HERE AND THERE. Mrs. Russel Wetmore of Balti more is visitiog- Mrs. J. W. Gore. Mr. Richard Lewis ,98 was a welcome visitor to the hill last week. Mr. Geo. A, Wilkinson who en tered the Medical School last week has been compelled to return home on account of sickness. Prof. Cobb, and Messers H. M. London and M. Bellamy took a gxo- losfical trip to Egypt Coal Mines last week. - vT TTT tIT k T- f Mr. w. w. Asne, .f orester tor the State Geolog-ical Survey, Was on the Hill Friday and Saturday. He has been off for some days with a cut knee. Dr. Ernest Bynum who is now Professor of Modern Languages in the University of Arkansas, is Li brary Director, and Manager of the University foot ball team. Mr. Marsden Bellamy has been appointed Assistant Manager and Stage Manager of the Dramitic Club. "Monk" will now get a chance to take his long looked-for visit to Tarboro. President Alderman lectured at St. Mary's School, Raleigh, last Friday night on "Cairo and Jerusa lem". It goes without saying that he met a large and appreciative au dience. Mrs. Dr. Harris left to-day for Richmond to attend the wedding of her son Mr. T. W. Harris to Miss Jeff ress. Mr. Harris i s a n old Chapel Hill boy and has been with the A. T. Co. several years. "Ross stock is rising" Jakey. The Trinity Arhcive made its ap pearance this week for the first this year. It is a very creditable edition, co ntaining four full page nirtures of Dr. Kilex). J. H. South- i ra gate, Washington Duke, and B. N Duke. Mr. W S. Wilson went to Greens boro last Friday in the interest of the Magazine. He paid his re spects to the Normal-on business of course? These orders can be filled for table of ten for about forty dollars' etl(l Us a month. This would be four dol dolars each. Thus the board would cost eight dollars for tickets and four dollars for extras. We hear it said on all sides that Commons is giving the best board in Chapel Hill. Add to this some L. & A. AWe." Your Name thing like the above list of extras and we have a bill of fare upon which our students can work, thri ve and be happy. We suggest that some enterpris ing studeut look into the matter. This is to certify that Mr. E. D Broadhurst is the sole representative for the Regal Shoe at Chapel Hill N. C. and that he has the Exclusive rigiit to sell Regal Shoes in the Uni versity of North Carolina and the city of Chapel Hill. (Signed.) The Regal Shoe Co., L. C. Bliss, & Co., Props Remember that the co-op is offering every thing in Gent's furnishing at lowest prices. Athletic Goods at reduced prices at the co-op. A Question of Happiness. The most important and difficult questions in the life of a student is that f food. How to secure food in plenty, properly prepared, and in the necessary variety is the question. In a village with no market the difficulties are of course increased. After considering the matter care fully we submit the followering to those interested, as a hopeful plan. Let the men who are congenial form a table at Commons. Appoint one of the men to manage the table. Let it be the duty of the manager to provide for a proper variety in the food. Supply him with the money and tell him what you wish and when you wish it. With proper notice, the matron at commonsill buy anything in the world for you. And you get it at a slight advance upon the actual cost of the article. About 12. per cent coveers the entire cost to you. How will this do? In addition to the regular fare you order: Three times a week, broiled chickel; twice a "week ice cream; four tikes a week, eggs; four times a weelJI:od fish; twice a week oyst ers; sefin times a week fruit. Clothing Shoes, and Furnishings. See our samples from Marks Arnheiui, The Royal Tailors, The International Tailoring Co., and others. Sole agents for the REGAL the best shoe on the market. We shall take pleasure in show ing you samples. Wilson & Broadhurst, No. 25 Old West. THECO-OP. What Is It? It is the place where you can buy books and all kinds of stationery the cheapest. We keep exactly what you want, and always please our customers. Books sold at publishers prices. Some books below. Look over our stock and make your choice. You can get it at low prices. Books, Stationery, Shoes, Hats, Clothes, Shirts, etc. In Old West Building next Chapel. Hours: 8.15 to 8.45 a.m., 2 to 4 and 6 30 to 7.30 p.m. ESTABLISHED 1858. H. Mahler Sons SUCCESSORS TO H. MAHLER. Jewellers and Opticians RALEIGH, N. C. The University of North Carolina, Offers thorough instruction in four regular courses of study, six brief courses, optional courses to suit individual needs, and profes sional courses in law medicine and pharmacy. Tuition $60 a year; total expense $200, 467 students, 30 teachers, 40,000 volumes, scientific laboratories and museums. g-ymnasium, athletic grounds, bath rooms (free to all) Discipline manly, without espionage. ; Scholarships and loans to the needy. Tuition free to sons of all ministers, can didates for the ministry, public school teach ers, and persons under bodily infirmity. j Address i'KJ2JSllJi,iT ALUEKMA.N i Chapel Hill, N. C. ! f)aiid we will mail you one of our ESportinir Goods Catalogues. Get our prices before you buy anything- in the athletic line; either goods or clothing. We are fitting out many liase-ball, Foot-ball, Cricket and Bicycle Clubs. Mail Orders we pay particular atten tion to, and will gladly send you goods on approbation. LARRIMORE & RIDENOUR, 117 9th St. Washington, D. C. UNIVERSITY Livery & Feed Stable W. J.i HUNTER, MANaGer. Chapel Hill, N. C. Good Teams, Nice Vehicles, Careful Drivers. PRICES REASONABLE. A. A. Kluttz, IS HEADQUARTERS FOR Hie books used in me univeisiiy anaime PLAY TENNIS? If so write for our E" Complete Catalogue Embracing all kinds of A.tlnletio GoocIh, And get reduced prices. College Monogram Caps a specialty. SPALDING BRANCH HOUSE, N. C. Long & Bro., Southern Ageunts. ULASSES PROPERLY FITTED W. B. SORRELL. DEALER IN Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Optical Goods and Novelties. Also Stationery and Students' Supplies I have a full line of Blair's Tablets and Note Books, Wirt's Fountain Pens and Perfection Student's Lamps, Pratt's Astral Oil. A COMPLETE LINE OF Men's Furnishing Goods, Fancy Goods and Toilet Articles. Confectioneries, Fruits, Cig-ars and Tobacco, Potted Meats and Pickles. Fine Hats and Hand-made Shoes- A Specialty. Having- served "The Boys" and the Public for a number of years, I am prepared to offer line of goods unsurpassed in quality and at prices to suit the times. My Motto is: ' he Best Goods jor the Lowest Cash Prices. Respectfully, A. A. KLUTTZ CALL ON THE University Press For the Printing of Posters, Dodgers, Letter Heads. Bill Heads Receipts, Envelopes etc, SCRATCHPADS 6 for 25 Cents. H.H.Patterson, DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Crockery, Leather, Hardware, FRESH GKOER1ES of all kinds. Monarch Flour fresh Horn the Mills, SHIP STUFF AND UKAN. agknts for NEW LEE, AND OTHER COOK STOVES Heating- Stoves, Grates and all kinds f Stove Fixtures keept in stock. Ageat for the celebrated Old Hickory Wagons. A. DUG HI, RALEIGH, N. C. DEALER IN CONFECTIONERIES af all sorts. When in need of any send jour order, tear Special Attention to Students. M. I). KING'S NEW GROCERY A fresh, clean stock of heavy and fancy groceries. The patronag-e of old and new students solicited. W. M. YEARBY, Druggist and Seedsman, DURHAM, N.fC. & CHAPEL HILL, N. C. Prescriptions, a Specialty SELLING AGENT FOR Huyler's Candies. ' 1.L-? ' I V-tV s v. V. i ,V, ', The Man in the Moon V5 x " k aV n would be happier if he could have a tupply UV'iii jjjjJ goOthing Blackwell's Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco For over twenty-five years the standard smoking tobacco of the nwld. To-day More Popular than Ever. To have a good smoke anytime and everytime it is onlyueccssary to get Bull Durham. It is all good and always good. BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO BURJUU, Si, &