t J. i' ftVVAIl'N , HALL A co-operative boarding place for University men. You -a. -a i i as m . can get the benefit of its success. $12.50 per month. To the Students and Faculty of the , University of North Carolina "STOP! LOOK! LISTEN!" Hand-tailored all-wool Suits to measure, fit guaran teed, ranging in price from $15 to $25. , Florsheim Shoes for spring and summer wear, $5.50; $6 and $6.50. . ' f Eclipse Shirts, all fast colors, $1 to $c0, - ' . "Your Patronage is Solicited" . A . A. KLUTTZ CO., INC. THE SOUTHERN SERVES THE SOUTH , SOUTHERN RAILWAY Most Direct Line to All Points ,' ' NORTH. SOUTH. EAST AND WEST Convenient - Schedules, First-Class Equipment, Complete ' Dining Car Service. Through Pullman Sleeping Cars to All Principal Cities and Resorts of Texas, Cali fornia and Florida. Can best be reached via : THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY ' if you are contemplating a trip, it would be wise to first consult a representative of the Southern Railway, who will gladly and courteously furnish you with any and all infor-, mation as to rates, schedules, Pullman sleeping car accommo dations, etc. , ,,.vv,rfi a wu);,rh R M. De BUTTS. D. P. A.. Charlotte VACANT LOTS OF UNIVERSITY PUT UNDER CULTIVATION While the University is prepar ing men to take the field imme diately upon o the call of Uncle San, she is also preparing to meet the ; food situation here.- While other people are now plantingjlieir back yards with vegetables the va cant lots of the Univeristy are be ing put into cultivation. About one acre of the plot of ground back of the Peabody Build ing is now: being planted. Like wise a plot of nearly two' acres be hind the University Inn is under cultivation. - This gardening is under the su- Dervision of Mr. S. E. Tischler, steward of Swain Hall, and the work is being done by Self -Help students in the afternoons. The plot behind, the Peabody Building will be planted with such vegetables as tomatoes, string and butter beans, - onions, beets and squash. Back of the Inn opta toes will be planted exclusively. Mr. Tischler expects the first crop of vegetables' to be ready by the middle: of 'June. 1 his crop will be used in the Dining Hall during the Summer School. 1 As soon as the. first crop is gath ered a second will be planted so that the : vegetables will mature sometime in August. These will bo canned and used during the nTninrr r.olWe vear in Swain o o . . Hall.' Just Gossip t FELLOWS. SMOKE THE EL-NECO CIGA Long Porto Rican filler, broad leaf binder, Sumatra wrapper. Individual taste pro-" duced by our blending process, BRANCH-KING CIGAR CO. DURHAM. N. C. . r.. ... I Weird Base-running Cost Freshmen Game EAT AT THE ROYAL CAFES t t Chapel Hill as Well as in Durham . Where Sanitation Prevails and Your Patronage is Appreciated ................. J. AAA AAA.?. A ''''mm. ' I Have You Got that Oil Heater Yet? $ rHAPF.L HILL HARDWARE CO., Inc. t .. The "High Standard" Store ' Wednesday afternoon, the in fants of 1920 were defeated by the seniors 5-4 in the second game o the class baseball series. Early in the game, the fresh men, by a combination of errors and hits, sedured the lead. pr seven inings' they held the Seniors 2-1: but in the eighth Capps and his infield weakened, and the bases became overloaded with grey beards. With three on, C. S. Har ris doubled, scoring three runs ; and shortly ' he himself scored, The Freshmen rallied in their half of the eighth and would have tied the score, but weird base run ning retired two men. With two on Green tripled Jo deep: center scoring two men but he was strand ed on third. ;The game was fea tureless, pitching honors being equal between Capps, for '20 and Eanson for '17. Coach Campbell states that the schedule for class games will be carried out. The games starting as this one did, at three o'clock, or before that time, on account of the drill. This . week has been the Fresh- . , i , ttt: ii. man's cnance to snme. wun pompous complacency "he. has tak en his high school nends uncier his wing and with an air of senior ity, has pointed out the landmarks, Phi Beta Kappa marks, easy marks, and al 1 other marks. He has filled the role ol a real .".college guy." livery bit of campus knowledge stroed in his 'sterile, fnardon me) fertile ., VJ. ' t v . brain has been used to lurther tos prestige. He has greeted men tie never presumed . to greet belore. All this to show the credulous high school delegate just how college broadens the mind, the domicile of the mind included. And the girls 1 : The "femin- inally". inclined Freshman -has been in his element. There were more skirts flitting around Chapel Hill Thursday than there were af the Easter dances. Sure, I count ed . 'em! Gallop was galloping around with his fair dame. So were' the Fords. (Note the jolt ing fitness of the word gallop.) stores, etc.. were, in heavy demand Tio mfirfbaTits of Chapel Hill miffht well start a campaign for a monthly or tri-yearly state-wide debate. Their gate receipts (ex oner mr T mpfln their sales re- neints I went to a ball game to- day and got balled up) would swell. Well, 1920, you have done yourself proud in extending the glad hand to the visitors fair and otherwise. " v, WANTED To buy all your second hand shoes. We pay highest cash prices. Electric' Shoe Shop, Chapel V Hill, N. C. z WANTED Typewriting neatly and accurately done on short notice. Also typewriters cleaned and re paired. , Rates reasonablel W. B Johnson, Carr No. 17. Every Senior Consider the RISK of life, the earning capacity, health, ca lamity, v Consider the investment at the small cost with the pioneer MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK M. B. FOWLER, Local Agent ; The Long Island College Hospital BROOKLYN, N. Y. 70UR yeaf medical courw for the M. D. degree.- Two " l ..II I. ,r, l,.r .nir.n h trffV j yean or cohcvc i . lional clinical, hospital and laboratory (acihlK. Largest College Hospital and endowed dispensary 111 uw States. Unusual opportunities in greater New York, for particulars, write to Otto von Huffman, M. p., becre tary of Faculty. Henry and Amity Su.p Brooklyn, N. Y. MONEY TO LOAN! We also have Trunks, Suit Cases, and Jewelry for Carolina men. Union lopVnnd Shop Not t Slrud Tbeater, Man St, Dirluui, N. C N Get it from the Durham Cigar Store rtam-N ' 1 . T MUST BE uouu SMOKERS' SUPPLIES OF ALU KINDS .0. Old Sol is on the iob again, brirjffins: forth the straw lids, palm Beaches, and lemon ices. If you want to iudere the temperature ol a never-failing thermometer, stand in rime store and watch a palm-beach attired human tooth- nick between you and the sun. You will see the line oi color (chocolate-shake brown) against the palm beach and the sun light. The more shakes consumed, the biVbp.r the line rises. It's a good o . index. Try it some time. i , . " ... ' .. . -.. . '" - ' - ' - TPACHERS and STUDENTS IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOK I N TERESTI NG, PROFITABLE VAC AT D O N WO RIK Send for our proposition, IT'S Mr. Frost. $U70.94 during 3 mos. college v.cat.or,. Mi8; McConkey. $75.35 Wr!".rCtall IntormBtion belore ... the appointment, have been made NORTH RIDGE BRUSH COMPANY FREEPORT, ILLINOIS ' DEVOTION She-Would you leave your He-"I'd leave a baseball game in the ninth inning with the score a tie." Life. - Dyer "Is it the kind of a play vou can take a girl to see EyerNo, it's the kind you 5m't Irpfin her awav irom." Lite. vi" v Lottie "Do you believe m the nower of religion ? Hattie :"Well, rather! I am at the top of the social ladder since T imnfid t.hp. riffht church." Lite. j v o . - ; Man "You'll never get your kite down that way. Why don't you use your head ?" , . Urchin A w, me neck ain't long enough!" Life. DR. FRANK K. HAYNES DENTIST OFFICE OVER THE BANK OF CHAPEL HILL ' .. . HOUR-: ' , 9:00 A. M. to 1:30 P. M. , 2:30 P. ! to s:uu r. m. Cates5-10-25c Store SCHOOL SI PPLIES The Bank of Chapel Hill M. C. S. Noble, President H. H. Patterson, Vice-Pres. M. E. Hogan, Cashier Oldest and Strongest Bank in Orang s bounty Twinkle, twinkle,' little feet, Of a chorus girl, so neat I How I wonder if those tootsies Are relieved by Allen's foot-ease! , - N. Y. Tribune. Artist "Oh, milkmaid, if you will pose for me I'll give you a dollar an hour." "Sorry, sir;' but I'll getting a thousand a week from a moving- picture concern over the hill." Life. 'But. whv do vou speak of him as Louis the Fourteenth?" -; "You" see he was invited so there would not be thirteen at table.'' Life. ' "Have you contributed to the aid of those in distress?" "Yes. I have lost six umbrellas in the last two months." Wash ington Star. Wondering Freshie ; (seeing Captain Thusandso drill) "Gee, T think thev ousht to decorate him." Cynic "Yes, with stripes so that he would see stars." NO HOPE , "What's 'that thing, doc?" "That's a medicine-ball I bought vou." "Then I'm afraid there is no hope for me." "Why not?" "I never can swallow that." ' Youngstown Telegram. EUBANKS DRUG CO. Prescription Druggist Chapel Hill North Carolina Opposite Poatoflice Phone 477 The Holladay Studio Durham, N. C. OFFICIAL. PHOTOGRAPHER FOR YACKETY YACK. 19l Studio in Chapel Hill Open on Wcdneidaya Beginlng in October. The Laundry of Service and Efficiency DICK'S LAUNDRY mwiP A MV GREENSBORO. NORTH CAROLINA Your Laundry Back on Time Dyeing and Pressing .WARRICK & HUNTER NO. 25 SOUTH "But, doctor, I never felt better. Nurse "Wouldn't you like to in mv life" go to heaven, Bobbie, and wear a ' 4 I rt "That sir. is a matter for the nice gold crown ( - litl, QiithnririeR to vote unon. Bobbie "Not if the dentist is . I . . . 4 1 The law assumes every man to be going to put it on. a acts ana ' ...... - I -r iVlr nnHl Dronounced well. fancies. The University of Chicago VfAttT in addition to wwdent I U 1 1 HI h work, off ere aUo ntrue- I llUltlU tion bv comapoadaacm. I STIIDY ftr 24th Year 0,fC.(Dhi H)Ckiee.in.