f tl Ef TAR TI EGL - t THE TAR HEEL KOJE ATHLETIC REFORM TA1K. Official Orgaa oi am Athletic Asso ciation of Hip University of ' North Carolina. the Tar Hkeis view when it an nounces that we think athletic reform is needed in the" colleges of North Caroliua, but that the time is not yet ripe. The time has been ripe for a good ma 113 years and right now it is so ripe th in Carolina, the Tak -IIkki. declares most emphatically that athletic reform is needed to-day 'i'i North Carolina But, 'at the same time, we think the proposed plan is not practical. Jf the seven North Carolina nisti tutions played no teams outside To be entered as second class matter at the tnc State, it would he satisfactory. Tom Jones, of Ashevillc, was .the Kalagi limes mistakes! .j , ' 11" JJ1.IS11K1 Wf.EKJ.Y. KOAliD OF KDITOlisj Lkxoik Cham bkks. Ju. .- Kditor-in-Chief Waltph Filler r Managua Kditor ASSOCIATE KDIT0I5H S. W. Whiting Jons Cansi.ku McDamki, Lhwis, . . D. Iuli.hh-'kii TAX Linn ' ' ' "'. M. l-ti JIANAGKHS . . - ; L. R. Johnston - - Business Manager C. E. Riivis, - - Assistant Manager B. L. Frui.n - - Assistant Manager s1 an. PATTEKSON DBUGGISTS. MOS., roars and right now tt is so npo T T7 :hat it is .'almost rotten. Speak- i 8 no- for the University of North I " " 'V J 0 J I tiii TtiMiiini 1 k rirwwiiiTirnnnnnTi turn nrrfi Tur'Tiir hit t.., . it ORANGE DRUG CO. po-toilke at Chapel JI ill, X. 0. Printed by The University Press, Chapel Hill, N. C. Subscription Price, $1.50 Per Year, Payable in advance or during the - ivrst t -nil. Single Copies, 5 Cents. TWENTY-ONE YEARS OLD. My ! My ! I Io w t i m c d oes fly ! On February 23, 1893 the Tak Hkel crept shyly out ot the minds aUpt ruies lhat w;n invoiv But these seven North Carolina institutions do not form an ath letic unit; they are not off by themselves. On the contrary, they are so closely attached to institutions in other states that what touches one should touch the other. So long1 as the succ ss of the University football team isi measured by the result of the Virginia game, no one can reason ably expect the University to e a G. C Pickard & Son LIVERY STABLE LOCATED ON ROSEMARY ST. NEAR TELEPHONE EX CHANGE STYLISH TL UN OUTS AT YOUR SERVICE ALL THE IT ME: : : : WANT A TEAM? CALL 30 G. C Pickaid, Pvlanagf Approval ot a tew pioneers in the Umversi- severe handicap in that contest, . I . ty, looked around wonderingly at No coneo-e in Virginia, we be-1 the old buildings, blinked oikx lievc has Uie proposed rules? a!ld or twice, and finally, gathering yet the Virginia"and'North"C!ir- 11 II Aii a t . I ..... -- .i - -ntr. courage, oiuru:u ouctne newsinai n;nn rnll,rpS an- mntinuallv YOU AUK WKLCOMK AT THe Royal Cafe THE JiEST IN TOWN l-X,)R ROTH LADIES AND GENTLEMAN The Chapel IJill-Durhani Auto Station . GREGORY S. WALL1XS CO., Proprietors. THE UNIVERSITY PRESSING CO. KUTTZ RUILDING - - - JU'EL 1J. HYATT, Proprietor ('leaning, Tressing, Altering Satisfactory Service - . . - Promnt Deliveiv Cyrvts Thompson, Jr. LIFE-INSURANCE 4 i rr, The College Man V Contrabf. 5? OFFICE OVKK KLUTTZ'S HAliERDASHERY The H ol lacla y Studio High Class Photography DURHAM, N. C. Studio in Chapel Hill open on -Wednesdays Studios in both Chanel Hill and Durham OPPOSITE POST OFFICK 1MIONK477 Our policyholders, with un it had come into this world to L)laJ.ing each otlier The ideal LiistaknMc eniphaHs, have pl.-u-.-d stay, "the official organ of thesolut:on woul(i be a s0llth Atlan- their stamp of approval on this coin- Athletic Association of the Uni- ticTutercollegiate Athletic Asso- i,;in-v versity of North Caolina". On ciatiorl) modeled after the S. I. February 23, U14 the Tak IIkkl, a a or the Western Conference, Ovef One-Teilth therefore, was twenty-one years controlling every important col- old, a full grown man, able to t re n this scction. From such vote the Democratic ticket, an association will come athletic of the utire h"h "f i not afraid of a razor. And weL..r :e : , , k written on the lives of people 1 ICIUl 111, 1' 11 IS C V CI IU LUIUC t 'II- I . Ill nrAW wprp rt h.,v Hi a fim . . . 'V, - W,JU 'i"e:iuy arm j - jecti,veiy, which is uouduui.v generation, that the momentous tl.)t the rulcs wi not be adoptcK PilOt PoliClGS date supped by without the The Tar m stated e(litorially slightest recognition. Twenty- last weck that ,.the pain trutl) one years old-twenty-oue years f tt is that the recom- mendations will not become rules''. behind us and the whole wide i No stronger endorsement of their faith in the company could be given. Many Carolina alumni have made world in front. Two weeks late W(? see no reasou to alter tlllt Lou(i in .lhe rankt, of the "Pilot though it is, we send forth gladly statem01lt leaving the ILii the the other six I . . I' 1. ...1 '. ,. ....... I i11"'" "l41,"J Ju""8 vcwlv entirely out ol the ou-.v mauuuuu i tvcl-S,uwl"' tion.-'the- recommendations- will ever-loving mother and to. her 11t,t ,)e ;uo)tcd by sons everywhere. With an con0l,es energetic and capable staff1 ana with nine hundred men behind us HOW TO GET ALONG. we shall continue." please (iod to Out of the wide array of reasons 1 l . . . work ior the upbuilding of this that might be brought forward commonwealth and the glory of as to why a Freshman should go i the Onivprsitv of North CnrnKnu out for track and it is a wi !e , ,. . array- and it is a wide array- WHY b A LLAia cAMQUh 1 .' we suggest only this one: practic- Why is a class banquet? Weil, ing on the track brings a man to U 1 - - -1 ' 1 1 i . I wc uavc aiwaj luiu uo, mat the a tten lion of tin Tlniw'rl v. , . . ... . i -rj Neil." You can do likewise. Give vis air opportunity to confer with you before your enter other, work. Southern LIFE AND TRUST Company Greensboro, N. C. Sneed, MarKham, Taylor Co. Tailoring, Clothing, Furnishings, Hats, Caps and Segal Shoes DURHAM, N. C. Lord and Mcintosh - - - College Agent f'-rV-V'V''''r'.'.''.'',' Strength and Secritjr Willi a Capital of ,s!00, )()().()(), a Surplus of $100,000. (K) and Tot.-d Resource,-! of s2, TOO, 000. (KJ this strong bank cordiallv i invites your iati"iiiige either as a commercial hank bank, or, f as an institution tor savings. Four per cent interest paid on 5 savings accounts and Time Certificates of Deposit. 5 The Fideilty BanK, Durham, N. C. J A. W. McAllister, Manager. . J. Mebane. Ass't. M'B'r. not the reason. It is not the gathering around the "festive board" (Book of oratory, p. 7C), nor the eating, nor the talking, nor the jokes, nor the songs, nor tne cheers; it is not any or all of ) these combined. A certain amount 4 Ti i ti r ti rr li 'i c K-it rli f Mile - l the only possible answer: It is AraflPlTIV OF MlKlT V V' MEFr YOCR FRIENDS AT REXALL PHARMACY When ia Durham. Opposite Postoff ic.. ' and in the majority of cases t',;e best known man has the Inst H'fH Thhikmnf Life Jti-omiurc w....v.x. ,S - ".V,.. ....III... 1 . . To genuine aspirers in any held of college activity we recommend I the track. 'Hr Cr.lOOTHEST TODACCO J- I 1 1 - J I i i i- , "V -DLRIfAM, N. C. you have -left the others and walk rather soberly through the dark ' Honey Doy Minstrels to your own room, thinking, per- VllW. U-Jth. All jhmv a.in this hai)s, that after all its a pretty year and better Hng;rs thnn ever good old University and a peach before. . of a crowd of fellows if anybody EVCrVVVOm 1H will take the trouble to know - them.' ; 'ii WEDNESDAY l!)th. 150 IV.. i)!e ic i ' . a ,' r ,." The greatest ljhiy since Shake-ix'.-' i e. If you don t catch this feeling, TU killiJ th;a c:iron:i men like to you miss the whole thing; if you Pee. . See O. Le li. G. .forth e..; ly catch it, the banquet has meant for reservations, far more to you than words or : Re sure you eouie. money can ever express. J. W. BURROUGHS, - Manager A ' 1 Southern LIFE I TRUST Co. Greensboro, N. C. CSapel Hill Insurance & Really Co. Agents Carolina-Students are -'invited to make the store of WHITING &. MORTON their headquarters when in RALEIGH, N. C. DARDEN &C0NR0Y, Agon to. ' Full two ounco tins DINK! That's our recipe for taking tha bite out of good tobacco leaf. We hang the leaf in the warehouse for two years temperature and ventilation perfect all harshness disappears. A mellowness pre vails that gives superb flavor and a smooth ness seldom found. This is the good old fashioned way of maturing good leaf and Velvet is a startling example of tobacco goodness. Sometime when your pipe w burning hot and the taste is flat try Vlvetl At all dealers.