? BASKETBALL J FRIDAY, FEB. 2. S v. c. c. J BASKETBALL WEDNES. , JAN. 31. jGuilford College OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA., CHAPEL HILL; N C , TUESDAY, JANUARY 30: 1912. NO. 14. VOL. 20 THE NEW CONSTITUTION IS ADOPTED BY THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Provides for a Compleie Reorganization of the Association and a More Business Like Method of Conducting Its Affairs . Preamble. We, the Athletic Association of the University of North Caro lina, in order to provide a more thorough and systematic method of conducting intra-and inter collegiate athletics of theUniver . j . xt it. n.,mMnn. 1n hereby SUV OI WUHII voi""i adopt and enact the following Constitution which shall become effective not later than May 1st, 1111. ARTICLE I. (Name and Object) Sec. 1. This organization shall be known as the Athletic Association of the University of North Carolina. Sec. 2. Its object shall be the efficient management of the Uni versity athletics and intercolle giate athletic contests. ARTICLE II. (Ml&MBEKSHnO Active membership in the Ath letic Association shall be open to all members of the student body of the University of North Caro lina who have qualified under the registration rules applicable at time of their joining the Associa tion. Membership shall extend from the time of the payment of membership dues to the close of the collegiate year in which that member has joined the Associa tion. ARTICLE HI-(Fees) Sec 1. Every member of the a i,iMir. Association shall pay a fee of five dollars for each colle- ,A,t war in which he is a mem Tlnoh the payment of this fee, a membership card shall be k,(,I io him. This membership card shall entitle the member to whom it is issued to admission to nil oi.itir. contests held on the n;tfM-itv of North Carolina mtnnns. conducted under the au spices of the Athletic Association during the collegiate year m he becomes a member ot me sooiation. ARTICLE IV. (Goveknment) Sec. 1. The government of the Association shall be vested in its n,.miwrs. All officers of the as shall-be elected by di .two of its members. luna made to the Associate" ...---, One third of the total membership of the Association shjfll constitute a quorum for the transaction of business aiaccj . L...t,:..i1i,heenlawfullycaueu ll1f ' wuv - , ( majority vote of all members IV...-.: : n lawful meeting of Ue V(.l f "K Sec. 2. The officers of the Athletic Association shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Representative at Large. Such officers shall be electen by roll call, unless other wise provided for bv a majority vote of the members of the Asso ciation present at such a meeting:. Such officers as are herein provi ded for shall be elected in open meeting of the Association during the spring term of the University and shall serve during the follow ing collegiate year. Every mem ber of the Athletic Association shall be elegible for office in the Association, and for the offices of managers of the various athletic teams, and for the editor-in-chief, managingeditor, associate editors, and businrss manager and assis tant business managers of the Tar Heel, subject to the limita tions herein provided. Sec. 3. Freshmen shall be ine- egible to any office or position in the Association. No person shall be elegible for the office of Presi dent or Vice-President of the As sociation who has not had at least three years of college work, two of which must have been taken at the University. No member of the Association shall hold more than one office in the Association. : th -fsociation shall be necessary for passage of any motion, reu Sec. 4. The president of the Association shall call meetings of the Association at his own discre tion,or at the request of the Ath ene Council, or on the written re quest of ten members of the Asso ciation. All meetings shall be advertised in at least three public places at least twelve hours before the" time of such meeting. Provi ded, that, if the meeting is for the purpose of electing officers, managersor assistants to these, the meeting-shall be advertised in at least three public places for at least thirty-six hours before the time of such meeting. The President of the Associa tion shall preside at all meetings of the Association, or in the event of his absence, the Vice-President shall preside. All business shall be transacted in accordance witn the rules of procedure according to Roberts Rules of Order, so far as they may appropriately apply, in the discretion of the pre siding officer. The Vice-President shall per form the functions of the Presi dent in the latter's abscence. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Association to keep an accurate and permanent record of all meetings of the As sociation. He shall tnrn over to his successor a full and complete record of all business transacted by the Association, in meeting, during his term of office. It shall be his duty to keep an accurate and complete record of the names of all active members of the As sociation during his term of office. The Representative at Large from the Association shall be a member of the At hi e tic Coun cil. Seel 5. Managers for football, baseball, basketball and track teams shall be elected in the same manner as the officers of the As sociation. There shall be one manager and not , more than two assistant managers for the base ball, football, basketball and track teams. Sophomores are inelegible for the-- position of manager of any of the teams. The election for the manager and assistant managers of the football team shall be held' .luring the month of December. Elections for the managers and assistant managers for the baseball, basket ball and track teams shail be held at such a time as the Athleuc Council may direct. All managers and assistant managers shall per form such duties as the graduate manager or the Athletic Council may direct. Assistant, managers for the athletic, teams, whenever there are two or more to be elec ted as Assistant managers of the same team, shall be elected by separate votes. The names of the men who are nominated shall be placed before the Association by the President, and voted upon. The three highest men shall then be voted upon and if this resuts in no majorityrth'ciwo'-highest shall be voted on. 1 he one re ceiving a majority shall be de clared elected. The names of the original nominees, with the ex ception of the one who has been elected, shall then be placed he- fore the Association and votes taken as in the matter of the first until one mart shall have received a majority of all votes cast. These two men receiving majority votes in each case shall be declared elected. MR. E. E. BARNETT MAKES REPORT ON WORK IN CHINA Students Representative in the Far East Sends an Inter esting Account of Conditions in the Celestial Empire and of His Work There ARTICLE V. (Athletic Council) : Sec. 1. Supreme power and authority in allquestionsinvolving intra-and intercollegiate ath letic contests, subject to the limi- tetions and delegations of power as are expressly set fortli herein, shall be vested in an Athletic Council, whose duty it shall be to maintain and conduct all intra and inter collegiate athletics in accordance with the provisions of this constitution. I Sec 2. The Athletic Council shall be composed of nine mem bers, asfollows: student managers of baseball, football, basketball and track teams, editor-in-chief of the Tak Heel, President of the Athletic " Association, repre-sentatWe-at-large of the Associa tion, one member of theUnivcrsity faculty, and a graduate manager. The graduate manager shall preside at all meetings of the Athletic Council and in his ab sence the president of the" Athletic Association shall preside. Sec. 3. Thev'Athletic Council shall have control of all property of any nature whatsoever belong ing to the Athletic Association. It shall have power o contract bills; receive and expand money; determine and settle all matters Continued on thirl page I. The capital of one of the most populous and prosperous provinces of China,; the imperial seat of a lormer dynasty, and a great center of education under the old, and still more under the new regime. Hanchow, the latest city to be entered by a represen tative ol .the Young Men's Chris tian .Association,' is a field of commanding importance and in spiring possibilities. The mis sionaries of the city have long felt the need of such a work as the Association is qualified to do in such a center, and for the past decade have been appealing for men to be sent out by the Young Men's Christian Association to help meet the situation. While, of course, the ultimate aim of the Association will be to. reach the entire manhood of the city, it is felt by all that at the beginning the primary effort should be to reach the thousands of students congregated here. These students constitute an important field for several reasons. In the first place, they come from every quarter of the province, and present, there fore, a unique oppoitunity of touching with Christian influences the entire province. In the second place, most of them will go back to their communities to become leaders to a degree unparalleled in America. This is true because they are riot simply preparing themselves for leadership along old and wrought out lines as at home, but they are the first to equip themselves for .leadership in a new and wonderful era which is just dawning. It is unquestion ably the Modern Student of China who is to fashion and mould tin iMiIna r( Tomorrow. It is not surprising :hat the missionary body of this great student center should have earnestly sought out some means of reaching this class that they might have a part in determining the ideals of those who will determine the ideals of the New China. Nor is it sur prising in view of the nature and oast history of the Association that they should have chosen it as the agency in and through which they could best accomplish this end. At the same time, that thev have done so, gives us a re ' newed sense cf gratitude to Cod for the Providential way in which He has opened up before our move ment from the very beginning increasingly numerous and effec tual doors of opportunity. II. As I have been in Hang chow less than six months and as most of this time has been devoted to language study, I have naturally little comparatively to report. While, however, most of this time has been spent in study, considerable time has been spent in getting acquainted with those with and among whom my work will be, and in "'endeavoring through these to acquaint myself with the situation as a whole. The result of this observation has been encouraging. It has revealed on the part of the Chinese pastors ; of the city an attitude as sympa thetic to the Association as that, of the foreign missionaries. though less eager on the whole because less informed. It has brought to light a group of men qualified to become the nucleus of a substantial Christian member ship. Some of these would be capable at once of assuming the duties of directors, and of wield ing at the same time considerable influence in the city on behalf of the Association. A good work of long standing is already carried on in the two mission schools, which in itself constitutes a good beginning upon which to build . a larger work. The splendid work of the Shanghai Association, only 150 miles away, is well known and has served to create a demand for a similar work here. This applies especially to the students in government schools, who but for the Shanghai example would probably knew little and care less about the Christian Association. III. The most encouraging single event which has taken place since my arrival, was the series of meetings conducted by Eddy in May. These meetings were held primarily for govern ment students. Generous adver tising was placed in the vernacu lar press and scattered in leaflet form in the various schools and colleges. It was a matter of con siderable conjecture, first as to how large a response these invi tations would meet, and, second, what sort of a reception would be accorded the speaker bv those who would come. However the largest public hall in the city was secured. "-A tickets were placed at centra r..- iK distribution !- i to those who shou. JV all for them. The distribution f tickets began two days before the first meeting, and within the first twenty-four hours the entire supply was ex hausted. When the hour of meet ing arrived the hall which feats' 1,000 people was crowded, large" numbers were turned away from the door, and hundreds were re ported not to have come because of their failure to secure tickets. Not less remarkable than the at tendance was the attention ac corded Eddy as he plead with the men before him on behalf of an unselfish and fearless patriotism based on Christianity. At the close of the final meeting which was held Sunday afternoon, Eddy announced an After Meeting and Continued on second page ju ion or provision 1