. - - , . . ! t t t t SVVAIIN A co-operative boarding place 1 can get the benefit " . "$12.SQ per To the Students and Faculty of the University of North Carolina "STOP! LOOK! LISTEN!" Hand-tailored all-wool Suits to measure, fit guaran teed, ranging in price from $15 to $25. Florsheim Shoes for spring and summer wear, $5.50, : $6 and $6.50. Eclipse Shirts, all fast colors, $1 to $0.50. ' "Your Patronage is Solicited" A. A. KLUTTZ CO., INC. THE SOUTHERN SERVES THE SOUTH SOUTHERN RAILWAY Most Direct Line to All Points NORTH. SOUTH, EAST AND WEST Convenient Schedules, First-Class Equipment, Complete Dining Car Service. Through Pullman Sleeping Cars to All Principal Cities and Resorts of Texas, Cali fornia and Florida. Can best be reached via THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY If you are contemplating a trip, it would be wise to first consult a representative of the Southern Railway, who will gladly and courteously furnish you with any and all infor mation as to rates, schedules, Pullman sleeping car accommo dations, etc J . J.O.JONES, T. P. A., Raleigh. R. H. De BUTTS, D. P. A., Charlotte FELLOWS, SMOKE THE EL-N ECO C 1 G A R Long Porto Rican filler, broad leaf binder, . Sumatra wrapper. Individual taste pro duced by our blending process. BRANCH-KING CIGAR CO. DURHAM, N. C. t EAT AT l THE ROYAL CAFES $ Chapel Hill as Well as in Durham t $ Where Sanitation Prevails and Your Patronage is Appreciated .ft-tiCt ft frfrfrfrfrfrfr v... ns nil I!aIa VaI? I ilClfU lUU UUI 1IIUI Ull IIUUIWI IVIi CHAPEL HILL HARDWARE CO., Inc. The "High Standard" Store f Get it from the DlirhaiTI Store Durham. N.C. IT, MUST BE GOOD , SMOKERS' SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS Cornell Kttiversit? Mimical (Tolle IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK V ADMITS graduates of Univ. of K C. presenting the required - Physics, Chemistry and Biology. . INSTRUCTION by laboratory methods throughout the course. Small sections facilitate personal contact of student and in structors. X ' - , - ' GRADUATE COURSES leading to A. M. and Ph. D. also offered tinder direction of the Graduate School of Cornell University. Applications for admission are preferably made not later than June. Next session opens September 26, 1917. For information and catalogue address 15 be "Dcatt. Cornell lnlver$ttv 5tte6tcal College . BOX 43T. FiMT Ave and 26th St, NwYokCit A womiin's conscience, though it smart her, Is really much like her garter ; HALL for University men. You of its success. month. 4 . A simile that seeim fantastic, Though jboth possessions " are elastic. I ,,; . Pages from Dr. Battle s History "The style of costume," said General Mallett, "and even the manners of the present generation are not, in my opinion an improve ment on half a century ago. The managers would not then admit a gentleman into the ball-room with hoots, or even a frock coat; and to dance without gloves was simply vulgar. . At the Commencement Ball (when I graduated,; 18lg) my coat was broadcloth, of sea green 'color, high ; velvet collar to match, swallow-tail, pockets out side with lapels,, and large , silver plated' buttons; white satin "da mask vest, showing the edge of .a blue under-vest ; a wide opening for - bosom rules, and no shirt collar. The neck was dressed with four or five three-cornered cravats artistically laid and surmounted with a cambric stock, plaited and buckled behind. My pantaloons were white' canton crape, lined with pink muslin, and showed a peach-blossom tint. They were rather ,short in order to display flesh-colored silk stockings, and this exposure was increased by very low-cut pumps with . shiny buckles. My hair was very black, very long and queued. . " Much have I scribbled an indus trious bard; My name on many papers may be seen. " Round many, chalk . streaked black boards have I been Where Profs have marked .up ques- : tionsby the yard. It might be false to say that all were hard, For many courses must be puds, I ween. But in one instance I was knock ed out clean When "forty-fail" in Physics marked my card. Then felt I like spme poor gym nastic jay ''' Who hits the floor three inches, -from the mat. ' ' ' Or like the lady who on Easter Day ' Forgets to take the price tag from her hat. That "forty" sorely left me stun ned that day And silent near the door of Doc tor Pat. How can I leave thee; . How can I from thee part ? Thou hast my form enclosed ; Made proud 'my heart! I read your owner's name : "Union Department Store," And must I send you back See you no more ? Five bucks you've cost me, Just for these three nignts i , wear ; Freely, I fling the beans You've done your share ! " Through highbrowed social stream You've dignified my frame ( Oh would that I could be Ever, the same!) JSTow comes the parting; . Goodbye old suit, farewell ! When shal we meet again Ah! Who can tell? I'll don my old blue serge And beat it down the track ; Soon, I'll be back at home In my old shack. The Millsaps College, Purple and White Willie "Paw, what is a square deal?" Paw "That's when you get about ten per cent the best of it, my son." Cincinati Enquirer. Just Gossip While the dances are still fresh in our memory, it may not be amiss to mention the ball room de luxe over the Post office. r If you wish to see. nimble-pedaled exponents of teh ultra-modern dances, doing the Walla-Walla Waddle, the Salome ; Slide, and the Carolina Corkscrew, just wend your way one flight up most any time, and the sight is yours. ''No fluffy feminines to prevent the sky from being the limit No dress suit rules; no irritating "breaks." No restrictions against Freshmen or embryo Vernon Castles. AH you have to do is to shuffle to the tune of the Victrola, so that the people down in the Postoffice can count off the seconds while wait ing for their mail or use the sound of the shuffles' to keep in step and thereby facilitate traffic. A lively flow of comments from; the terpsichorean wooers might be heard: "What 'chu got those hardboys on for ; think you're dancing on sandpaper?" "Faster, man, faster. If "you can't keep up with me, just hit the high spots and let the rest go." ." Your're so slickj you could slid on tacks." "Bring a mop with you next time. Every time you exercise, your sweat sluice gates open." "Get off my feet !" "Is it much of a walk?" If you want to see and hear the fun, step up and take the ele vator. Don't crowd ! Watch your step! " In the Fiiesh-Charlotte game, Salmon was far from heing can ned. He slapped out the swat that gave Odom a thorough ticket. Some, rooms in college have the names of the occupants tacked on the outside. This practice should be made universal. It oft saves the chap with a weak memojry some trouble, don't you know. Tag that's it! FRESHMEN HANG UP TWO SCALPS (Continued from Page One) hit over second, and Odom romp ed home with the winning score. The box score follows: Charlotte AB E H PO a Ei McDonald, ss 3 0 1 3 1 1 Pharr, 3b. Weam, cf. Culp, lb . Barnett, c Murray, p . 4 . 4 . 4 . 3 .4 0 2 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 ' 8 . 1 0 0 0 5 3 0 Cochran, If . 4 0 0 0 0 1 Cray ton, 2b. 3 1 1 1 6 0 Linney, rf . . 3 0 0 0 0 0 ' . Total. . . 32 1 4 23 13 5 Carolina Freshmen , AB E II PO A E Harden, cf . . 4 0 11 0 0 Henry, 2b.. 4 1 2 1 2 0 Leyden, 3b. . 4 0 1 1' 0 1 Spruill, lb.. 4 0 0, 5 0 0 Moore, If. . . 4 0 0 1 0 1 Odom, ss. ..41 1 1 0 1 Lewis, rf . . . 4 0 0 1 0 0 Salmon, c. . . 3 0 1 15 4 0 Arrasmith, p 2 0 0 0 0 0 Total. . . 33 2 6 26 6 3 Sacrifice hits, Lewis, Leyden. Stolen bases, McDonald, Pharr, Lewis, Spruill (2), Odom (2); Two Jbase hits, Pharr, Henry, Harden. Eases on balls, Mur ray (2), Arrasmith (2) . ' Strike outs, Murray 9, Arrasmith 16. Double plays, Crayton to Culp. Hit by pitcher, Spruill. Out steal ing base McDonald (2). WANTED To buy all your second hand shoes. We jay highest cash prices. Electric Shoe Shop, Chapel Hill, N. C. WANTED Typewriting neatly and accurately done on short notice. Also typewriters cleaned and re paired. Rates reasonablel W. B. Johnson, Carr No. 17. Every Senior Consider the RISK of life, the earning capacity, health, ca lamity. Consider the investment at the small cost with the pioneer MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK y M. B. FOWLER, Local Agent The Long Island College Hospital BROOKLYN. N. Y. V .'r.-:i-J:''--: ' TOUR year medical eourae for the M, D degree." Two j yean or college worn required for entrance. Excep tional clinical, hospital and laboratory facilities. Largeit College Hospital and endowed dispensary in the United States. Unusual opportunities in greater New York. For particulars, write to Otto von Huffman, M. D., Secre tary of Faculty, Henry and Amity Sts., Brooklyn, N. Y. MONEY TO LOAN! . i We alao have Trunks, Suit Cases, and Jewelry for Carolina men. LOAN AND PAWN Union Shop Ned It Slml Tteater, Mm St., Dirkta, H C DR. FRANK K. HAYNE5 DENTIST OFFICE OVER THE BANK OF CHAPEL HILL HOURS: 9:00 A. M. to 1:30 P. M. 2:30 P. M. to 5:00 P. M Cate's5-10-25c Store SCHOOL SUPPLIES ' The Bank of Chapel Hill M. C. S. Noble, President H H. Patterson, Vice-Pres. M. E. Hogan, Cashier Oldest and Strongest Bank in Orange . County EUBANKS DRUG CO. Prescription Druggist Chapel Hill North Carolixui Oppoilte Postoffice Phone 477 The Holladay Studio Durham, N. C. ' OFFICIAL. PHOTOGRAPHER FOR YACKETY YACK, I9IS Studio In Chapel Hill Open on Wedneiday Beglnlng In October. The Laundry of Service and Efficiency . DICK'S LAUNDRY COMPANY " GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Your Laundry Back on Time Dyeing and Pressing WARRICK & HUNTER NO. 25 SOUTH NOT SERIOUS "I'm so glad vouVe taken Kreek!" ' " "I haven't taken it; I've only been exposed to it." Tale Record. On to Greensboro, rain or shine ! V, X-JW 'A !?FV ttt f -,vv.- t?.:v I W i & ? ' t U VfiJ -Hist ';