HERE AND THERE. Mrs. Pond and daughter Miss Elizabeth left last Thursday for Winston. Messrs. E. A. .Lockett, A. T Bitting, Chalmers Glenn, A. C Miller, F. W. Miller, K. V. Pat terson and Clarence Cromer spent the week at the .Tobacco Fair in Winston. The hunting season has opened and there can be seen strings of young hunters filling out of the vil a" every evening in quest of the harmless birds. But the birds so far seem to be very unaccomodating and absolutely refuses to be taken. Last Wednesday Princeton defea ted the University of Virginia on the Princeton field by a score of 12- 0. Virginia put up a strong game. Mr. Stanford Harris '97, late of Norfolk, Va., has a position at Sai atoga Springs, N. Y. He is a chem ists in th 'J analysis of mineral wa ter Mr. H. Swift of Wataugo County who was here ui 94- 9o, has return ed to college He has been teach ing since he left us. Prof. J. A. Holmes represented his University at the University of Nebraska recently in their celebrat ion of, the opening of their new Mechanics Arts College. Of the two thousond students at this Uni versity nearly one thousand are women. The papers of Lincoln speak very complimentary of Prof . Holmes' speech. Carolina-Georgia.' Carolina roes to Macon next Thursday to 'meet Georgia Satur day. We have played the Georg ians three games with the follovv eriny results: U. N. C. vs U. of Ga. (-0. U. N. C. vs. U. of Ga. 10-6. U. N. C. vs U. of Ga. 16-22. W h i 1 iY: il t ru1(r,t be? Carolina's Victories. . U. N, C. vs Guilford College 18-0. U, N. C. vs A. & M. College 34-0. U" 1ST. C. vs Greensboro 11-0. U. N. C. vs Oak Ridge 11-0. U. N. C, vs Va. Poly. Ins't 28-6. Keep your eye on this Carolina and the larger fiigures ahvays on the right side. Dr. Alderman in Winston. As had been before announced Dr. Alderman delivered the open ing address at the Winston Tobac co Fair last week. The Twin-City Daily SentinaU has this to say in regard to the ad dress: "The speaker was happily in troduced by Hon. Clement Manly, who referred to him as one of the noblest and best men in the State. After thanking Mr. Manly for the handsome manner in which he bad introduced him, Dr. Alderman said he felt that it was good for him to be here today. He was jflad to know that this fine display and cel ebration was done by North Caro lina. "This great festival seems tome likeasong of prosperity." Dr. Alderman referred to the recent war won by men of education and brains. Today the South thinks as uch if old Joe Wheeler in the blue as she tlid when he wore the grey. Patriotism is expressed here today, said Dr. Alderman. He knew of no higher emotion than for a man to live and work so that the community, State and nation are made better by his life. He spoke of the South's new birth in dustrially, adding, however that no civilization of poverty can prosper He saw men here today who have become captains of industry and Lords of Trade. Our State is mil lions of dollars richer than she was in 1&61. Our growth has been and is still continuous. He would never forget what he had seen in the Twin City today. Men must learn to govern by gov ermng, iust as a child learns to walk by walking. The greatest problem which remains unsettled today is the race question. It is of utmost importance and must be set tled with justice and dignity. What manner of man in the South for a leader? he ask. Referring to the great leaders of the past, he men tioned the name of Vance and said that we have no such men today. A leader should be a man who can bring something to pass and one who has faith in himself and th public. Dr. Alderman struck the key note in bis concluding words when he said that "Educated men will rule; ignorance cannot rule intelligence." MERCHANT TAILOR, - - RALEIGH, N. C. Agent for Oehm & Company. Baltimore. HEADQUARTERS FOR Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Un tie wear, etc. AT POPULAR PRICES. James Parker: Of 20 years experience has opened a Photo-Studio in Chapel Hill, on Henderson St., three doors below Dr. Klutta's Book store. Good work at a low price. Developing and Printing don for Amatures. Instruction in Photography. Give me a call. THECOOP What Is It? It is the place where vou can buy books and all kinds of stationery the cheapest. We keep exactly what you want, and always please our customers. Books sold at publishers prices. Some books below. Look over our stock and make your choice. You can get it at low prices. Books, Stationery, Shoes, Hats, Clothes, Shirts, etc. In Old West Building next Chapel. Hours: 8.15 to 3.4d a.m., 2 to 4 and 6 30 to 7.30 p.m. The University of North Carolina, Offers thorough instruction in four regular courses of study, six brief courses, optional courses to suit individual needs, and profes sional courses in law medicine and pharmacy. Tuition $60 a year; total expense f200, 467 students, 30 teachers, 40,000 volumes, scientific laboratories and museums, gymnasium, athletic grounds, bath rooms (free to all) Discipline manly, without espionage. Scholarships and loans to the needy. Tuition free to sons of all ministers, can didates for the ministry, public school teach-! ers, and persons under bodily infirmity. Address PRESIDENT ALDERMAN UNIVERSITY Livery & Feed Stable W. J. HUNTER, MANacer. Chapel Hill, N. C. Good Teams.Nice Vehicles, Careful Drivers. PRICES REASONABLE.. A. A. Kluttz, IS-HEADQUARTERS FOii nil me Books used in tne u.iiversny ond !i e Also Stationery and Students' Supplies I have a full lim- of Blair's Tablets and Note Books, Wirt's Fountain Pens and Perfection Student's Lamps, Pratt's Astral Oil. A COMPLETE E-INE OF Men's Furnishing Goods, Fancy Goods and Toilet Articles. Confectioneries, Fruits, Cigars and Tobacco, Potted Meats and Pickles. Fine Hats and Hand-made Shoes A Specialty. Having served "The Boys" and the Public for a number of years, I am prepared to offer a line of g-oods unsurpassed in quality and at prices to suit the times. My Motto is: "The Best Goods or the Lowest Cash Prices. Respectfully, A. A. KLUTTZ PLAY TENNIS? ii so write for our Complete Catalogue Embracing all kinds of Atl-iitio Gooclw, And get reduced prices. College Monogram Caps a specialty. SPALDING BRANCH HOUSIC, N. C. Long & Bro., Southern Aiennts. (LASSES PROPERLY I H I 1:1). W. B. SORRELL. DEALER IN Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Optical Goods and Novelties. CALL ON THE University Press For the Printing: of Posters, Dodgers, Letter Heads. Bill Heads Receipts, Envelopes etc, SC RA TC H PADS 6 for 25 Cents. PICKARD'S Livery, Feed and Sale Stables THE FINEST, GENTLEST, AND FLEETEST HORSES. o H.H.Pat terson, DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, , Shoes, Hals, ' rckery, Leather, Hardware, 1-KKSIi GKCKR1LS of all kinds. Monarch Flour lash iromllie Mills, SHIP STUFF AND BRAN. AGJ5NTS I'OK NICW LIC 10, AND OTHER COJKSTOVICS Heating- Stoves, Grates and all kinds of Stove Fixtures keept in stock. ' Agent. for the celebrated Old lickory Wagons. M. D. KING'S NEW GROCERY A fresh, clean stock of heavy and fancy groceries. The patronage of old and new students solicited. 0 W. M. YEARBY, Druggist and Seedsman The newest, neatest and handsomest , DURHAM,, N. C. & CHAPEL HILL, N. C. sehicles. Ever'tliinr tip to date. ! . . . 1'rescnptions, a specialty Polite and Experienced Hostlers, j SELLING AGFNT FOR Orders of old and new students recieve j i prompt attention. GEORGE C. PICK AIJD A BRO : Ht VlCl S CailCHCS, Proprietors i