the colleges to hold their annual games and all their athletic contests on college grounds. At the meeting of Western uni versity presidents in Madison, Wis- 179.. Meettevery Saturday night in the Di konsin, which ended on January 7, a committee, consisting of President C. K. Adams of the Universitv-of . Hall New West Building. UNIVERSITY GERMAN CLUB. J. H. Andrews, President. C. R. Dey, Vice-President. R. IS., Follia, Secretary. - . Milton Elliott,, Treasurer. IToet at call of President. Leader select ed for each german. .';.:: Y. M. C. A. v - J. S. Wray, President. C. H. Johnson, Vice-President 7. W. Coker, Cor. Sec. P. H. Ely, Rec Sec. R. H. Wright, Treas TENNIS ASSOCIATION. E. K. Graham, President. , R.-H, Graves, Vice-President. T. B. Johnson, Sec. and Treas. UNIVERSITY DRAMATIC CLUB. SL H. Graves, Manager. C. S. Carr, Stage Director I Wisconsin, President A. S. Draper, of Illinois, and President F.' II. Snow, of Kansas, was. appointed to recommend rules for the regulation I of football and of inter-collegiate athletics in general throughout the West. .' The English college boys are now playing football on horseback. A handball club will soon be or ganized at Yale and a special court I is now being built. Pitcher Dwyer, of the Cincinnati team, will coach the University of Virginia baseball team next spring. Dr. Daniel G. Brinton, Professor! of Archaeology and Linguistics atj U. of P., has just advanced the the ory that all savages are insane. Franklin and Marshal College is in luck. Gen. J. Watt de Peyster recently crave our F. & M. friends the handsome sum of $30,000 with which to erect a new librarv build ing-. The Woman's College, of Fred erick, ,Md., has been made the re cipient of a gift of '$20,000 by Mrs. Margaret E. Hood of that city. This sum is to be used as an endow ment for a professorship to be nam ed in honor of James Mefflin Hood the deseased husband of the donor. One-half of 1 per cent, of the population of the United States are colleg-e graduates. From this com paratively small number are drawn 46 per cent, of the United States Representatives, 54 per cent, of the United States Senators, 62 per cent. of the Vice-Presidents, 70 per cent, of the Speakers of the House, and 90 per cent, of the United States Chief Justices. Efforts are being made at Har vard to procure increased distinct ion in study. The great tendency of students to indulge in athletics , and persons under hvi;i-., ;c .. ddress PRESIDENT ALDErS Chapel Hill, n. c. W. DUKE, SONS & CO., BRANCH OF THE American Tobacco Co., DURHAM, N. C. Southern Railway (PIEDMONT AIR-LINE.) THE GREAT TRUNK LINE. CONDENSED SCHEDULE, IN EFFECT JAN. 5th 18. TRAINS LEAVE CHAPEL HILL 8:45, a. m. Connects at Universitv with trains for Greensboro, Danville, Rich mond, Washington and all points North. also with trains for Durham, Raleigh, Goldsboro, Selma, Tarboro, Rocky Mt Suffolk and Norfolk, Wilmington, New Bern and Morehead City. for the sake of fame has the movement. The scholarships are hereafter to be open to competi tive examination; heretofore . they have been given to the needy. lttducpd 12:50, p. m. Connects at Universitv for ' Durham, Raleigh, Selma, Goldsboro and all local stations. Subscribe to the Tar HEEL. 4:25, p. m. Connects at University for Uni versity, Greensboro. Charlotte, Atlanta New Orleans, Memphis, Columbia, Sa vanna, Jacksonville, St. Augustine, and all points South. T. J. LAMBE, THE CLOTHIER, HATTER, AND GENT'S. FURNISHER, OF DURHAM, Has opened a Branch Store. iitiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu Church Directory. ?mammw Ckuech. Rev. D. J. Cur fit, Service every Sunday morning and arlC might except the first bunday in each month. Prayr meeting every Wednesday night. ImcorAX CHtmcH. Rev. Mr. Winecoff. Services erery Sunday morning - and night. Mbtkodut Chukcr. Rev. N H.D. Wilson. Service emery Sunday morning and. night. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. Bkmsr Chwc. Rer. Dr; Thos. Hume. Rerviee every Sunday . morning and night XTaye meeting every Wednesday night. In the Old D K.. E. HALL, Where you will find an up to date line of Goods at REASONABLE PRICES. Arnheim & Strauss Bros Samples Can be seen at any time. TAILOR MADE . CLOTHING JSQr A SPECIALTY. ,. Yours respectfullv, C. LONG & BRO. , jVIauag-ers. ifl JP ! e ;- EXTRA:' i :sl:o:iu;gtjoaccd: 5 Wudo from the Purest, Ripest and Sweetest leafs E Krown In the Unldi n Belt of North CuroUua, Gig- z m aretle Booit goes with euoh 2-oz. pouch. S ALL FOR io CENTS, I A Pleasont, Cool and Delightful Smoke. 3 5 Lyon 4 Co. Tobacco Works, Durham, N, C. I 1IIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIMIIIII.IIIII.MIIIIMIIMIIIIUIIIIIIUIMIB TRAINS ARRIVE AT CHAPEL HILL. 11 :10, a. m. From Greesnboro, PiinviHe. Washington and other points North, also from Durham Raleigh, Selma arid Golds boro. . 2:40, p. m. From Greensboro. Charlotte, At lanta.. Columbia.. Jacksonville and a" points North and South-West. 6:50, pi m. From Wilming-ton, New Berne, Norfolk, Tarboro, Rocky Mount, Suffolk Goldsboro, Raleigh, Durham, ami inter mediate stations. Quick time- accom modation unexcelled. CIIAS. L. HOPKLNS, . Travelling Pass. Agent. , Charlotte, N. - J. M. Gulp, W. II. Gnu- Traffic Manager.. Gen. Man'ff r- W. A. TURK, Gen. Pass. Agent. Wa.liinftoiI. P. n. 15. TEAGU' for Agent, S. I scal ot-ba