UNIVERSITY DIRECTORY- GENERAL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION J., S. Carr, Jr., President. E. V. Patterson, Vice-President. C. S. Alston, Sec'y. andTreas. ' UNIVERSITY FOOT-BALL TEAM. F. Oi Rogers, Temporary Captain. Warren L. Kluttz, Jr., Manager. A. R. Berkeley, Assistant Manager. UNIVERSITY BASE-BALL TEAM. R. A. Winston, Captain. J. R. Carr, Manager. Assistant Manager. UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. W. S. Wilson, Editor-in-Chief. W. E. Cox, Business Manager. ELISHA MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC SO CIETY. J.A.Holmes, B.S., State Geologist.Presidentj. C.S. Mangum, M. D., Vice-President. Francis P. Venable, Ph D., Sec'y. and Treaa. Charles Baskerville, Ph D., Cor. Sec'y. Meats in Person Hall the second Tuesday night of each month. Journals issued twice x year. HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Kemp P. Battle, LL. D., President. E. A. Alderman, D .C. L., Vice-President. H. M. London, Secre SHAKESPERE CLUB. Themas Hume, D. D. LL.D., President. H. F. Lin sco ice President. W.J. Home " B., Secretary. H. P. Hard easurer. PHILOLOGICAL CLUB. : E. Alexander President. H. F. Linscott, Vice-President. . S. May, Sec'y. andTreas. Meets on last Tuesday night of each month in the English Lecture room. FRATERNITIES (P cret). Delta Kappa Epilon, Bet Theta Pi, Zeta Psi, Sigma Nu, Sigma Alpha Epsilon,. Al pha Tau Omega, Sima Chi, Ph, Gamma Delta, Kappa Sigma, Kappa Alpha, Pi Kap pa Alpha, Phi Delta Theta SOCIETIES. Theta Nu Epsilon (Secret). Pi Sigma (Secret). Order of Gimghoul (Junior, Secret). Ban quet Thursday night of Commencement. The Gorgon's Head. Philanthropic (Literary, Secret). Estab lished 1795. Meets every Saturday night in Pki Hall, New East Building. Dialectic (Literary, Secret). Established 1795. Meets every Saturday night in the D Hall, New West Building. ' DRAMATIC CLUB. R. H. Graves, Director. G. D. Vick, Manager. M. Bellamy, Jr., Stage Manager. UNIVERSITY GERMAN CLUB. G. D. Vick, President. Graham Woodard, Vice-President. H. C. Cowles, Secretary. A. R. Berkeley, Treasurer. Meets at call of President. Leader select ed for each german. , Y. M. C. A. T. G. Pearson, President. F. W. Coker, Vice-President. T. G. P earson, Cor. Sec. H. Anderson, Rec. Sec. A. J. Barvrick, Treasurer. UNIVERSITY MOOT COURT. J. C. Biggs, Judge. J. D. Parker, Associate Justice. ; ' E. B. Grantham, Solicitor. '(, R. B. Morrison, Clerk. R. T. Poole, Sheriff. The Moot Court will convene three Satur day nights in each month. Church Directory. Presbyterian Church. Rev. D. J. Cur rie, Services every Sunday1 morning and night except the first Sunday in each month. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night. EriSCOPAt Chtjrch, Dr. K. P. Battle. Services every Sunday morning and night. Methodist Church. Rev. N H.D.Wilson. Services every Sunday morning and night. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. - Baptist Church. Rev. Frederick Cleve land. Services every Sunday morning and ni ght. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night. . German Club Meeting. The University " German Club held a meeting-on Wednesday after noon January 11 at 2 o'clock. Mr. W. K. Battle '01 was elected to membership. There being no fur ther proposals for membership the club went into the election of leader of the annual February dance.. Mr. J. D. Grimes '99 was elected lead er. Mr. Grimes has not as yet ap pointed his floor-managers. For some reason, the date of the dance has not been decided upon but in all probability the dance will take place early in February. A large caowd of young ladies have prom ised to be present and an enjoyable evening can be looked forward to by the members of the club. Captain '99 Foot-ball Team. Our last issue before the holidays was out too early to announce the selection of captain of the '99 foot ball team." Recognizing" his ability as a player and as a leader the team very wisely selected Mr. S. E. Shull, left tackle on the '97 team and on the champions of '98. Captain Shull is a player of experience and ability and we heartily endorse the action of the team in selecting him to lead them again to the champion ship. 1 ' ' - The Season of '98 Wqrk of the Southern Football Teams This Fall. Red and Black This has, indeed, been a year of surprises in football circles. In the North, Yale and Pennsylvania have fallen before Harvard. In the West, Chicago University lost the cham pionship to Michigan, and in the South, North Carolina has taken the lead. It is with the Southern teams that we are chiefly interested, and a comparison of their respective mer its may prove interesting to out- readers. Vanderbilt's great falling off has astonished all the Southern cranks. Last year Tennessee stood equal with Virginia in claiming the cham pionship of the South. This fall, howeyer, Vanderbilt has met con tinuous defeat. But fully as sup- rising as Vanderbilt's weakness is Sewanee's strength. Out of seven games formerly played between these two colleges, Vanderbilt had won six. However, on Thanksgiv ing Day, Sewauee beat Vanderbilt 10 4- and there by established a claim of championship honors. North Carolina began early on! her triumphal tour, and left a clean path behind, Out of nine games played, she lost none and was only scored against twice. Virginia, after playing Princeton 012, fell before North Carolina on Thanksgiving Day. These are the representative Southern teams. Notice of Meeting.. There will be an important meet ing of the editors of the Hellenian' in Chapel Thursday afternoon alf 2 o'clock. F. M. Osborne, Ed.-in-Chief. Mr. A. R. Berkelv spent Christ mas week in Nashville Tenn. in at tendance on the National Conven tion of tjie S. A. E. Fraternity. The Virginia Trouble. Under existing circumstances the Athletic Association of the Univer sity oL North Carolina severs all athletic relations with the Univer sity of Virginia. This action was brought about by the conduct of the latter at Richrnond last Thanks giving day and because they have subsequently ignored all proposals for an agreement governing future athletic relations between the said Universities. ' Signed . J. S. Catr, Jr. Ch'rm'n. v ' W. S. Wilson. S. E. Shull. E. V. Patterson. C. S. Alston. R. A. Winston. W. L. Kluttz Authorized Committee. Mr. Vinton's Visit. The students of the University were greatly favored the past week in having with them for a few days Mr. Summer F. Vinton, Traveling Secretary of,., the Student Volun tary -Movement for Foreign Miss ions. Mr Vinton spoke ins the college chapel the evening of Jan. 11 and 12 under the an spices of the Youn g Men's Christ ian Association. H i s discription of the condition of the missionary in the foreign field and his presenta tion of the claims of missionary work upon the christian people of the land, were very vividand impress THE IT i K university ing. Mr. Vinton is a native of Birhura, his parents aud grand parents being American Missionaries in that coun- trv. One of the results of his visit here was the organization of a class of young men for the study of the so cial conditions which prevail in India today. , From here Mr. Vinton goes tooth er Southern States after having visited some of the denominational colleges in North Carol na. The University Librarian is pre pared to order any and all kinds of books. Those desiring to pay the lowest prices for their text books, gift books, etc., will do well to see him. Articles ordered will be received in four days. New Periodicals added to the library's list for 1899 are: The College Athlete, Independent, New York Journal, Outlook, Spectator (London Weekly), The Lambda Chapter of the Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity has pre sented the library with a handsome globe, mounted on a brass stand. Mr. J. S. Carr, Jr., spent the holidays in Philadelphia and New York. , - ' ' '" ; Dr. Alderman went to Cheraw S. C. last Wednesday where he de livered a lecture Thursday night before the Lyceum Association of that place. ; i Mr. H. P. Harding has resigned as Washington's birthday orator from the Phi. Society and Mr. Will Bernard was elected to succeed him. "Jards -are out announcing the marriage of Mr. Percy Thomson ex '97 to Miss Bass of Lynchburg Va. Mr. Thomson" is practicing law in Charlotte and is rapidly rising to the front. We congratulate him.- magazine. Published by the Dialectic and Philanthropic Literary Societies of the University of North Carolina. Subscription, $1.50 for the current College year. Send us your subscription. Advertising rates furnished on application. .W. E. Cox, Business Manager, Literary contributions solicited from the undergraduate bodv of the University. Articles of merit will una prompt publication. Upon mat ters relating to the literary depart ment of the Magazine, Address, W. S. Wilson, Editor-in-Chief, Chapel Hill, N. C. Amateurs Supplied With Kodaks, Cameras, Films. Dry Plates, Printing Paper, Mounts aud all photographic material. W. I. VanNess, Photo Supplies, 21 N. Tryon St., Chalotte, N. C. SOUTHERN RAILWAY THE STANDARD RAILWAY OF TUB SOUTH, he direct line to all points. TEXAS,. ' CALIFORNIA, ' FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strictly first-class equipment on all through and local trains ; Pullman Palace Sleeoine- Cars - on all night trains ; Fast and Safe Schedules. - , Travel by the Southern, and you are assured a safe, comfprt able and expeditious journey. Apply to Ticket Agents for time tables, rates and general information, or address 1 R. L. VERNON, F. R. DARBY, T. P. A-, C. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. Asheville, N. C. FrankS. Cannon, J. M. Culp, 3dV.P..&Gen. Man. Traf. Man. . W. A. Turk, G. P. A. A Wonderful Invention. Zoolosrv teaches that the hairs of th 1.0 are hollow, and contain an oil that gives them life. In clitroine- the h SLIT Wlffi cn'c. sors, this hollow is left open, and the hair loses iu life-giving' properties. I have a Machine named the Singeing Ma chine, which removes the hair and at the same time closes up the hollow,, causing the hair to retain its life-giving properties, and there fore stopping the hair from falling out or dying, and giving it a soft growth. Call and examine this machine and have your hair singed. Special attention given to dressing La dies' hair. Cutting done with exquisite and srtistis skill by the old University Barber of twenty years' experience. The singing machine is highly recom mended by scientists throughout the country. Very Respectfully, T. D. DUNSTAN Professor of Tonsorial Art. I J V