The 'Tetr Heel, UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF EDITORS N. W. Walker, L. L. Parker, - Editor-in-Chief. . Man. Editor. ASSOCIATE EDITORS. N. R. Graham, Lectures. IIST1, ! A,hletiC8' J. K. Wilson, Locals. year, will pitch the game tor the visiting-team. It is said that his speed and curves are almost equal to those of his more famous brother. T. J. Gold W. E. Pharr - Business Manager. Ass't Business Man. Published every Saturday by the General Athletic Association. Entered in the Postoffice at Chapel Hill, N. 0., as second-class matter. Subscription Price. $1.50 per Year. Payable in advance or during first term. JSinglb Copies, 5 Cents. We take, pleasure in announcing that the next faculty lecture will be deliveerd in Gerrard Hall next Thursday evening byDr.Chas.Bask er ville. Dr. Baskerville will speak on "One of Life's Problems." This is the last lecture scheduled in the faculty series for this season. Let no student fail to hear it. We may be sure the speaker will give us something worth hearing. Our Specialty PRESCRIPTION WORK. Eubanks Drug Comp'y All communications for this paper should be in the hands of the Editor-in-Chief by Wednesday at noon to insure publication the same week. We shall be glad to publish pertinent discussions of college topics. The Tar Heel will welcome news items, and hopes the whole college will aiditalongthis line. It will be of interest to all friends of the Yackety Yack to know that the misunderstanding which occur red last week has been settled and that the publication of the annual is now going on. The trouble arose from a misin terpretation of the third clause of the stipulations which read: "The editor-in-chief and the two business managers shall constitute a mana ging board." The editors from the literary societies maintained that this meant these Jhree should act as acommittee to decide upon what should go into the annual, whereas the editor-in-chief claimed no such interpretation was to be understood. And so the hitch came. When the business managers, on the part of the societies, requested the editor-in-chief to show them the book in its final form he refused to do so, he claims, because he thought they demanded him to turn over the the book to them after he had edited it and have nothing more to do with it. He also says that he did not ob ject to letting any one of the editors seethe book at any time. Evidently Mr. Woollen misunderstood the re quest of the society editors and, ac cording to his own statement they misunderstood him. But the mat ter has been settled; and it was done by substituting for the above named clause the following: "It shall be the duty of the editor-in-chief to edit all material for the annual and sub mit the book in its final form to thf entire board for approval." This amendment fortunately met with the approval of the whole board It not only relieves the business managers of the duty and responsi bility, which, according to one in terpretation devolved upon them but it also secures to both sides the rights which the theirs. Dr. Lewis on -'Air." Dr. R. H. Lewis, of Raleigh, de livered a most pleasing and prac tical lecture here Thursday evening on "Air. " He treated his subject first in its relation to and action upon the internal body organ and then -v as a prerequisite to good health. It was the latter point to which he directed special attention, and upon which he placed great empha sis. He drew many happy illustra tions from his ready reading and his wide personal experience, and made entirely practical applications. He advocates air, tresh and plenty of it, as a medicine in itself, and the greatest necessity for a healthy vigorous body and a clear mind. In speaking to the stu dents directly, he appealed to them to take a great deal of exercise; and begged them to indulge in some out- of-door sport one in which the mind and body work together. The speaker's advice on correct ventilation for school-rooms has more weight than words and should make us all more attentive ; and ought to be applied in the dormi tory, at home and abroad. If more pains were taken in securing a lib eral supply of fresh air, consump tion, as the Doctor said, would be greatly reduced everywhere. Dr. Lewis' address abounded in good humor and his speech gave ex pression to a genuine sincerity of purpose. The only game that will be play ed on our diamond between now and April 20 will occur next Friday when Caroliua will cross bats with Gettysburg. All who avail them selves of the opportunity of seeing this game may be sure of seeing a good one. It may be of interest to know that Plank, a brother of the famous Philadelphia pitcher of last Dr. Kemp P. Battle in his recent lecture at St. Mary's on the connec tion between North Carolina and English history, gave the origin of the phrase, "You might as well go to hell as to Halifax." Halifax is a thriving town in Yorkshire, Eng- land. Away back in the middle ages a priest feli in love with a beautiful maiden of spotless char acter. She refused to marry him He murdered her and, cutting off her head, hid it in a tree. The head mouldered away but the hair grew into the bark. This was, of course, regarded as a miracle and pilgrimages were yearly made to the spot, called in Saxon, Hali, 1 . 1 ' J J 1 . 4 . noiy, ana rox-nair, iv town grew up around it and, on account of its sanctity, was granted special privi leges. Its laws were very severe Any one stealing over twelve pence had his head cut off by a machine long ante-dating the guillotine There is a dangerous river not far off, called Hull. Hence arose the mock prayer: From Hull, hell and Halifax, Good Lord, deliver us! News and Observer. Six Platino Photos, 25 Cts. Four Maatello Cabinet, 75 " Kodak work finished at reasonable rates. J. S. COBB, 105) E. Main St., Durham, N. C. THE CAROLINA. CLOTHING CO. Charlotte, N. C Clothing and Furnishing Goods. We sell clothing made by the fa mous "Atterbury' system. Give your order to HAYWOOD & HOLLAND, Agts. THE EDUCATIONAL BUREAU, established in 1891 Operates throughout the South and South West. Branch office, Fort Smith, Ark. Members represented through both offices. Chas. J. Parkek, Manager. Raleigh, N. C. A. DUGHI'S RESTURANT Oysters and Ice Cream Parlor. Caterer for weddings, parties, etc. All Phones 123. CORNELL UNIVERSITY MEDICAL COLLEGE. NEW YORK CITY. The course covering four years begins dur ing the first week in October and continues until June. i All the classes are divided into small sections for recitations, laboratory and clinical bedside instruction. Students are admitted to advanced standing after passing the requisite examinations. The successful completion of the first year in any College or University recognized by the Regents of the State of New "York as main taining a satisfactory standard is sufficient to satisfy the requirements for admission which have lately been raised. The annual announcement giving full par ticulars will be mailed on application. Wm. W. POLK, M. D., LL.D., Dean, Cornell University Medical College, First Av enue and 28th Street, New York City. The Yarborough House, RALEIGH, N. C. Is almost as widely known as the "City of Oaks." Its equipment, service and table the best that can be provided. Rates $2, $2.50 & $3 per day. Special weekly rates. Coach to and from all trains. GO Yearby's For Pure DRUGS. Fine Toilet Articles, Fine Cigars and Tobaccos. Prescriptions Carefully Prepared. Branch of Durham. One of the Finest Stores in the South. The Royall & Borden Co. BOYS, We have just the things you need; Rugs, Rockers, Pictures, "Window Shades, Book Cases, Desks and Bed RoomJFurnishiugg of all kinds. Come in to see us when Jin Durham. Au old friend will wait on you with pleasure. WHITING BROTHERS, Clothiers attd Hatters, WILL have a line of goods on the Hill this season. See our agent, Mr. TURNER. Sneed, Morkham Pearson Co, DURHAM, N. C. CLOTHING and GENTS' FUR NISHINGS. Will have a full line of Clothing and Gents' Furnishings at PICKARD'S HOTEL earlv in MARCH. Smith & Pickard, Agents. Young Men! If you want the best values in CLOTHING and GENTS' FUR NISHINGS, wait and see the line shown by The Merritt-Johnson Co. of Greensboro, N. C. For particulars see Earl Holt & Ham V. Stewart, Agents.' S. L. HERNDON, THE HARDWARE MAN, Handles Ready-Made Pictures and Frames Others to Order. PRIDGEN & JONES Durham, N. C. Will be at PICKARD'S HOTEL early in MARCH with a full line of Spring- and Summer Shoes. ' W. W. PICKARD, JR., Agt. Lvambe 8c Lyon of Durham. Clothing-, Shoes, Overcocts and Furnishings of all kinds. We car ry SteinBlock Clothes Walkove and Hanan Shoes. Orders taken any time by G. L. JONES & T. L. GWYN, Agent.