THE TAR HEEL THE TAR HEEL Official Organ of the Athletic Asso ciation of the University of North Carolina. Published Weekly. BOARD OF EDITORS L. N. Mopoan. - - - Edftor-in-Chief ASSISTANT KDITORS-lN-CHIEF t B. II. Mebane D. L. Uiurts ASSOCIATE KorroRS B. D. Stephenson A. L. M. Wiggins J. H. Rand M. R. DunnacunJ Lenoir Chambers A. A. McKay R. W. Scott, Andrew Joynkr, Jr G. L. Carrinoton MANAGERS C. W. E. Pittman, - Business Manager F. L. Eri.Esa. - - Circulation Manager M. T. Spkaks. - Publication Manager Entered as wcond class matter at tin: postoflice at Chapel Hill, N. IV ' SeDtemlwr 11, 1911. Printed by The University Press, Chapel Hill, N. C. ' . Subscription Price, $1.59 Per Tear, Payable in advance or during the first term. Sintfla CopUs, 5 Cent. To the Tar Heel Foust Oh, you Tar Heel, growling "Faust" dog, Bristles raised upon your back, 'Ever snarling, barking, quarrel ing. Pray, what next will you attack? There's no peace livingroundyou, You are fussiug late and soon, If nothing's near you'll bay your shadow, Or perhaps will spy the moon. , Tar Heel Monk, now quit your fussing, Go on off and gnaw your bone, We've grown tired of your fierc cussing, Everything that's not your own. Fido, Tar Heel, quit your growl ing, Or the household you'll disgrace, Neighbors hear your constant fussing, And think this is a quarrelsome place. The above little masterpiece of poetic art appeared in typewritten form on the bulletin board Satur day morning. It was unsigned. In one corner was the picture of a fiercely bristling dog, which was brobably placed there as the seal, signature, orpicturecf the gentle man who wrote the poem. The person who wrote the poem has gained the unbounded grati tude of the editor. Never before has the editor been immortalized in verse, Often within his breast has stirred that same desire to leave behind some , mark of four year's life at college, which moved the opponents of the Juniors Prom to do what they did. And now, innocent of all guile himself, he finds greatness thrust upon him. Behind him will rise a monument more endur ing than brass, higher than the lofty pyramids of Egypt. His name has been writ in letters of imperishable gold. In the words of Shakespeare . "Not marble nor the gilded monument Of princes shall outlive this powerful rhyme." And for other reasons, too, the editor is glad. Though not a genius himself, to have served as the instrument for bringing to light such a genius is a consola He, -like theepic poets of old, has great value in previous years and treated of lofty subject in one ex- should prove of greater value at alted style. Besides, he has scored the coming term. the usual triumph which comes j The Summer School of the Uni frorn the anonymous use of per- j versity is rapidly poming to be sonalities. ' one of the most important depart-. The poem should have beennients of University' work. The triven to the editor for imblica-' school last summer from every tion. The columns of this paper point, of vf are open to any student of the successful University. Criticisms of the enrollment paper, the editor. r anything, or sumn,er f anybody else, when signed, will tegular co. beieceivedand cheerfully printed, character of a higi. gratify in During t! . scholars)! i Since the Prum lixs been deli mtely abolished lor the tune being Junior Week lias been left but two dances. Nome talk-- nas been made of a subscription dance by the dancing men of the junior class, but tins has been found to e impracticable. These facts seem to make it clear that t he i me has cotno to revive t lie Co il'ion Club organized last year mong the non-Ira t men. The dance given by the club last year was from all reports a success. The opportunity this year for the club to give ; a dance is much bet ter. It is to be hoped that the men interested will push matters. The complaint W often made that non-fraternity men are to a certain extent excluded from the social life of the University. robably they are. But one main reason why they are is that they make no effort of themselves to take part. Under the present conditions at every dance to which he goes the non-frat man is the guest of the fraternity men. He has no opportunity and he ap parently makes no effort to re turn the courtesy. This fact makes it impossible for some to accept the hospitality of the frat men. The matter is much too one-sided. The Cotillion Club has a fine chance to even matters It is to be hoped that the club will accept the opportunity. ' . . : ' ': PLANS NEARLY COMPLETE For the Summer Session of 1912. The Sum mer School Begins on the 11th of June Under the direction of Profes sor N. W. Walker, professor of Secondary Education in the Uni versity and director of the Sum mer School, extension plans for the summer session of 1912 are rapidly Hearing completion. It is planned to offer to the teachers of the State during the coming session the most interesting and useful courses in professional training which the University has been able to give since the estab lishment of the Department of Education in 1877. The summer term will begin on June It, shortly after the 117th commencement, and will continue until July 20, a period of six weeks. In addition to the instruction in the regular courses there will also be a series of late afternoon and special evening lectures to supplement and to add variety to the regular work of the school. Thedirector considers himself for tunate in being able to announce that among these lectures, a com ple'elist of which'll be given later, is the Hon. P. P. Clarton, Com missioner of Education of the United States. ' As a further help for the teach ers in attendance arrangements have again been made with the State Board of Examiners in Ral eigh, by means of which exami nations for the high school teach- tion. For the writer of this poem ers certihcate and the live year has certainly shown more genius State certificate may be taVcn at than has ever yet been displayed the University by members of the by any member of the' Junior school at the close of the term. by far the most .'m vears. The c',sel iroiu the .. 225: in all 27 ft ere iven. The rhi'work done was rade and was v ry the instructors, nit a summer seliooi ;J0 was established by the S .School Dramatic Club tojl. :ded by the direc tor of the . : ol to some worthy student in attendance at the next session oi the school. The se! i during the coming summer is expected by the direc tor to ,1 e larger and to do even better; work ' than that of last summer. ' rtp!e and cheap ac eomnux! nous both of rooms and boanl will lie provided. These together with the large number of courses' 4'to be offered, the soundness of the instruction given, ana the attractiveness oi the fmppiementary lectures will doubtless bring a large attendance and'i-ratii vinir results. - itw . - :'J j . ' 1 " v DaiigMcrs of Confederacy i To Give Supper ' On ft he e ehing of February 22 the Chapd Hill Chapter of the United Daughters of the Con federac) ivilljgive a supper at the University Inn. Barbecue, chick en sala-J', Brunswick stew, and oysters will, be served. The j ;.;ceqds of the supper will go to ;: purpose dear to the .heart of every Carolina , student the erection oi the monument on the University campus to the memory of the boys of the 60's Carolina men-fwho left the University to go to the War Between the States, nit. i i . i.i , hearted beys' is to be unveiled at next point icacement. It will be a gif to ta.: University from the United Daughters of the Con federacy of North Carolina. The supper, which will aid in securing the funds pledged by the Chapel Hill Chapter for the monument, comment itself ot necessity to ...... ; all Carolina students. 3 DOZEN $2. CARNATIONS. Cood blooms, but short sterns. Ilegular grade ; , $1 and $1.25 per dozen. J. Van Lindley Nursery Co.. GREENSBORO, N. C. : Geo. V. Strong, College Agent. ON DRUGGISTS. BIO I ii cm COLLEGE OF RICHMOND, "VA 5taart McQuire, M.R,President rrnTTiiTTis TiiairiMfHv jaswasryn Ok . . s jmVBlflWINQ NWFQUIPPJmij EIGHTY EXPERIENCED TEACHERS . EXCELLENT CLINICAL FACILITIES;, j MODERN LABORATORY METHODS FORIDESCRIPTIVE CAJAWGUE ADDRESS I One Piece Hammer hi The New Model Jftkaca, ' T 1 f htOl'e fl JM OK(t liiiUliM H i.Hmn it .mi l' iw unit .tra part in. in h-.'mI to tve i.iMiiuTvlut.Ui'P i imii' no'. Our :i!i;nmnr In nil one ' , l c . ilv imc . Lx.ii-, no t!k' or .limu Hr.i ti'-luil. n ci t . i'! nil ciK'kiiiK li-vt-r', Imr-, iuV r.i-. ji , li!miH'r-MUPmw :p 1 1' . i . ' l i t-vl t'.ivtit Horn to of : i.iuu'. ! . . Oai i iiMiiiifi- mm vi Ik listhan liRlf an im-' , t iiuu' only H8if a -wond. to I'lji-ine. St-wl ii'v nntivit. ii-.viv for liiiniiw-rH or inck ji n t-s a int" fr .!!. li.jvvi-m . i.ntin( aim K-i lin. Ctiil"Kii'' iTnMf. u irrn'.li s, i ".75 Mt t . , iK. li-t. : Jun Co. Box 123, Itb ca, N. T. SOUTHERN RAILWAY MOST IURliCT USE TO ALL P01ST& North, South, East, IFest CONVENIENT SCHEDULES FIRST-CLASS EQUIPMENT COMPLETE DINING CAR SERVICE Through Pullman SlecpingCars to all Principal Cities I'kincii'al Cities and Rksokts of Texas, California and Florida CAN B10ST 15E REACHED VIA The SOUTHERN RAILWAY If. you are contemplating a trip, it would lie wise to firnt con sult a repawn tat ivu of the SOUTHERN RAILWAY, wlio will gladly and courteously furnish you with any and all information as to rates, schedules, l'ullnian sleeping oar accommodations, etc. J. O. JONES, T. l A., 11. H. DeUUTTS, T. P. A. ItALKKill, N. C. ClIAUI-OTTK, N. C. S. II. 1IAHDW1CK, P. T. M., II. V. CAliV, (i. A., Washington, N. C. The Royal Cafe and Restaurant - (Under -New Maniwiiiciit) ! Metropolian' Old t'latt Open Day and Night Tables Reserved for Lad es. :: :: :: :: :: Quick and Polit" Scrvuti'. .Regular diu iicr 25 cents. We uimrauU'c lo lill oaeli order in live iiuuuIoh. tiive i s n trial and be convinced. ' $6 .110 Menl Ticket $5.00 $3.50 ticket, tor $;i.0O. tt9 East Main Strett. Next tc Model Furniium Housi-. Phone 487 DURHAM, N. C. ALL SORTS OF FURNI TURE -'''"at E. A. BROWN'S, Next to Pickwick. Picture Framing a Specialty. c" H. H. Patterson's ' (OPPOSiTE THE CAMPUS) j Wliere you will find Men'n Furnishings, Trunkfl, Dress Suit Cases, CarH't8, j KiiK, ready-niado Sheets, Pillow ' Cascfl, Towels, Bowls and pitchers, 'Kerosene oil heaters, Hardware i of all kinds, and everything ; that is good Ui eat. j MEET ME AT THE CIGAR STORE. There is Only One. Durham Cigar Store Co., Opporite PosloOice, 'DURHAM, N.O. Open after every show. Royal Borden Furniture Co, Durham - - North Carolina Dealers In High-Grade Furniture Furnishings for Students. Every thing for the Home. BASTIAN BROS'. CO., Jewelers, Engravers Stationers. dass-or senior fur that matter. This privilege has proven of A11 Goot!s Delivered Promptly Uox 778f Manufacturin an Engraved Invitations and Programs. Class and Society Pins. EubanKs Drug Co. Prescription Specialists Chapel Hill - North Carolina When in Raleigh, Go To Tucker Building Pharmacy For your Drinhs and SmoKes On. the Corner KOCJIKSTKU, N, V. R. BlacKnall Son, DRUGGISTS, DURIiAM, .... Kents for Huyler's and ParK Q Tilford's Candies N. C

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