HERE AND THERE. yir. Melville D. Landon, other n,;se known as Eli Perkins, lectur -a inGerrard Hall Saturday night upon the subject, "The Philosophy 0f Wit ana nuuuu . Mr. G. M. Lawson, of Winston, was on the Hill last Saturday to visit his brother, Mr. Robert Law- son, and tQ' witness the Mebane- University ffame. Messrs. Johnson, Haines, and Nicholson, of Trinity College, were present at -the bae-ball game last Saturday. . ' Rev. Mr. Wattefs, of Hillsboro, will' conduct morning- and evening services at the Episcopal church Sunday. ' The meeting of th: Historical So ciety which was to have been held last night was postponed. The last pages of the University Catalogue for 1897'98 went to press yesterday. It is expected to appear about the latter part of next week. Dr. Moore, ot uurnam, was over to see the g'ame Saturday. Mr W. W. Card, of the Trinity i . base-ball team, umpired the game between the University and Mebane Saturday. . P. C. Collins '00 and Percy Whitaker '98 visited Trinity Col lege on Saturday. E. A. Abernethy, Med. and F. Maddry '01 went over to Durham Saturday on bicycles. Murry Allen of Trinity College witnessed the game Saturday. Prof. A. W. Mangum '97 spent Sunday on the Hill. ' Graham Woodard '00 led the batting- average for the last six games, the sta- pecially the girls of the Normal and G. P. C. will be invited to par ticipate in the unveiling. V Washington ; Belden Noble of 1. .uas given M0.OOO to endow a 'lecture ship in memory of her husband. The ! aic mienueu to perpetuate rc Mgion as represented by Philips lirooks. j I University of Ga. has a Track Ath jlettc coach, who is preparing the Team jior the S. I. A. A. meet in Atlanta J. M. Barrie has received the degree or Iv. L. D. from St. Andrew's Univer isity. NO CURE-NO PAY. I hat ks the way ill druggists sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TuNiC for Chill and lever uud ail forms of. malaria.: It in bimply Irou and Tunic in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer bitter niuiseatiiiii ionics. Price SOc. UNIVERSITY NO LET-UP. EVERYTHING DESIRABLE IN Clothina & Furnishings can be found at making 500 and tionary prize Whitaker. , winning offered b y Percy A.W. -Neal was confined folds room a few days last week, but is out again now. Mr. Robert Crawford, of Winston, was on the hill last week. Mr. Ed Whitehead is confined to the infirmary with rheumatism. "Sally" White, witnessed the game Saturday. Prof. Dinwiddie, of Peace Institute, has accepted an invitation to lecture ' for the Westminster League the second Sunday in April. J. E. Foscue was sick for several 'lays last week. The Paul C. Cameron estate sends over a lot of trees each year to replace those that have died on Cameron Ave nue. A number of these trees were set out last week. Mr. andMrs. Peckham of New York are on the Hill. Several Trinity boys saw the game Saturday. . They say that two seniors succeeded in falling on Geology a few days ago. The Societies of Oak Ridge Acad eiy are raising a fund to erect on the Guilford Battle Ground, a mon ument to the memory of young Gil 'es, the "Bugler Boy" of Lee's Legion, who was cruelly mangled and murdered by Tarleton's Drag ons Feb. 13th, 1871. The schools of the county and es- W. A. SLATER CO., DURHAM, N. C. ; New Goods. Spring and Summer Samples from Wannamaker and Brown, and Roval Tavlors have come. Suits from S7.50 up. Golf Suits from $6.00 up. Golf Stockings, Trousers, and Furnishing Goods a Specialty. Beautiful line of Shirts. Fit guar anteed. Call and see Samples. Carver & Wilson. 25 Old West, under History Room. Tlie University of North arolina, Offers thorough instruction in four regular Courses of study, six brief ourses, optional courses to suit individual needs, and profes sional courses in law and medicine. Tuition $60 a year; total expense $200, 467 students, 26 teachers, 40,000 volumes, scientific laboratories and museums, gymnasium, athletic grounds, bath rooms (free to all) Discipline manly, without espionage. Scholarships and loans to the needy. Tuition free to sons of all ministers, can didates for the ministry, public school teach ers, and persons under bodily infirmity. Address PRESIDENT ALDERMAN Chapel Hill, N. C. THE University Magazine. Published by the Dialectic and Philanthropic Literary Societies of the University of North Carolina. Subscription, $1 for the current College year. Arrangements have been made by which the University Magazine and the N. C. Journal of Education may be had together for only One Dollar per year. Send- us your subscription. Advertising rates furnished promptly on application. W. S. Wilson, Business Manager. Literary contributions solicited from the undergraduate body of the University. Articles of merit will find prompt publication. Upon mat ters relating to the literary depart ment of the Magazine, Address, J. G. MCCORMICK, Editor-in-Chief, Chapel Hill, N. C. Livery & Feed Stable, W. J. HUNTER, MANaGer. Chapel Hill, N. C. S 1 y mt .... Lrooa J earns, A ice Vehicles, Careful Drivers. PRICES REASONABLE. A A Kluttz, IS-HEADQUARTERS FOR nil liie Books used ill ine-linii'Grsisy and iir common scrioois-. Also Stationery and Students' Supplies I have a full line of ' . Blair's Tablets and Mote Books, Wirt's Fountain Pens and Perfection Stwdesit's Lamps, Pratt's ' Astral Oil. A COMPLETE LINE OF Men's Furnishing Goods, Fancy Goods-and Toilet Articles. Confectioneries, Fruits, Cigars and Tobacco, Potted Meats and Pickles. Fine Hats and Hand-made; Shoes ASpecialty. Having- served "The Boys" and the Public for a number of years, I am prepared to offer a line of goods unsurpassed in quality and at prices to suit the times. My Motto is: 1 lie Best Goods jor the Lowest Cash Prices. ,. Kesspeetfully, A. A. KLUTT7, CALL ON THE University Press For the Printing-of Posters, Dodgers, Letter Heads. Bill Heads Receipts, Envelopes etc, SCRATCH PADS, 6 for 25 Cents. W. M. YEARBY Druggist and Seedsman, DURHAM, N. C. & CHAPEL HILL, N. C. Prescriptions, a Specialty i SPAULDING' 4 y Athletic Goods. BRANCH HOUSE FOR NORTH CAROLINA, jN. O. LONG & BRO, AGENTS. BASE BALL, FOOT BALL, TENNIS, and GOLF SUITS. 25 per cent off for Clubs. JpiiiF Write for cataiegue & Samples. " ' V.'A B. SORRELL. DEALER IN Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Optical Goods and Novelties. W. DO YOU WEAR SHOES? If you do we can tit you. A full line of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, &c, GROCERIES, HARDWARE. Anything- usually found in a stock of General Merchandise. '.Give us a trial. Respectfully, T. F. Lloyd, Prop'r. C. J. Copeland, Man'g-Y. H.H.Patterson, dealer in . . Dry Goods, Notions, Slices, Hats Crockery, Leather, 'Hardware, FRESH GROERIES of all kinds. Monarch Flour fresh from (lie Mills, ... SHIP STUFF AND BRAN. AGKNTS FOR . .. NEW LEE, and TROPIC, COOK STOVES Heating-Stoves, Grates and all triads 'of Stovfe Fixtures keept in stock.' Agent'for the celebrated Old Hickory Wagons. A . DUG HI, RALEIGH, N. C. DEALER IN ' CONFECTIONERIES af all sorts. When in need of any send your order. S&" Special Attention to Students. GLASS FRONT PHARMACY! FRESH DRUGS, . REGISTERED SERVICER Prescriptions a Specialty. Clyde Eubanks, MVr. SELLING AGENT FOR Htiyler's Candies. W. L. TANKERSLeY, Dealer in potted meats, olives, fine cakes, candies, waffers, etc. The Man in the Moon ilS c,nni 1 l and Sootliing would be happier if he could have a supply of Blackwell's Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco For over twenty-five years the standard smoking tobacco of the world. To-day More Popular than Ever. To have a good smoke anytime and everytime it is onlynecessary to get Bull Durham. It is all good and always good. BLACK WELL' S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., DURHAM, N. C.