1 1 I! i Jl:.':: ! -f- THE OFFICIAL ORGAN. OF Till, UNiV iSiitY ,? ATHLETIC. ,0 , ' - ' . -. ASSOCIATION. Vol. 6, UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, CHAPEL HILL, N. CMlov(rakf 2nd. 1897. 6. TAR HEELS DOWN TILMANITES. Fast Playing. Score 280. Sunday, rain fell t throughout the entire day and Monday morning showers came down to throw a damper upon the gay warriors who were to do battle on our gridiron. Clemson College had sent an ag gregation of their stalwart pigskin pushers to fight a gritty fight for the Palmetto State. , Coach Reynolds had selected elev en right' worthies to defend the "White and Blue" and when the clouds held up their down-pour two hundred students were on the Ath letic Field to cheer the victors on to glory; Dr, Baskerville acted as Referee, Mr. Butler as Umpire and Mr. Bow manor Clemson college as lime Keeper. Promptly at two o'clock the oval was placed in the centre of the field. FIRST HALF. Captain Belden sent the ball . whirling between the goal post Clemson quickly brought the ball tothtl5 yard line and kicked to McRae who returned five yards with the ball. Quarter Back Rog ers called signals while the players Were regaining their feet and in an instant M:Rae went through the quick opening on the right for 3 y'ds, then around left end ' for. .3 inore. Buxlon followed g'oing through at Simmons for 3yards and then McRae gained another yard through Ben nett's opening-. With remarkable ginger, the same that characterized the 'Varsity play throughout the g-ame, Bennett was given the ball and gained 7 yards. McRae and Buxton each gained 5 through the quick openings. McRae failed to gain but Buxton gained 4 and Rog ers was hurt. He soon got his pieces together and through a beauty open ing with perfect interference McRae made 10 yards. Buxton followed this by a nice run for 8 yards and then over for a touch-down. , Bel den kicked an easy goal. Time 4 minutes. Vogel, Clemson'sFull Back, kick ed off , the ball falling in "Capt." Roger's hands, he shakes his oppon ents gaining 5 yards. The ball was snapped in a hurry and Manager Kluttz skirted left end for 25 yards. Buxton gained 12 y'ds around right end and then 5 through Simmon's quick opening. McRae then made 3 and 2 yards. White was sent around right end for the necessary five and Belden went through Bor land's opening for 3 more. Kluttz went around left end for 20 y'ds and Buxton through a quick opening for 3 yards. Kluttz missed his signal and Bennett fell on the ball and on the third down with 8 yards to make White shot around right end for 15 yards' where Gentry distinguished himself by a beautiful tackle. The Varsity fumbled and McRae fell on the ball. McRae gained 2 yards and Buxton 2, ball going to Clem son one yard from the goal line. el kicked 20 yards in-touch andj VO.cr( ites.: nson, 3) 2 being Hanvy fell on the ball, Vogel trie 4-r. mi1l. ' T-1.. .' 1 1. 1 , ' iu yvaiiv uvci ooianu ana lost on yard. Clemson fumbled but Walk er gained x yards, Maxwell, by i long pass gained 9 yards McRai tackled hard and Maxwell waste'rn porarily knocked but. On the nev do wn the ball went over, Hendricki of Clemson off side. ID.-, ...11 .1 ' , r , 'i r ivucis e;ui..'u signals last ana lvic Rae pushed through for 2 yards and Buxton followed with another gaif of the same distance. McRae wen i.i ' i i- , . hi rung n oimmons quick opentng tor 10 yards and Buxton throng! Bennett for 2. McRae around lef j end for 12 yards and Buxton around right for 3 yards. McRae wen over the line and Belden kicked : uithcult goal. Time 9 minutes. Vogel kicked off, for Clemson vn.rrl mi-uI R(nni'tf r-.Hirtipl tackled by Garland and Shealvl Bennett gained 6 'yards over the Clemson left tackle Harivy, McRaf went around the left end for 25 yard! and Buxton made ten through Sim-j mons' quick opening (Simmons hurt). Buxton then gained 7 yard and McRae failed, Sullivan break! ing past White and tackling nicelyl Buxton took the ball around right end for 7 and on a fumble McRae" got the ball and gained ten yardsi In a series of rushes Buxton gained 1 and. McRae 0, then Buxton went through Simmons' opening for &! and Kluttz gained 2. on - a . fumble McRae gained 4, Buxton l and Mc Rae 6 placing the ball on Clemson '4 3 yard line. McRae walked around the right end which was unguarded and placed the ball between th? goal posts. Belden kicked an eas goal. Time 18 minutes. I Vogel kicked off 25 yards andj Rogers lost 2 being tackled in his tracks by Hendricks. Buxton gained 10 then 7 yards, Mc Rae made 12 and Buxton added a like number-(McRae dizzy, takeri out of game, Collins replaced him). Collins went around left end for 4' yards and Buxton made 4 through! left tackle. Buxton gained 2 more- at the same point. Kluttz missed the signal, Bennett took the ball but failed to gain Sullivan breaking the interference and tackling hard. Collins then gained 8 around Sulli van's end. Buxton made 2 over Walker who was slightly hurt.: Buxton then made 2 and 5 respect ively through left tackle and around ri-ht end. Kluttz fumbled and Bennett fell on the ball, loss 4 yards.: Rogers passed the ball to Buxton and in a beautiful run he made 8 vards . before being tackled by Shealy. Then liennett carried Da a 4 yards and over the line scoring Carolina fourth touch-down in 24; minutes. Belden kicked an easy goal. ;) Voel kicked .30 yards to Rogers who returned 5 yards with the ball; Kluttz gained 7 yards out jsuxton failed to gain over Walker. Collin? 1 T n ,1 4-1-1 A gained O. DUMOU iainu a.ui my ball went over to Clemson on-Caro Una's .40 yard line. . Sullivan gained CAROLINA LOSES TO VA POLYj. a t ; Lost by FuttiblesV 40. . ... i ,.'.' ''-:y: ' '( BJaeksburg, jPoJytechnicJustitute of Virginia iSaturday defeated the Varsity, by a score of 4-1 f '' " ' As yet no uevys of the game,-other than the special, tejegfaphic report taken in Danville by Mrv;' 'Jerry" Simpson, has been received. ?:, This we print. ""'V;'.-?'-;, v-', ::' a,;,::; :" ! ' 1 1 Alk'tEiTic ParkDanyi UviVa. i (Special Open wire to University of iNor tii Carolina.; : ' 'CARpiiifJA, ". Position Cuum Jioiiafid' H- ; Cro.rpirtie .--vo' Simuijiis! BetinCljt, . KlutlL ' . Whiti'.." I ?":!. v; luxtlm illovvcll) Colli jis (McKae) ,K. V, i ::k. e.': h. R. - Quarter ' h. H. : 'K. II. . , VA,.P. I, stiiJi "y ' ''box ; U HetberV ' , Wood - Herbert '''-Lewis Johnson : -Dell . ; ." Cochran '"' Barress ' 'Wliiteienei , Bettijng even. Game starts 3:30 p. m. ? Caf6lin;j. w i ns 'the' toss and Blacksb urg , k i c,k s off.t Cr0wdifairlyood;"-HKtcdv qff bali caught by: jRogefs who -fumbles Vet's, ball,, gainsj- 3 yards- them fivV; thrown back ,2 yards; VaU 0;iv Carb li na ; ten yard ; line( Rushes 4 cen tij butaihs hothing.'agam ter g-ains nothing,-' ball goes taL-at-. olina.. .Buxton ..makes 3 yards: bit Carolina' fumbles onseco'nd btif ClOWIT Continued .to fourth page and gets ball..' , ; Ball ;. on.v.Garolina s: 15 yard line, ? VatP.. caries ,ilkitt), Carli'ha's'arS 'line, "Va, Pi ,funi 5 yards,-, has -Varsity -on yard lirie' makes: toucli.down.-:but fal'ls'.tb 'kitk go;al, .. Seq?e.;Va,,Pv. 4y.? Varsity 0.. ' 1 !:-':Belden kl'cka- qff .ftnd.nuk tei? yards i on Icicle off ."tackled , by Bennett and Bennett:rhurt;;;raVP.' gains 5 yards, 2 and .2$- aga.m.vjVarvity's ball but Colliius fails to gain, j Rux4 ton fails to g-aih and 'baU "goea. td Va.P. and they gain' 5' yards, JtTaeff 0, tnen i rnen o anu gam o, men 3 more,, Va.P. "has. Varsity -on 35 yard' line, Va.!?; gains.l iyard, ,2,c3',? and 3 more, then fails gain, a round Klutz's, end, Varsity s .' ball, "gain ,8 yar ds but; a bad fumble,' gives "VaVPj the ball and they gain '4'yafd tneri 2, then 5, then fail to gaifnVa'P: makes five yards thrpugbvi tackle." Score : tslac ks nurg A c, vtw 1 na.;. Va. P. fumblestind Bennett falls on the ball. " Carott Carolina 'fumbles and V a;;P falls on the ball. - Carolina has the ball. McRe makes- One -yard :: : Mcljafe makes 6 ya rds,- White:6 and 'Kluttz f 1 . - ; . -it. , .t ... . D yards. " -Time 'called. - : Score;Va;.' P. 4, Carolina 0. - First half bver, 4il5 p. m. ' '' ' ' ; -' ' " '' ; '. J' Second Half. ' '''' ' Belden kiclcs to Va. P's.-25 yard line.. Va.-P gains 5 yards""' Va'' P. makes -4 yards -then 3 Va.' P; makes 5 yards Ground White, ' but" fails to gain over Kluttz. Va. P. goes' through, centre for 2 yard; Wrangling over the ball, . Caroli na's ball. " .Collins gotv; through, tackle for 3 yards. McRae gains 1 yard, offside play on Va. P. gives Carolina 10 yards McRae gains 10 yards through .tackle but on next down Carolina fails to gain through centre. White fails to gain arid the ball goes over. Va; P. makes 12 yards around White: Va. P. makes 2 yards over Simmons and 3 i.n double pass. Va. P. makes 5 j ards through the line. Bennett tickle's Cochran of Va. P. Va. P. fails to gain and the ball goes over to, Carolina. , Buxton gains 10 yards around the end. McRae gains 15 yards around right end; . Ball fum bledrCarolTua loses 8 yards.'fVa. man hurt. Carolina is losing on fumbles. " Carolina fails, , to gain. BallpeSrtb.'Va.'P.V Howell takes left half -back in place of Buxton. Va. P. gains over tackle 6 yards. Va.;. P. i ails.' to gain-over centre, but gains through tackle for 3 yards. Va. P. gains 4 yards. Ball on Car olina's 30 yard line, Va. P. gains 3 yards'over Simmons and 3 over Croniartie. Time called as the fiel d js. so. crowded end runs .'cannot be made. Crowd rushing on .the field. First down for Va. P. Va. P. ga'itis 2 " yards and 2 more through centre. Va; P. has Caro lina on the 12 yard line. Varsity's ball. Howell niakes 5 yards around right'end. ' McRae makes 1C) yards. Hovvell makes 15 yards around end. Would have 'made a touch down but side lines interfered,' about 'middle of field;. iMcRae niakes 5 -yard a round lef t end-.' - McRae makes 3. Howell inakes 5 yards around end. Howelf fails to gain. Ball ... goes Over bit 'fumble! Blacksburg,s ball arid onlyS rtiinutekHb'pla.'; Va!P. niakes 5 yards around 5 ehd' but fa"ils to .gain -through centre; 'They gain 2 yards.througlidine. anjl' a- rouhd end. Game ended.- , lv AJ4s Pef eat Sdphmores. ' ' . , Saturday tittertioo-n abdut;one ;i unseed st uden ts Jwaic hed 'the' Wed s ueaxrrLc?'frn nr- ani mcrcs-nngr gme byth.iiC(Si'eof: 6 to . i-s';: .r; The;MedS liy this vie'torj -hkve only the: junior ;akl Senior teams-to defeat. JYv.-a.-: A-rs The Junior-Med tie will be played off at some date to be najn.ed by the ad VisdfV'cbmmlttee, unless scores in th'3 following games ' are-; favorable Ih the first" haf the'score stood ( to O tn :fav'or pi IheMedsand ju Jthe "s'econtl b4yn.eat. rusbes through;,,he ine'and pretty' runs huiflgoodnr tefference' around" the end : theaU.. was'-cTd vanned" t6 tli'e x)ne yard.; Jine when Tate took it 'over.', for a. .touch -doxii. "Guiort missed an easy .goal. ' score ivieus u popns. t., , . Si r'iri '-- -: iiAiTtn-' MKT SOPH Adajus ;.: .Witisteal. Cfark"? Grant :; Lynch Jones . , .. Guion WoUard(Caplf.)-; tTate V" p6sit!on ' K'J it. R.-T, -R. E. - t. H. U. R.'H. B. MEDS , . Wifglk ,r. , ..Pate, .UVith.. - 0ciie" ' WilliaiW!-A : -, , . . Tate. .. , . Grixiiycr-f ' WIlliaiusK 1 " ICornegay' ' v '. ;; '.Sottiethjri&New- Thq General -Athletic' Association1 hasyuxt axmpieted an . arrarigcrent' by ,.whichr the' Virginia Projec'to- ' scapeXM.-, of: Roanoke, wilbgive ex- hibitions'of . tlw wonderful project ing kinetoscope -in' Gerrard Hall ' ; next Thhrsdayvand Friday night's' The Hall should -be crowded. ' ' : After . much, delay the. Seniors- ) have at last. put. out a tvam. - .It; iso late in the seaoii,. Int with good material theywiil no doubt get into the race. r