H E T A R H E Ei " Picture Frames All Kinds at FOISTER'S ; " COMMENCEMENT SPEAKERS Three Classes Plan to Have Reunions The PJ14 commencement of the University of North Carolina has been arranged with respect to the securing of the chief speakers for the occasion. Hon. W. C. .Red field, "'United Stales Secretary of Commerce, will make the chief address on Wednesday, June 3. The baccalaureate sermon will be delivered on Sunday, May 31, the opening day of commencement, by Dr. KdgarP. Hill, a noted Chicago divine. The Y. M. C A. sermon will be delivered Sunday night by Dr. O. E. l.rown, a teacher in Vauderbilt University Theologi cal School. Judge Van Wyck of New York City will make the alumni speech on Tuesday. June 2. Judge Van Wyck graduated from tlic Uni vrrsitv of North Carolina with the class of 1SS4. Other than being a well-known lawyer .of Broadway, he has long been in terested in New York State poli tics. He was 'once a candidate for Governor of New York, making- the race against Theodore Roosevi'lt. In addition to these features on the program, many classes are making preparations for reunions at the coming commencement. Threeelassrs l04, VW)nm 1M3 are exerting special efforts to have every 'member of their class return on this home coining event. First Good Roads Convention Held. Continued from iht pa'. hind the riovement of its future success. Lively interest in the road problem is increasing and on the Good Roads Institute we can henceforth depend as a clearing-house of all problems and ideas whicn may arise in this great movement now on a boom in North Carolina. Officers to Be Elected. When Dr. Greenl aw had con cluded his talk on Tuesday night, J. Li. Gentry read the i j?( names of the men nominated by the committee for the ensiiiiio year. They are: for president, T. C. Bousholl and W. P. Ful ler; for secretary, F. O, Clarkson and R. E. Parker; for treasurer, R. B. House, These men will be voted on next Tuesday night. It is the desire of the officials that there be a larye attcdance on this night. The Freshmen Have The Stuff. , A Freshman asked Monday, "Who is that man Lumni? He is going to give us 100 if we raise $50." At the freshmen class meeting Monday they de cided on an assessment to raise the desired $5(. Having raised t h is amou n t they shall recei v e $50 also from the Athletic Asso ciation; and this sum, $200, will be used in defraying expenses of playing high school baseball teames this spring. Assuming that the sophomores come across with their share there Ought to be some baseball this spring. There are rumors of a heavy interclass schedules also. 210th Meeting. On Tuesday the Elisha Mit chell Scientific Society, met, for the 210th time.. The meeting was held in Chemistry Hall. There were three papers, the first being delivered by Dr. C. S. Mangum under the itle of "The Study of Morphology by the Re construction Method." Mr. Jeff ries then discussed the "Relation of color to Structure in Organic Compounds. Dr. A. S. Wheeler closed the regular program with 'Desmotropy". Rhodes Scholar Honored. Announcement comes from England that Kdgar W. Turling ton, Rhodes scholar from North Carolina, .ind a member of the class of PUOof the State, Univer sity, is one of the Oxford scholars to be awarded a "first-class" in the Honor Schools. Mr. Tur lington is one of the six scholars admitted to read for advanced degrees. No More Non-de-Plumes Please. The Magazine wishes to an nounce that hereafter no contri butions will be considered unless accompanied by the authors name. If the author does not wish to have his name used, the Editors will, of course, respect that wish. This rule is made simply as a matter of convenience for the Kditors. Dr. Hell showed the Journal Club about all there is known at the present time about Colloidal Chemistry Monday night. Be sides a very interesting lecture on the subject, he had many very in teresting and . beautiful ''experi ments, which he performed by the aid of Mr. Flume. The University is making- pre parations to plant hedsres so as to screen the Power house and the piles of wood, wreckage and trash heaped behind the Memor ial Hall. One hedge runs from the south side ot Memorial to the old stiff house, the other from the west side to Commons. The class track meet has been postponed from Saturday March 28 to Monday 30 on account of a baseball game on Saturday. Everybody is urged to come out and make tilings lively. Look in the next issue of the Tar Heel for the big list of prizes. Kenneth Kirby, of Union, N. C. was taken into Alpha Tau Omega last week. G. C. Pickard & Son LIVERY STABLE, LOCATED OX ROSEMARY ST. NEAR TELEPHONE EX CHANGE. STYLISH TURN OUTS AT YOUR SERVICE ALL THE TIME: : : : WANT A TEAM? CALL 30 G. C. Pickard, Manage " I"! ttiSm it J m mm r .1 . I f It OY Nl Ml 'if I Victor-Victrolas $15.00 to $200. : :: : Victor or Edison Records H. A. GASftlNS DURHAM, N. C. Five Points oi l West Main Street . Sria ) ft j- r t ORANGE: DRUG CO. Carolina- Students are invited to make. the store of WHITING &. HORTON their headquarters when in RALEIGH, X. C. DARDEN A. CONROY. Agent. MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT REXALL PHARMACY When in Durham. Opposite Postoffict.. PACKAGES HANDLED LAST YEAR t ONLY ONE OF THESE PACKAGES MISPLACED Still Represented on the "Hill" Zinzendorf Laundry of Winston-Salem, - N. C. Collars 2c, Shirts lOc, I. G. FEEZOR, - Agent No. 4, Old West I ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP 2 Durham, N. C. W. H. BUTLER. Proprietor. All Kinds Fine Shoe Repairing - Ruhher Heels and Soles a Specialty E. F. UZZLE, College Representative. Students Pressing Club OVKlt KMJTTZ'8 BOOK STOliK EllieientServiee in Repairing, Cleaning and Pressing STROWD & TILLEY Have just received a full, line of MEN'S SHOES, COLLARS and NECKWEAR. Don't forget us, Hoys! : Chanel Hill, X. U.- UNIVERSITY INN. $15.00. Dr. Witt. Lynch, DENTIST, New oiliefi over Cates' Jewelry Store, (MI Al'KL 1 1 ILL. N. C GOOD 150 ARD COMMONS HALL. $11 .00 PER MONTH. W- B. S0RRELL, JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST Chapel Hill. N. C. North Carolina College of Agricul (ure and Mechanic Arts . THE STATE'S INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE FOR MEN Courson olfeird in Agriculture, in Horticulture, in Trucking, in Poultry liaising, in Animal Industry, etc.; in Civil, Klectrical and Mechanical Knjrhicerinx; in Textile Arts; and in Industrial Chemistry. THE ATTRCTIVE WAY Through the South-Eastern States Southern Railway. Premier Carrier of the South Ample and Excellent Through and Local Train Service BETWEEN SOULHERNE ASTERN COMMERCIAL CENTERS ' AND RESORT POINTS ALSO WASHINGTON, BALTIMORE, PI 1 1 LA E E LPJ II A, NEW YORK Through Tourist Sleeping Car Daily to CALIFORNIA Southern Railway System empraces territory offering unusually attract ive and remunerative dlaees for investment in agriculture, fruit culture, farming and manufacturing. For full information and particulars apply tol S. D. Kiser, J.O.Jones, City Ticket Agent, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. Raleigh, N. C. Photographer to Famous North Carolinia ns TYREE, Raleigh, N. C; OFFICAL PHOTOGRAPHER TO YACKETY YACK. COTRELL cS: LEONARD, ALBANY, NKV YOHIv, I Makers of tla Caps, (Jowns ami Hood a to th- I'nivcrsitj of Xorlh Ciiroliiui. IJniversitv f the South. Harvard. Yale. Prince-J ton. Stanford and the others. Clan 'outra tsa siKicialty. lit Hahk niattTialH. Reasonable- prireH. Bulletins aiul Sainiles on roqucHt. 'I I I i The Student I 1 needs no education other than the Knowledge of the excellence of our tailored-to-measure garments. Our clothes go a long way toward getting a man a diploma in the University of Life. The are decidedly appropriate for the college-bred man, being clean-cut and up to the minute in style. Markham-Harris Tailoring Co. -Rabbit" Bailey and "Shag," I ' College Representatives. i i i'or Catalogue, address, E. B. OWEN, Reglitrar