"The Holladay Studio" SUCCESSORS TO "COLE AND HOLLADAY." -Gallery will be open every Wednesday of each week, beginning- Wednesday, October ,16th. HIGH GRADE , ; WORK ONLY. Prices reasonable. A fine set of views of campus and buildings on sale at all times. GALLERIES AT BOTH DURHAM AND CHAPEL HILL Those Variety Plaid Cravats are the latest fads-at KLUTTZ'S. FOR SOMETHI G NICE TO EAT '' Kluttz can't be beat. Go where you get the best variety. Always, fresh. Beech - Nut Brand Marmasad Beech-Nut Brand eans A, A, KLUTTZ'S 1765 University of Pennsylvania DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE 190' Undergraduate Department. The One Hundred and Forty-second Session will begin September 27. 1907. The course, which covers a period of four years, of eight and one-half months each, is eminently practical, and properly graded, beginning with laboratory instruction in the fundamental subjects, and concluding with a comprehensive system of clinical instruction, terminating in the Fourth Year with the assignment of students as clinical clerks in the Hospital, A large proportion (at least 80 per cent.) of the graduating classes secure positions as Resident Physicians in Hospitals. ' Summer School for Graduates. ; The clinics and laboratories of this Department are open . throughout the year for the benefit of those who wish to engage m graduate work. For those whose time is more limited, a comprehensive course is given, beginning this year May 13, and continuing for a period of six weeks. This course is designed to meet the needs of the practioner. For further information, apply to the Dean of the Medical Decartment, Unfbersitv of 'Pennsylvania. Thi'adetphia. Guilford-Benbow Hotels. Automatic Fire Alarm in Every Room. Telephone in Bed Rooms, of which one hundred have Private Baths attached. European and American Plans. OORPENING & FRY, Proprietor. Gkkensboko, N. 0. Gooch's Restaurant (Opposite the post office) is the place to get OYSTERS at all hours. Also a line of Fine Candies, Fruits, Canned Goods, and Tobacco. This Tak Hbbl, UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. BOARD OF EDITORS. EIkkbkkt B. Gontkk, Editor-in-Chief F. P. Gkaham, ' - As.st. Editor-in-Chief. ASSOCIATE EE1TORS. M. Robins. ; K. D. Battlk, O. J. Coffin. 0. W. Howard. S. S. Nash, Jr. ", Thomas L. Simmons, .- Business Manager. O. B. Ruffin, ... - Asst. Bus. Manager. Published once a week by the General Athletic Association. Entered in the Postoffice at Chapel Hilr, N. O. , as second-class matter. Printed by The University Press, Chapel Hill. Subscript Ion Price. St. 50 per Year Pavable in advance or durinsr first term. Single Copies, 5 Cbnts. , The birthday nf Robert E. Lee has come and grme, and we venture the assertion that not a tenth of the students would have been aware of it had it not been for the closing of the banks. Such should not be the case. It has not, for some years at least, been the custom to have any sort of celebration at this, one of the greatest educational institutions in the South. To our way of thinking1 Robert E. Lee was per haps the most sublime character America has'produced, and it seems to us that at an institution like the University the life and character of this man should be impressed upon the students as forcibly as possible. Last year this was done to a cer tain extent at a celebration held by the local chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy, but this year the day passed unheeded. In another column is printed a card of thanks from Coach Sim mons, who is leaving the Univer sity to practice law in Charlotte. We regret to see Mr. Simmons leave. During' his stay among us he has conducted himself in a gen tlemanly manner and has won many friends. The fact that he was banqueted by the scrubs and by the Freshmen prior to his leav ing is evidence enough of the place that he has in their hearts. We have a high opinion of his sense of honor, and believe that he is a fair minded man. May he have great success in his chosen profession! In almost every exchange that comes to our desk we see accounts of basket ball games galore. Quite a bit of interest seems to be tken in this form of athletics at our sis ter institutions. Why can't we do the stunt also in order to put dull care to flight and pass the time away. Personally we know nothing of the game, but we are sure there are men in college who know the tricks, and if they 'would "speak up and spress themselves,", something' in teresting1 might come of it. If the Junior Prom is to be a suc cessand there seem to be few indi cations that it will be otherwise it is up to somebody to begin the re hearsalsstag germaus. Quite a number of the students, whom cir cumstances have heretofore pre vented from attending- the, dances, will need the practice, and in no other way can they get it. We urge the students to trade only with the merchants and student-agents who advertise in The Tar Heel. Not only is the paper a good advertising1 medium, but it be longs to the students, and for this reason alone the students should trade only With those who trade with us. A Card of Thanks. To the Editor: I wish to take this opportunity to thank the fac ulty and the student body of the University for their many kind nesses shown me during my stay here. I wish to thank the mem bers of all my teams for their wil lingness and hearty support, and to thank you all for your many court esies that have helped me so much on the athletic field, those little helps which are so valuable toward any coach's happiness and success. I will always cherish a glowing remembrance of my many friend ships created and, lose or win, I am for Carolina all the time. Floyd Macon Simmons. More About the Junior Prom. The Junior Promenade is an as sured success. At a recent meet ing of the Junior class the follow ing1 floor managers were elected: George Thomas, chief; Wade Mont gomery and T. J. McManis, assist ants. These men are also to com pose a committee to perfect the scheme and look out for the details The tentative scheme embraces the following- features: Thursday night, a performance by the Uni versity Dramatic Club followed by the Senior reception; Friday morning-, Washington Birthday Exer cises; Friday afternoon, a tennis game; Friday night, a performance by the Glee Club followed by the grand finale, the Junior Promenade. The Debates Saturday Night. "Resolved, That the President of the United States should be elected for six years and be ineligi ble for a second term" was the query debated in the Di Society Saturday night. The decision was in favor of the negative, and Mr. C. W. Tillet was declared the best speaker. In the Phi the annual Freshman debate was held. The query was "Resolved, That the United States Senators should be elected by the direct vote of the people." Messrs. J. A. McKay and W. A. Dees de fended the affirmative, and Messrs. C. E. Teague and W.-C. Guess the negative. The affirmative won, and Mr. McKay won the prize. Fresh lot of National Biscuit Com pany's cakes and crackers at Pickard & Stroud's. . Large,- fresh oysters received every day at Pickard & Stroud's Cafe. CALL AT H. H. PATTERSON'S OPPOSITE THE CAMPUS, where yon will find Men's Furnishings, Trunks, Dress Suit Cases, Carpets, Rugs, ready-made Sheets, Pillow Cases, Towels, Bowls and Pitchers, Kerosene Oils Heaters, Hardware of all kinds and everything that 1s good to eat. - , . v All goods delivered promptly. CHAPEL HILL, ...... NORTH CAROLINA BOYS! Remember the Charlotte Steam ' Laundry. Oldest, Larg-est, Best. WHITLEY & OLIVER, Agents. W. J. HUNTER, LIVERY Double and single teamB, rubber tired traps and buggies. See him at rear of Post Office. YOljr have tried the rest, now try the best barber in town at old U. N. C. Shop. Prof. K. Duttston, Proprietor. The Bank of Chapel Hill We solicit your business. J. W. Gore, W.D. Wildman, President. Cashier.