UNIVERSITY WiCfcifeY. r. rv 'I fi ti A- CJCNJCJtAL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. II VylO'A VH"'H :-ir; j()H HOlA.vk'i E. K.- Graham, 'President. It. S. Busbee, VicPre$ife!niO R II. Sykes, Sec'y. and Treas. . i UNIVERSITY FOOT-BALL. TEAM. J D. Whitaker, Captain.. Warren 'ht Khitt, Jr. ManUger. ' Jones Fuller, Assistant Manager. .r.OiJi Oi. ...... UNIVERSITY BASE-BALL TEAM. - ,r.'i i ; 1 1 ij i .: . j i .)... . R. A. Winston, Captain. K. H. Lewis, Jr., Manager. C. K. Dey Assistant Manager. TRACK ATHLETIC TEAM. G. B. Pond, Captain. UNIVERSITY GLEE CLUB. - Pof. Harrington, Director. J. K. Pfohl, Leader. Jones Fuller, Business Manager. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SO- " ' CIETY. J. V. Gore, C. E-, President. Collier Cobb. A. M., Vice-President. Francis P. Venable, Ph D., Sec'y. and Treas; Charles Baskerville, Ph D., Cor. Sec'y Meats in Person Hall the second Tuesday aic-ht of each month. Journals issued twice x year. HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Kemp P. Battle, LL."D., President. E. A. Alderman, D .C. L,., Vice-President. W. C.i Smith, Secretary. SHAKES.PERE CLUB. Thomas Hume, D. D. LL P., President. Samuel May A. B., Vice-President. R. H. Sykas Treasurer. PHILOLOGICAL CLUB. K. P. Ha rington, President. F. K. BaT, Vice-President. W. D, Toy, Sec'y. and Treas. Meets on last Tuesday night of each month in the English Lecture room. FRATERNITIES (Secret). Delta Kappa Epsilon, Beta Theta Pi, Zeta Psi, Sigma Nu, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Al pha Tau Omega, Sigma Chi, Phi Gamma Delta, Kappa Sigma, Kappa Alpha, Pi Kap pa Alpha, Phi Delta Theta. SOCIETIES. Theta Nu Epsilon (Secret). Pi Sigma (Secret). Order of Gimghouls (Junior, Secret). The society meets in February and October. Ban quet Thursday night of Commencement. The C ergon's Head. Philanthropic (Literary, Secret). Estab lished 1795. Meets every Saturday night in Phi Hall, New East Building. Dialectic (Literary, Secret). Established 1795. Meets every Saturday night in the Di Hall, New West Building. UNIVERSITY GERMAN CLUB. R. S. Busbee, President. C. B. Buxton, Vice-President. H. C. Cowles, Secretary. G. D. Vick, Treasurer. Meets at call of President. Leader select ed for each german. J, ,.';tY. M. C. A. ' '. C. H. Johnston, President. . P. H. Ely, Vice-President. ' F. W. Coker, Cor. Sec. J. K. Pfhol, Rec. Sec. W. E. Cox, Treas... I 'fU'il'ttin -: ,i .ilhiU.'.'.'U f.l Winn) !!)! 'ivV-Ji G 13 N ARAL) MI3RCH A-NDISE. Shoes, Hardware and Farming Implements a specialty. ' A Wonderful Invention. The Co-Operativ otore lollow, and contain an oil that gives i-S Olieitng to the students i life. In clipping the hair, with seis- Liltv .:,. r.. . S au f , this hollow is left open, and' the hair 'J uvc ivinu.-i of 3 its life-iriving properties. y: Melt's Stvliel Ci. " RESERVED FOR PROCTOR . & CO., ... Durham, N. C. Watch their Ad. in Next Issue. Zoology teaches that the hairs of the head are 1 them sors lose; T 1... - XT,. .. 1 . . , . . - . 1 i. 1 CI i ri.t vtt ti. itirf.L.1 ii lit; ii.LiiiMf l I lit? n I 1 1 w j nir r h. i . . Chine, which removes the hair and at the Always up to date same time closes up the hollow, causing the ij4 10 i0 hair to retain its life-giving properties, and durtbili or dying, and giving it a soft growth. most varied stock in North Ca V Call and examine this machine and have We also invito vrn Ai dr'ina, your hair singed. . . , . lw your attention fc, opeciai attention given to aressing; ia- ' :,.:) ; ,; dies' hair. Cutting done with exquisite and o ' ',' . . - ' srtisUs skill by the old University Barber. OdllluICS Ol HfltS of twenty years' experience. ' ... uio mi. - .1 ..... . . ... fir nvtliirf -vt., ine sintruiir inucnineis mirniv recom- j umi; yuu in;tv 'rna r mended by scientists throughout the country. Rrvl'rpn P,iuf d, n rotli Very nesj)ectlully, ' f fu- , V" "'nh neft T. D. dunstan, of Clothinnf and Gent's Furnishin Professor of Tonsorial Art. it will pay you to see us hofn v " ' - buy. "y-" uore you TENNIS ASSOCIATION. E. K. Graham, President. R. H. Graves, Vice-President. F. B. Johnson, Sec. and Treas. UNIVERSITY DRAMATIC CLUB. It. 12. Follin, Manager... Samuel May, Stage Director. G. D. Vick," Assistant Manager. UNIVERSITY MOOT COURT. S. Brown Shepherd. Judge. Jones Fuller, Associate Justice. W. G. Cox, Solicitor. Wescott Roberson, Clerk. J. C. McRae, Sheriff. The Moot Court will convene three batur day nightsin each month.; Church Directory. Presbyterian Church. Rev. D. J. Cur rie. Services every Sunday morning and night except the. first Sunday in each month. A VICTORIOUS DEFEAT. Con eluded from Jirst pag e. Collins makes 1 yd. 3d down. yd to train. Sijnial jri ven through centre. Carolina fails to gain, and the ball goes to -Va.-Va. again calls her guards and tackles back and begins a continual mass on the right side of Carolina's line. Pierce 2 vds. Tetuoleraan 1 d- Pierce 5 yds. Carney 5 yds, then 5 again; Carney 2, Pierce 2 yds, then 3 yds. Ball is now on CaroliiaV 10 yd. line. Buxton takes Graves' place at left half back. "Carolina makes a Vtand.' Pierce and Carney each fail to gain but on third down Pierce makes the required 5 yds. Hill makes" 4 yds and Carney carries the ball over tor a touch down. lem pleman kicks goal. Score: Virginia 12. " '. Carolina 0. Game is called on account of dark ness with three more minutes to - . In Memoriam. . ; Whereas, We have learned with deep sorrow of the death of our brother David G. Worth, of Wilmington, N, C on November the twenty-third, eighteen lutndred and ninety-seven, be it '. ; Resolved, 'That, we the members of . . .ti j r ia i j iy 1 eui uapter oi uena xvappa xpsuun Fraternity, desire to express our res pect and appreciation of one, who dur ing life, merited the love and respect of all who knew him; arid be it further Resolved, "That we express our sincere sympathy with his family in this1 their sad afflction; and be it Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the bereaved family; that a copy be sent to our Col lege paper for publication, and that they be read at the memorial exercises at the University of North Carolina on November the twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and ninety -seven. Samuel May, M. C. Elliott, - W.. Stamps IIowakd, ' - Committee. The Meds. Champions for '97, Tko " w ve ytllingi; Class Series Ended. litie. rw c i c i If we havn't what vou w - g.-t it for you. saip litis ueen pi.ieu ami ine paim yyv y ot victory belongs to the Meds. Oil Wednesday last they defeated the Fresh, by the wide margin of 22-(! The crowd was large, the day fine and from start to finish the playing was fast and furious The Fresh, scored first, in about three minutes, and seemed to have no dfficulty whatever in carrying the ball down the field. In perhaps two minutes after the second kick' off they had the ball again down at the Meds. goal when it was fumbled and Wright snatching it up made.ja hundred yard sprint back to the Fresh, goal for a touch d6wn. Tlje Fresh, after this, had to be satisfied with seeincr the ball: thev didn't !. o j j lu iiauuic ii any moie. x ne xvieus. punctured their line, circled . their ends and made trouble for them gen erally. The score was only a ques tion of time. ! By winning this game the Meds become the possessors of the cham pionship pennant donated by Prof. Jewellers and G. P. Butler. Their record is Sophs. 4 6, Juniors 0 4, Fresh. b22. Wednesday night, after the game the team showed its appreciation of itself and good will toward the rest of mankind by a liberal indulgence in oratory, tin horn and fire-cracker. 'ant wewil the Best au,i r.....j Place in the State to Bv Books, Stationery, aV." Stationery for all departments CO-OPERATIVE ' No. 1, 'Old West Buildin'o. Hours S to 8:30 a. in.; 2 to 5:.;o D m (His to 7:15 p. m. PICKARD'S Livery, Feed and Sale Stables, : NEAR EPISCOPAL, CHURCH. Splemlic Rising- and; Driving Hurses Polite Hostlers. . Oniow Atf.,.,.:... GEORGE PICKARD, Proprietor, ESTABLISHED 1S53. H. Mahler Sons ' SUCCESSORS TO H. MAHLER. Opticians, RALEIGH, N. C. Southern Railway Dr. Hume Lectures. Dr. 1 hos. Hume delivered the Thanksgiving sermon to the students of Oak Ridge Institute. On Ihursday uiirht he rave his de lightful lecture, "Oliver Wendell Holmes; His Wit and His Wisdom," before a very , large and appreciative audiencc. t ; ' ' "- - t . 4 From Oak Ridge he went to Hills- boro, where he spoke 'Friday night on "Our Churches Organized for more Effective Work." . (PIEDMONT AIR-UNIS.) COND10NSKD SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT JA. ISth ls')7. TO THE Faculty M Student Body OF THE ; Univertsitj' of N. C You are cordially incited to call on tur representatives. Mess. . N. C. Long cc Bro. for CLOTH I KG AND Gent's Furnishings. V 111 1UUI111I. - . H 1 "i C 1. Pravcrmeetitiff every Wednesday hiffht. I vusiom-ivuiue vaults a specialty, ispiscopai,-WHUKcu.rtv. ivxr. wincuuu. vii:i iwojai ye i;i;e samples to select Services every Sunday morning' and night. : rf1 : MkthopiST CHURCH.-Rev.N H.D.Wilson. .V"' . 0l Services every Sunday,. momingr arid night. ' When 111 Uurham,unake Ollt" btort Prayer meeting Wednesday. night.. your headquarters. . Baptist CnuKCH.Kev, Iredcnck Cleve- '' T T T AVfin; laud. Services every Sunday morning and 1. J. . night. Prayer meeting every Wednesday , The Clothier ana ' Gents' Furnisher, O 'N 'wvHuna 'BMUom oooxaox -oo y noa- 9)0IU? pUB O03 'JUBSBSId V "S1NI3D 01 iiod inv 1 i'untiort vxoa tio8 IHa 3o8 Jiooa ow&iv -8(f) 'oniioaBa MJJOnj jo jjjj n.lifl "H n umojS D33B0I9EJIlIQnS 8:55 A. M. No. 52 Connects at University : witfc trains for Greensboro, Daiiville, Ri niond, Washington and all points North also with trains for Durham, Kaleigh, Ooldisboro, Solma, Tarboro, Kooky Mt. SutTolkuiid Norfolk, Wilmington, $w Born and. Morchcnd City. 3:50, p. in. No 54 Connects at Greonsburo, Charlotte, Attain Now Orleans, Memphis'. Columbia. S;l' vanna, Jacksonville, St. A ugitstiiie, and all points South. 11:10 a.m. From ' G, watni'" Washington and other points North, ai from Durham Kaleigh, Selma GoUlsboro and Norfolk. 6:50, p. m. 53, frcm Wilmington, new o- Norfolk, Tarboro, Rocky Mount, ' " ri.j.iK.,, Tn-i.jn-ii T)nrhain.inl iltcr" WVIU'll 'VI V) .V- ) niediaro stations. Ouick time modation unexcelled. Mixed. Dally F.xcept Sunday. K. T . VKKNON, Travelling IW Ag1 1 CV.nrlctts, M. Gulp. w. u- Traffic Manager. Gen. fa W. A. TUKK, Ccn. Pass. Agent Washington D, t !, TIC A it'k' night. Durham, N. C.