ErTrSJ 1 1 K1.IE.II Vol.17, UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, CHAPEL HILL, 5; C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1908. No. 10. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF. THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. THE CAROLINA - VIRGINIA GAME WILL BE PLAYED NEXT THURSDAY IN RICHMOND 1 1 Five Hundred Students Going Five Excursions From North Carolina. Song Practice Tonight A Game Tomorrow Afternoon One week from today there will ar rive in the Old Dominion capital from the Old North State five excursion trains teeming with thousands of loyal Tar Heels eager to see the great Carolina-Virginia gridiron battle. Not the least of these excursions is a students' special which will leave Chapel Hill Wednesday night at 12 v o'clock with five hundred' students ' 1 keyed to the highest pitch of enthusi- k asm and fired with a spirit of determi- nation to back their Varsity at all T- times and under all circumstances. The students' special will consist of eight day coaches and several Pullman cars. The round-trip fare is three dollars and the cost of a berth, tw( dollars. The train will arrive in Richmond at eight o'clock Thursday morning and the students will have a f plenty of time to see many places of I, historic intei'cst in old Richmond town. Most of the students will get ' lunch at the restaurants and some of he flushed will dine at the far famtd 14 Jefferson, which will be the head- Quarters of the Carolina team. A1 one thirty all the Carolina students swill assemble at the Jefferson and headed by the University Band will ; march en masse to Broad Street Parl eight blocks off. They will all take I seats together. Seated there in full view of a vast as sembly of spectators, the 500 Tar Heel lents will welcome the Varsity as ? M comes on the field by standing and j Uh bared heads singing that grand j ld song: "Hail to U. N. C". From ; the moment that the Varsity comes on the field till time is called these 500 students, systematically, lead by sev- I eral cheer leaders, will shake the arena I I with their "Yackety Yacks" and 'Boom Rah Rays." Ill order to gain more system and efficiency in rooting and singing, meetings will be held tonight and to morrow night in the Chapel from 7;15 to 7:45 to practice all the yells and songs, new and old. Every student in University should be present at these song and yell practices. Carolina has always been strong in cheering but her strengh has often been wasted by lack of system. Come out to these 1 meetings and help to develop an or ganized system of yelling that will make for the greatest efficiency. Friday afternoon there will be a """vjiminary Carolina-Virginia game e local gridiron. This game will I have all the marks of a regular game. Field Captain Rogers will direct the Varsity forces and Captain Eames will lead the Scrubs. The University Band and the visiting young ladies will be present to make the occasion more rea listic. The game will be called prompt ly at 4.30. Two halves of fifteen min utes each will be played with an intermission of five minutes. Coach Simmons will be referee and A. L. Cox j 4 t , EE VICTORIES LAST WEEK CAROLINA WINS IN DEBATE, FOOTBALL AND TENNIS Umstead and Battle Win From . Pennsylvania. Varsity Defeats South Carolina. Foun- . tain and Hyrnan Blank Davidson The - University of North Caro- ina 'defeated the University of Pennsylvania Friday night in the second debate between the two uni versifies. The query was: Resolved, That the pooling of interstate rates and traffic should be legalized." Messrs. C. A. Drefs, Jr., and Per rot of the Philom athean Society upheld the affirmative. Mr. John W. Urn stead, Jr., and Mr. Kemp D. Bat tle, of the Philanthropic and Dialec- K, D.Battle will umpire. The entire student body will be present to witness this, the most important practice of the season. At the last practice Tuesday after noon all the wearers of the N. C. in the University will assemble on the field en masse to sing and cheer for their comrades in harness. Tuesday night, as the bonfire flashes the signal in the heavens, the Tar Heel forces will assemble in Gerrard Hall to have the big final mass meeting of the year (excepting, of course, the mass meet ing after the game.) It goes without saying that every student in the Uni versity will be present at this meeting. Such a meeting as will be held Tues day night is not held but once in every college generation. The band will be there; the prince of mass meet ing speakers will be there; Coach Greene, Manager Gray, Captain Thomas, Field Captain Rogers and his determined eleven will be there; in fact we will all be there. Throughout North Carolina and Vir ginia there is much speculation as to the outcome of the Thanksgiving game. The odds are on Virginia. (Concluded on fourth page) ' ..-"i",. "iog- m;A? n ' u t ' i f ..y J. AV. Umstead tic Societies represented Carolina and defended the negative. The debate was held in Price Hall. Dr. Lingelback, professor of history, presided. The judges were, Professor James H. Moffat, Francis Rowle, Esq., and W. F. Gleason, Esq. The debate was spirited and well fought on both sides, but the North Carolinians took the Pennsylvanians by surprise attack and so completely swept them off their feet that they were unable to rally. The Quakers ex pected the Tar Heels to argue for competition or government owner ship. Battle and Umstead, how ever," went deep down into the na ture of railroads and showed that the trend of railroad evolution was inevitably toward combination, and that pooling was a makeshift for combination. Their deep laid, or ganic argument was simply irrefut able, and the judges voted unani mously in favor of Carolina. Mr. Drefs opened for the affirma tive and laid down three proposi tions: first, that, in railroading, competition is detrimental; second, that virtual pooling exists today in the form of agreements and combi nation by community of interests; and third, that there must be some form of co-operation. Mr. Umstead opened for the negative. He maintained that rail road evils are due either to wrong relationship between the different roads and between the roads and the people. Pooling fails to change either of these and thus fails as a solution. In practice, pooling fails since it does not eliminate present evils, does not make for general uni formity, and is only a temporary measure. It is thu3 an artihcal solution imposed on the railroads and not growing out of the - nature of the railroads. Mr. Perrot followed for the affirm ative. He said that there were sev eral requisites in the railroad world., Among the most important are: stability, uniformity, and co-oper ation. There must be stability to insure justice to the roads. There must be uniformity to insure govern ment regulation. They co-operate and must co-operate if they are to work well. This co-operation should be legalized in the form of pooling. Mr, Battle closed the debate. He said in substance: Our country. demands good transportation. The best transportation can be obtained through combination. -Combina tion eliminates competition, and is thoroughly in keeping with the na ture of the railroads. Pooling and combination are incompatible. Pool ing removes the incentive to combi nation, for only in the absence of pooling has there been any actual combination. Therefore pooling should be kept under the ban of the law. 'Varsity Defeats South Carolina Saturday afternoon in a cold, driving rain and on a field of mud and slush North Carolina triumphed over South Carolina by the score of 22 to 0 in the last game before the great Thanksgiving melee. As the condition of the field precluded the successful use of the new style play, Carolina relied altogether on straight, old-fashioned line smash ing which often degenerated into a sliding match. South Carolina, however, used onside kicks and for ward passes to advantage, the sloshy condition of the field to the contrary notwithstanding, In the limelight for the Varsity were Williams, Ruffin, Wiggins, Rogers, Tillet, and Lester. ..Will (Concluded on fourth page)