THE TAR HEEL LOCALS Miss Lucy Minor is the guest of Miss Louise Tenable. Miss Nannie Smith is visiting friends in Richmond, Va. J. D. Boushall made a short viiit to Raleiu h ast week. Mr John L. Ilathcock, ' '08, was on tl'.e Hill last.Thursdav on business. The Soph-Junior debate wlli take place in Gerrard Hall Mon day night, December 18. Reading Wilkinson, ex-'14. now a student at the University of Virginia, was on the Hill visiting- friends on the 7th Dr. P. P Venable has gone to Greenville where he is to deliver a lecture before the Eastern Caro lina Training School. Miss Elizabeth Bain has re turned from a visit in Virginia. She has for her guest, Miss Kate Northrop, of Wilmington.. After attending the Virginia game in Richmond, George Clark went on to Washington, D. C. and spent several days there. F. J. Faison, '15, was operated on for appendicitis at the Watts Hospital, Durham, last week. The operation was successful. Professor N. W. Walker has been in Houston, Texas, attending the meeting of the Southern Educational Association. He was elected a director. The senior banquet will take place at the Inn next Saturday night, December 16. Tickecff for the banquet may be secured from any member of the committee Barker, Wharton, Reece, Graves, and Burgess, The Young Ladies' Guild of the episcopal church will give tableaux from "The Reveries of a Bachelor'" and "An Old Sweet heart of Mine," for the benetit of the church, in the Y. M. C. A. audit riuin, Wednesday evening, December 13,-at 7:30o'elock. Ad mission, 25 cents. A petition for a Federal office building has been placed at the Bursar's office so that the students may sign it. The sig nature of every student in college is desired by the committee in charge o! the petition. A thous and post cards are being sent to alumni and friends over the State seeking their cooperation in this matter. News comes that a junior oratorical medal has been estab lished by Gen. Julian S. Carr. The medal is of the same nature as the present Willie P. Mangum Medal in Oratory, with this dif ference, of course, that juniors compete for the former, and only seniors for the latter. The medal is to be called "The Carr Medal" in honor of its giver. The con test for the medal will take place in the spring. Stipulations gov erning the contest will be pub lished later. ; Carlisle has a remarkable all round athlete in James Thorpe of Oklahoma. He is a fine basket ball player and can play any po sition on a base ball team. He can put the sixteen-pound shot forty-three feet, and he has a broad jump record of 22 feet, 10 inches; he can run 100 yards in ten second, and can clear six feet in the high jump, lie is a goo football and hockey player, and plays tennis, hcrosse and hand ( This record is all the more won hall with talent. In an athletic derful considering the lact that meet last spring, he made live Yale always plays the boot Uaum first and one ucumi. j0 the Country, BARNETT FUND RAISED Continued from first page China. In his address he em phasized the fact lh;it n. j .resent revolution in Cliin;i was going- to mean unprecedemed .'pportuuiiy for the Ohr'stian missionaries lo plant Christianity in that vast empire ' ': Immediately' after his a.idress a ciinvas for. the . llanu-t'.. Fund was made. Every man in the University has been yiven the op portunity to subscribe something to this enterprise and the results are as follows: Forty-one alumni have contributed $93 and three hundred and sixty students have pledged $411.50, making a total of four hundred and one contribu tors subscribing $504.50, payable not later than March 1st The Missionary committee of the Young Men's Christian Asso ciation desires to express its gratitude to the students and alumni for their cordial coopera tion and loyal support iu this worthy enterprise. News has come from Mr. Barnett stating that throughout the present revolution in China all the missionaries in the vicinity of Hangchow have been called in from their fields to Shanghai and are under the protection of the American Consulate. He hopes that conditions will soon permit him to return to his work in Hangchow. Another interesting piece of news from him is that on Nov. 7th was born to Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Barnett, Robert Warren Barnett. Mr. Barnett stated that his son expressed appreciation of his ap pearance into this world by giv ing a rousing Carolina yell. : ANNUAL FALL DANCES TAKE PLACE Continued from First page Chaperoue s: Mrs. Penn, Martinsville, Va,, Airs. J. S. Manning, Mrs. McRae, Dr. and Mrs. Archibald Henderson, Dr. and Mrs. Bain, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Sneath, Mr. and Mrs. Dag- get, and Mr. and Mrs. Branch Bocock, of Chapel Hill. Among the alumni who attend ed the dances were: Don Orrin Lloyd, W M. Parsley, Jim Manning, George Thomas, Jim Hanes, Eugene Barn hard t, Ken neth Ellington, H. L. Smith, and Ike London. The Virginia eleven, with a total of 232 points just before the Thanksgiving game was played, had scored the second highest number of points made bv any college team. 'in the country, ac cording to figures compiled by an Eastern paper. The total number of tallies made by the eiyht highest uni versity teams follows: Carlisle, 257; Virginia, 232; Georgeiown, 224; Penn. State, 187; Princeton, 179, Brown, 175; Yale, 161; Dart mouth, 137. The Virginia eleven at that date had only 30 points scored against them. This figure shows up well in comparison with scores of leading teams of the football world, : Princeton, by virtue of her vic tories over Yale, Harvard and Brown is this year's intercolle giate champion of the East. Min nesota has practically cinched the Western championship Out of 328 games Yale has played since 1884. the Klue ha returned vu tnrhm in all !, u. The Michigan Glee "Club has been- offered the; opportun i ty of making a trip to Japan at th , ex pense of theJ.ipatu-seyoyerniVient. I CHRISTMAS f T S CO M TNG ! . f ft Engraved Cardn make pleasing and acceptable present. C. H. IIOKE, 280 W. Head of the State Sysrem of Education The University stands for thor oughness and all that is best in edu cation and the moulding of. charac ter. It is epuipped with 24 build ings, new water works, central heating, electric lights. Eleven Scientific Laboratories, equipped for good work. The, Faculty numbers 80. Students, 800. Library of 60,000 volumes. One librarian and four assistants. Fine Literary Socie ties. There is an active Y. M. C. A., conducted : by the students. Scholarships and loans for the needy and deserving. For information, address F. P. VENABLE, President, Chapel Hill, N. C. Do your Shoes Need Mending TRY TRICE Opposite University Inn CAROLINA STUDENTS Are Invited to Make the, Store of Whiting & Morton Their HEADQUARTERS when in Raleigh, N..C. What Time Is It? Time to have your watch repaired. Repair work of all kinds quickly done by Skilled Workmen. Hand it to me. Steve Pember, College Representative. JONES & FRASIER, (Incoporated) DURHAM. - - NORTH CAROLINA. If You Want to feel Good as Well as Look Good, GO TO MOSER'S BARBER SHOP All styles of Hair Cuts on hand at. all times. Opposite campus. ; BOARD. Home butchered Meate. Beet Country Butter. Plenty of Milk. Steam Cooked Meats, etc. DetwertH no two daythe same. None better prepared or nicer ee oor kitchen for cleanliness. Nearest the college, nearest postoffice, nearest business section. CENTRAL HOTEL. See "Dick" Allison, Manager. The University of llorth Carolina 1789 COTTRELL & LEONARD, ALBANY, NEW YORK, Makers of the Caps, Gowns and Hoods to the University of North Carolina, I'liiveruity of the South, Harvard, Yale, i'rinct-ton, Stanford, and the other. Chuw Contractu a Specialty. Reliable Ma terial. JlejwonabJe jirii. HullethiH uiu Piiiupir on ! i i -- i ' ...-J Jl 3Cew Notch COLLAR 3 Sc. - for t5c. Clnett. Peabodv tt Co.. Makerg A G. SPALDING d BROS.. The Spalding are the largest manufacturers in the wnrld of OFFICIAL FOUIPMFNI FOR ALL ATH LETIC SPORTS AND PASTIMES. If YOC nre inter' futi'd in Athletic Sptnt you xlintthl how. a copy of tin- Spiiltlintj Cotolog. Jl'g it com plete encjclofieilia of WhU'x Xctr in Sport ami in xent free on re quest. TRADE-MARK is Known throughout the world as a Guarantee of Quality A. G. SpalJitig 6t Bros., 2081 Baltimore S., Baltiiimre, Mdj FRED M ER R I TT Does " the best pressing and the cleanest cleaning done on the Hill. Give him a trial. Opposite University nn. Ferry Noble, HOT AND COLD BATHS.; We are operating the only up-to-date and fashionable tonsorial park in the City. Prompt attention to all. It J. D. WEBB General Merchant Gent's Furnishings a Specialty Clothing and Shoes i t , Next Door to Poxtnffice. W. B. S0RRELL, JEWELER OPTICIAN CHAPEL HILL, - - . - N. C Meet Your Friends m iT REXALL PHARMACY When in Durham. MR. E. S. MERRITI Is with them. Opposite Postoffice. THE STAR CAFE I he Cleanest and Most Up-to-Date Dining Room in Town. Quick and Polite Serviw. UniverHit men are invited to t'iv- us a call. Pleasant room to rent al... The Main St. Pharmacy Co, Handle GUTH'S CANDIES. Fend Uiem your card and name; they " do tlie rest. 201 E. Mais St., - . DURHAM, N. C. (iNCORPORXrED) BVHIHEHM. ir.,n t.ib ,.t .... ... BS'SL 8 hill .In Arlllnaul Ulnar's nui. '..! lege. Rklelrb, N. V., or C barlotte, K. . Wlo tch bookkeeplriK, Wiorthand. Fen matMblp, etc., bjr mail. A O TO T MP v Dr. Wiri. Ly ticlt, .New orhre over rale Jewelry Store', CJIAI'FL HILL. "X. L ti. II I LEY Next o r to Post Office '-' nice lini' of .Men' PnriiHiii!ri, far. i oiifectionerif, mm Stationary, iiive w a pari of your trle. Merrit & Sparrows ' Livery Stable. The Swellest, The Most Up-to-Date, The Most Convenient Livery Stable in town. Rear of Pest Office. ' E. P. GATE, JEWELER. . Fine Repairing a Specialty. WATCHES AND CLCCKS. CUT GLASS AND SILVERWARE, cri i pel hill, ... . . nc. "TANK" HUNTER. New quarters below Packard's Hotel. Bought out entire stock of W.W. Pickard. " Let the College Caterer, "MARSE JESSE," Prepare that banquet. He Knows how. More Than Your Money's Worth. COMMONS HALL. $10.00 PER MONTH. $15.60. UNIVERSITY INN: BOGER'S. FrtACrfHor;fes- C h iS 1 K A L H O T E L BASE M E N T SOUTHERN RAILWAY Operating Over 7,000 Miles Railway QnieK Route to All Frinclpal Point North South East West ? Through Trains Between - Principal Gins and Resorts Furnishing First-Cla.-n' - Ac on!iiolatiJ. Elegant Pullman lwiiig Tars on alJ , Through trains. , Liniif, Vhtbfi ,, and Obfervation (,'arn. p'or , stxxfd, comfort and cour- teoufi employers travel via the SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Itatec, st:tiedules and other inform iJtiW . tnraMtni hy undersiKnea.' H. L. Vekxon, D. P. A., Charlotte, N. C,-. ' , H. II. IIahdwick, P. T. M.V f Washington, D. C. II. F. Carv, ). p. A., ' ' Washinstori D, C W. II. Pah.veu., T. P. A., ;" Kaleixh, N. C. 'i J. II, Woon, I), p. A., Anheville, N,C.! l II. DeUcrrH, T. P. A rf CUrUttfii,Vf' - ,