.f J .HDEEL OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA VOL. 21 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, CHAPEL HILL, N. C, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18. 1912 NO. 14 ALUMNI COME TO AID OF ATHLETICS VICE-PRESIDENT TO SPEAK HERE McLENDON ELECTED GRADUATE MANAGER "SKEET" COBB LEADS VICTORIOUS TEAM AND ASK FOR A SHARE OF CONTROL , THE TAR At a Conference With Representatives From the Faculty and the Students They Submit a Plan of Reorganization The most significant step that has been taken in Carolina athlet ics injears was made Monday night when representative Al umni at a conference with the Faculty and students demanded a share in the running of athlet ics. The definite result of the con ference was the recommendation that two committees be formed, on both of which the Alumni are to be represented, one committee to have charge of procuring coaches, the other to have the actual management of athletic affairs, schedules, supplies, look ing for material, etc. The significance of such a meeting as was held, however, cannot be measured in a few words. For years the Alumni have felt that they could help the situation with their experience and advice and knowledge of local conditions. Through succes sive Seasons of humiliating defeat this feeling has grown stronger and stronger and their demand for recognition has become loud er. The avalanche on Thanks giving Day brought matters to a head. Immediately a call was issued for a conference and the session lasting well past mid night on Monday was the result. Representing the Alumni at this meeting were:Walter Murphy.and Stahle Linn, of Salisbury, Brent I)rane, George Thomas, and J. A. Parker of Charlotte, Albert Cox, Perrin Busbee and Dr. Claud Ab ernathy of Raleigh, W. F. Carr and Dr. Foy Roberson of Durham, J- M, Thompson of Graham, and James A. Gary, Jr. of Winston, salem. From the Faculty were Drs. Venable, Herty, Mangum, Raper, Howell, Henderson, Rovster, and Professors Graham Patterson, and Winston. Rep resenting the students were L. P. McLendon, graduate manager. W. E. Wakeley, president of the Athletic Association, former cap tain W. S. Tillettof the football team, and the new captain L. L Abernathy, Walter Stokes, and Frank Graham from the Greater University Council, and G. L. Carrington, Editor of the Tar Heel. ' These men discussed the athletic situation from every view-point for over four hours. Many of the Alumni and Faculty were old Carolina athletes and their opin ions bore much weight. It was unanimously agreed that the Alumni system of coaching is correct in. theory and by all means the desirable system, provided Alumni sufficiently trained could give their time. This seem ed to those present, impossible just now. The old system where by conches were secured each year from a different institution, sometimes Yale, sometimes Penn sylvania, sometimes Princeton, sometimes another place, was un animously condemned. It has been tried and found wanting. The plan proposed by the Alum ni is made up from plans now be ing used at Princeton and Har vard. It is distinguished by introducing the feature of con tinuity. The head coach shall be procured fornot less than three years. He may thus evolve a system of coaching that shall be distinctly Carolinian; a nucleus shall be left to start the year with which has already been trained by the coach. The phtn provides that a com mittee of seven men to be formed, lour alumni to be chosen by the Alumni Council, the remaining three members by the present Athletic Council, one of which three must be a member of the faculty, the other two may be students. This committee will have eivire charge of the coach ing. It will hire the head or res ident coach, it will arrange for the alumni coaches to come to the University during the season It will also provide for the ex penses of coaching, the Athletic Association to guarantee as an aid in meeting expenses $1,000 a year and half of the net profits. The Athletic Association will not pay one thing, except the regulor $1,000. All deficits will be met by the alumni. Those present at the meeting were very positive that the money could be easily obtained. ' This assumption of the expenses by the alumni is stricking proof of their earnest ness. . In addition to the coaching committee there should be a resi dent cemmittee of four members composed of two faculty mem bers, the graduate manager, the piesident of the Athletic Associa tion, and the head coach. This committee shall have power to make schedules, purchase sup plies, make local arrangements, scour the state for material etc. Representation on these two committees will insure the alumni a hand in controlling affairs. I hey expressly stated that if the plan failed, its failure would be the fault of the alumni. It is understood that the eoaching committee will secure coaches for football and baseball. Alumni present' spoke in high terms of Nat Cartmell and said that by all means he should b.v retained. For head coach the name of 'Doggie" Trenchard was sug gested and it was evident that he is favored by the majority of the alumni. That, however, will be decided later. The plan for the two commit tees have been handed over to the Athletic Council. That body has supreme power now and it lies with it to accept or refuse j the advances of the alumni. Commencement Address Will be made by Thomas R. Marshall of Indiana DR. VENABLE GIVES OTHER NEWS Baccalaureate Sermon by Dr. Mullins of Kentucky. After Christmas Lights Will be on All Night Vice-President-elect Thomas R. will come to Chapel Hill at com mencement next June and deliver the principal address. Dr. Ven able, announced this most wel come news to the executive com mittee of the Board of Trustees, in Raleigh, December 13th. The visit of the Vice-President will mean much to North Caro lina and to Chapel Hill. His presence here at commencement will undoubtedly attract many visitors. It is especially signifi cant in view of the fact that only two years ago the address was made by Woodrow Wilson. That within two years the men who later were elected President and Vice-President of the United States should thus come to Chapel Hill speaks much for the outside reputation of the Univer sity. The Vice-Prv' nt-elect is at present Governor of Indiana. He is accounted a speaker of un usual ability. During the past campaign he spoke frequently and always with telling effect. . Dr. Venable announced at the same time that the baccalaureate sermon would be preached by the Reverend E. Y. Mullins, D. D., President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary at Louis ville. One other welcome piece of news was made public. Starting soon after Christmas the electric lights will burn all night. Here tofore they have stopped at mid night; from sunset to sunrise is the decree now. Go it, you book worms! DREW NEW MANAGER Boushall and Paty Elected Assistants in Football Frank Drew, '14, of Live Oak, Florida, was elected manager of the 1913 football team at the Athletic Association meeting Dec. 14th. Dreg's victory over his apponent, the vote standing 123 to 22. ... The new manager has disting uished himself during his term as assistant by his close applic ation to dnty and qy his unques tioned business ability. Working under the graduate manager, McLendon, he .should make the 1913 successful, from a financial point of view a teast. As assistants the Athletic As sociation elected T. C. Boushall and B. E. Paty, both Sophomores. The only other bufiness trans acted was the election of I. R. Willioms as Wice-Prasident of the Association, in place of Ray mond Tee, who is not in college. Athletic Council Selects For mer A. and M and University Football Manager THE POSITION IS AN IMPORTANT ONE Carolina Wins From A. and M. in Cross-country Run, 14 Points to 26 FIRST SUCH EVENT EVER HELD HERE Graduate Manager Has Charge of All the Business Management of the Athletic Association L. P. McLendon has been elected Graduate Manager by the Athletic Council of the Athletic Association. He will begin his duties a once. According to the Constitution the Graduate Manager " shall have charge of all matters - of business concerned in the manag ment and handling of the var ious athletic teams and of all Athletic activities carried on under the direction of the Ath letic Association". He has charge of all supplies purchased arranges all schedules, and to gether with Mr. C. T. Woollen will act as treasurer. For this important position the Athletic Council has secured a man eminently fitted. Mc Lendon graduated at A. & M., took law at the University and is now ...practising in Chapel Hill and taking post-graduate studies. At A. & M. he managed the football team; and this past fall he assumed the duties of Man ager after Mebane's resignation. His long experience, his training, and his recognized ability should enable him to be successful with this work. . : . PROFESSORS READ PAPERS TO CHEMISTS The Chemical Journal Club met last Monday evening for the most interesting and instructive meeting this term. Instead of the usual papers by students of the department, the chemical faculty read most interesting papers on their own special hobbies. Dr. Herty opened the discussion with two papers, one on the com plexity of tellurium, and the other on the action of catalysers. The subject of tellurium was brought up by an article in one of. the recent journals question ing the work done on this much mooted discussion. The article left the difficulty still unsettled. The article on catalysers showed by some recent work on palladium that catalytic action of plat inum in the chamber process for the manufacture of sulfuric acid is probably due to its occlusion of hydrogen from the water neces sarily present. Dr. Wheeler gave the next article, one on the synthesis of organic dyes. He dwelt more especially on the history and uses of artificial dyestuffs. Dr. Bell closed the evening with a paper on that most inter esting subject, the rare earth metals, a review ot some work by Meyer. Altho his paper was cut short for lack of time, he pre sented some quite new facts upon the separation and properties of these comparative strangers in the great chemical family. Cobb Senstational Win from' Smith of A. and M. the feature of the Race "Which was Witnessed by Large ; Crowd. ' : A shot! They're off! Cobb, Smith, of A. & M, , "Big" Patterson, and Spence leading the race abreast. There they go, gradually string ing out along the road. In a very few minutes the six Car olina and five A. & M. men were out of sigh t over the hill. The big crowd of 500 or more students and citizens cover the sidewalks and the streets about the post-office. All is suspense now. It will be over twenty minuates before the tireless run ners come into sight again from their 4 mile run. A low murmur settles over the crowd. There they are on the hill! Scarcely 20 minutes have passed. There they are not a half mile away! Smith of A. & M. and Cobb are running ride by side. Only a few steps behind come "Big Pat" and Spence. The crowd surges over the street. Gradually a narrow lane opens down the middle. At the other end a hundred yards from the finish are Smith and Cobb, Smith now a few steps in the lead. "Come on Skeet come on old boy" , shouts the crowd. And " Skeet" comes. With a burst of speed he evens up with Smith. Neck and neck they rush for the tape On they come hardly twenty-five yards away. Faster and faster they sprint. With a new spurt, Cobb forges ahead and crosses the tape sev eral yards in the lead. The crowd goes wild. "Open-up - open-up", the cry rings out. Spence rushes across the line, only a few seconds be hind the leaders. "Big" Patter son follows just three yards be hind Spence. Tnere comes an other A. & M. boy. Horton; he finishes next. Right after him came Kansom and Whiting, sep arated by only a step. "Little' Fat is not far behind. Two more A. & M. men come in and the the race is over, the last A. & M. man not finishing. The lour first men of each tem score according to their positions at the finish, the team making the smallest score winning. Thus Carolina won her first cross-country run by the score of 14 to 26. Cobb's time was 22 minutes, 27 seconds. COUNTY CLUBS FORM A TRUST At a meeting of all County Club men, called by Prof. E. K. Graham on Monday night, it was decided to join all the clubs into an organization for the purpose of bringing the State in close connection with the University, t 'Si If: t- I) 3 : ! : 1 r