THE TAR HEEL Weather Report: Honest, Rhody, Weather Report:' It's snowing this time OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA vol. 22 UNIVERSITY OF. NORTH. CAROLINA, CHAPEL HILL, N. C, THURSDAY. MARCH 12, 1914 NO. 21 TEAM IS READY FOR OPENING GAME In Spite of All Exam Mis fortunes a Strong Team in Si PROBABLE LINE UP FOR FRIDAY PICKED. With the first game dead ahead Earl Mack is steering his team head on with all steam on. Un less breakers interfere there will be a collision tomorrow and either Oak Ridge or Carolina will see Davy Jones' locker before the week is out. The baseball fiends have had a taste of spring- sandwiched be tween layers of snow, and if the present taste will 'continue long enough to make a full meal, Car olina will sec her team in fine fighting trim before many days have oast. The diamond has been rcpolished, and the ground ers no longer jump up suddenly to meet you. Phoebe will have fewer ridges to mount as he lopes through the right garden. The team is on solid ground and is fast developing. For the last week a game has been started adout 3:00 every evening, and with fresh men be ing continually interchanged in the different positions,evcry even in ir has riven about two and a half hours .continual work-out. The results have given Coach a fair line on his men, although as yet no definite selection can be made; for it takes a full season to pick a team. General Lee is bringing around a pitching staff and in the prac tice games played good form has already been show. Bun Ilearuc, of the New York team, has been helping out with his left. To pick from we have Williams, Watktns, Johnson, S b l e 1 (I s Foust, Craven, and even more We .are strong on catchers, too Hart, Woodall, Knowles, Bur nette, Love, and Angel are out This list gives us high promises for a strong battery for the "eiv tire season. '"'.''' In the infield we have Captain Bailey on 2nd, Patterson or Nor- ris for first, Rousseau, Royster, or Polk for short. Lewis or Laughran probably on 3rd. In the outfield Johnson, Bailey, Turbybill, Long, Litchfield, and others are showing up in great style. Again, the hitting ability of the team cannot be determined. Straight drives, flies out of the fielders, reach, and well placed grounders have , been much in evidence, and since Oak Ridge is said to be strong in her batteries, we .may well look lorward good' test of the ability of teams tomorrow. We cannot say with any degree o certainty CLASS TRACK MEET NEXT ej?NI0RS GATHER rnn i i ot n a MAiirT Coach Carlmpll Savs Ho libs rlllvLilJl DHlUfil Em Green c i i . ouccviico iiueiCMiun dim Practical President Leach Presided. A man told Coach Nat the other day that he would like to come out on the track and run, but was afraid he would be in the way Coach immediately suspended his other engagements for ten minutes and tried to impress on the young- student the eternal fact that the track runs around the Smith Buildingfor no other purpose than to be run on, and that this Uni versity can't run unless a big crowd from every class comes out and run. On March 28 two weeks from now the class meet will be held Every man, Senior or Fresh man or in between, should have a hand in this. If you think there is nobody else in college quite as bow-legged, skinny-ribbed, and short-winded as you, come out from now until class day and see how many other short-winded fel lows you can beat. Coach says the greener you come, the better he will like you. The Fresh and Soph classes have not yet turned out their reasonable number of candidates. Coach is glad of every 'opportunity to get hold of a man who never ran before. And ever)' man who goes to him will find the hour he spends on the track the best hour of the day. Remember this: The Varsity men are not allowed to enter the class contest. You will be up against men no more trained than yourself. Come out and beat them. If you dr n't know the way to the track, ask your class mana ger or any of the old track men. They will be glad to show you. The Varsity season opens on April 4th., when we meet Wake Forest here. The team will take trips to Raleigh, Blacksburg. Va. (V. P. I.), and Baltimore (South Atlantic meet). Out of the class teams must come new A STRONG CROUP OF SPEAKERS HEARD. On Friday night the grand ok 1914 assembled at the Inn for the last and bestjjbanquet of its un dergraduate days. The long tables were appropriately with eignt paiaie-gratitying courses and headed by those Princess of College Speakers, Prof., Williams Prof. Stacy and Mr. Moss. President Uscar L,each, as Toastmaster, turned a genial light upon the company from the beginning, and took advantage of the well-fed good nature of the class to tickle its vanity continu ally. The occasion was marked by a high order of good feeling associated with a serious consid eration of the position of Senior life. , , ; "We need," said Oscar Leach in his opening remarks, "a class bulletin to keep each one of us in touch with the progress of all We might expect to read there five years from now news of the greatest interest, for instance, that Benjamin Franklin Aycock had been married to the beautifu and accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. So-and-so; or that Mr. Troy Isaiah Jones had as sumed his duties as Editor of Life." , The first speaker called on was Lenoir Chambers. Of course that srentleuian protested that we ought noi to expect him to make a speech. And then he turned the light on present day athletics especially in our own State. "What we need, he said is a spirit of high ideals in athletics. And the irood part about this is that if we are clean and right in athletics we will carry this same Varsity sP'ri i"0 every part of our life." material. In particular a broad 1 jumper is needed. Whatever you . have done or can't do, the track is the best thing you can get ac quainted with this spring. We need you. To-day is the time. to a both McNair Lectures Announced. The subjects for the McNair Lectures to be delivered by Pro fessor George E. Vincent on April 15-18 have been announced. The general subject is "Social Vision". The individual topics , , , r i j i " are: v irst nigut, "larger seiusn ness"; second night, "Community Couscience";third night, "Social ized Relitrion." Professor Vin- o cent, who is President of the University of Minnesota, and The first "faculty"speaker was Mr. Moss. He praised this cam pus as having the atmosphere conducive to the growth of the "liberated mind," pointing out that efficiency and the "charm of personality" are alike needed in successful work. Jesse Pugh re sponded to Mr. Moss in a plea to the Class so preserve its unity after graduation. . Professor Williams was next called on. "A new type of states man has appeared," said the Professor, "whom I would com mend to you". He called atten tion to the fact on the day be fore, President Wilson had con tradicted his party platform and turned Congress with him in his direct appeal to do the right CAROLINA ENDS A PECULIAR SEASON Lost Fire Varsity Men At Critical Times. Won Over Half. Still SCORE 584 POINTS TO OPPONENTS 555 POINTS. Date Dec. 9. Chapel Hill Dec. 14 Chapel Hill Dec. 29. Charlotte Dec. 30. Charlotte Jan. 14. Durham Jan. 30.-Guilford Jan. 31. Elon College Eeb. 6. Chapel Hill Feb. 9 Raleigh Feb. 14.' Wake Forest Feb. 16. Raleijrh BASKETBALL SUMMARY 13-'14 At Carolina 15 Carolina 37V Carolina 43 Carolina 52 -Carolina 37 Carolina 23 Carolina 29 s Carolina 28 v Carolina 27 Carolina 30' Carolina 44 Carolina 38 y Carolina 29 Carolina 25 Carolina 2,9 Carolina 41 v Feb. 19. Chapel Hill Feb. 23. Raleigh Feb. 27. Orange, Va Feb. 28. Lexington, Va Mar. 2. Staunton, Va Mar. 3. Lynchburg, Va Carolina 34 Mar. 4. Charlottesville Carolina 23 Total Elon College 21 Durnam Y. M. C. A. 24 Charlotte Y. M. C.A. 32 Charlotte Y. M. C. A. 29 Durham Y. M. C. A. 42 Guilford College 22 Elon College 16 W a ke Forest 24 Virginia 07 Wake Forest 39 Durham Y. M. C."A. 28 Guilford College 13 ' Wake Forest 32 Wooaberry 21 V. M. I. 37 S. M. A. 10 Lynchburg Y. M. C. A. 42 Virginia 56 Carolina 584 Onnnnonts ;xs THE TABULATED SCORES BELOW CORRESPOND wrnr THE GAMES ABOVE Field Goals Fouls. o U' o 3 -4 o 3" 3 t O 3 .3 9 7 3 3 4 2 3 3 6 5 5 1 4 6 6 3 5 7 8 6 3 4 4 8 8 3 9 6 3 a 3 3 rt 3 3 V5 . 2 6. 'r o 3 o 2 3 3 . O o o Cu w O 3 2P 3 o 09 3 d O 3 3 Tr. l-t . . w 3 Cu 1 n 2 1 1 3 2 o 3 3 n 4 3 : 5 10 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 12 4 7 2 7 1 6 7 9 12 Total 73 83 Mere facts: 9 16 Carolina 9 4 0 3 2 2 70 41 ten, losinsr eierht. in this season, played 18 games, winning Four games were played on the home floor; 3 Fourteen games were played on foreign floors; of these were won won; 7 lost. During the season Carolina lostfrom first-pick men Edwards Tandy, Homewood, Andrews, and Chambers. In other words a full team of players equal in quality to the varsity team Tandy and Ddwards were lost the day before the Virginia game, Homewood before the Wake Forest game, which lost us our chance at the Stale championship. Carolina 18 games played; 10 won, 8 lost; percentage 555. 7 games played with colleges of State; 4 won, 3 lost; percentage, 571. - To the Dialectic Society, As trpasnrpr nf thf funds ml- also President of the Chatauqua thinff regarding our obligations' ected for the Aycock Memorial Institution of New York, is one connected with the Panama canal .. iast enrino- T wish to make but the pr,bable ol the most interesting and slim- tons Albert Holmes, in re- i,0 wu,;(r rrt- line-up for tomorrow's game with uiating speakers in the country. sponse, brought up the matter of The pr;Ce of the cup was$75.00 Oak Ridge will be: 1 Ag president of the University of g-iving any student a,secon exam- and it has been settled for in full. Rai W sVcoucl Minneosota, one of the largest illation within thirty days to re- There is a balance due of $4.00, RousJeau, short ' colltges in the United States, he movc a 5 ma(le in January. j to the treasurer j dollars of Lewis, third f. ,has revolutionized educational Dcan StacJf in the last of the . whreMt; th Johnson, outlield methods in the state, fhere is faculty seeches, said that amidst a1 interested may know how the r" UB".,V..' ereat demanrt. lor - I'ro lessor vin- the manv new t nns-s ottered, he matter stands- been t ... .,ir :a I4UUH, UUUlCiu . ,, ,1. 4l. n .. . . . , r ...,. ..- Williams or Watkins, pitcher cent as a er uoui . - wantcu to make a pica ior me- yiy ITart catcher and west. Coutinued ou Third Tape. ' (bigned) C. L. Mcintosh. Dramatic Club pins have awarded to: W. I). Kerr, II. M. Blalock, and J. A. Capps. Those who are on the cast who received them last year are: Conrad, Weeks, Coggin, Pitts, and Boseman. The coaches, Profs. Booker and McKie award these pins. Professer Bernard spoke at Raeford last Friday night on "Education and Culture".