mm TAR; Law! -t """ 1 lH OFFICIAL QRGANfOFvTH E ATH LETIC ASSOCIATION OF THE '; UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA VOLi. 20 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, CHAPEL HILL, N. C, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13 1912 NO. 20. SOPIIOwORE CLASS CELEBRATES 1914 Enjoys the Pleasure x)f oLIts, FirsUCIassJanquet. SOKE SPEECHES OF RARE WIANft SPICE After CleaingUp he Bountiful Feast Prepared, the Class Broke Loose in a Volley of Pistol Shots and Yells That Terrorized the Campus Meeting for the first time at a banquet, the class of 1914 Friday night assembled,sixty-nve strong, and more than did justice to the bountiful food prepared. It was a grand time for the Sophomores Spurred on by exhortations from the speakers, all of whom fairly stumbled over themselves in their eagerness to explain how glorious, how responsible, and how critical, a time the soph year was, class feeling mounted high er and higher until it reached its climax in a volley of pistol shots, blood cuidling yells, and ,a bond fire that scared every; .Freshman off the campus. The .banquet was a ; distinct success. The master hand of Marse Jesse, king of , banquet servers, was everywhere' seen in the excellent food and service. The speakers were at their best and all of them presented speeches full of sound advice and rare wit. C. E. Blackstock, president of the class, who acted as toast- master, started things off with an explanation, of the purposes of a class banquet and more partial larly of a soph banquet. , Prof. Collier Cobb was the first regular speaker. , He told entertainingly of his experiences as a young in structor .in. the University and compared present customs with those of former ' times. J. P Burke responded to him with a discussion of 'The Freshman" in which he told of the woes of that unhappy person.: Dr. Archibald Henderson re lated some of -his impressions and experiences in Europe. - He spoke of the- ideas that Europeans have of Americans, that America was thought-of as a country of iro ; vincial ism, o f , , corrupt po! i t ics, and of millionaires. In telling of the high opinions with which some - individual Americans, were regarded, he spoke of, the, honor and respect paid to Dr. C. Al phonso Smith; - His own beliefs regarding... America .,, were, Dr. Henderson, said; quite dif ferent, lie closed with a tribute to the genial nature and kindness of Americans.;, Dr- Henderson spoke in an exceptionally enter taining manner and his speech as received ' enthusiastically. ! 1 R.SfStrayhorn; j in ;u response, dwelt on .','The Sophomore" and the ideals he "should pursue -to reach his highest development. Dr. Booker, the "sine qua non" of a soph banquet, spoke in his own -bright manner r of., the , dif ferences between the sentiment at different colleges and of the ways to maintain the best sentiment here. Andrew JoynerV response Continued on Fourth PttK ElISTHiGUISHED MEMBERS! OETHE FRESHMAN GLASS D5 Get' Their Honorary Tiller Fronrthe,. Beloved andThoughtfuI Brethren of ' 1914 : Billiam .Huske: Taft named after t him. Concerning- him B V.' D. Maxwell has; written the following "pome": "Bill, cares . notif her eyes are brown., Gray, hazelhlack or blue, He cares not if her hairbe'dyed, Or bought each spriug"anew. No matter. if she's short or tall; No matter if she's fat or thin; But one thing Bill requires of all, And, that is that is that they're feminine. And, if ihe girls Twerer ('lowed to vote,:. .' There'd be no , president; race, For a Harmon,v. Teddys yWofidrow aiur ' j Could not keep up with Hus key's pace." " B. V. D. is a wonderful "pote", author of various , near j pomes one called "Braving, the Rapids-Tor Neilie, the Beautiful Cloak Model.'! . W. L. Carr; Has been chris tened Grouchy. Harding: Dictionaries and en cyclopedias have been searched in vain. . Whitfield, Lord J. Vivien: The basso dramatist. Gas Bag Mallette: Salisbury' srifted i wrangler, from-, "Noo Yawk". -. Styron,, Conrad, Little Isley Artists Model Elite Trio. Killifer,. Barker, Lindau,- Har per: Rotten Egg Quartette Jones, president: The Hypo critically Immaculate Economist Austin Carr: Avoirdupois, or inclining toward obesity. Boushall: The gods have left him to be his own guide. How sad! Charles Mangum: Eleemosy nary, or supported by charity. Williams: Ravenous Warren. ; Price:. Centipede., McLeod: Has a lot of business with Prof. Patterson. I Singleton: Parasite. Dunbar: Slightest of the In significant. Baugham: The Minute Man. Stpin! God made him. Let him pass. iiack and Bascom Whitaker: The Heavenly Twins. Parshley: An Indigestible Vegetable. Odam, Red Mead: : Jbriend ol Baugham-t hat's enough. Pruden: - Assininely lie grins. Cantwell: f Monkey Shiner. Dickson: A i candidate for the track team when it snowed. Waldrop: Pug Nose. Red Martinj.The Missing Link. Paty: The Suckling Babe. Lusby: The Nurse. Woolcott:, Prodigy of '15. Tom Gilmer; ; 'The: Man that made Norfolk a Summer Resort. Thaddeus Lilly: The xModest Gym Bull, or Adonis the Acrobat. Spenser: llow a coat or oiacK- ing would fit him. W. W. Thomas: An Animaieu Fence Rail. Mallette, the Musician: Biggest feet and prettiest mouth. Legs Rouse: Keddy Alien s Continued on fourth paj DEMOCRATS SWEEP THE COLLEGE Woodrow Wilson as First Choice Leads by an Over whelming Majority RECEIVES84.9PERCENT OF DEMOCRATIC VOTE A Total of 492 Ballots Cast. Wilson and Roosevelt the Favorites in Their , Respective Parties. Only One Suf fragette in College Woodrow Wilson 350; Theo dore Roosevelt 57; Oscar Under wood 38; William H Taft 21. Judson Harmon 21; Cliamp Clark 2; La Folette 2; William J. Bry an 1. Such was the result of a total of 492 votes cast at the election last Thursday, The election was aj' great suc cess. From the time the polls were opened at 9:45 a. m. " until they closed at 4:00 p. m. Stu dents and faculty alike were busy in exercising their rights as citi zens of the college; community. At the faculty prepint in the Bursar's office 35 members of the faculty voted. Six more voted at the general polling place in the Y. M. C. A. Of tU. students 452 voted. There is only one suffragette in college! ! She, how ever, represents 50 percent of the co-eds in the University. Besides this, she showed her ability, to discriminate among the many candidates, and her right to have the privilege of equal suffrage, by voting the leading . ticket: Wilson, first choice; Underwood, second choice. ! The Democrats beat the Grand Old Party, both its progressive and its conservative wings, and its La Follette insurgency, "to a frazzle." Their majority over the Republicans was 332. - As first choice Woodrow Wilson, of course, led the Democratic ticket. He received 84.9 per cent, of the total Democratic vote. At the faculty precint Wilson received 4 times as many votes lor nrst choice as the other candidates combined. The vote at the Bursar's office stood: Wilson 28; Underwood 2; Harmon 2; Taft 1; Roosevelt 2; Clark 0; La Follette 0; Debs 0. Although Wilson's majority among the students was not as great, it ' nevertheless was overwhelming. The Democratic vote among , the students; was: Wilson 322; Underwood 35; -Har mon 19; Clark 2. Of the Republican candidates Theodore Roosevelt led the ticket among the students. He received 55 votes: Taft 20: and La Follette 2 for first-choice. The dread of a third term seemed to have but little effect on the students. Not only were 55 votes cast for the hero of San Juan Hill, Darkest Africa, etc. etc. as first choice but also 33 votes were cast for lim as s second choice. 25 men who voted for Woodrow Wilson as first choice voted for Roose velt as second choice. 11 men voted for Roosevelt first; Wilson second. In the faculty Roosevelt received 2 votes, Taft 1; La toilette 0. As second choice for President Continued on fourth pafr BAD WEATHER1NTERFERES WITH BASEBALL PRACTICE A Forecast of the Lineup jn , Friday's Came With Oak Ridge, Insti-.; tute . , With, the first scheduled t game of the i9i2 baseba1i season s just two days off, yet with the Ath letic Field in about -the same fix that Franklin Avenue isbecause of the recent snows, hails,. and rains, what can you expect from a coach or team, or what from a dope artist? The; idiamond i reminds one more of an .; immense -yellow pancake2that in antique days de- lighted our souls, -than a place for athletesto perform for the crackof the bat and the satisfy ing thud of a ball in a baseman's glove. ' . The continuous and continual bad weather has prevented i single lineup of Varsity' against scrub. Had it not beetii for the work outs of last week coach nor captain nor side a line -star i would known whom - to- send - gently but firmly 'back to the class field. Candidates for the ' battery ) po sitions have been working; every afternoon in the Gym but scarce ly any real chance has-'been giv en to batters and - fielders.-- The field is even ; now in such a con dition that it is impossible to say whether the game,,; with Oak Riidge can be played .Friday or not. Coach, is very, anxious,, to piay. the the game,,. in order, to give the team a severe test and work out. ! Due to all these , conditions, Coach Clancy is unable to make any prophecy , concerning.- the pt'rsonel of, the team for the year or. the fitness of any ; candidate. He can give only an approximate lijneup for the coming game. S wink or Abernathy will do the receiving. The "Old Head," because of his habit of nailing the elusive sphere squarely on the head, seems to have the call,, on "Little Ab." However, the lat ter is working hard and consist ently. At, first , Whitaker and Leak are having a trood , battle. . The one that hits will play. , Armstrong, and Bailey are fighting for,, second. Bailey handles his , glove, in fine style, and with a little more confidence in himself should make his letter. Irby is the only candidate for short. Dad is an old hand at the job. i On third Bur, JEd wards, has no competitor. He is , fielding. ,his position in the same,,, manner,. as he did last year, , and . has im proved some with the stick. ;', Mason or Bill Young will take care of left field. Here again if's a case of who, uses the stick. Page and Hane handle center and right.. Page is in good form, and Hanes has improved greatly. The pitching staff will be com: posed of Lee, Wpods, .Lanier, and Nicholson. Lee, according to the classic phrase, "needs no introduction." He's got the goods. Woods is a new man but is showing up well. He, has plenty of steam and a build that will withstand the strain of a Continued on third page CAROLINA DE FEATS. DAVIDSON n the first, IntercoDegiafe j Gym JJeet Ever Held in j ChapeliHill ; VICTORY WON BY CLOSE SCORE 23 TO 22 The Teams About Evenly Matched. j- But Davidson Shows, Better Form in Execution 'Saturday .night Carolina pulled off "the first Gym Meet in the history of the institution. She met Davidson and defeated the Presbyterians by.the narrow margin- of one point Carolina 23 - -Davidson, 22., ! The, contest , was, gqodand was , enjoyed .by , the spectators, .who ,,' liberally applauded , the , various ; contestants in the meet. Many o those who witnessed the con-, . te!st pamef. out pn account, of the, novelty ,of the ,, thing,, Few had . eter seen. a Gym Meet and conse- . quently they wanted to know ' what one was like. ; They, found out, and they. liked it. , 4 j The teams, as the score shows, were about evenly matched., Caro li'tta was . much , the better on , 'stunts''. Her stunts were, for , the most part, of a much more . diffiicult nature than - the , ones pklled off by Davidson, .The Pjresbyterians, , however, , showed much;, better. form.((;Theyi went , thrpugh their performances, with. -; niore ease and, showed that they . , had been working to master dif- . ferent stunts. j The regulations covering, the meet were: Each team was. to !s enter not more than six men in. etch event.., Each man, entering ah event might perform hot more, tljan six figures in, that event., In. each event ? the judges were , to wake, three awards. The team securing first place received 5 points; second, 3; third, !. The events included the horizontal bar,,, parallel bars, horse, rings, and mats. . j Davidspq, captured,, threef first , places,. and Carplina. two, Mackey , . showed up .best. for, the Pr,esbyte-. -. nans dv contriDuting- evenen., points, ,to his. team's score. , Alli son. did,theIflbest - wpfk -for; Caro-, . Una,, coring- eight ;poins.:ii Cur-. rie ,pf Davidson, also . appeared to ady,antaget; but . his., : otherwise clever,.work vas marred, by several, , , unfortunate , misses, which, j pre-,, , vested, , good , getaways.. , On the , horizontal , and .the parellel,,, . bat$r Allison , . shqwed r splendid r j fdrm and seceived much applause.,,; from- the spectators. t: Thacker . , of . Davidspi; exhibited great . cleverness in performing his . stunts and won six points, for his team. Htighes' . .. mat work, was good. lie got away in style with . everything; he ., triedeven ;l his ; , impromptu signals to,. Allison, He was closely followed ;by Clary and Mackey of Dayidson,r, Tay- , lor's work was good but did, not , quite justify a first award. .He,, . ; however, captured, two second ,,, places... As side . issues Dr. Lawson's Oontloued on fourth page

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