II 7 O THE 'OFFICIAL ORGAN OF TIL:, UNlVUSiTl ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, CHAPEL HILL, N. C, Novimbci 9th. 1897. NO. 7. HE A Vol. 6; THE SEWANEE VICTORY. Score, 126. The football team sixteen strong left the Hill Thursday for Cowan, Teun 011 Friday they played Se wanee at that place and downed the ..r.,r,ip" bv a score of 12 to 0. T he following" excellent report was fur nished by Mr. Abbott. Sewanee wins toss, chooses goal. Carolina kicks off to Sewanee's 10 yard line, Sewanee returns 15 yds. 'Smith advances ball 15 yds., Gray fails to Rain, then gains 1 yd., Se wanee kicks to Rogers who advan ces ball 15 yds., McRae makes 2 yds. but is hurt, Collins takes Mc Rae's place. Howell goes around R E. for 10 yds., Collins 5 yards around L. E., Howell through line for 7 yds., Collins. 3 yds., Howell 4 yds., Howell l yo. over xv. x., oei- for out den 3a through center, Howell 3 overR. T., Howell 4 yds. more, then adds 7 yds. over R. T., Belden tries center fails to gain loses ball on fumble on Sewanee's 5 yd., Se .vanee kicks out side of bounds, Ro gers falls oh ball, carried in 15 yds. and Carolina takes ball on 50 yd. line, Collins makes 5 yds. thro line, Howell loses 3 yds. on end run, slightly injured, Kluttz loseslO yds., Sewanee's ball, Sieble makes 1 yd. for Sewanee around L. E., Sieble 1 yd. around L. E., Belden kicks on second down Rogers catches but is downed in his tracks, Bennett is tried and gains 7 yds., Shull gains 5 yds., Shull again gains 5 yds., Collins makes 4 yds. through quick opening, Howell by a pretty run makes 15 yds., Bennett 2 yds. around L. vE., Carolina fumbles, Howell yams ball makes 2 yds., 1st. down. Howell makes 15 yds. around L. E. P-ii;c! rripc 4- x'fls. over R. T.. Col- hns 1 yd. through line, Howell around end, Belden 2 yds. through center, Belden 4 yds. through cen ter. Unwell 4 vds. through line, PaHi'm. clWrlitIv iniured. Collins gains 4 yds., Howell makes 4 yds., Collins makes 3 yds., 1st. down, twrX Arwum tr inn We. Howell ma Ues 41 vds.. Collins is sent over lor touch down. Rogers holds ball and RpUIpm IrJrkc an easv iroal. Time 16 minutes. Carolina 6, Sewanee 0. Sewanee kicks to Carolina's 10 yd. line. Belden brings it back 15 yds., Collins fails to gain, Howell makes T Relden fails to mnlfp the neressarv vard and bail goes over, Sewanee's ball, kilpatric makes 4 yds., Sewanee fails to gain on second down, ball fumbled, Bor land breaks through and gets ball, Howell then makes 7 yds. around end for Carolina,' Howell then maKes 8 yds. on same play, Collins makes 2vd Unwell 3 through line, How ell 2 through line, Collins U, How ell over L. T., Bennett ycis., Howell 1 VA Hnwell 3 vds. through line, Bennett 3 yds., ball fumbled as Collin mUed sioma.1. Kluttz falls on ball, 15 yds. lost, Kluttz tries end olav hut fails to o-ain. Carolina fails IT J C- . , , to gain on third down and bail goes gams Sewanee gain, then goes' around end touchdown. Sewn nee mint and then kicks goal. Score, Caro lina b, oewauee b. l ime 2 minutes. Turner takes Shull's place. Car olina kicks to 4 pard line, Sewanee returns 10 yards. Seible makes 42 yards over left tackle. Kilpatric makes 25 yards around Carolina's left end by double pass. Seible makes 3 yards over right tackle. Kilpatric hurt but plans on. Kil patric make: 5 yards over left tackle, 5 again in same place. Cromartie breaks thro on next and Sewanee loses 6 yarks. Sewanee tries quar ter back kick, but fails to kick across line of scrimmage. Carolina's ball. Howell 2 yards, 12 more thro quiclc opening. Collin's fails to gain. Howell makes 3.. Turner fails to gain. Howell makes 2 thro Quick opening. 3rd down and Howell makes 3$. Col- ins gains 1 yard, Collins 4 yards, Howell 4 yards, Howell 10 more iround end. Collins hurt and Bux- ;on takes his olace. Buxton l vards over left tackle. man hurt but plays on. Buxton 2J, Howell 2'.. Seivers retires; Brake takes his place. Buxton 1 yard, Hnwell 21. Howell makes 1 yard nit as the necessary 5 was not made ball p-oes to Sewanee Brake makes yard, Sewanee lrirh tn P?.vers who returns ball 15 vards. Buxton gains 3, How 11 f 1 i ! ei tans to umn cessarv I1,. Buxton then vards; then Howell makes vitnr nlav of the- iranie bv ' I J r - - - 25 vards thro the line tor a toucn lnw'11. Ro-ers holds ball, Belden kicks o-nal. Score, Carolina 12. aewanee Sewanee kicks off to Howell. Rail fumbled. Belden gets ball and , 1 A Cnmn carries it iu varus rowaiu ocwa. nee's goal. Rennett makes 10 yards, Howel o vnnk amund end. Belden makes 3 yards, then Buxton h yard. How ell 2, is hurt but plays on. 3r n,i 9 v arris to make. How en iaus io gnu aui v-v w.v- the ball. Kilpatric tries White tor a gam but loses 7 yards and time is called. Score, Carolina 14, sewanee o 25 and 20-minue halves played THE VANDERBILT DEFEAT Score 0 31. On Saturday, the sixth, the team eft Sewanee for Nashville where they played Vanderbilt. The fol owing report telegrapned the 1AR HEEL by Coach Reynolds, tells the story of the game: , The day was clear and ideal for oot-ball. The field was fine and lie the r.rnwd lane. Vanerbilt was heavy 166 pounds; Carolina Mi t 148 pounds, and in poor con dition after Sewanee game. Howell and McRae were unable to play, and the team was badly bruised. FIRST HALF. Buxton gains the crams the o-aining gets LINE UP N. c. White Shull (Turner) Borland Cunnitighau Cronuirlie Bennett Klutz Rogers McRae (Collins) Howell Belden (Capt.) Sewanee. L, E. Siinpkiiis L, T. Boiling; T G. Coluiore (Poole C, Farrar G. Clayhorne T. Smith E. Franklin (Neabit) Wilder (Capt. Seible (Brake) Kilpatric T. Gray (Davis R R. R R. H. L. H. P.amlina wins toss. Vanderbiit kicks to five yard line. Belden miss es bounding ball, Buxton and Col- ins tail to gain and' Belden punts forty-five yards. Counell, aided by Goodson's interference, returns to t wen tv-five vard .line. , Connellhits centre with loss of one and one-halt yards. Booger makes five yards on quick opening. , Vanderbilt loses on downs. Buxton gains tour yards, and ten yard gain to Carolina on off side play. Collins makes 10 yards through left tackle. Vanderbilt s ball for holding. , Goodson gets six yards over right tackle double pass, Connell adds four over same. ar rell hits centre for two yards, and Booger travels fifteen yards for a tmirli rlnwn. Time five minutes Con.ivll kicks goal. 60. RW1enV kirk r eturned to thir- ty-five yard line. Connell makes two vards around left end and Car olina gets ball for holding. Collins fails to gain and Vanderbilt's ball nfF vjrlp nlnv. Boorer makes ' V- . -w J three yards, Connell three, String field two and one half, a left criss cross. Booger skirts right end for fifteen vards. and Vanderbilt makes . seventeen yards more. 1 hen V ar rell hits centre for three yards and Dve for one and a half yards. Strinjrfield covers the other fifteen yards on a double pass and Connell kicks the goal. Vanderbilt brings the thirtv five vard line. j ncll seven, on line i!as. Cornell then drop-kicks from thirty-five vard line. 25 U. SECOND HALF. (Lost notes.) Connell, touch- ilnvvn. misses L'oaL Osborne tackles Connell on forty yard line. Quarter back kicks and Vaiultrbut gets oau. Connell makes five yards over Ben- nett and criss-cross tailed on ngiu ii r.. .. ,i .n:u ...k. 4.U.. .... it tacKle, vanuerouL vmhm tu- v nu.-i for fourteen' yards, Connell adds five, Turner throws back two . rr 1 l Mi t L 1 1 i- yards. vanuerout rusnes uaii n two yard line and requires tniee trials to c.arrv it over Carolina, I o-raduallv weakening. Men in bad shape; exhausted but tun or gru. Vanderbilt loses ball on kicic-on but regains it for oil side play. Vanderbilt fains 5. 8, 2. Id, 7-1, 10 yards. Vigorous and constant ham mering carry the ball down field, but time is called. Final score. 31 0. Grittv fisrht, but Sewanee victory t7fa trenerl team too much. Booger, Connell, Dye and Goodson, Vander- bilt stars. Kluttz, iienneu, voi lins best work for Carolina. Every man died in his trarks. The team lined upas follows: CAROLINA. LINEUP. V ANDEKlilL 1 . Cunning-ham Centre Cromartie R G Bennett R G Kluttz RE Borland L G Shull (Turner) L G White (Osborne) L E Rogers Q U Collins U A Buxton L H Belden F Brown Hasset Longherttt String-field Whitteinore McAllister Booog-er (Capt) Goodson (Cox) Dye Connell Farrell and Dye fail to gain, but kick to Hassett Booger Booger over, Sewanee's ball, Sieble makes 20 yds. on double pass around Car olina's L, E. Time up for 1st. halt. Score, Carolina 6, Sewanee 0. SECOND PALI. f Sewanee kicks off to Carolina s 10 yd. line, Belden returns ball 14 rr...n f..:ic t- o-nin Huston make 1 vrl White and Shull both! ill choose. slightly hurt. Play on third down, ; TrTTVrT'OQ 5L 1 RMrl en tries to kick I Messrs. R. L. Follin 98, but kick is blocked Dr. Baskerville of U. N. C. Referee. rf Mvers of Sewanee Umpire. Buxton (Reynolds) and Selden time-keepers Linesmen, Osborne and King. The University of Georgia debat ers have proposed as a query for the anual debate next spring Resolve :-T hat the United States annex Hawaii. . . . ; The University of North Caroli na has the choice of sides. Messrs. Graham and Brogden have yet two weeks to reply, and, at the present ...,:; have not decided which A. C. "v j x.j. v o.j ( Sewanee's Miller '90 and E. A. Lockett ) ball on ten yard line. Seible makes jatteruie(i the Tobacco fair in W in- l yard. Kilpatric ma ices d yus;! fo nl ast week. Sewanee tries line twice without ton la.t week. works White for five yards. then adds three yards over centre, Connell one and a half and Dye three. Longhurst goes over Shull for three yards and Booger makes tt.,-ee Rennett throws Stringfield with a loss of five vards. Vander bilt then makes one and a half yards and then eleven more on a fake kick Booker puts on three and McAllis White is hurt and L 1 1 1 a j ' retires in favor of Osborne. Van rWKJlt then scores the third touch down and kicks goal 18 0. UolfLni t-irL-s over p-oal line and on the return kick Buxton catches, makes seven vards, fumbles and f ilU nn it. Bekbn kicks ori Oshnrne tackles in tracks tv.ku nets one and a .half ,arrk Rnn-rer four an;l one half, t.v,,.,-mi nne nn.l one half, Connell two' and one half, Dye three, Con Meds. vs. Fresh. The arame Saturday between the Meds and the Freshmen was the most interesting game played on our gridiron this season. More in terest was displayed among the spectators, than has been witnessed in any of the previous Class cham pionships, and popular favor was with the youngsters. Several times during the lirst half and four times during the sec ond did the Freshmen take the ball from the Meds on downs and they out played the Physicians and Pill Rollers during both halves. The best playing for the Meds bv Tate, Kornegay and Gruver whilc for the Freshmen Bellamy, McRae. Eskridge and Kskridge R., deserve special mention for their good work. This is the second tie game play ed by the Meds and it is likely the Class Champion contest will last. until late in December. The line up was as follows: MEDS- Wright Price Mclvcr FRESH. Hobbs Garrett Whitehead Mclver Eskridge B. Harris Makely Ottiner Bellamy McKae Eskridg-e Referee, Graves E. Time keeper, Brown. Whitaker, Umpire. Time of halves 20 minutes. Smith Fortune Williams A, Tate Gruver Korneg-ay Wilfiams K. Hines POSITION L. E. L. T. L. G. . C. R. G. R. T. R. E. o. B. 11. II. B. L. H. B. F. B. Mr T. D. Parker. who was r iwiVH rollefe on ac- tount of illness i much better and will probably be able to return uc- fore Christmas.

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