f Locals. Mr. J. H. Winston visited Dur ham Sunday. Mr. Win. Snow, of Raleigh vis ited Dr. Baskerville last week. Mr. Lenox Turnbull, of Durham, vfeited J. h. Morehead last week. f Mr. Nixon Davis, of Wilmington, visited J. R. Giles, '03 las week. Mr. Lloyd Hunt, who went home sick with the mumps about ten days ago, has returned to college The University preacher for No vember is Rev. Joseph B, Dunn of Suffolk, Virginia. Messrs. W. P. Carr, Claiborne Carr and J. L. Morehead spent Sunday in Durham. Mr. W. H. Heartt, who has been finme the last two weeks, returned to college Monday. Messrs. Francis Gudger and . H. Lemly accompanied the team on the Southern trip. One hundred thousand dollars has been appropriated by the War Department for the establishment nf the new War College at 77ash- ington. There is a splendid opportunity at the University now for a young man who is a practical printer The Press Company needs another such man. One who is an expe rienced printer and who wishes to take a course in the University can make most of his expenses by work ing at odd hours. Dr. Hume lectured at Charlotte Monday evening, Nov. 6, his sub ject being "Woman, Poet, Pro Dhet." This lecture was in the Star Course which the Charlotte Y. M. C. A. arranges. A large and appreciative audience heard Dr. Hume Monday evening. On the Sunday preceeding this lecture Dr. Hume addressed "The Men's Meet ing" in the Y. M. C. A. hall on "Questioning God"; a study in the Book of Job. Dr; K. P. Battle, on Friday night last, read a paper before the Wacho via Historical Society, and invited guests, on the history of the Great Seal of North Carolina and the Coat of Arms. Bishop Rondthaler fol lowed with a paper on the ancient use of the lot in the Moravian Church. Under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A., Dr. Hume will make a short address in Gerrard Hall Tuesday evening, Nov. 19, at 7 o'clock. The subject of his address will be "The Secret of Spiritual Lift". A cor dial invitation is given to every stu dent to be present at this meeting. Every one should try to come promptly on time. This year at Vanderbilt a Chrna tnau won the Founder's prize for oratory. His subject was: "The Miracle of the Twentieth Century the Regeneration of China." Over $2,000,000 has been given to the American University at Wash ington, D. C. For the first time in its history, a young lady has been elected pres ident of the Senior Clas at the University of Wisconsin. The first college paper in Ameri ca was issued from Dartmouth, and Daniel Webster was the editor-in-chief. A citizen of the Chinese Empire has given $10,000 to endow a chair of Chinese Literature in Columbia University. This is the first dona tion ever made to an American col lege by a Chinaman. A great technical institute is going to be established at Pittsburg. Andrew Carnegie, the steel mag nate, has promised to furnish $1,000 000 at once, and more when it . is needed, provided Pittsburg will fur nish suitable grounds. Men prom inent in the technical schools of the TT.:t,iA Cut,,,, U I r i..i." . i plans foi the school, and if these LUDanKS DfUff COITID V. are CMrre( nut it fvifitnafi-wl fliafl O ' J the institute Will cost about $20,- ; Make a specialty of 000,000. DDCCPDIDTIflM VAHOtf I IIL-OVjIUI I I V 1 1 TVVSIIIXi There were present at the Yale Bi-Centennial Celehrat.inn dplpo-afpa from thirty foreign universities and LIVERY STABLE. 125 American institutions. Some i of the principal features of the oc casion were the torchlight proces- H.H.Pattersoh, DISAMSR IN General Merchandise CHOICE GROCERIES A SPECIALTY. Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes and Hats sold cheap. Crockery, Leather and Hardware of all kinds. AGRNTS FOR NEW LEE. AND OTHER COOK STOVES Heating- Stoves, Grates and all kinds ot Stove Fixtures kept in stock. Agent for the celebrated c Old rlickory Wagons Give us a trial. Don't Buy Shoes Until you see the largest and finest line in the State. Samples at room 16, M. A. S. Building. DUNCAN & WILLIAMS. Agents for S. C. Pool, Raleigh, N. C. COMMONS HALL Good Board. Low Rates. Special .Tables for Groups of Ten. Dr. Samuel Rapport, SPECIALIST. Glasses adjusted on scientific principles. The most difficult cases corrected. Perfect j satisfaction guaranteed in every case. Office in Summerfield building, 13 Main Street, Durham, N. C. GO TO HUNTER' LIVERY STABLE For service of Students and Gen eral Public. Carriages to meet all trains. Saddle and driving horses. Stable on Franklin Street. Look out for new liverymen, located on sion, in which over 6,000 graduates ROSEMARY STREET, near 'Phone Office, and undergraduates participated; We have the nicest turnouts in town. We the conferring of the degree ofmeetltrainsandwiUcarry youtoor from LL. D. upon President Roosevelt, and the singing' of old Yale songs, led by the student chorus. Chapel Hill Hotel! AND UNIVERSITY INN ANNEX. Anew up-to-date house, with all modern improvements. Bath rooms and sewerage system. Ratea, $2.00, Special prices per week and month, Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes and Fancy Groceries in the Hotel Office. W. W. PICKARD, Proprietor; Beware! $2,000 Reward! The Monticello EUROPEAN AMERICAN. SYLVANUS STOKES, PROPRIETOR. NORFOLK, VA. Chapel Hill Hotel. Patterson's Hotel or any where else in town. Fine driving- horses. Give us a Trial, if 0wrTEi 8c CO. ; A. A. Kluttz, IS HEADQUARTERS FOR aii ine Books used in me university and me Cut this out and put in your pocket as a guide to the Leading Livery Stable in Town, On Main Street, near Pickard's Hotel. Es tablished in 1886. The only stable running in connection with the Pickard Hotel. Leave orders with clerk at Hotel or Stables. Good teams on short notice. G. C. PICKARD k BR0. Full line of up-to-date Crossett and Turner Shoes , Exchange. The Princeton Baseball Associa tion cleared $4,5 last season. The President of Tien-Tsin Uni versity, one of the leading- 'institu tions of China is visiting- the Uni versity of California. Oneof.the finest church organs ever built has been given to Yale University. It has between 4,500 and 5,000 pipes. The University of Illinois Carried by Burch-Gormati Co, Durham, N. Moss & Drane, Agents. Also Stationery and Students' Supplies I have a full line of Blair's Tablets and Note Books, Wirts Fountain Pens and Perfection Stndent's Lamps, Pratt's Astral Oil. A COMPLETE LINE OF Men's Furnishing: GoocU, Fancy Goods and Toilet Articles. Confectioneries, Fruits, Cigars and Tobacco. Potted Meats and Pickles. Fine Hats and Hand-made Shoes- A Specialty. Having served "The Boys" and the Public for a number of years. I am orepared to offer a line of goods unsurpassed in quality and at prices to suit the times. My Motto is: "The Rest Goods for the Lowest Cash 'rices. Respectfully, A. A. KLUTTZ SOUTHERN RAILWAY THE STANDARD RAILWAY OF the SOUTH, the direct line to all points. TEXAS, California, FLORIDA, .CUBA AND PORTO RICO. IS" S. 1- SNIDER JR, JEWELER, Durham, N. C Time inspector Seaboard Air Line and Nor folk & Western Railways. . Strictly first -class equipment on all through and local trains ; Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on all night trains; Fast and A. A O O nJ Safe Schedules Travel by the Southern and you are assured a safe, comfort able and expeditious journey. PEACHTREE STREET, ATLANTA, GA Under a New Management. Cafe of Rare Excellence. Recommends itself for the nota ble character of its guests. J. W. and G. W. SCOVILLE. Medical College of Virginia. Established 1838. . Department of Medicine, four years course fees !$65.00 per session. Department of Den tistry, three years' course, fees $65.00 per session. Department of Pharmacy, two Intcrcellcgiate Bureau m -v d v Apply to Ticket Agents for time tables, rates and general information, or address looked upon as a strong candidate ncox!fm.w tSSS. For tor the Western football chamoion-. catalogue and further particulars, address cias contracts a siiecialtv. IllnRtrated hull. . Christopher Tompkins, M.D., Dean tain, smples, etc., uixm application. , No trouble to Answer Question Cotrell & 'Leonard s. h. hardwick.g. p. a., 472,474, 476,478 Washington, D. C Broadwav, Albany, N. Y. B- L- VERNON, T. P. A., , tn, a A Charlotte, . U. Makers of Caps & Gowns , , F. R. DAKlii, u. r. a. a., to the American Colleges and Universities. . Asheville, J . C. Shi Richmond, Va.