iucais. Calendar for the Week. Mr. J. S. Whitaker made the Un- Chapel services conducted by Rev. ;iversity a short visit last week. u. ii. rl uttle Mr. W. S. Woodward has been Monday Baseball, Lafayette vs. in Wilmington for several days. He Carolina, Athletic Park at 3:30; :U a delegate to the Y. M. C. A. .convention that has been in session jtljere the past week. Ivey P. Lewis is back after an absence of several days in Raleigh. Mr. Chas." L. Van Noppen of Track team practice at 5 o'clock. Tuesday Baseball, Lafayette vs. Carolina, 3:30; Track team practice at 5; Y. M. C. A. devotion al services, lasting 30 minutes in Chapel at 7:15. Wednesday Weekly examination Charles Pearson, ... . . ARHCHITECT, ...... Mobile, Ala. - .- - Raleigh, N. C. Greensboro was on the hill for a few in Chemistry 1. 11:35; Track team days, recently. practice at 5 o'clock; Baseball prac T. J. London. '03. soent Saturdav t,ce at 4:30 or1 Rnndav in Pittsboro. I hursday Prof. 7illiams lect- , , . . ry, ures in Chapel 7:30; Baseball prac- Messrs. Paul Collins and Ches- f- a. a . ,r , . . , . TIT , , r .., tice at 4:30; 1 rack team practice at hire vvcuu wi uvti iiviu inns- - . - , T- . - uL QHa v. 5 0 clock? Y- M. C A. quarter hour prayer service in Association Room Mr. t . ii. Haywood ot Kaleigh at 7:15 ' -wt 4 p r 1 4.1 was on the Mill ror a tew aays last Friday-Journal Club meets at week. 9:30; Baseball practice at 4:30; Mr. N. C. Hughes, 03, sustained Track team practice at 5 o'clock. a painful injury on Thursday of last Saturday English III. cenfer week. He was accidently struck It is more than probable that with a hammer and one of the ankle there will be an Alpha Theta Phi bones broken. At present the wound oration at Commencement is doing" nicely and he is able to be Churches, Public Buildings, and fine residences a specialty Correspondence solicited j FRESH DRUGS, Sundries,Toilet Articles. Prescrip tions a specialty. Eubanks Drug Co. Cole & Holladay THE POPULAR A. A. Kluttz, IS HEADQUARTERS FOR AiiiDe eogks used iii itie'uowiy and me Also Stationery and Students' Supplies I I have a lull line of UNIVERSITY PHOTOGRA- Blair's Tablets and Note Books, Wirt's Fountain Pens and Perfection out on crutches. Messrs. C. A. Owen and J. N. Lipscome of Durham were overMou- day to the Lafayette g-ame. Hayden Clement, '03. went home on Friday, returning Tuesday. Mr. H. B. Cunningham is on the The Scrubs and Georgia debaters will debate in the Chapel Monday evenmuitr. SHERIDAN TEACHERS' AGENCY, GREENWOOD, S. C. Thoroughly trained professional teachers and specialists wanted. Covers the entire South thoroughly, Eighth year. Established reputation, honest mark, business methods, rea- n;ii frr a fpw flavs on a visit to his Uonable charges. Endorsed by the leading ed riili tor a lew aays, on a visit xo nis ucators of the Southt Write us at once brother, Geo. L. Cunning-ham. Mr. A. Bellazzo of Norfolk, who has been in charge ot the dancing school for some time, left Tuesday. Kluttz is getting in the prettiest line of men s furnishings hats, shoes, shirts, belts, neckwear, &c, that has been in town. Everything up to date. Prices all right. Best service to be had in the South. F. M. SHERIDAN, Manager. T. J. Creekman, Special Agent, Lynnhav- en, Va. P. S. We can refer to a number of stu dents of University of North Carolina, for whom we have secured positions. 4 ".s Goli LEAF SMOK i TOBACCO R.F.MORRIS & SON Mf'g.Co. , DURHAM, N.C. W. M. YEARBY, DruiJgist and Seedsman, DURHAM. N, C, & CHAPEL HILL, N. C Prescriptions a Specialty PHERS For Senior Class of 1901, will be here to begin work Tuesday Feb. 1.2th. If you want high class work done be sure and see them while here. The Educational Bureau. (Established in 1891.) Has best Clientile of any Southern Ag-tncy. Operates throughout the entire South. Lo cates many University Alumni and students each year. For particulars free, CHAS. J.PARKER, Tucker Building, Raleigh, N. C. SEE OUR U. N. C Foot-ball Suits, Base-ball Outfits, and Athletic Goods, in general. Fine Line of Pipes, Tobaccos, Cigarettes, &c. Sweaters, Hats, Shirts, Col lars. Anything the Student Needs always on hand. Spalding's Goods And Bicycle Helps a Spe cialty. N C LONG & BRO. Chapel Hill Hotel! AND UNIVERSITY INN ANNEX. A new up-to-date house, with all modern improvements and newly furnished throughout. Special prices per week and month. SELLING AGENT FOR Huyler's, Lowney's Candies Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes and Fancy Groceries in the Hotel Office W. W. PICKARD, Proprietor. Alpha Theta Phi. The Alpha Theta Phi society met in the Chemical Lecture hall on Sat urday at 12;30 to hold its annual in itiation. The number of initiations this year was larger than usual, the number of men from the Junior class being larger than any previous year in-the history of the society. The initiates were as follows: P. Cobb, '01. J. C. B. Ehringhaus, '01 I. F, Kewis, '02 D. P, Stern, '02 D. C. Ballard, '02 R. R, Williams, '02 R. N. Duffey, '02 R. Stevenson, '02 B. S. Drane, '02. After the initiation a committee was appointed to direct the efforts of the society towards securing a charter from Phi B. K. A. D. Phi was organized with this end in view and it is working hard to secure it. We have several Phi B. K. men in our faculty and each f these has TlrntnioArl accictancs 5t1 RPi.U H HP" a i , , Estimates furnished on Watches and Jewelrv repairs and engrav- ,T i x nir by M. R- Farrar at Mrs. Julia Graves'. Section package of goods measures were aiso aiscusseu iur or3ered when desired. Wedding presents a specialty. making some arrangement wnere- by Alpha Theta Phi Seniors should be distinguished from other Seniors at Commencement. A committee was appointed to look after this mat ter also. ence, Section 1, at 11:35; in English room; Baseball practice at 4:30; t rack team practice at 5 o'clock; Philanthropic Society meets in Phi. hall at 7:15; Di. Society meets in Di. hall at 7;15. Student's Lamp's, Pratt's Astral Oil. A COMPLETE LINE OF Men's Furnishing Goods, Fancy Goods and Toilet Articles. Confectioneries, Fruits, Cigars and Tobacco, Potted Meats and Pickles. Fine Hats and Hand-made Shoes A Specialty. Having served "The Boys" and the Public for a number of years, I am prepared to offer a line of goods unsurpassed in quality and at prices to suit the times. My Motto is: "The Best Goods for the Lowest Cash Prices. Respectfully, A. A. KLUTTZ THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. The Head of the State's Edu cational System. Three academic courses leading to Degrees. Professional courses in Law, Medicine and Pharmacy. Summer School for Teachers, Tuition $60. f Scholarships and Loans to Needv. Free Tuition to Can didates for Ministry Minister's Sons and I Teachers. 512 students besides 161 in Summer School. 38 teachers in the faculty. For catalogues and information address F. P. VENABLE, President, Chapel Hill, N. C. ESTABLISHED 1868. W. B. FARRAR'S SON, JEWELER, Diamonds, Sterling Silverware, Gold Jewelry, Cut Glass, Watches, Novelties. GREENSBORO, N. C. Gent's Furnistiings. W. A. SLATER CO. The leading1 Clothiers and Furnishers of Durham. Sell the finest line of Suits. Ties, Hats, Shoes and Shirts. Ii-i t It e State for tine Money. Samples kept at Chapel Hill the year round. Call o.n HOLMES, BENNET ana MOSS, Agents. GOTO Wharton.s Gallery, RALEIGH, N. C. For FIRST-CLASS, HIGH GRADE , PHOTOGRAPHS. PICKARD'S Liver7, Feed and Sale Stables THE FINEST. GENTLEST, AND FLEETEST HORSES. o The newest, neatest and handsomest vehicles. Everything up to date. Polite and Experienced Hostlers Orders of old and new students recieve prompt attention. GEORGE.C. PICKAKD & BRO. Proprietor. Or-. I. N. Carr, DENTIST. Office over Sneed's Drug Store, Dur ham, N. C. Interstate Telephone 54. International Bureau of Academic kCostunies. COTRELL & LEONARD, 472-4-6-8 Broadway, Albany, N.V. Makers of the CAPS, GOWNS and HOODS to the American Colleges and Universities. Illustrated bulletin, samples, etc. upon application. Class contracts for senior rental a. specialty.