UNIVERSITY DIRECTORY. GENERAL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. J. S. Carr, President. E. V. Patterson, Vice-President. C. S. Alston, Sec'y. and Treas. UNIVERSITY FOOT-BALL TEAM. Captain. Warren L. Kluttz, Jr., Manager. Assistant Manager. UNIVERSITY BASE-BALL TEAM. JR. A. Winston, Captain. J. R. Carr, Jr., Manager. Assistant Manager. UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. W. S. Wilson, Editor-in-Chief. W. E. Cox, Business Manager. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SO CIETY. J. W. Gore, C. E., President. Collier Cobb, A. M., Vice-President. rancis P. Venable, Ph D., Sec'y. and Treas. Charles Baskerville, Ph D., Cor. Sec'y. Meets in Person Hall the second Tuesday night of each month. Journals issued twice year. HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Kemp P. Battle, LL. D., President, fc. A. Alderman, D .C. L., Vice-President. J. G. McCormick, Secretary. SHAKESPERE CLUB. Samuel May A,. B., Secretary i-t. j. iieu. treasurer PHILOLOGICAL CLUB. E. Alexander, President. H. F. Linscott, Vice-President. S. May, Sec'y. and Treas. Meets on last Tuesday night of each month in the English Lecture room. An Unsatisfied Need. Georgetown University, at Charlottes- Tl- fi a. Durino-the summer the Question ville. A "C WU" UPCrd VC was asked us if we had a teacher of Satnrrlnv fWnhpr ?q viro-inin vc expression at the University. All Columbia University at Charlottes- Js offering- to the students and fa "-j "..- kusi i.uc umvci- .-. uiLv sevenLv-iive Kinds rt si ty had employed, just for a few Wednesday, November 2 Virginia Men's Stylish Shoes months last spring-, a teacher of this vs. Princeton, at Princeton. Always up to date. Prices fro as is offered in any University in the Tuesday, Movember 8 Virginia vs. ou man's tpnfhinor Jnorlicli lifr-o nnA n . , - . . 14. I, I - I W' . A A V V W t 1 ! cri tn A f imo rl H'nf i 1-1 rv liic? qfnM4-ivi. f Qo t-A ' -,r t 1 -1 1 T r . ' I i i t4- t, ...n .m.i j r as a teacher of expression. The s. Vanderbilt University, at Louis- Rodgen, Peet & Co. When in need long standing truth of this state- ville. of Clothing and Gent's Furuishino-s men t caused those in authority to Monday, November 14 Virginia 1 Wl11 Pay JTU to see "s before you employ Mr. Cowan last spring, vs. University of West Virginia, -at L'r . . ' . . ThL who attended his U Charleston.' We Guarantee Everything i,, that he had no timp tnunnn fnmtiu vs. United States Naval Aeadomv. at thino- else.' His rnV;itf intttnwinn I Annapolis. - J - - - - inun MVI1VU I - on society work, debates etc.. could Thursday, November 24 (Thanks- always be obtained by those who iving" Day) Virginia vs. University 1 . "V T . sougnt it. jo tair, minded man who attened the last inter-society debate and the Georgia debate can truthfully say, that his efforts were n vain Every colleg-e in the state has a teacher of expression, a man who who has made it his life work to teach men how to render - in the most. fflWtnnl rn.irinfr Vio liiwrl-ifo I . .v. l-UUHi- 11 1.1 x nomas iiume, u. U. L,L,.L)., President. U !.,. t. 1 1 n , , . w. d. Toy, vice President. that have been clothed in clear cut Samuel A r? c........ I 17 i: .1. t.i i i . xvuyusn. dui aias we nave no sucn teacher here in the state Univer sity where men come to g-et a uni versity education. And why haven't we a teacher of Expression? If one should ask some well-meaning peo ple about the campus who could help us satisfy this need but who were never known to enter Mr. Cowan's class room, why we have for the of North Carolina, at Richmond. I t iii.ii iu 4lui nam, muite OUI University Magazine. "Tn lambs. FRATERNITIES (Secret). Delta Kanna TT.n.ilrn 'Rot-. Tl.a(, V. vt.. I Psi. SieaNu s , X rV: "o tocher ot expression pha Tau Omega, signm Chi, Phi Gauinm coming- year, they will say and will --1 I ' t " uiciua. i v 1 1 1 j I lit. 1 1 1 r . I t l n n. I nn A 1-1... r 1 1 . t i fi i . " I 'Ir'fll'llIxT f . 4-. . . t. . . . 1 1 1. I u,niuuji tiji piuvc man cainesL-l lxaLJ ness wherein the experiment was tried last year and "proved a fail ure . They say "the agfe of ora- t.orv isi r.Tf" 'Pfit-lm-rio e. ; vi Order ofGWhouis (Junior, secret). ThJ ' ' . . ."T. " 1 KnuaninroP,c literary Societies society meets in February and October. Ban- case. in all probability it has never the University of North Carolina quet Thursday night of Commencement. existed for their peculiar kind. I a ne uorgon 8 iieau. i . . - i Philanthropic (Literary, Secret). Estab- lu this ag-e when a Chicago con- Subscription, $1.50 for the current Phi Han, New w Baiidi . ' 8' 1 in " can te moved as a single College year. i7?ialLcti: (Litera7 Secret). Established man by the student of a teacher of Send us vour suhsrrmrinti 179o. Meets every Saturday nie-ht in the Di , t,r -r . CI,U your SUDSCnptlon. HaiLNewWn,,;,.; - expi ession anu vv . i. Wilson and pa Alpha, Phi Delta Theta. SOCIETIES. Theta Nu Epsilon (Secret). fi ssigma (Secret). One of Chapel Hill's new enterpris es is a new furniture store that has been opened by E."L. Eubanks & Bro. Kead their ad. If we havn't what vou want wp get it for you. This is the Best and Cheapest Place in the State to Buy Books, Stationery &c. Stationery for all departments. CO-OPERATIVE, No. 1, Old West Building. Hours 8:15 to 8:45 a. m., 2 to 4 p. in., ruu to s.uu p. m. TO THE Faculty and Student Bod OF THE E. H. EUBANKS & BRO. Who have opened up a New Furniture Store In Chapel Hill, have...... BEDROOM SUITS, all oak. from fy.OOl up. Centre Tables. Writiner Desks. Book I ur eases, Carpets, etc. lou are cordially invited to call on our representatives, iVJess. N. C. Long- & Bro for Un iverwity of JNI. O. Student's Supply Store Next to Yearby'a Drug Store. Fruits. Confect ions. Hiirars fiimi-oio Best Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Cakes, Crackers, Potted Ham, Tongue, Beef, Olives, Pickles, Nuts, Cheese, Sardines, etc. When you et hungry, call in. Freshmen enjoy the same welcome as Seniors or the Faculty. S. M. BARBEE. CLOT H IN G AND Gent's Furnishings . Custom-Made Suits a Sin r in 1 tv - with two large line samples to select irom. When in Durham, make our Store Published by the Dialectic and Philanthropic Literary Societies of The Clothier and Gents' Furnisher, tion. UNIVERSITY GERMAN CLUB. G. D. Vick, President. Graham Woodard, Vice-President. H. C. Cowles, Secretary. A. R. Berkeley, Treasurer. Meets at call of President. Leader select ed for each perman. Y. M. C. A. T. G. Pearson, President. F. W. Colter, Vice-President. T. G. P erson. Cor. Sec. H. Anderson, Rec. Sec. W. E. Cox, Treas. UNIVERSITY MOOT COURT. J. C. Bigg-S, Judge. . J. D. Parker, Associate Justice. E. B. Grantham, Solicitor. ...... Morrison, Clerk. Poole, Sheriff. The Moot fourtwill convene three Satur- uttjr monism eacn month. Church Directory. Presbyterian Church. Rev. D. J. Cur rie. Services everv Miinthv j "wi iiiuj arm A t Tr ti n i . .... I iiui.i uniuv i f ti 1 i i. . i . t i i i jui tt. vutiu an uy ineir eloquence can r in brethless suspense, the man who says that the ag-e of oratory is past" is to be pitied because of his ignor ance and listened to if you are a student of human nature and are desirous of a rare specimen for the laboratory. We all can't become great orators but we would like to have the op portunity to be taug-ht the best manner of expression. The fact that we have no teacher of exnres- siun here is no source of credit' to this institution, the pride of North Carolina. rates furnished on W..EJ. Cox, Business Manag-er. Literary contributions solicited from the undergraduate body of the 1-T . . " University. Articles of merit will find prompt publication. Upon mat- ters relating to the literary depart ment of the Mag-azine, Address, W. S. Wilson, Editor-in- Chief, Chapel Hill, N. C. Virginia Foot-Ball Schedule. ueiow is given the schedule of the A Wonderful Invention. Zoology teaches that the hairs of the head Southern Ralway (PIEDMONT AIR-LINE.) CONDENSED SCHEDULE, IN EFFECT JAN. 18th 1898. 8:55 A. M. No. 52 Connects at University with trains for Greensboro. DanviU. 'R.Vh. ' moud' Washing-ton and all points North also with trains for Durham, Raleig-h, Goldsboro, Selma, Tarboro, Rocky Mt. Suffolk and Norfolk, Wilmington, New Bern and Morehead City. 3:50, p. m. No 54 Connects at University Greensboro, Charlotte, Atlanta New Orleans, Memphis, Columbia, Sa vanna, Jacksonville, St. Augustine, and all points South. 11:10, a. in. From Gfppsnhnm Washington and other points North, also from Durham Raleigh, Selma Goldsboro and Norfolk. it. "-"v", mm. Lumdin an on that (r va i University of Virginia's foot-ball team ffi nhd '-n Wilmington', New Berne, as reported by their manager. loses its life-giving propertX Nrflk' Tarboro- Rocky Mount, Suffolk Saturday, October 1 Virginia vs Li..-Ve ?.Machine namedtheSinffeinff Ma- oldshoro, Raleigh, Durham, and inter JSChOOl. at nil.nr1r.o same time closes up the hollow, causing- the air l" reiam lts l'te-giving properties: and St. Albans villp - - - . s i uiuutri i iifi n tui Saturday. October 8-Viro-i . lT&VS out fa""" 3. i -j 6yjiiS n a sou growth singed j "-- 1 II1V1 11111V . I Till I J ' -mm f I 1 CI I 11 I l4.VWIAUkTa "ig-ht except the first Sunday in each month. Washington and Lee Universitv at C;i1 and. exam'"e this machine anJ have Prayer meeting every Wednoudav niht. m..... .-. "ivcrMiy, at your hair si d nu nave Special attention given to dressing La ?i r a,r,-CUvtt,nF done with exquisite and modation unexcelled. Mixed. Daily Except Sunday. EMSCOPil. C.Hiiuru-Tl. ir " . , viiai IUI ICSVl 1 if. oci v.ccs every unuay morning and night. Wednesday, October 12 Viro-inia MrtTHnniST 'uirumi D.. V rr i. ' . 1 viiifiniai ; ..uv-i.. xvev. ah ii.u. Wilson. I VC ITtl irni: . C Tt . uj 11IC UIU un Servces everv Mimrl iv a . , . Vi- University Of Pennsylvania oto weiitvvMr.'...! Prayer meeting Wednesday night. Philadelphia. The singing machine is highly vniH,-rcev. i-redenck Cleve- Saturtliv 1 e v - ' 1 "y scientists throughout the land. Services every Sunday morninr n J Saturday, Uctober 15 Vinnnia VS. Verv RenPptlii niirht. Praver nnftin- wrj?..j. I n.nlmir1ot nv ru i ;it. I niirht v,v ntuucBuayi"'"-'i i vuaiiuucsvuie, " ' I Saturday, October 22 Virginia vs. R. L. VERNON, Travelling Pass. Agent. iver;j liarber J. M. Gulp, w. ' Traffic Manager. Gen. Man'g'r. W. A. TURK, Gen. Pass. Agent Washington, D. C. B. E. TEAUUE Affent S. R. Co. recom- country. T. T). T1ITMQT A -r Professor of Tonsorial ,trA

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