THE TAR HEEL THE TAR HEEL S?' . "-"r ? io 8; a iie lac i mat. every one aoes not go to t litis Prom is not the fault of the Prom but of the man who has never learned to dance. The Proin was established with Official Organ of the Athletic Asso ciation of the University of North Carolina. Published Wkkkxy. BOARD OF EDITORS L. N. Morgan, - - ASSISTANT KDITOKH-lN-CHIEF' B. H. Mebank D. L. Rights ASSOCIATE EDITORS B. D. Stephenson A. L. M, Wiggins J. H. Rand' M. R. Dunnagan Lenoir Chahbkrs A. A. McKay R. W. Scott, Andrew Jovner, ,7b GvL. Cariungton IIIV UJV 111 d OlUUVilt n l itiiiK w j the Magazine! He may rise to j the exalted position of editorin-j chief. Well if he does let us j pity him. About all the editor of j a student publication gets out of ! the purpose of making it the ! hi job at this University is the I most, representative social func- pleasure of answering a number . tion on the Hill, the one dance ! of questions on why his special Edftor-in-Chief of aM others to which everybody j publication is no better than it is might go regardless of member- and when it is going to come out. ship in the German Club, frater- , The Recording Angel may take j t1ltt(; fr wf.itlft ft nlflrt llll.-n ,i.,4-, sit Ulo Uknrc Kilt tlio Ppriir. I at which all the many threads of ding Angel doesn't stand much University life might be drawn show in this institution. together on an ; equality by the . Why not make the thing worth ties of friendship and fellowship. , while? Why not give an hour If the Prom has-been unrepresen- or two hours credit on a bachelor , tative, the fault has been with , of arts course to the editor of a ; PAITMMM BIOS., DRUGGISTS. ' ' mm mm w mmki COLLEGE OF RICHMOND, -VA.. Stuart Mc Quire, MM, President. to MANAGERS G. W. E. Pittman, F. L. Ecless, - - Circulation Manager M. T. Spears. - Publication Manager the studeuts who did not go, not - Business Manager with the Prom itself The Prom, as a matter of fact, here? has been the climax of the social :' student publication? Other col leges do it, why can't it be done new building JvmrQmpm): EIGHTY EXPERIENCED TEACHERS .; EXCELLENT CLINICAL FACILITIES, MODERN LABORATORY METHODS v FORDESCIUPTIVEGIlIALOGUEADDIZFSSk Entered as second class matter at the postofflce at Oliapel Hill, N. 0. SeDteinber 11, 1911. Printed by The University Press, Chapel Hill, N. C. life of the University, has everl The latest newsoaner to make since its establishment been the , its debut before the college world most representative social fiinc- ' the University ' Daily Kansan. tion on the Hill. It has not! Although vountr, thepaper seems reached an ideal stage of perfecj to be well able to take care of it tion what has? But of all sef. jn fact, jt appears to be a things else it has been the nearest 'very live and snappy college pa- approach to equality in the en- per full of enthusiasm. for Kansas joyment of social privileges here' ana 0f hope for its own success. by the two divisions of the stu-iIt s a six column, four page dent body. Not every one who sheet One feature of the paper detenasii is ot the pure in heart,." wjii be a department of hi ah" . . ... ... . w . . out certain it is, mat those who school news sent in by corres-i The junior class has abolished condemned it did so from abso- ; indents from high schools all" iuteiy semsti motives. Mayhap over the State. The Tar Heel Subscription Price, $1.50 Per Year, Payable in advance or during the first term. Single Copies , 5 Cents. the Promt It has decreed with pious solemnity that never shall its fair name be desecrated with so unrepresentative, so undemo cratic a thing as a dance. Not because a dance is repugnant to the refined moral sensibilities of the class, nor in any other way wrong,, but because every mem ber of the two classes does not dance and therefore cannot q-o to the Prom, the eternal principle of equal pie to all and special pleasures to none declares the Prom must pass. This is the al leged principle behind the oppo sition to the Prom. But it is not the real principle no more so than is the real principle be hind half the opposition to secret orders that of the individual against the organization. The real principle at the bottom of all the fuss, the real motive power behind all the opposition is sim ply that this enlightened seat of learning is still in that primal stage of culture at which the ability to shuffle one's feet across a ball-room floor is a mark of class distinction and social elevation. What more proof is needed to show this than the action ol the leadersof theoppositton at the two meetings of the class? At the first meeting the bright and shining principle of full and equal representation reigned su preme. The opposition was based, 1 according, to the words of the j the juniors have found a better pian. It is to be hoped that they have. And what was it all about? Just a dance, that's all. To Prom or not to Prom, that was the question debated with all the heat of feeling and superfluous greatest wishes the paper the abundance of success. Will Spend $1,000,000.00. ,! The University of Washington will expend next year $1,000,000: on its campus. Half a million'! abundanceofeloquencethat would!, dollars will go to erect a new ad- j have done credit to some mighty ministration building, and the matter of state, some awful prob-, remaining $500,000 will be used lem of time and eternity. Ten in re-establishing the boulevard i years from now will any one of ! grades, building new paths, and , us remember the deadly struggle? in landscape gardening proper, j Perhaps he will and at the same time Puck's immortal words. g f'-k V - , ,t."! CAiiTJirnM f i .mii i sine ii c isi m jr m ar M m mw. m m eq n i h . wm b mm w m m w n m l f m m Mmm fo?JE Piece Hammer 9 III Tup Mcu Mnnn FtMaca It'.M.n wt" than 'inn, hoietn a "i.fcumier y(m know mar oxtra purtH hi'ij litmn il t tin huinim rw-lint.hi'r si own or . Our ImintU'T in nil ouo : I iw-, oi'lv- iinn Uoli , no tttctil h or lirriij.M litrac'uirt. - , , Wi'Juivit out mtr nil (MicliiuK lover, bsii-., p;i-)j roil, Mvt liiimtiu-r-rttirrups Mid i tt-h t J: tv:ii t'.iiH t from ton of Jlllli.JiltT. Oui-ImmiiHjr trtivi"ln Iosh tluui linlfan iiii-h, tnldnroji)y l-cy.iof a mvhikI to (.' nil'. St'inl: nro not (ut awnv for Imtuiui-rx : kwk p-n!H and mi e diivu't-nilwl into frne to iiowcnt .'.HptitliiiK wul sprt'ii'lmi;. (.'ntiilitrn 1Y(!(V; i8 p-adew, $17.75 not til f HM list. Ithaca Gun Co. Box 123, Ithaca, N. Y. WAV CM During the past week or two there has been a great revival, or rather attempted revival, of in terest in the Magazine. ..Both last year and this year the Magazine, ' to speak mildly, has been poor. The serious essays have been well written, have been on stan dard classic topicshave probably made fairly good literature, but have not been read. The stories have been scarce and sorry. And the poetry has been one long scream. The Magazine has been truly, despite the fran tic efforts of editors, sad, very sad. This fact has dawned on the English Department. The de partment has come to the con clusion that the Magazine does The freshmen at Leland Stan ford pledged two thousand dollars in almost five minutes toward the erection of a new Union building. "How did the prima donna ac- quire her great range?" "She used to be a cook." , -Wisconsin Sphinx 3 DOZEN $2. CARNATIONS. Good blooms, but short stems. . Regular grade ; $1 and $1.25 per dozen. MOST DIRECT LINE TO ALL IVLXTS North, South, East, CONVENIENT SCHEDULES FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMEN7 COMPLETE DINING CAR SE11V1LK Through Pullman Sleeping Cars to all Principal Cities . Pwncipal 'Cities and Kksohts of Texas, California and Florida CAN-BEST BE' REACHED VIA The SO UTH ERN ; RAILWAY If you are contemplating a trip, it would be wie to first con sult a representative of the SOUTHERN RAILWAY, who will gladly and courteously furnish you with any and all information as to rates, schedule, Pullman sleeping car accommodation, etc.- ;':' J. O. JONES, T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. S. H. HARD WICK, P. T. M., R. H. DeBUTTS, T. P. CHAia.OTTE, N. C. II. F. CARY, G. P. AVasrington, N. C, p- I 1- I h ... . J. Ydll Liimiey llUrry The Royal Cafe and Restaurant i (Under New Management). not represent the talent and leaders, solely on the ground that ability of the University. The a dance is unrepresentative. If department has also reached the all can go to the dance; well and conclusion that interest in Maga good; all cannot go, therefore de-1 zine among the students is dead. Co., GREENSBORO, N. C. . Geo. V. Strong, College Agent. ALL SORTS OF FURNI TURE AT stroy the dance. At the second And so we have had a revival, meeting the dance itself, and the The classes in English 3 and 10, dance alone as a form of social j English 14 and 16, have been ex enjoyment, was the thing against horted and encouraged coaxed which eloquence volleyed and 1 and tempted to contribute to the thundered not because a dance Magazine. For the members of is unrepresentative, not because the English Department, who p f a dance is immoral, but because a have no personal connection with 1 H H Patt6rSOIlS dance is a dance-else why the ; the much-discussed periodical, mppoTF thf pamptt flat and obstinate refusal to allow and are in no wav resnonsihle for ( O H OblTI T H E CAMPUS) J JL E. A. BROWN'S, Next to Pickwick. Picture Framing a Specialty. Metropolitan' Old Piatt Open Day and Night Tables Reseived for Ladieu. :: :: :: :: :: Quick and Polite Service. IJegular din ner 25 cents. We guarantee to iiii each order in five minutes, (iive hh a trial and be convinced. $6.U0 Mi-al Ticket $5.00 $3.50 ticket, for iJvi.OO. J 19 East Main Street. Next to Model ; Furniturn House. Phone 487 DURHAM. N. C. MEET ME AT THE CIGAR STORE; There is Only One. Royal Borden Furniture Co. Durham - - North Carolina Dealers In High-Grade Furniture Furnishings for Students. Every thing for the Home. the class to take part in a dance its success or failure, to take this W",re you will find Men's FurnishingH, Hurli-im fiiar Cfnrn 'iPn i? else lively interest in its welfare is a T5unkfl' Drf 9 8ut CWs' Carets, milium viym OIUIL UU , ItugH, ready-made Sheets, Pillow Cases, Towels, Bowls and pitchers, Kerosene oil heaters, Hardware of nil kinds, and everything that is good to eat. after the proposed reception? else lively why the earnest . proposition to finethin. The Magazine Board order the manager of the recep- is indebted to them, tion to lock the doors and chase There are, however, other ways everybody out at 11:00 o'clock? than by talking- and' pleading to There is just enough truth in stir up interest in a thing. The A Goods Delivered Promptly the contention of the opponents simplest way to do it is to make of the Prom to give it plausibility, the thing worth whife. At pres- Evcry one cannot dance, but the et there is no reason why a stu- Take a DRINK Between Trains at Prom is not for that reason es- dent should write for the Maga- p fJntfo"s Soda Fountain sentially unrepresentative. The zinc or any other publication here u The Prom is not restrictive. Any except the satisfaction which he At Uulverlty Station, upper classman who dances may (fctsin writing something. What's ,nBf",0 oandies FtttJiTfl Opposite Postoflice, DUlJlf AM, N. 0. Open after every show. BASTIAN BROS'. CO., Manufacturing Jewelers, Engravers and Stationers. Engraved Invitations and Programs. Class and Society Pius. -v77J. , . . HOniKSTKIt. X. Y. EubanRs Drug Co. Prescription Specialists Chapel Hill - North Carolina "When in Raleigh, Go To Tucker Building Pharmacy For your Drinks and SmoKes On the Corner R. Blacllnall S Son, DRUGGISTS. DURHAM, N. C Axentd for Huyler's and ParK Q Tilford's Candlev.

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