THE TAR HEEL UNIVERSITY OF JOrtTH CAItOLINA? HOARD OF EDI i Oil O. .V. IIvmax, L. A. Brown . - F.ditor-in-Oiiof a aaxtttM nt Editor-in-Chief ASSOCIATE KOl'IORS J. AY. Jk. I j. N. Taylor N. S. I'ljUMMEIl A. II.'Woi.fe Cy. Thompson I. 11. IIl'liJIE L.N.Mougan F. V. Uarkkr - - - Business Manager Assistant Business Manager Published twice a wwk byltlu- l-Heneral'Ath-rtic Association. : ' Js3 "Entered as second-class .matter (Molxr 26, 109, at the port office at Chapel Hill, N. 0. under the Act of March 3, 1879." Printed by The University Press, Chapel Hill. SnbHcription Price, t.5 per Yeiir Payablft in advance or during first term. Sinulh CcriKS 5 Crnts called for ou this question let every mau ask himself: "Will seniority get out a good newspaper?" And when any man shall rise in favo of the amendment let him remember: A man's ability publishes a newspaper, not his title. Shall a good ball player be kett off the team because he is a not senior? Shall a good editor be kept out of the editorship oj the Jar Heel be cause he is not a senior? Answer these two questions before you pass that amendment. THE EDITORSHIP OF THE TAR HEEL IS NO HONORARY DE GREE TO BE ANNUALLY CON FERRED UPON SOME MEMBER OF THE SENIOR CLASS. IT IS A RESPONSIBLE POSITION TO BE FILLED BY THE ABLEST MAN IN COLLEGE. What Virtue is there in a senior's being an editor of the Tar Heel? A senior has been in college three years. He is, if he has beeu ordinarily obser vant, thoroughly conversant with col lege affairs the customs and the spir it of the institution. He is a man that has seen some experience and who has become mature in his judg ment. All these things go to make up the best newspaper editor. The man who possesses these qualities will make the best man for the place. 1 he place should go to him. But the query comes up at once, are these qualities the peculiar possession of the senior class? May not any man, who has been in college three years, be as fitted for the editorship of the Tar Heel as a senior? Why has not a man who has been in college four years a better chance of becoming a more efficient editor? If a man has spent three years of self-development in becoming a candi date for the editorship of the paper shall he be declared ineligible because he has spent one more year in becoming better fitted for his task? A man's seniority has nothing whatever to do with his ability to edit a newspaper. The selection of an editor "must be based wholly on the editing ability of the candidate. Our experience this year shows clear ly that no restrictions should be made in the selection of either editor or as sistant editor. We have selected as as sistant a senior. We have done this be cause this man is by long odds the best man in college for the position. He has already proven his ability and that man in the faculty who knows most about the journalistic ability of the students has declared that Mr. Brown, above all others, is the man for the place. Indeed, has he not every qualification a senior could possess? PLAY BASEBALL Call at 39 CARR and look over the prettiest line you ever saw of Reach's Baseball Goods You can save money anc' get goods that are ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED Another amendment that has been offered by the constitutional committee requires that the assistant editor and the assistant manager of the 1 ar Heel be elected by the athletic association. While this can have no power over the present administration, yet we are deeply interested in it for the sake ot the paper. We believe that to grant this power to the general association will be, a ser ious menace to the future of the Tar Heel. As we have pointed out in a pre vious issue of this paper, the editor- in-chief of the Tar Heel spends one whole year pondering over who shall be his assistant next year. Certainly the editor is a little above che average student in his powers of observation. Still it is proposed that the general athletic association can, by turning their attentiou to the problem fifteen minutes, make a wiser selection fo r assistant editor than the editor-in-chief can after he has considered the question carefully for twelve months. The foundation upon which this proposed amendment rests, we think, is the belief that the editor-in-chief possesses too much power. There can be no compromise in this matter. The power to choose the assistant must be wholly in the hands of the editor-in-chief, or wholly in the hands of the athletic association. Then it is-not a question of whether the former has too much power, but of whether this power should be in his hands .or in the hands of the latter. Power should always be placed in the hands of that man most capable ot wielding it for the common good of all concerned. The man who can best wield the power of choosing the assis tant editor of the Tar Heel is the man who knows best what qualities are necessary to make a man a successful editor. But a man must not only know this, he must also have spent a good deal of time in looking over the avail R. G. Stockton, College Agt., Representing the BROWN-ROGERS COMPANY, Winston. Salem, N. C. Whiting Brothers RALEIGH, N. C. Clothiers and Gents' Furnishiers SLOAN, KERR AND Melt A E College Agents UM arse Jesse" The caterer for all college, inter society, and private BANQUETS AND RECEPTIONS CALL AT K H. PATTERSON'S OPPOSITE THE OAMPUS, ill flnd Men 'b FurntHhliiKS, Trunks, DrsHB Suit Cases, Ctu-pcts, Rurs, ready-iundo Sheets, Pillow Cases, Towels, Bowls and Pitchers, Kerosene Ulin Heaters.Hardware of all kinds and everything that is food to eat. All goods delivered promptly. 1HAPEL HIL.I.. - NORTH CAROLINA G.C. Pickard & Co, LIVERY STABLE Located on Rosemary St., near tele phone Exchange. Stylish turnout, always on hand. WANT A TEAM, CALL 3 0- G. C. Pickard, Manager . , ... Ti. 1 Aye, and in a greater degree. ii , uic v. r.P not onlv rank injustice to be made on the popularity of the can r..u .... u,. 4.' AiA, m.iro than fm his ability not him but groundless MNijr un iuc j'ait uwaii. - of the students to deprive this man of his position. : Editorial ability is the only sound basis on which to make the choice of -in editor. Class distinction is only superficial and is not at all indicative able material in college. , The editor-in-chief, of course, knows more about what requirements an editor must meet, than any other man in college. As a matter of. fact there are not more than twenty-five or thirty men in col lege who have even a fairly adequate notion of the duties of the editor of a newspaper. The editor-in-chief has spent a whole year in considering who will make the best assistant editor. On the other hand the general athletic association will not spend more than two or three days, at best, in such con sideration. Then if the editor-in-chief has a better knowledge of the necessary acquirements of the assis tant and has spent so much more time in considering the question of choos- inir'hitn, why is he not the httest man to do the choosing? There is the very grave danger that the choice of the general athletic association win BOARD AT COMMONS HALL $10.00 PER MONTH. NORFOLK AND SOUTHERN RAILWAY Harry K. Walcott & Hugh M. Ken, Receivers. Norfolk Va., January 20th, 1910 HAVE YOU BERN OVER THE NEW BRIDGE? The pasHttngenti-alns of the Norfolk and Southern Rnilnmv Rr now onerated over the Now Albemarle Sound bridge the longratipontinnous railwav bridge over naviguble wa'ers in' the world. The running time' of truius Not.'.l, and 2, between all North Carolina point- and S. orfolk will bereduced one hour, commencing January 2 Ith SOUTHERN RAILWAY Through connections for all Points. South and West. Pullman-. Sleeping: -.Cars on all Through Trains; Dining Car Service ATTRACTIVE EXCURSION RATES TO FLORIDA, CUBA, AND NUMEROUS OTHER WINTER RESORTS For safety, comfort, and courteous treatment, travel via Southern Rail way. Rates, schedules, and other information gladly furnished R. H. DeButts. Traveling Pas senger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. H. F. Cary, General Passenger Agent, Washington, D. C. W. E. Stone, Agent, Chapel Hill, N. C. Now is the time, Kluttz's is the place to buy your new Fall Hats, Shoes; Shirts, Neckwear ami everything in men's Fur nishings. Big cash reduction sale on. New and up-to-date goods. Prices that cannot be beat. Call early to avoid rush "ON THE SQUARE" -CAN- WE ACCOMODATE YOU IN ANY WAY GREENSBORO DRUG CO. Max T Pavne, Mt;r GJICKNMBOHO, jORTII Cahomna. J that the association would not do its best to choose wisely, but because it would not know which man was the most able. The power to choose the assistant; editor of the Tar Heel must De ieii in Ferry Noble HOT AND COLD BATHS We are operating the only up-to-date and fa hlotiable totisorlal pur lor in the City. Polite and prompt attention to all UNDRR TIICKFR BUII DINfi l'HWMACV Eubanks Drug Company, ,231 Musical Concerts New selections 8 to 9 p.m. Respectfully, A. A KjuUTTZ The Old Reliable Book Dealer W. J. Hunter, Livery See him back, of the Post Oflice Prescription . . . . Wlvm.u( . . t . ... .ii i. . i .1.. iiatm:in w in ran c noose ; rf Viis intrinsic worm, in no oiuer uic nuun. university activity is the criterion of most wisely anu ni iui iu iuc - i v, - uni u u wninA ability a man's class. When a vote is ing whim of popular sympathy. ' Just Published Webster's NEW INTERNATIONAL Dictionary, (G. & C. Merriam Co., Springfield, Mats.) surpasses the old International as much as that book exceeded its predecessor. Editor in Chief, Dr. W. T. Harris, former U. S. Com. of Education. The definitions hare been re arranged and amplified. The number of terms defined has been more than doubled. : Tbe Ety mologr. synonyms, pronunciation, have re ceived unsparing scholarly labor. The lan guage of English literature for orer seven centuries, the terminology of the arts and sciences, and the every-day speech of street, shop, and household, are presented with full ness and clearness. In sue of vocabulary, in richness of general information, and in con venience of consultation, the book sets a new' mark in lexicography. 400,000 words and phrases. 6000 illustrations. 2700 pages. f Write te tin pnblubtrs for Spclm PafM.

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