XT-I"R TAR HEEL OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE UNIVERSITY OP' NORTH CAROLINA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION VOL. 19 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, CHAPEL HILL, N. C., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1910 NO, 20 CAROLINA LOSES TO VIRGINIA TAR HEELS PUT UP A MAGNIFICENT FIGHT, BUT LOSE BY SCORE OF 70 The Result of the Game in Doubt Until the End. Ira mense Crowd Witnesses the Game. Carolina Cheering Good Virginia again wins from us by small score in one of the hardest fights ever seen in the Broad Street Park at Richmond. The weather was idea and the cheering thousands of loya supporters with their profuse array o college colors made a pleasing pic ture. i Both teams were strong on the de fense and weak on offense. Carolina had a bit the best of it on weight but Virginia made up for this in speed. The punting of Bowen and the mag nificent running of Todd stand out in the limelight for Virginia For Carolina we must say that every man was there, and we who saw the game have only praise tor the men who lost but were not licked. The game was not brilliant or spectacular ; at any time except when Todd caugh ( up a fumbled punt and dashed 70 yards I for a touchdown. The only other score of the game was made when Bowen kicked over our goal line, Belk touching the ball in fair ground and then touched it back for a safety 1st ouarter. The referee's whistle l blew at 2:43 and the game was on Virginia won the toss and elected to Wick ilT;' ' Gc-ver k iclcs - off 1 to "Tnable on Tv. C.'s 10 vard line. Yen re turns in 22 vard "line. Winston luin- bles-. ,n first play, but recovers and makes 2 vards through center. Porter :ulds Belk kicks to Berkk-y on Va.'s 5) iird li,ie. He is downed in bis tracks. Tuld fails to gain un an end run. Va. kicks to N. C.'s 15 yard line. Belk returns 5. Va.. is penal ized 5 for side play. Belk makes 2. Porter ma kes 5. Berkle v kicks .7 yards around end. Va. kicks to N. C.'s 40 yard line. Ruffin makes 1 and Winston adds 7 more through 1. t. Belk and Bowen exchange kicks, Bowen gaining 15 yards on exchange. Carolina's ball on her 30 yard line. Belk no pain. Penalized 15 yards for holding. Belk kicks to N. C.'s 40 yard line. Driver gains 4. Todd no gain. Va. fails to make forward pass to N. (., recovering ball on her 40 yard line. Belk makes 3. Ruffin 2 yards. N. C. kicks to mid field, ball going out of bounds. Carolina off side penalized S yards. Todd gains 10 yards. Ball on N. C.'s 40 yard line. Todd gains 1. Berkley loses 2. A forward- pass is incomplete and N. C. gets ball on her 45 yard line. Ruffin makes 1. Porter adds 9. Winston makes 1. 2nd quarter. Honaker takes Berk ley's place. Belk kicks to Virginia's 30 yard line. Todd fumbles. N. C. recovers on Virginia's 35 yard line. Belk makes 6. Winston makes for ward pass to Applewhite, who fum bles, but recovers on Virginia's yard line 25 Winston attempts goal It falls short, and Honaker yards. Virginia kicks to Belk kicks to Virginia's 10 Honaker is downed in his tracks Virginia kicks to mm neia. Belk returns 5. Virginia penalized 5 for offside play. Porter makes 3, and then 2 over center. N. C kicks to Va.'s 5 yard line. Porter hurt; timed from field. returns 20 mid field. yard line. his v the5 i , Iikt mission. lout. He resumes play. . Belk gets Bowen's kick on Virginia's 45 yard line. : Belk no gain. For ward pass Winston to Applewhite nets 9. Porter fails to gain the neces - ..... ...... .1 ; Li' ' ' 1 T- .' . J . ' ' 1" T '' sary yaru, anu nan goes to Virginia on her 36 yard line. Driver nc gain Va. kicks to N. C.'s 20 yard line. Belk kicks out of bounds on N. C.'s 32 yard line. - Ruffin gets Honaker' s forward pass on N. C.'s 27 yard line. Belk kicks 50 yards to Todd, who returns 15 yards. Honaker loses 3. Bowen gets off the longest kick of the day; it goes over Belk's head; he touches it and be fore he can stop is behind N. C.'s goal; ne toucnes oack ana rereree rules it is a safety. ' N C. scrimmages, from 25 yard line Winston gains 10 off tackle. Belk kicks to Virginia's 45 yard line. Time up; end of first half. Score: Virginia 2, N. C. 0. Rooters and bands of both teams are pretty quiet during intermission. 3rd quarter. Virginia kicks to Ruf fan, who returns 10 yards to N. C. s 20 yard line. Porter makes 5 on fake kick. Abbey loses 4 yards on tackle around play. " Belk kicks to Virginia's 50 yard line. Honaker falls as he tries to side step. Virginia kicks to N. C.'s 25 yard line. Belk makes 5. Winston no gain. On fake kick Belk kicks to Virginia's 45 yard line. . The ball goes over loads head. .tie tumbles, and falls; he leaps to his feet and dashes 70 yards for a touchdown. He fails ; on an easy goal. Virginia kicked oft to Ruffirtr-wha. returned 20 yards -to N C.'s 25 yard line.; .Winston fumbles and loses, 5 vards. X. C. kicks to Va.'s 45 yard line. Honaker returns 10. Todd makes 3. Honaker 2. Belk kicks out of bounds on N. C.'s 15 yard ine. Belk's forward pass went to Bowen. who fumbled, and Driver for Virginia recovers. N. C. stops three rushes into ber line and the ball goes over on her 20 yard line. Belk drives a long spiral to Virginia's 40 yard line. Honaker is fiercely tackled by three N. C. men and drops ball. Garrett recov- ers. in . , j. tries ; rorwara pass. Paiikey recovers. Virginia kicks 35 yards to Winston, who is downed in his tracks. Two plays at Virginia's line fail to . 1i . t , gain tne necessary distance.; neiK makes on side kick. Honaker fum bles. Applewhite recovers and dashes to Virginia's 3 yard line. He stumbles and falls there. The referee calls play back. Virginia's ball. Todd no gain. Va. kicks to N. C.'s '10 yard line; Belk returns. 10 yards; Belk kicks 40 yards, to Todd, who is downed in his tracks; Va. loses 7 yards on a fumble; Bowen kicks to N. C.'s 25 yard line; Va. penalized 15 yards for holding N. C.'s ball on her 40 yard line; Winston and' Applewhite make 5 yards on short orward pass. Time up; third quar- ter. Score, va. ; in. . u. , Fourth quarter: Porter makes 3; N. C. kicks fo Todd, on Va.'s 30 yd line; Va. kicks 30 yds, to Belk; Abbey no gain and Winston and Venable make 9 yds on forward pass. N. C. kicks to Va.i's 10 yd line; Va returns on first down, and Holliday recovers on Va.'s 50 yd line. Va. kicks to N. C.'s 25 yd ine; Belk kicks to Va.'s 5o yd line. Honaker is hurt and forced to retini; Grant' succeeds him as quarter. Todd makes 7 around r; e. but Va. loses 15 1 on next play for holding; Bowen kicks North Carolina, 0. Y. M. C A. ADDRESS BY DR. SMITH Dr. Smith Talks at Tuesday Night Meeting about 'The Call to the Ministry Last Tuesday night Rev. Dr. Smith, at the Y. M. C. A. auditorium, made anj interesting talk on "The Call to the Ministry,'; Dr. Smith said that a person, in order to have a call to the ministry, must have a realization of thfe needs of humanity and a heart re sponsive to those needs. He said, also, that a. candidate for the ministry should be free from any serious phys icll infirmity, and that he should be under no responsibility to support any one outside of. his immediate family. Tae work of a minister calls tor abun dant preparation. A liberal knowl edge of philosophy and theology is essential; and a general knowledge of miny other1 branches of study, such as Eglish, history and the classics, is necessary. : "; Dr. Smith used many appropriate il lustrations in developing i his talk. H spoke interestingly of his own call to the ministry. He said that when he first' thought of becoming a minis ter the idea was rather unpleasant to him, but on thinking it over he could not resist the call. He spoke of the preparation that Moses received for work1 as a minister and leader of Hebrews. After receiving the be$t education that could be had at his time, Moses spent one-third of his life in the wilderness almost alone in med itation, as a further preparation for CAPT. THOMPSON TO TEACH LEAVES FOR DURHAM WHERE HE WILL BEGIN WORK ON MONDAY Carolina's Big Football Captain for 1910 Elected Prin cipal of the Lakewood Park School To Be Back Next Year Captain E. A. Thompson, of the foot ball team, returned from Richmond last night and left this morning for Durham, N. C., where he has been elected principal of the Lakewood Park school. Captain Thompson suc ceeds Mr, Russell Dellinger, a '10 Carolina man who lately resigned. He will begin his work Monday. Captain Thompson intends coming back to the- University1 next year to complete his senior work. . 25 yds to Calmes; Belk kicks 25 yds, and .Bowen kicks 50 to N. C.'s 25 yd line; Porter makes 5; forward pass is incomplete, and Belk kicks to niidfield; Todd returns to N. C.'s 50 yd line; Jones makes 10, Driver makes 4, Grant adds 2; Todd goes 5 yds for first down ball on N. C.'s 20 yd line. Driver bucks 12 yds through center, and fum bles ball on N. C.'s 8 yd line. Garrett recovers; Winston makes 6 on take kick; Belk kicks 40 yds to Grant, who returns to N. C.'s 40 yd line. Va. gains 15 yds on forwaad pass. Todd oses 5; Grant . fails attempted field g-oal. Ball is scrimmaged from 25 yd ine: Belk kicks 35 yds to niidfield; Todd is downed in his tracks. Hasty succeeds Applewhite, who is hurt; Bowen trains 10' yds on fake kick. Hasty makes good tackle and the game is over. LINE UP. Dances Next Week The annual fall dances of the Junior Order of the Gorgan's Head and the German Club will be given next Thurs day and Friday nig ht, December 1st and 2nd. The Junior Order dance on Friday night will be led by Bob Hanes, and Sandy Graham will lead the German dance. Levin's orchestra will furnish music for the occasion. The Glee Club. i This year the Glee Club is composed of the following gentlemen: First Tenors Warren, Shofner, Rud isill, Pember, Ellis. Second Tenors Huffman, Gattis, Hanes, Payne, Barbee, White. First Basses Rights, Parsley, Whit taker, Andrews, Worth, Guthrie. Second Basses Lassiter, Walker, Sawyer, Whitaker, Leonard, Larkiu. It is found to be ; an impossibility to have a concert, as it was hoped to have, next Friday night; nevertheless, the boys are working hard to prepare for the trips they will make next spring. The club will not make its autumnal tour this year. Virginia. Position. ' N.Carolina. Finlay Applewhite Hewitt. 1. e. Hasty Cecil 1. 1. Garrett Pankey 1. g. Thompson, Cap. Holliday c. Brown Towles r. g. MacLean Geyer, Cap. r. t. Abernethy Bowen r. e. Venable Berkeley Young Honaker q. "Winston Todd 1. h. Belk Driver r. h. Raffin, Calmes Jones f . b. Porter Summary: Touchdown, Todd; safe ty, Belk. 'v,- -;' Officials: Referee, Barry, George town; umpire, Hampden-Sydney; field judge, Witt, V. M. I.; head lineman, Jackson. Time of quarters: 15 minutes. Attendance; 6,500. Score: University of Virginia, 7; Frank Graham Speaks to Students Carolina's final mass meeting before the big game was a splendid exhibi tion of true Carolina spirit. While not having the usual amount of noise and hullabaloo, the meeting was pervaded with a profound determination by the students to stand behind the team. College spirit flowed high, and when Frank Graham walked into the hall, unexpected to all, a climax of good feeling was reached, and a storm of applause that would put to shame a small thunder cloud was a worthy trib ute : to the man and to the cause in which all were so interested. Frank Graham's speech, though short, was one of the most touching appeals to to true Tar Heels that has ever been made in Chapel Hill. His tribute to the student body, to the Uni versity and to North Carolina thrilled the heart of every hearer and made stronger the determination of Carolina men in the present struggle. Sheriff Suggs was called on to make a speecn, ana ne responded with a short talk about the team. The yells were practiced and the meeting was over. It was the kind of meeting that makes every student glad that he is a University man and glad that he is a Tar Heel,